>On 24/08/2016 13:00, Tony Anderson wrote:
>What we should be asking is why our early users are now apparently moving away from Sugar. ...
>.. Is Plan Ceibal still based on Sugar?


Plan Ceibal it is based on Gnome-Ubuntu, or Gnome-Fedora in the case of old XOs

On the firsts grades they gives Tablets (android), and there are very Few XO on Children hands , maybe someone with a very very old XO 1.5 or a newer XO 4.0, but the latest XO 4.0 have Gnome,  ANDROID  and Sugar.

LAPTOPS SPECIFICATIONS and software installed by Plan Ceibal

On 3th grade an more (8 years old and more) they have "Classmates-compatible", called "Magallanes", and "Positivo BGH" with an 8, 16 or 32 Gb SSD disk.

The "Magallanes" comes with an icon on the Ubuntu Desktop for "SUGAR", but very few people uses it, even the teachers,
High-school Teachers (12 years old and more) have "Classmates-compatible" that comes with a Hard disk with Double Boot (Windows And Ubuntu).
It is not necessary to say wich O.S. they use...

The children Classmates ("Magallanes") comes with Ubuntu  and Sugar, it is a Sugar with an ICON on the Ubuntu desktop, that can be used for some sugar activities, not all of them.
In the case of the XO they can use all the Sugar activities because it comes With Fedora (and gnome)

Plan Ceibal installed on the Ubuntu a "SUGAR ICON" but most of the programs that can be used in SUgar are installed on the Ubuntu desktop, except for Turtle-art and the library of plan Ceibal.  For example: Scratch, Dr. Geo, or Etoys comes on the Ubuntu Desktop.

In the case of the XO 1.5, 1.75 and 4.0 is different, they have a real SUGAR.

The "Positivo BGH" don't comes with a Sugar Icon. Plan Ceibal gives it to children of  10 or 11 years old and more.

Paolo Benini
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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