IHS Top 10 Predictions for 2012


By Nariman Behravesh

World growth will slow in 2012—the only question is by how much.

The problematic combination of private-sector deleveraging, public-sector
austerity and the lack of confidence in political leaders’ ability to
navigate these choppy waters will continue to plague the United States and
Europe. The US economy can be expected to muddle through. Unfortunately,
Europe will not be so lucky. Meanwhile, China’s economy is slowing and
there is growing anxiety about the government’s ability to engineer another
soft landing. If Europe only suffers through a mild recession and China
does not experience a hard landing, then world growth will decelerate from
around 3.0% in 2011 to around 2.7% in 2012. On the other hand, if the
recession in Europe is much deeper or the slowdown in China more
pronounced, then the global economy will be headed for much weaker growth
and possibly another recession.

The United States will probably avoid a recession. The good news is that US
domestic risks have diminished somewhat, and growth momentum has picked up
modestly. Consumers seem willing to spend and businesses are more disposed
to hire—albeit cautiously. This means that over the next year US growth
will average between 1.5% and 2.0%. In the near term, the Eurozone
sovereign-debt crisis is the biggest threat to the US economy. The
longer-term outlook is clouded by uncertainty over how America’s burgeoning
sovereign-debt problem will be fixed.

The Eurozone is headed for a second dip. All indications are that the
Eurozone will suffer through a recession in 2012—a mild one if the region’s
sovereign-debt problems are resolved, or a deep one if they are not. Fiscal
austerity is in full swing, bank credit is tightening, and confidence is
plummeting. With few exceptions, the Eurozone economies will see negative
growth next year, with the region as whole contracting by about 0.7%—at
best. Possible, though unlikely, is a much worse recession triggered by
messy sovereign defaults or euro exits.

Asia will continue to outpace the rest of the world. While Asia will not be
immune to a recession in the Eurozone, growth in the region will remain
resilient and will continue to be the strongest in the world (around 5.5%),
for a number of reasons. Japan’s post-earthquake rebound will help underpin
the region’s exports, offsetting some of the weakness in sales to Europe.
Chinese growth can be expected to hold up at around 8% and further bolster
Asian growth prospects—provided China’s housing downturn does not evolve
into something much worse. Last but not least, easing inflation will give
all Asian governments more leeway to stimulate, if necessary.

Growth in other emerging markets will hold up, for the most part. The
Eurozone crisis and recession will have a differential impact on the rest
of the emerging world. Hardest hit will be Emerging Europe, because Western
Europe is its most important export destination and also because the region
is dominated by subsidiaries of Western European banks—all of which are
tightening credit. Latin America and Africa are relatively more vulnerable
to the United States and China. Barring a catastrophe in either economy or
another plunge in commodity prices, the growth in these regions should hold
up fairly well.

Commodity prices will (mostly) move sideways. During the coming year,
commodity prices are likely to get pulled down by weaker global demand—and
pushed up by limited excess capacity and continuing robust growth in key
economies, such as China and India. The biggest demand-side risk is the
possibility of a hard landing in China. Supply-side risks are
commodity-specific. In the case of oil, markets are worried about an
escalation of the conflict over Iran’s nuclear weapons program. That said,
the most likely scenario is for the price of oil and other commodities to
fluctuate around current levels.

Inflation will diminish almost everywhere. With world growth softening and
commodity prices off their peaks, inflation in every region of the world
will decline in 2012. The drop in inflation is likely to be the most
pronounced in the developed world because of vast amounts of excess
capacity in both labor and product markets. In the emerging world, the
recent declines in food prices are having the biggest impact. Without a
spike in oil or food prices—triggered by a geopolitical events or bad
weather—the inflation picture in 2012 will be quite benign.

Monetary policy will either be on hold or ease further. Easing inflationary
pressures and increasing anxiety about the growth outlook have changed the
priorities of central banks worldwide. Central bank actions can be broadly
categorized in three ways: 1) those with policy rates already near zero
(e.g., the Federal Reserve, Bank of England and Bank of Japan) will stay
there indefinitely (or at least for a couple more years), in some cases
with further quantitative easing in 2012; 2) some central banks that had
been raising interest rates have now stopped (e.g., the Reserve Bank of
India); and 3) some that had been tightening are now easing (e.g., the
European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China).

Fiscal policy is set to become even tighter in the United States and
Europe. Notwithstanding the standoff over deficit reduction in the US
Congress, fiscal policy in the United States is already tightening. Federal
government purchases will contract (after adjusting for inflation) over the
next several years, acting as a major drag on growth. State and local
spending is also expected to fall for at least another year. In Europe, not
only are the most indebted countries (Greece, Ireland and Portugal) in the
midst of tough austerity programs, but three of the four largest Eurozone
countries (France, Italy and Spain) are being pressured to drastically cut
budget deficits and sovereign-debt levels.

With the exception of the euro, the dollar will keep sliding. Economic
fundamentals alone would suggest that the dollar should keep sliding
against most currencies, especially those of emerging markets. Not only is
the US current-account deficit still extremely large, but both growth and
interest rate differentials favor emerging-market currencies. However, the
dollar will likely appreciate against the euro in the near term—as long as
the Eurozone crisis drags on—rising to around $1.25 by next spring. If the
Eurozone suffers a financial meltdown, the euro could easily go to parity
against the greenback. In such a scenario, the dollar would likely rise
against most currencies, as it did in 2008.

Most of the risks to the outlook are on the downside. While there are many
risks facing the global economy, two look particularly threatening over the
next year. The first is the possibility of a financial meltdown in the
Eurozone, with some countries exiting, or a messy default by one or more of
the large Eurozone countries, especially Italy or Spain. Such a “Lehman
moment” for Europe would likely push the global economy into recession. The
second big risk is a sharp slowdown in China’s growth (say to 5%) triggered
by a bursting of its real estate bubble. Such a scenario would have the
biggest impact on the rest of Asia and commodity-exporting emerging markets.

Top 10 Economic Predictions for 2011—How Accurate Were We?
The following is a recap of our Top 10 Economic Predictions for 2011
(released in December 2010), with a review of what actually happened.

A two-speed recovery is likely to remain a salient feature of the global
economy throughout 2011. The deceleration in growth that manifested itself
in the latter half of 2010 will extend into the first half of 2011 for
Europe and Japan. US growth, on the other hand, has already begun to
strengthen. For the world as a whole, the recovery should pick up steam in
the second half of the year, as some of the worst-hit sectors (housing and
autos) rebound and as consumer and business confidence improves. This means
that growth in calendar-year 2011 (3.7%) will be a little weaker than in
2010 (4.0%), but then be followed by a small bounce-back in 2012 (3.8%).
While there is no shortage of downside risks, global growth has been
revised up in recent months, which means that the distribution of risks may
be more symmetric than a year ago.

*"Sejarah itu tidak pernah usang untuk terus dipelajari"*

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