[iagi-net-l] iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release: PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik Sigit
Sebelum menghitung claim, batas negara perairan sudah clear belum ya? Karena 
semestinya menghitung area yg terkena limpahan minyak mengacu ke batas negara. 

Moga2 pemerintah kita mengantisipasi hal ini dengan cepat. Jangan sampai nanti 
ada pembakaran bendera Thailand oleh rakyat setempat yg dirugikan. Hanya karena 
pemerintah kita yang tidak bisa menunjukkan bukti yang kuat, seperti kasus 
terakhir dengan Malaysia, karena GPS mati.


-Original Message-
From: Doddy Suryanto [mailto:dod...@pttep.com.epintl.com]
Sent: Fri 9/3/2010 9:38 AM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: [iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release:  PTTEP Not Accepted Montara 
Compensation Claims
Updated...fresh from the oven

Menyedihkan sudah minta ganti ruginya lewat power point ditambah tanpa
bukti-bukti pendukung yang ilmiah.

Masih bagus kerjanya YPTB dan pemda setempat yang masih mau menyertakan
bukti tumpahan minyak.

Seperti Mas Andang utarakan, andai contoh tumpahan minyak yang dikirim
YPTB ke corelab disertakan dalam proposal ganti rugi, mungkin PTTEP AA
akan berfikir kembali kalau tumpahan minyaknya tidak sampai ke

Sebenarnya contoh tumpahan minyak juga dikirim ke Leeders and Consulting
Australia Pty. Ltd. melalui senator Rachel Siewert dan diteruskan ke
Australia Investigation Committee. 

Analisis membuktikan bahwa komposisi contoh tumpahan minyak sama dengan
minyak yang ada di lapangan Montara.




PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

PTTEP Australia (PTTEP AA), a subsidiary of the Thai-listed PTT
Exploration and Production Public Company Limited today (2 September
2010) confirmed the Government of Indonesia that it has not accepted any
claims for compensation relating to the claimed impacts of oil released
from the company's Montara field in the Timor Sea last year. PTTEP CEO
and President Anon Sirisaengtaksin said that the letter of claim and
attached documents contained no verifiable evidence to support the

In July and August 2010, representatives from PTTEP AA met in Perth with
an Indonesian government delegation on the issue. The latest round of
talks took place on 26 August when the Government of Indonesia submitted
the letter claiming for compensation with a PowerPoint summary of claim.
No verifiable scientific evidence was provided with the claim summary or
has yet been provided to support the claims made in the presentation.
It was agreed that all data and evidence would need to be analyzed by
appropriate parties before PTTEP will consider the claim.

PTTEP believes that the Montara incident had no effect on Indonesia
because the company was able to control the situation. It also joined
hands with agencies under the Government of Australia to continuously
monitor and evaluate the effect of the oil released from Montara field
and found that it was limited to areas around the field. An independent
scientific study which was recently released by the Environmental
Protection Authority of Western Australia showed that no oil from
Montara reached the WA coast.

The company is funding, in cooperation with the Australia Department of
the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), scientific
studies from the long term environmental monitoring program.   The
various studies are being conducted by a range of recognized tertiary
and private research groups. The result will be released to the public
when completed by DEWHA.  


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
believed to be clean.

Re: [iagi-net-l] iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release: PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik mohammad syaiful
tampaknya mas sigit belum tahu lokasi montara...

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Sigit si...@epintl.com wrote:
 Sebelum menghitung claim, batas negara perairan sudah clear belum ya? Karena 
 semestinya menghitung area yg terkena limpahan minyak mengacu ke batas negara.

 Moga2 pemerintah kita mengantisipasi hal ini dengan cepat. Jangan sampai 
 nanti ada pembakaran bendera Thailand oleh rakyat setempat yg dirugikan. 
 Hanya karena pemerintah kita yang tidak bisa menunjukkan bukti yang kuat, 
 seperti kasus terakhir dengan Malaysia, karena GPS mati.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doddy Suryanto [mailto:dod...@pttep.com.epintl.com]
 Sent: Fri 9/3/2010 9:38 AM
 To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
 Subject: [iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release:  PTTEP Not Accepted Montara 
 Compensation Claims

 Updated...fresh from the oven

 Menyedihkan sudah minta ganti ruginya lewat power point ditambah tanpa
 bukti-bukti pendukung yang ilmiah.

 Masih bagus kerjanya YPTB dan pemda setempat yang masih mau menyertakan
 bukti tumpahan minyak.

 Seperti Mas Andang utarakan, andai contoh tumpahan minyak yang dikirim
 YPTB ke corelab disertakan dalam proposal ganti rugi, mungkin PTTEP AA
 akan berfikir kembali kalau tumpahan minyaknya tidak sampai ke

 Sebenarnya contoh tumpahan minyak juga dikirim ke Leeders and Consulting
 Australia Pty. Ltd. melalui senator Rachel Siewert dan diteruskan ke
 Australia Investigation Committee.

 Analisis membuktikan bahwa komposisi contoh tumpahan minyak sama dengan
 minyak yang ada di lapangan Montara.


 PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

 PTTEP Australia (PTTEP AA), a subsidiary of the Thai-listed PTT
 Exploration and Production Public Company Limited today (2 September
 2010) confirmed the Government of Indonesia that it has not accepted any
 claims for compensation relating to the claimed impacts of oil released
 from the company's Montara field in the Timor Sea last year. PTTEP CEO
 and President Anon Sirisaengtaksin said that the letter of claim and
 attached documents contained no verifiable evidence to support the

 In July and August 2010, representatives from PTTEP AA met in Perth with
 an Indonesian government delegation on the issue. The latest round of
 talks took place on 26 August when the Government of Indonesia submitted
 the letter claiming for compensation with a PowerPoint summary of claim.
 No verifiable scientific evidence was provided with the claim summary or
 has yet been provided to support the claims made in the presentation.
 It was agreed that all data and evidence would need to be analyzed by
 appropriate parties before PTTEP will consider the claim.

 PTTEP believes that the Montara incident had no effect on Indonesia
 because the company was able to control the situation. It also joined
 hands with agencies under the Government of Australia to continuously
 monitor and evaluate the effect of the oil released from Montara field
 and found that it was limited to areas around the field. An independent
 scientific study which was recently released by the Environmental
 Protection Authority of Western Australia showed that no oil from
 Montara reached the WA coast.

 The company is funding, in cooperation with the Australia Department of
 the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), scientific
 studies from the long term environmental monitoring program.   The
 various studies are being conducted by a range of recognized tertiary
 and private research groups. The result will be released to the public
 when completed by DEWHA.

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

Mohammad Syaiful - Explorationist, Consultant Geologist
Mobile: 62-812-9372808
msyai...@etti.co.id (business)

Technical Manager of
Exploration Think Tank Indonesia (ETTI)

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
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sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL, mohammadsyai...@gmail.com
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt  Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...

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RE: [iagi-net-l] iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release: PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik Sigit
Mas Syaiful,

Saya tau lokasinya, dan sangat mudah diliat di google.

Hanya saya baca di Jakarta Post hari ini tentang claim Indonesia yang direject, 
yang saya nggak tau adalah areal yang terkena limbah tersebut. 

Berikut berita lengkapnya:

Di Jakarta Post di sebut:
Indonesia’s team displayed maps of areas impacted by the oil spill which 
allegedly covered 70,341 square kilometer in the Timor Sea, affecting nine 
regencies in the area. The map of affected areas was determined by satellite 
images and water samples collected in several locations. “The impacted areas 
can be visibly seen,”Masnellyarti said.
Polluted water samples taken from the Timor Sea matched the oil finger print 
taken from Montara’s rig, she added.

Nah yang 70,341 sqkm tsb areanya dimana saja, apa sampai melewati batas negara. 
Kalau betul, apakah batasnya sudah jelas.

Atau saya salah? Sorry kalau salah.


-Original Message-
From: mohammad syaiful [mailto:mohammadsyai...@gmail.com]
Sent: Fri 9/3/2010 11:15 AM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release: PTTEP Not 
Accepted Montara Compensation Claims
tampaknya mas sigit belum tahu lokasi montara...

On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Sigit si...@epintl.com wrote:
 Sebelum menghitung claim, batas negara perairan sudah clear belum ya? Karena 
 semestinya menghitung area yg terkena limpahan minyak mengacu ke batas negara.

 Moga2 pemerintah kita mengantisipasi hal ini dengan cepat. Jangan sampai 
 nanti ada pembakaran bendera Thailand oleh rakyat setempat yg dirugikan. 
 Hanya karena pemerintah kita yang tidak bisa menunjukkan bukti yang kuat, 
 seperti kasus terakhir dengan Malaysia, karena GPS mati.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doddy Suryanto [mailto:dod...@pttep.com.epintl.com]
 Sent: Fri 9/3/2010 9:38 AM
 To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
 Subject: [iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release:  PTTEP Not Accepted Montara 
 Compensation Claims

 Updated...fresh from the oven

 Menyedihkan sudah minta ganti ruginya lewat power point ditambah tanpa
 bukti-bukti pendukung yang ilmiah.

 Masih bagus kerjanya YPTB dan pemda setempat yang masih mau menyertakan
 bukti tumpahan minyak.

 Seperti Mas Andang utarakan, andai contoh tumpahan minyak yang dikirim
 YPTB ke corelab disertakan dalam proposal ganti rugi, mungkin PTTEP AA
 akan berfikir kembali kalau tumpahan minyaknya tidak sampai ke

 Sebenarnya contoh tumpahan minyak juga dikirim ke Leeders and Consulting
 Australia Pty. Ltd. melalui senator Rachel Siewert dan diteruskan ke
 Australia Investigation Committee.

 Analisis membuktikan bahwa komposisi contoh tumpahan minyak sama dengan
 minyak yang ada di lapangan Montara.


 PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

 PTTEP Australia (PTTEP AA), a subsidiary of the Thai-listed PTT
 Exploration and Production Public Company Limited today (2 September
 2010) confirmed the Government of Indonesia that it has not accepted any
 claims for compensation relating to the claimed impacts of oil released
 from the company's Montara field in the Timor Sea last year. PTTEP CEO
 and President Anon Sirisaengtaksin said that the letter of claim and
 attached documents contained no verifiable evidence to support the

 In July and August 2010, representatives from PTTEP AA met in Perth with
 an Indonesian government delegation on the issue. The latest round of
 talks took place on 26 August when the Government of Indonesia submitted
 the letter claiming for compensation with a PowerPoint summary of claim.
 No verifiable scientific evidence was provided with the claim summary or
 has yet been provided to support the claims made in the presentation.
 It was agreed that all data and evidence would need to be analyzed by
 appropriate parties before PTTEP will consider the claim.

 PTTEP believes that the Montara incident had no effect on Indonesia
 because the company was able to control the situation. It also joined
 hands with agencies under the Government of Australia to continuously
 monitor and evaluate the effect of the oil released from Montara field
 and found that it was limited to areas around the field. An independent
 scientific study which was recently released by the Environmental
 Protection Authority of Western Australia showed that no oil from
 Montara reached the WA coast.

 The company is funding, in cooperation with the Australia Department of
 the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), scientific
 studies from the long term environmental monitoring program.   The
 various studies are being conducted by a range of recognized tertiary
 and private research groups. The result will be released to the public
 when completed by DEWHA.

 This message has been scanned for viruses and
 dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
 believed to be clean.

 This message has been

Re: [iagi-net-l] iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release: PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

2010-09-02 Terurut Topik mohammad syaiful
semoga batas negara wis nggak masalah, sam. bahkan salah satu
'pejabat' yg juga geolog, almarhum bapak bona situmorang, yg ikut
menuntaskan masalah batas negara antara indonesia dengan aussie. kalo
belum beres, misalnya, wah. jadi urusan 3 negara yg ruwet...


On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:49 AM, Sigit si...@epintl.com wrote:
 Mas Syaiful,

 Saya tau lokasinya, dan sangat mudah diliat di google.

 Hanya saya baca di Jakarta Post hari ini tentang claim Indonesia yang 
 direject, yang saya nggak tau adalah areal yang terkena limbah tersebut.

 Berikut berita lengkapnya:

 Di Jakarta Post di sebut:
 Indonesia’s team displayed maps of areas impacted by the oil spill which 
 allegedly covered 70,341 square kilometer in the Timor Sea, affecting nine 
 regencies in the area. The map of affected areas was determined by satellite 
 images and water samples collected in several locations. “The impacted areas 
 can be visibly seen,”Masnellyarti said.
 Polluted water samples taken from the Timor Sea matched the oil finger print 
 taken from Montara’s rig, she added.

 Nah yang 70,341 sqkm tsb areanya dimana saja, apa sampai melewati batas 
 negara. Kalau betul, apakah batasnya sudah jelas.

 Atau saya salah? Sorry kalau salah.


 -Original Message-
 From: mohammad syaiful [mailto:mohammadsyai...@gmail.com]
 Sent: Fri 9/3/2010 11:15 AM
 To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
 Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release: PTTEP Not 
 Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

 tampaknya mas sigit belum tahu lokasi montara...

 On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Sigit si...@epintl.com wrote:
 Sebelum menghitung claim, batas negara perairan sudah clear belum ya? Karena 
 semestinya menghitung area yg terkena limpahan minyak mengacu ke batas 

 Moga2 pemerintah kita mengantisipasi hal ini dengan cepat. Jangan sampai 
 nanti ada pembakaran bendera Thailand oleh rakyat setempat yg dirugikan. 
 Hanya karena pemerintah kita yang tidak bisa menunjukkan bukti yang kuat, 
 seperti kasus terakhir dengan Malaysia, karena GPS mati.


 -Original Message-
 From: Doddy Suryanto [mailto:dod...@pttep.com.epintl.com]
 Sent: Fri 9/3/2010 9:38 AM
 To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
 Subject: [iagi-net-l] FW: PTTEP News Release:  PTTEP Not Accepted Montara 
 Compensation Claims

 Updated...fresh from the oven

 Menyedihkan sudah minta ganti ruginya lewat power point ditambah tanpa
 bukti-bukti pendukung yang ilmiah.

 Masih bagus kerjanya YPTB dan pemda setempat yang masih mau menyertakan
 bukti tumpahan minyak.

 Seperti Mas Andang utarakan, andai contoh tumpahan minyak yang dikirim
 YPTB ke corelab disertakan dalam proposal ganti rugi, mungkin PTTEP AA
 akan berfikir kembali kalau tumpahan minyaknya tidak sampai ke

 Sebenarnya contoh tumpahan minyak juga dikirim ke Leeders and Consulting
 Australia Pty. Ltd. melalui senator Rachel Siewert dan diteruskan ke
 Australia Investigation Committee.

 Analisis membuktikan bahwa komposisi contoh tumpahan minyak sama dengan
 minyak yang ada di lapangan Montara.


 PTTEP Not Accepted Montara Compensation Claims

 PTTEP Australia (PTTEP AA), a subsidiary of the Thai-listed PTT
 Exploration and Production Public Company Limited today (2 September
 2010) confirmed the Government of Indonesia that it has not accepted any
 claims for compensation relating to the claimed impacts of oil released
 from the company's Montara field in the Timor Sea last year. PTTEP CEO
 and President Anon Sirisaengtaksin said that the letter of claim and
 attached documents contained no verifiable evidence to support the

 In July and August 2010, representatives from PTTEP AA met in Perth with
 an Indonesian government delegation on the issue. The latest round of
 talks took place on 26 August when the Government of Indonesia submitted
 the letter claiming for compensation with a PowerPoint summary of claim.
 No verifiable scientific evidence was provided with the claim summary or
 has yet been provided to support the claims made in the presentation.
 It was agreed that all data and evidence would need to be analyzed by
 appropriate parties before PTTEP will consider the claim.

 PTTEP believes that the Montara incident had no effect on Indonesia
 because the company was able to control the situation. It also joined
 hands with agencies under the Government of Australia to continuously
 monitor and evaluate the effect of the oil released from Montara field
 and found that it was limited to areas around the field. An independent
 scientific study which was recently released by the Environmental
 Protection Authority of Western Australia showed that no oil from
 Montara reached the WA coast.

 The company is funding, in cooperation with the Australia Department of
 the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), scientific
 studies from the long