[iagi-net-l] Re: Ceramah Geologi Dasar (di Bogor)

2004-02-27 Terurut Topik mohammad . syaiful
Rekan2 iagi-netter (terutama yg tinggal di Bogor),

Mungkin ada yg bisa ikut meramaikan acara bersama pak Fajar (Komisi GTL -
IAGI) seperti imilnya di bawah?


- Forwarded by Mohammad Syaiful/ID00038/ENI-LASMO-INDONESIA/ENI/IT on
02/27/04 03:01 PM -


Syaiful  To: Fajar [EMAIL PROTECTED]   


02/27/04 02:59   Subject: Re: Ceramah Geologi 
Dasar(Document link: Mohammad Syaiful)   



Mas Fajar, sebagaimana biasa, saya sangat bergairah utk sosialisasi geologi
semacam ini. Hanya sayangnya, waktunya kali ini mungkin yg tidak
memungkinkan utk ikut. Utk kali berikutnya, sepakat utk ditindak-lanjuti.
Utk kalangan Bogor, saya kira akan lebih baik kalau mengajak pula rekan2 yg
tinggal di Bogor utk ikut aktif. Coba nanti saya kirimkan ke iagi-net saja
ya. Siapa tahu ada yg sempat cuti atau dapat meluangkan waktu minggu depan
utk menemani mas Fajar.


in.net.id  cc:
Subject: Ceramah Geologi Dasar 
02/27/04 08:50 AM  

Dear Mas Syaiful,

Saya mendapat tawaran untuk ceramah mengenai geologi dasar bagi guru
geografi sebogor (katanya). Kemarin saya coba kontak via sms (kalau nelefon
takut ganggu). Akhirnya kemarin disepakati pula bahwa ceramah akan
dilakukan hari Rabu pagi 3 Maret 2004 di SMAN 1 Bogor.

Ada suatu keinginan untuk mensosialisasikan spektrum geologi yang
sebenarnya sangat luas di kalangan guru geografi (saya coba bandingkan
dengan kurikulum di Jepang  Amerika ternyata dalam silabus mereka ada
materi geologi selama 1 semester) dan usulan bahwa dalam materi pelajaran
juga mengandung kekhasan geologi setempat (misalnya materi Gunungapi --
Salak  Pangrango, Batugamping/Kapur -- Cibinong atau kalau perlu jalan2
ke lapangan seperti waktu Mas Syaiful jadi guide tournya). Berdasarkan
mimpi diatas, apakah memungkinkan IAGI ikut memberikan materi atau mas
Syaiful sendiri ikutan, mengingat pemberian materi akan lebih baik apabila
diberikan oleh ahlinya (Hanya tidak ada honor).

Mohon maaf, saya hanya dapat mengecek email malam atau pagi sekali, karena
hanya on-line di rumah. Juga saya tidak dapat menghadiri rapat pleno sore
ini di sekretariat. Mungkin konfirmasi atau komunikasi bisa dijalin via
email (informasi agak terlambat) atau via HP. Terima Kasih.

R. Fajar (2448)
Komisi GTL
HP : 0811217721

This message and any attached files may contain information that is
confidential and/or subject of legal privilege intended only for use by the
intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify
the sender immediately and delete the message. In any case the Company
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Re: [iagi-net-l] Unocal Sees Success with Gehem-2 Well Offshore Indonesia

2004-02-27 Terurut Topik AL-AMIN Amir

0542-533765 - 0811592902

Rovicky Dwi Putrohari [EMAIL PROTECTED]
02/27/04 12:25 PM
Please respond to iagi-net

Subject:[iagi-net-l] Unocal Sees Success with Gehem-2 Well Offshore 

Mahakam still not fully explored
always has a chance.
Congrat !

Unocal Sees Success with Gehem-2 Well Offshore Indonesia
Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Unocal said its Unocal Ganal, Ltd. subsidiary has drilled a successful
appraisal well at the Gehem field in the Ganal production sharing-contract
(PSC) area offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The Gehem-2 well results show the primary zone of interest to have a
single gas column of greater than 550 feet (168 meters), said David
Stangor, president of Unocal Indonesia. This single zone has the
potential to contain up to 1.5 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas.

A drillstem test (DST) of Gehem-2 flowed at a daily rate of 31.3 million
cubic feet of gas and 1,917 barrels of condensate. The zone was perforated
from 15,362 feet (4,682 meters) to 15,523 feet (4,731 meters) true
vertical depth subsea. The DST had flowing tubing pressure of 6,545 pounds
per square inch on a 32/64-inch choke. The test was constrained by test
equipment capacity. The oil section was not tested.

The Gehem-2 well was drilled 300 feet (91 meters) downdip of Gehem-1 and
encountered 240 feet (73 meters) of net gas pay in zones penetrated by
Gehem-1. Beneath those zones, 55 feet (17 meters) of net oil pay was
discovered in a single zone. Gehem-2 was drilled in 6,036 feet (1,840
meters) of water to a total vertical depth of 17,505 feet (5,335 meters).
The well is located 1.8 miles (2.9 km) south of the Gehem-1 well in the
Ganal PSC.

The next well to be drilled in Unocal's deepwater program offshore
Indonesia is a deep test on the Gula structure, a large anticline
immediately south of Gehem in the Ganal PSC. Following Gula, the company
plans to drill Gehem-3 in the second quarter of 2004 to appraise the
northwestern flank of the Gehem structure.

Unocal Ganal is operator of the Ganal PSC area and holds an 80-percent
working interest. Eni-Ganal, Limited, a subsidiary of Eni, holds the
remaining 20-percent working interest. Unocal said its Unocal Ganal, Ltd.
subsidiary has drilled a successful appraisal well at the Gehem field in
the Ganal production sharing-contract (PSC) area offshore East Kalimantan,

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Komisi Karst : Hanang Samodra([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi Sertifikasi : M. Suryowibowo([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Komisi OTODA : Ridwan Djamaluddin([EMAIL PROTECTED] atau 
Komisi Database Geologi : Aria A. Mulhadiono([EMAIL PROTECTED])