[iagi-net] Teori Supervolcano - Gunung Salamas Rinjani

2013-10-03 Terurut Topik Shofiyuddin
Pagi ini, sambil berjejal di kereta api, saya menemukan berita menarik
sekali di Koran Tempo, edisi hari ini yang mengungkapkan teori baru tentang
Supervolcano yang berkaitan dengan Gunung Salamas - Rinjani, Lombok. Dari
gambar ilustrasi yang ada, terlihat hipotesa bahwa letusan Gunung Salamas
ini lebih hebat dibanding letusan G Tambora, yang tentunya jauh lebih lagi
dibanding Krakatau.

Saya coba cari di web, belum ketemu versi online nya. Tapi cuma ketemu yang
edisi fotonya.


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Met wiken ...

Joint Convention Medan 2013 (JCM 2013)
The 38th HAGI and 42nd IAGI Annual Convention  Exhibition
Register Now! http://www.jcm2013.com/registration/

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[iagi-net] IAGI's Workshop in October 2013

2013-10-03 Terurut Topik Biro Kursus IAGI
*Dear IAGI Member,*

Biro Kursus IAGI (Indonesian Association of Geologists) has arranged a
workshop in October 2013.  Workshop will be held at Santika Hotel, Medan,
Indonesia. This workshop is arranged as Pre Convention and Post Convention
for HAGI-IAGI Joint Convention 2013. There are courses that we arranged for
this occasion.




*Tuition Fee*


Geology of Indonesia : Updated Knowledge for Science, Geotourism, and
Natural Resources

Nov, 1st-2nd

Awang Harun Satyana

Rp 13.000.000,00

Pdf http://www.aspacpetro.com/Workshop%20IAGI/Brosur%20Pak%20Awang.pdf

Geohazard in Oil, Gas,  Geothermal Industry

Oct, 26th-28th

DR. Prihadi

Rp 13.500.000,00

Pdf http://www.aspacpetro.com/Workshop%20IAGI/Brosur%20Pak%20Prihadi.pdf

Formation Evaluation in Fractured reservoir (Naturally Fractured Reservoir)

Oct, 26th-28th

DR. Ir. Budi P Kantaatmadja, M.Sc.

Rp 17.000.000,00

Pdf http://www.aspacpetro.com/Workshop%20IAGI/Brosur%20Pak%20Budi.pdf

Operations Geology : Applied Concepts on Exploration Wells

Oct, 26th-28th

Made D. Sulitra

Rp 15.500.000,00


Petrological characteristics of fractured basement reservoir of Cuu Long
Basin, South Vietnam

Oct, 27th-28th

Prof. Trinh Van Long (Vietnam)

Rp 15.000.000,00


*Course Overview :*

*1.  **Geology of Indonesia : Updated Knowledge for Science,
Geotourism, and Natural Resources*

Western Indonesian basins are considered for the most part to be relatively
mature with regard to petroleum exploration  and  production.  There  are,
however,  a  number  of  basins  or  parts  of maturely-explored  basins
considered to be underexplored hence like frontier areas, including:
intra-arc and fore-arc basins of Sumatra and Java, as well as onshore
basins in inner part of Kalimantan like upper Kutei, upper Tarakan, Melawi,
Ketungau, and Pembuang Basins. Compared to Western Indonesia, Eastern
Indonesia is considered to be underexplored, with half of the basins not
yet drilled. This is because of deep water, poor infrastructure, remote
onshore location, and a poor understanding of the geology. Eastern
Indonesia, with the exception of the Tertiary in Seram, Salawati and
Bintuni basins, has been considered to be frontier, including: Sulawesi,
Halmahera, Banda Arc, Papua and offshore areas around these  islands. There
are probably more than 100 speculative petroleum systems  in the  frontier
areas of  Indonesia which need  further exploration  to realize  their

*2.  **Geohazard in Oil, Gas,  Geothermal Industry*

A geohazard  is a geological state that may  lead to widespread damage or
risk. Geohazards are geological and environmental conditions and  involve
long-term or short-term geological processes. Geohazards can be relatively
small features, but they can also attain huge dimensions and affect local
and regional socio-economy to a large extent.  The  2  days  course
objective  is  to  give  a  general  overview  and  revealed  some  simple
technique  in identification of  the geohazard potential. In oil and
geothermal  industry most of the expenses  is nearly exponential during
exploration stage as well as  in the early  stage  of  field  development.
Risk mitigation  before  execution  the  project must  be  carried  out
for  each geohazard potential within  the working area  for  the project

*3.  **Formation Evaluation in Fractured reservoir (Naturally Fractured

It is obvious that fractured reservoirs should be  categorized as one of
the most  risky reservoirs to be explored, evaluated and developed. This
reservoir is  included in the category of un-conventional reservoirs.
Fractured reservoirs are essential to be evaluated in  the early stage of
its field lifecycle, in order to minimize the drilling costs of
un-necessary wells.Thus, it is essential to acquire well-data early for
optimizing future well locations, for predicting HC  recovery, and for
economically depleting of the field.  In this workshop, we will cover the
essential must-have-borehole-data for effective and efficient evaluation of
fractured reservoirs.

*4.  **Operations Geology : Applied Concepts on Exploration Wells*

In  a  typical Exploration Campaign, Exploration Geologists  identify  and
assess  the  location, quantity  and quality of HC reserves;  ascertain
extraction  risks  analysis;  prepare  reports  and  maps;  analyze
geological  data  using  multi  skills applications;and  advise
technicaland  engineering  team  up  toupper   managerial
level,based  ontechnical recommendation.   In addition to these
responsibilities,   Operations   Geologists also requires the ability to
communicate adequately   as an integral part of the team, along with
Drilling Engineer and Operations to drill exploration well 


2013-10-03 Terurut Topik Hadiyanto Sapardi
JFYI. Tks.





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Salam Tambang,


Untuk informasi kunjungi :
telp. 021 - 83783766

Temu Profesi Tahunan (TPT) XXII PERHAPI 2013 (Jogjakarta, 17 – 23 Oktober 2013)
1. Telah dilaksanakan untuk yang ke-22 kalinya, dan dihadiri oleh stakeholder 
Pertambangan di Indonesia. 

2. Rangkaian acara mulai dari field Trip, Golf Tournament ((shot gun by Menteri 
ESDM(tentatif))dan Ice Breaker.

3. Acara puncak pada tgl 21 – 22 Oktober dengan diskusi Pleno yang dipandu oleh 
Wahyu Wiwoho ( Presenter Metro TV)
- Konservasi dan Kebijakan Mineral dan Batubara di Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Thamrin 
Sihite, M.E, Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara, Kementrian ESDM
- Program Konservasi Timah dan Strategi PT. Timah 15 tahun yang akan datang, 
Ir. Sukrisno, Direktur Utama PT. Timah (Persero),Tbk
- Konservasi Mineral dan Batubara, dan Fungsinya sebagai Penopang Industri Yang 
Berkelanjutan, Dr. Nuzul Achyar, Pengamat Ekonomi LPEM-UI
- Kebijakan Mineral  Batubara dan Implementasinya, Dr. Riant Nugroho, Direktur 
Institute for Policy Reform (IPR) 
- Pentaatan Lingkungan dan Kaitannya dengan Konservasi Mineral dan Batubara, 
Drs. M.R. Karliansyah, Deputi MenLH Bid.Pengendalian Pencemaran, Kementerian 
Lingkungan Hidup

4. Sesi Pleno dan Panel Penyajian makalah Terpilih
60 makalah terpilih akan dipresentasikan berasal dari berbagai instansi/Lembaga 
yang bergerak di Bidang Pertambangan, (Tema presentasi meliputi : geoteknik 
untuk kestabilan lereng; geologi, eksplorasi dan kualitas batubara; lingkungan 
dan pengelolaan pasca tambang; aplikasi geoteknik dan material lunak dan 
monitoring lereng; aplikasi geofisika dan gis dalam eksplorasi dan 
pertambangan; pengujian metalurgi, pengolahan bijih nikel dan bijih emas, 
penambangan bawah tanah; peralatan tambang; peledakan dan bahan peledak; 
pengelolaan air asam tambang dan limbah pertambangan; pemanfaatan dan 
penanganan batubara; konsep dan perencanaan wilayah penambangan; pengelolaan 
air permukaan dan tanah pada operasi penambangan)

5. Workshop Paralel
a. Workshop Geostatistik
b. Workshop Geohidrologi
c. Diskusi Panel Competent Person Indonesia

2nd Indonesia Drill and Blast Conference 2013 (Subang, 31 Oktober 2013 – 1 
November 2013)
1. Seminar :

Diskusi Pleno
- Direktur Jenderal Mineral  Batubara, Dr. Ir. Thamrin Sihite, M.Sc 
- Dirjen Potensi Pertahanan-Kementerian Pertahanan, Prof. Dr. Ir. POS 
M.Hutabarat, M.A 
- Badan Intelejen Keamanan POLRI, Komjen Pol Drs. Suparni Parto S, MM / AKBP 

Drilling  Blasting Permit and Regulation 

- Chief Executive Officer PT. Dahana, Fajar Harry Sampurno, PhD 
- PT. Multi Nitrotama Kimia, Alex Djajadisastra 
- Direkur PT. Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia , Antung Pandoyo 
- Cetak Biru Diklat Teknik Peledakan Indonesia, Awang Suwandhi 

Drilling  Blasting Technology 

- Commercial Manager PT. DNX Indonesia , Juju Djuanda 
- Senior Technical Services Engineer PT. AEL Indonesia , Rudianto Sitanggang 
- Tech Service Manager PT Orica Mining , Reza Rinaldi 
- GM. Sales  Marketing PT. Sandvik Mining  Contruction Indonesia, Teguh 
- PT. Atlas Copco Indonesia, Ritdon Purba 

Drill and Blast Operation 

- PT. Freeport Indonesia, Andri Abdullah 
- EB-Superintendent PT. Adaro Indonesia, Diki Wandani 
- PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Yanis Firmansyah 
- PT. Semen Padang, Dedi Muhammad Siddiq
- SKK MIGAS, Turmudi 
- PT. Cibaliung, Nopian Fitrikansyah 

Pameran Peralatan Drilling dan Blasting

2. Kunjungan Ke Pabrik PT. Dahana (Persero) 
Kunjungan Ke Pabrik PT. Multi Nitrotama Kimia




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