Mahakam Delta and Petroleum System of Kutai Basin Field Trip


We inform you about this special field trip program, Mahakam Delta
and Petroleum System of Kutai Basin, as part of Bali2010,
International Geosciences Conference and Exposition. Below here is the brief
information about the field trip, you can download this brochure 
to find out more information and to register yourself for the fieldtrip.

Date : July 23-27, 2010 (5 days, start on Friday and finish on Tuesday)


Bumi Senyiur Hotel –
  SamarindaLe Grandeur Hotel – Balikpapan

Instructor : Dr. Andang Bachtiar

Co-Instructor: M. Syaiful

Cost : USD 2.750/person (Payment at least 10 days before D day – July
13, 2010)

Who Should Attend

exploration geologists,
development / production geologist, geophysicist, reservoir engineers,
log analyst, petrophysicist, coal geologist & all geoscientist.

Field Trip Facilities

4 night’s lodging on
single occupancy basis during fieldtrip, water shoes, dry bag, guidebook,
backpack, T-Shirt & Hat, stationary, meals and transportation during the

Organizer Facilities

Geology Hammer,
Compass, GPS receiver and HCl.

We urgent you to reserve your seat as soon as possible, better be

Seat availability is limited minimum 15 and maximum 25

 For further
information, please download this brochure (SEG-HAGIFieldTripFormRegistration)

Deni Rahayu - Explorationist-Think Tanker Exploration Think Tank Indonesia 
Mobile: 62-817-612447,,


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