sbg tambahan, tentu saja target utama adalah para mahasiswa di 3 kota
tsb, meskipun para ahli geologi pun diperkenankan utk hadir.


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 9:02 AM,  <> wrote:
> Dear IAGI netters,
> IAGI / MGEI-SEG (Society of Econimic Geologist) akan menyelenggarakan Tour
> Lecturing di beberapa universitas, Bandung, Jogjakarta dan Makassar.
> 1. Di Bandung tgl 15 April 2009, bertempat di Kampus Geologi Dipati Ukur,
> 2. Di Jogjakarta tgl 16 April, di Kampus Geologi UGM
>  3. Di Makasar tgl 18 April, di Kampus Geologi UNHAS.
> Adapun topik2 yang akan disampaikan oleh Doug Kirwin adalah sbb :
> 1. Diatreme Breccias, Process and Mineralization,
> 2. Undirectional Solidification Textures (UST's) and the field evidence for
> the magmatic to hydothermal transition
> 3. The Discovery History of the Giant Oyo Tolgoi Cu/Au Porphyry Deposits,
> Mongolia.
> Tour Lecturing akan disampaikan oleh Doug Kirwin (Ivan Hoe Mines).
> Bagi para anggota IAGI yang berminat hadir, silakan hubungi para host (OC) :
> 1. Ibu Mega Rosana (UNPAD) di
> 2. Bapak Lucas Donny (UGM) di
> 3. Ibu Djafar Aliahni (UNHAS) di
> Terima Kasih
> Best Regards,
> Wahyu Seno Aji
> Biro Kulkel IAGI
> The information contained in this communication is intended solely for the
> use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others
> authorized to receive it. It may contain confidential or legally privileged
> information. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified
> that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance
> on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and may be
> unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us
> immediately by responding to this email and then delete it from your system.
> CNOOC is neither liable for the proper and complete transmission of the
> information contained in this communication nor for any delay in its
> receipt.

Mohammad Syaiful - Explorationist, Consultant Geologist
Mobile: 62-812-9372808
Emails: (business)

Technical Manager of
Exploration Think Tank Indonesia (ETTI)

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
tunggulah 'call for paper' utk PIT IAGI ke-38!!!
akan dilaksanakan di Semarang
13-14 Oktober 2009
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