Re: [iagi-net] Perusahaan tambang tanpa NPWP

2014-05-29 Terurut Topik Yanto R. Sumantri

??? Pusing aku Koko Liam .

si Abah

On Thursday, May 29, 2014 10:57 AM, seno aji wrote:

Perlu didalami lagi apakah ini benar pemilik IUP atau sekedar perusahaan abal2 
yang sering kali joint dengan pemilik IUP.
Kalau dia pemilik IUP, mustahil rasanya bisa sampai dapat IUP OP. Karena dari 
sejak aplikasi awal sudaj diminta kelengkapan tersebut oleh dinas terkait dan 
kementrian ESDM.


Sent from my @smartmail

-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 28 May 2014 20:27:46 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net] BUKU PUTIH IAGI -- Visi Misi Capres

Weleh weleh , gimana sampai bisa terjadi Perusahaan Tambang
Nggak punya NPWP , lha waktu ngajukan IUP opo ora di periksa
kelengkapane. Dulu yg tidak CC saja diributkan lha sekarang
malah lebih kebangeten lagi tidak ada NPWP , pribadi saja wajib
ber NPWP  , Komplitlah keRusakan pengelolaan  Per SDA an
Jangan sampai diPutihkan saja


KPK Warning Perusahaan Tambang : 1 Bulan Tak Urus NPWP, Kami Sita
Ikhwanul Khabibi – detikNews Rabu, 28/05/2014 20:17 WIB

Jakarta - KPK memberikan peringatan keras terhadap beberapa
perusahaan tambang yang tidak memiliki nomor pokok wajib pajak
(NPWP). Jika dalam waktu sebulan, perusahaan itu tidak mengurus
NPWP, KPK akan melakukan penyitaan.
Kami himbau perusahaan-perusahaan yang tidak punya NPWP, kami
akan lakukan sita. Untuk mengurus NPWP, batas waktu sebulan,
kata Wakil Ketua KPK, Adnan Pandu Praja di kantornya, Jl HR
Rasuna Said, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (28/5/2014).
Peringatan keras ini berdasarkan pada sidak yang dilakukan KPK
ke beberapa perusahaan tambang. Hasilnya, sebagian perusahaan
tambang tidak memiliki NPWP sehingga berpotensi mengurangi
penerimaan negara.
Itu semua berdasarkan kunjungan kami ke beberapa perusahaan
tambang, jelas Pandu.
KPK iconcern/i tentang penerimaan negara, imbuhnya.

Mengenai beberapa perusahaan tambang yang tak mempunyai NPWP
ini sebelumnya juga diakui oleh Dirjen Pajak, Fuad Rachmany.
Namun, Fuad berjanji akan segera membereskan soal NPWP ini.

indomail - Your everyday mail -

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JAKARTA,15-18 September 2014

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No. Rek: 123 0085005314
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A/n: Shinta Damayanti


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In no event shall IAGI or its members be liable for any, including but not 
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from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use 
any information posted on IAGI mailing list.

Siapkan waktu PIT IAGI ke-43

Mark your date 43rd IAGI Annual Convention  Exhibition

JAKARTA,15-18 September 2014

Visit IAGI Website:

Hubungi Kami:

Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)

Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:

Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta

No. Rek: 123 0085005314

Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia

No. Rekening: 255-1088580

A/n: Shinta Damayanti



DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information 

posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI or others. 

In no event shall IAGI or its members be liable for any, including but not 

to direct or indirect damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting 

from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use 

any information posted on IAGI mailing list.

[iagi-net] Chevron deep water project

2014-05-29 Terurut Topik Yanto R. Sumantri
Ada berita dibawah ini :

Apakah ada yang mengetahui daerah/blok mana yang dimaksud ?
Dan,mengapa sepertinya masih ada persoalan ijin?

si Abah 

The government may soon agree on assistance to help US oil and gas giant 
Chevron realize its US$12 billion-investment project, which has been held up by 
permit issues, newly appointed Coordinating Economic Minister Chairul Tanjung 
has said.

Chairul said on Monday that he had discussed Chevron’s stalled investment 
project with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and that he would soon 
coordinate with the related ministries to find a solution.

Chairul quoted Chevron CEO for Asia Pacific as saying that the company would 
allocate its $12 billion-budget for a deep water drilling project to another 
country with less hurdles, if a solution could not be reached by the end of 
this month.

“The CEO told me in the Philippines [on the sidelines of the World Economic 
Forum on East Asia] that Chevron had allocated the billion-dollar investment 
budget to Indonesia, but it was still on hold,” Chairul said after a 
coordination meeting, on food price stabilization ahead of Ramadhan fasting 
month, at his Jakarta office.

The government will not let the billion dollar-investment be canceled, he 

Chevron obtained approval in 2008 for a plan of development (POD) for the $12 
billion-project, known as the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project.

The project involves four production sharing contracts (PSCs) namely Ganal, 
Rapak, Makassar Strait and Muara Bakau.

Red tape and legal uncertainty are the major issues for most of oil and gas 
companies operating in Indonesia, said ConocoPhillips Indonesia president and 
general managers Eric Isaacson.

It took up to two weeks for certification, 24 to 30 months to obtain approval 
for a contract and six to 12 months to obtain transportation approval, 
according to him.

Isaacson also said that contract extension would take longer and the decisions 
were usually around the end of contracts.

“The government must decide on quicker contract extensions and support new oil 
and gas exploration in difficult areas,” he added.

Oil and gas companies averagely took between eight and 14 years to find oil in 
the country, according to Isaacson.

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) chairman Lukman Mahfoedz shared the same 
view, adding that legal certainty, particularly on contract statuses for oil 
and gas block projects, remain the main challenge for many oil and gas 
companies operating in the country.

“There are 20 oil and gas cooperation contracts [KKKS] which will expire in 
five years with no certainty whether they will be extended or not,” Lukman said 
during the 38th Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) convention and 
exhibition last week.

The contracts are of great importance, he added, because the 20 KKKS firms 
produced 635,000 barrels of oil per day last year or around 30 percent of the 
country’s total oil production that is currently facing major proudctivity 
issues due to ageing fields.

As previously reported, Chevron has asked the government to extend the end of 
the Makassar Strait PSC from 2020 to 2028, to match the other three PSCs that 
expire in 2028.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s oil and gas director general Edy 
Hermantoro has said that the government would soon decide the extension of the 
contract and that the government has approved the Authorization of Financial 
Expenditure (AFE) for the project.

Siapkan waktu PIT IAGI ke-43

Mark your date 43rd IAGI Annual Convention  Exhibition

JAKARTA,15-18 September 2014

Visit IAGI Website:

Hubungi Kami:

Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)

Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:

Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta

No. Rek: 123 0085005314

Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia

No. Rekening: 255-1088580

A/n: Shinta Damayanti



DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information 

posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI or others. 

In no event shall IAGI or its members be liable for any, including but not 

to direct or indirect damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting 

from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use 

any information posted on IAGI mailing list.

[iagi-net] Pemilihan Ketua MGEI 2014

2014-05-29 Terurut Topik Gayuh Nugroho Dwi Putranto -

Assalamualaikum wrwb
Selamat pagi, rekan geosaintis.

Di tengah hiruk pikuk saga Pemilu Legislatif dan Pemilu Presiden 2014, 
MGEI, sebagai sub-organisasi  dari IAGI yg mempunyai susunan organisasi 
mandiri,juga mempunyai hajatan raya yaitu PEMILIHAN KETUA MGEI Periode 

Seiring dengan positioning dan branding MGEI yang semakin diakui secara luas 
sebagai organisasi profesional di 
bidang geologi mineral dan batubara, Ketua MGEI di masa mendatang akan 
menghadapi tantangan-tantangan yang besar di tengah iklim regional dan 
global, tidak hanya domestik. Beberapa milestones yang telah 
dikreasikan sebelumnya perlu selalu dijaga dan ditingkatkan momentumnya. 
Kebermanfaatan MGEI harus konsisten disebarluaskan baik ke kalangan 
anggotanya, akademik, profesional, government, dan bagi perkembangan sains itu 
sendiri serta seluruh masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya.

Agenda Pemilihan ini akan berpuncak,
 seperti biasa, pada Annual 
Convention MGEI yang di tahun ini akan berlabuh di
 Kota Palembang pada 18-19 November 2014 bertema Sundaland Resources. Panitia 
akan melaksanakan 
pemilihan ini dengan tatacara online (email dsb) dan manual (coblosan) 
dengan modifikasi/penyempurnaan dari sistem sebelumnya, sehingga 
diharapkan akan dapat menjangkau lebih banyak anggotanya untuk 
berpartisipasi dalam suasana demokratis.

Partisipasi aktif dan konstruktif dari para anggota MGEI akan sangat dinanti 
dengan tangan terbuka oleh 
Pengurus MGEI, baik berupa pencalonan ketua, kemeriahan masa kampanye 
calon ketua, gagasan2 baru, keikutsertaan di dalam kepanitiaan, dll. Panitia 
Pemilihan (PanPel) akan menyusulkan agenda rangkaian Pesta Demokrasi MGEI ini 
dalam beberapa waktu ke depan. 

Salam dari Kota Santri Pasuruan,

Gayuh ND Putranto
PanPel MGEI 2014

Siapkan waktu PIT IAGI ke-43

Mark your date 43rd IAGI Annual Convention  Exhibition

JAKARTA,15-18 September 2014

Visit IAGI Website:

Hubungi Kami:

Iuran tahunan Rp.250.000,- (profesional) dan Rp.100.000,- (mahasiswa)

Pembayaran iuran anggota ditujukan ke:

Bank Mandiri Cab. Wisma Alia Jakarta

No. Rek: 123 0085005314

Atas nama: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Bank BCA KCP. Manara Mulia

No. Rekening: 255-1088580

A/n: Shinta Damayanti



DISCLAIMER: IAGI disclaims all warranties with regard to information 

posted on its mailing lists, whether posted by IAGI or others. 

In no event shall IAGI or its members be liable for any, including but not 

to direct or indirect damages, or damages of any kind whatsoever, resulting 

from loss of use, data or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use 

any information posted on IAGI mailing list.

[iagi-net] Re: [poverepertaminagroup] Chevron deep water project

2014-05-29 Terurut Topik nugrahanip -

Ini daerah IDD - Selat Makassar.
Selebihnya saya gak bisa kasih komentar.
Mohon maaf. Silakan baca aja di koran/ majalah, yang saya sungguh enggak tau 
itu nara sumbernya dari mana.


Sent from Samsung Galaxy Note'Yanto R. Sumantri' 
[poverepertaminagroup] wrote:Ada berita 
dibawah ini :

Apakah ada yang mengetahui daerah/blok mana yang dimaksud ?
Dan,mengapa sepertinya masih ada persoalan ijin?

si Abah 

The government may soon agree on assistance to help US oil and gas giant 
Chevron realize its US$12 billion-investment project, which has been held up by 
permit issues, newly appointed Coordinating Economic Minister Chairul Tanjung 
has said.

Chairul said on Monday that he had discussed Chevron’s stalled investment 
project with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and that he would soon 
coordinate with the related ministries to find a solution.

Chairul quoted Chevron CEO for Asia Pacific as saying that the company would 
allocate its $12 billion-budget for a deep water drilling project to another 
country with less hurdles, if a solution could not be reached by the end of 
this month.

“The CEO told me in the Philippines [on the sidelines of the World Economic 
Forum on East Asia] that Chevron had allocated the billion-dollar investment 
budget to Indonesia, but it was still on hold,” Chairul said after a 
coordination meeting, on food price stabilization ahead of Ramadhan fasting 
month, at his Jakarta office.

The government will not let the billion dollar-investment be canceled, he 

Chevron obtained approval in 2008 for a plan of development (POD) for the $12 
billion-project, known as the Indonesia Deepwater Development (IDD) project.

The project involves four production sharing contracts (PSCs) namely Ganal, 
Rapak, Makassar Strait and Muara Bakau.

Red tape and legal uncertainty are the major issues for most of oil and gas 
companies operating in Indonesia, said ConocoPhillips Indonesia president and 
general managers Eric Isaacson.

It took up to two weeks for certification, 24 to 30 months to obtain approval 
for a contract and six to 12 months to obtain transportation approval, 
according to him.

Isaacson also said that contract extension would take longer and the decisions 
were usually around the end of contracts.

“The government must decide on quicker contract extensions and support new oil 
and gas exploration in difficult areas,” he added.

Oil and gas companies averagely took between eight and 14 years to find oil in 
the country, according to Isaacson.

Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) chairman Lukman Mahfoedz shared the same 
view, adding that legal certainty, particularly on contract statuses for oil 
and gas block projects, remain the main challenge for many oil and gas 
companies operating in the country.

“There are 20 oil and gas cooperation contracts [KKKS] which will expire in 
five years with no certainty whether they will be extended or not,” Lukman said 
during the 38th Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) convention and 
exhibition last week.

The contracts are of great importance, he added, because the 20 KKKS firms 
produced 635,000 barrels of oil per day last year or around 30 percent of the 
country’s total oil production that is currently facing major proudctivity 
issues due to ageing fields.

As previously reported, Chevron has asked the government to extend the end of 
the Makassar Strait PSC from 2020 to 2028, to match the other three PSCs that 
expire in 2028.

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry’s oil and gas director general Edy 
Hermantoro has said that the government would soon decide the extension of the 
contract and that the government has approved the Authorization of Financial 
Expenditure (AFE) for the project.

Posted by: Yanto R. Sumantri
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