Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-30 Terurut Topik Fatrial Bahesti
Pak Herman dkk,

Selamat atas penghargaan dari AAPG, semoga pencapaian ini bisa membangkitkan 
motivasi ahli geologi indonesia lainnya.

Fatrial B

From: "" 
Sent: Monday, 29 November 2010 14:33:18
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Rekan-rekan IAGI,

Terima  kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya. 
Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award ini.
Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service Award, kata pentingnya 
adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya adalah 'to serve'. Dalam bahasa Indonesianya: 
melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG bisa berkembang 
karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar bahkan membayar (misalnya: 
membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya yang mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award 
ini malah bukan dari Asia Pacific Region, tetapi dari European Region. 

WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG European Region untuk membuka 
chapters dan mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu mahasiswa Eropa 
untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa yang mahasiswa 
Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di Indonesia memacu semangat 
mahasiswa-mahasiswa Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka Student Chapter,  
mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin mengucapkan terima 
kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menjadi teladan bagi mahasiswa 
di Eropa.

Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun 1995 
saya mendiskusikan mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan Indonesia (FOSI) 
dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis). FOSI kemudian diterima 
menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai membuat regional conference di ITB 
Bandung tahun 1999. Acara ini didukung penuh oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. 
Rekan M. Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang) dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside) adalah 
orang-orang yang berperan dalam melangsungkan kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' 
ini tercetus ide untuk menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, 
kemudian diterbitkan oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a. si Abah) memberikan 
kepercayaan untuk ide ini (pak Awang bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya 
berjuta-juta rupiah.  Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk 
menerbitkan buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun saya juga banyak 
menyumbang tulisan kedalam buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter 
ditulis oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor 
buku ini.

Tahun 2005, AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai 'region 
president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini tentunya menarik 
karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan otoritas untuk mengalokasikan dana, 
presenter, buku dlsb. Geovani Christopher, mantan AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak 
membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific untuk membentuk SC. 

Banyak sekali orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai 
ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena e-mail ini akan 
menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada beberapa orang Indonesia lain yang 
pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau tidak salah  Prof. R. P. 
Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima penghargaan pada tahun 1999. Pak 
Koesoema mungkin bisa konfirmasi.




From: F. Hasan Sidi
> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53
> To:
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG
Distinguished Service Award for HD
> In case ada yang
belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
> =
> AAPG awardees to be honored in
> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney
> Medal.
>  Joining Shelton at the top of
this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
> Smith, exploration vice
president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
> independent geologist
in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
> Halbouty Outstanding
Leadership Award.
> Shelton and Smith are among the 42
award winners who have been
> announced by AAPG and who will be
recognized at the opening session of
> the 2011 AAPG Annual
Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.
AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
> science, the Association and the public.
> Among
Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
> digital library and publishing program. His leadership  continued
> growth in the d

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-30 Terurut Topik zaim
Pak Sanggam,terima kasih.
Bagi saya,sekarang ini hubungan yang ada bukan lagi antara "guru dan
murid" tetapi kita semua sekarang ini sebagai "kolega" dan yang penting
bagi saya adalah bagaimana membina hubungan yang tetap baik, baik dalam
kapasitas sebagai komunitas ke-geologi-an, maupun secara personal, apa
lagi dapat sampai pada tingkat "sahabat".
Sekali lagi, hatur nuhun Bang Sanggam,


Geologi ITB.

> ..dulu waktu di Jkt saya dengar sendiri bagaimana Herman dalam berbagai
> kesempatan mengakui bahwa kiprahnya di 'dunia sedimentologi' dan
> organisasi 'soft-rock geology' tidak lepas dari bimbingan/dorongan Bpk
> khususnya sebagai pembimbing S-1nya...jadi saya ucapkan selamat juga pada
> Pak Zaim.. contoh kesuksesan hubungan guru dan murid yg patut ditiru...
> Salam
> Sanggam Hutabarat
> --- On Tue, 30/11/10,  wrote:
> From: 
> Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
> To:
> Cc:
> Date: Tuesday, 30 November, 2010, 6:05 PM
> He...he...he...
> Banggalah kita, "PEMBANTU"(ini pengakuan Herman sendiri lho...)Indonesia
> mendapat "Distinguished Service Award" AAPG
> Sekali lagi SELAMAT ya Herman
> Salam,
> Zaim,
> Geologi ITB
>> Rekan-rekan IAGI,
>> Terima kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya.
>> Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award ini.
>> Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service Award, kata
>> pentingnya adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya adalah 'to serve'. Dalam
>> bahasa
>> Indonesianya: melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG
>> bisa berkembang karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar
>> bahkan membayar (misalnya: membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya yang
>> mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award ini malah bukan dari Asia Pacific
>> Region, tetapi dari European Region.
>> WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG European Region untuk membuka
>> student chapters dan mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu
>> mahasiswa Eropa untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa
>> yang mahasiswa Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di Indonesia
>> memacu
>> semangat mahasiswa-mahasiswa Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka
>> Student
>> Chapter, mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin
>> mengucapkan terima kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah
>> menjadi
>> teladan bagi mahasiswa di Eropa.
>> Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun
>> 1995 saya mendiskusikan mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan
>> Indonesia (FOSI) dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis).
>> kemudian diterima menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai membuat
>> regional conference di ITB Bandung tahun 1999. Acara ini didukung penuh
>> oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. Rekan M. Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang)
>> dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside) adalah orang-orang yang berperan dalam
>> melangsungkan kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' ini tercetus ide untuk
>> menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, kemudian
>> diterbitkan
>> oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a. si Abah) memberikan kepercayaan
>> untuk ide ini (pak Awang bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya
>> berjuta-juta
>> rupiah. Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk menerbitkan
>> buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun saya juga banyak
>> menyumbang
>> tulisan kedalam buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter ditulis
>> oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor
>> buku
>> ini.
>> Tahun 2005, AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai
>> 'region president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini
>> tentunya menarik karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan otoritas untuk
>> mengalokasikan dana, presenter, buku dlsb. Geovani Christopher, mantan
>> AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific
>> untuk
>> membentuk SC.
>> Banyak sekali orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai
>> aktifitas ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena
>> e-mail ini akan menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada beberapa orang
>> Indonesia lain yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau
>> tidak
>> salah Prof. R. P. Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-30 Terurut Topik sanggam hutabarat
..dulu waktu di Jkt saya dengar sendiri bagaimana Herman dalam berbagai 
kesempatan mengakui bahwa kiprahnya di 'dunia sedimentologi' dan organisasi 
'soft-rock geology' tidak lepas dari bimbingan/dorongan Bpk khususnya sebagai 
pembimbing S-1nya...jadi saya ucapkan selamat juga pada Pak Zaim.. contoh 
kesuksesan hubungan guru dan murid yg patut ditiru...
Sanggam Hutabarat

--- On Tue, 30/11/10,  wrote:

Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Date: Tuesday, 30 November, 2010, 6:05 PM

Banggalah kita, "PEMBANTU"(ini pengakuan Herman sendiri lho...)Indonesia
mendapat "Distinguished Service Award" AAPG
Sekali lagi SELAMAT ya Herman


Geologi ITB

> Rekan-rekan IAGI,
> Terima kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya.
> Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award ini.
> Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service Award, kata
> pentingnya adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya adalah 'to serve'. Dalam bahasa
> Indonesianya: melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG
> bisa berkembang karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar
> bahkan membayar (misalnya: membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya yang
> mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award ini malah bukan dari Asia Pacific
> Region, tetapi dari European Region.
> WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG European Region untuk membuka
> student chapters dan mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu
> mahasiswa Eropa untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa
> yang mahasiswa Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di Indonesia memacu
> semangat mahasiswa-mahasiswa Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka Student
> Chapter, mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin
> mengucapkan terima kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menjadi
> teladan bagi mahasiswa di Eropa.
> Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun
> 1995 saya mendiskusikan mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan
> Indonesia (FOSI) dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis). FOSI
> kemudian diterima menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai membuat
> regional conference di ITB Bandung tahun 1999. Acara ini didukung penuh
> oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. Rekan M. Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang)
> dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside) adalah orang-orang yang berperan dalam
> melangsungkan kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' ini tercetus ide untuk
> menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, kemudian diterbitkan
> oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a. si Abah) memberikan kepercayaan
> untuk ide ini (pak Awang bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya berjuta-juta
> rupiah. Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk menerbitkan
> buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun saya juga banyak menyumbang
> tulisan kedalam buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter ditulis
> oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor buku
> ini.
> Tahun 2005, AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai
> 'region president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini
> tentunya menarik karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan otoritas untuk
> mengalokasikan dana, presenter, buku dlsb. Geovani Christopher, mantan
> AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific untuk
> membentuk SC.
> Banyak sekali orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai
> aktifitas ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena
> e-mail ini akan menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada beberapa orang
> Indonesia lain yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau tidak
> salah Prof. R. P. Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima
> penghargaan pada tahun 1999. Pak Koesoema mungkin bisa konfirmasi.
> Salam,
> Herman
> ___
> From: F. Hasan Sidi
> []
>> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53
> PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG
> Distinguished Service Award for HD
>> In case ada yang
> belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
>> FHS
>> =
>> AAPG awardees to be honored in
> Houston
>> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
> Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
>> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney
> Powers
>> Medal.
>> Joining Shelton at the top of
> this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
>> Smith, expl

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-29 Terurut Topik zaim
Banggalah kita, "PEMBANTU"(ini pengakuan Herman sendiri lho...)Indonesia
mendapat "Distinguished Service Award" AAPG
Sekali lagi SELAMAT ya Herman


Geologi ITB

> Rekan-rekan IAGI,
> Terima kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya.
> Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award ini.
> Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service Award, kata
> pentingnya adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya adalah 'to serve'. Dalam bahasa
> Indonesianya: melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG
> bisa berkembang karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar
> bahkan membayar (misalnya: membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya yang
> mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award ini malah bukan dari Asia Pacific
> Region, tetapi dari European Region.
> WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG European Region untuk membuka
> student chapters dan mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu
> mahasiswa Eropa untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa
> yang mahasiswa Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di Indonesia memacu
> semangat mahasiswa-mahasiswa Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka Student
> Chapter, mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin
> mengucapkan terima kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menjadi
> teladan bagi mahasiswa di Eropa.
> Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun
> 1995 saya mendiskusikan mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan
> Indonesia (FOSI) dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis). FOSI
> kemudian diterima menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai membuat
> regional conference di ITB Bandung tahun 1999. Acara ini didukung penuh
> oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. Rekan M. Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang)
> dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside) adalah orang-orang yang berperan dalam
> melangsungkan kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' ini tercetus ide untuk
> menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, kemudian diterbitkan
> oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a. si Abah) memberikan kepercayaan
> untuk ide ini (pak Awang bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya berjuta-juta
> rupiah. Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk menerbitkan
> buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun saya juga banyak menyumbang
> tulisan kedalam buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter ditulis
> oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor buku
> ini.
> Tahun 2005, AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai
> 'region president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini
> tentunya menarik karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan otoritas untuk
> mengalokasikan dana, presenter, buku dlsb. Geovani Christopher, mantan
> AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific untuk
> membentuk SC.
> Banyak sekali orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai
> aktifitas ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena
> e-mail ini akan menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada beberapa orang
> Indonesia lain yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau tidak
> salah Prof. R. P. Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima
> penghargaan pada tahun 1999. Pak Koesoema mungkin bisa konfirmasi.
> Salam,
> Herman
> ___
> From: F. Hasan Sidi
> []
>> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53
> PM
>> To:
>> Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG
> Distinguished Service Award for HD
>> In case ada yang
> belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
>> FHS
>> =
>> AAPG awardees to be honored in
> Houston
>> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
> Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
>> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney
> Powers
>> Medal.
>> Joining Shelton at the top of
> this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
>> Smith, exploration vice
> president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
>> independent geologist
> in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
>> Halbouty Outstanding
> Leadership Award.
>> Shelton and Smith are among the 42
> award winners who have been
>> announced by AAPG and who will be
> recognized at the opening session of
>> the 2011 AAPG Annual
> Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.
> AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
> annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
>> science, the Association and the public.
>> Among
> Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
> early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
>> digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued
> the
>> growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name
> that
>> recognizes the best contribution to the Search and
> Discovery website
>> over the year.
>> Shelton
> was an early developer of the concepts and application o

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-29 Terurut Topik R.P.Koesoemadinata
Saya dan Pak Nayoan mendapatkan penghargaan dalam bentuk "Special 
Commendation Award"  (yang kemudian disetarakan dengan Distinguished Service 
Award) dari AAPG pada AAPG International Conference and Exhibition di Kuala 
Lumpur tahun 1995 dengan citation sebagai berikut:
"To Prajatna Koesoemadinata for his 34 years of distinguished service as 
professor, consultant and author, and for the advancement of the science of 
petroleum geology in Indonesia" Di Malaysia penghargaan ini diberikan pada 
Prof. Hutchinson. Hanya tidak ada pemberitaan mengenai hal ini di Indonesia 
kecuali di AAPG The Explorer. Sampai kini saya masih Emeritus Member of 

BTW Dalam rangka peringatan IAGI 50 tahun pada Icebreaker Party PIT IAGI 
ke-39 di Hotel Sentosa Senggigi Beach Lombok tgl 22 Nopember 2010 yang lalu, 
sayapun mendapatkan piagam penghargaan yang serupa sebagai pelopor, 
pemerintis dan pengembang ilmu geologi minyak dan gasbumi di Indonesia 
(mirip dengan dari AAPG, hanya terpaut 15 tahun). Penghargaan ini berikan di 
samping 4 orang anggota IAGI yang lainnya dalam bidangnya masing-2, Bp. 
Sutaryo Sigit, Bp Muljono Purbohadiwidjojo (peristilahan geologi), Prof 
Adjat Sudradjat (vulknologi) dan Prof Suroso (pendidikan geologi). Selain 
itu juga semua para mantan Ketua IAGI diberikan Piagam Penghargaan. Juga 
pemberian penghargaan ini tidak ada beritanya

Sekian tanggapan saya

- Original Message - 

Sent: Monday, November 29, 2010 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Rekan-rekan IAGI,

Terima kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya.
Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award ini.
Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service Award, kata 
pentingnya adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya adalah 'to serve'. Dalam bahasa 
Indonesianya: melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG 
bisa berkembang karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar 
bahkan membayar (misalnya: membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya yang 
mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award ini malah bukan dari Asia Pacific 
Region, tetapi dari European Region.

WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG European Region untuk membuka 
student chapters dan mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu 
mahasiswa Eropa untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa 
yang mahasiswa Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di Indonesia memacu 
semangat mahasiswa-mahasiswa Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka Student 
Chapter, mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin 
mengucapkan terima kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menjadi 
teladan bagi mahasiswa di Eropa.

Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun 
1995 saya mendiskusikan mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan 
Indonesia (FOSI) dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis). FOSI 
kemudian diterima menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai membuat 
regional conference di ITB Bandung tahun 1999. Acara ini didukung penuh 
oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. Rekan M. Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang) 
dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside) adalah orang-orang yang berperan dalam 
melangsungkan kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' ini tercetus ide untuk 
menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, kemudian diterbitkan 
oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a. si Abah) memberikan kepercayaan 
untuk ide ini (pak Awang bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya berjuta-juta 
rupiah. Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk menerbitkan 
buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun saya juga banyak menyumbang 
tulisan kedalam buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter ditulis 
oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor buku 

Tahun 2005, AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai 
'region president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini 
tentunya menarik karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan otoritas untuk 
mengalokasikan dana, presenter, buku dlsb. Geovani Christopher, mantan 
AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific untuk 
membentuk SC.

Banyak sekali orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai 
aktifitas ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena 
e-mail ini akan menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada beberapa orang 
Indonesia lain yang pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau tidak 
salah Prof. R. P. Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima 
penghargaan pada tahun 1999. Pak Koesoema mungkin bisa konfirmasi.




From: F. Hasan Sidi

Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53


Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG

Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang

belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored i

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-28 Terurut Topik Herman.Darman
Rekan-rekan IAGI,

Terima kasih banyak atas ucapan selamat-nya. 
Saya ingin memberikan sedikit latar belakang mengenai award ini.
Kalau dilihat dari 'judul'-nya, Distinguished Service Award, kata pentingnya 
adalah SERVICE dan kata intinya adalah 'to serve'. Dalam bahasa Indonesianya: 
melayani, dan pelakunya adalah pelayan atau pembantu. AAPG bisa berkembang 
karena banyak 'pembantu-pembantu' yang tidak dibayar bahkan membayar (misalnya: 
membayar iuran anggota). Sebenarnya yang mengusulkan saya untuk menerima award 
ini malah bukan dari Asia Pacific Region, tetapi dari European Region. 

WAktu saya datang ke Eropa saya bantu AAPG European Region untuk membuka 
student chapters dan mengkoordinasikan tour lectures. Waktu membantu mahasiswa 
Eropa untuk membukan student chapters, saya memperlihatkan apa yang mahasiswa 
Indonesia lakukan. Aktifitas mahasiswa di Indonesia memacu semangat 
mahasiswa-mahasiswa Eropa untuk turut aktif dalam membuka Student Chapter, 
mengorganisasikan field trip, seminar dlsb. Jadi saya ingin mengucapkan terima 
kasih juga untuk mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menjadi teladan bagi mahasiswa 
di Eropa.

Awal dari keterlibatan saya di AAPG tentunya mulai dari Indonesia. Tahun 1995 
saya mendiskusikan mengenai pembentukan Forum Sedimentologiwan Indonesia (FOSI) 
dengan Prof. Yahdi Zaim (mantan pembimbing thesis). FOSI kemudian diterima 
menjadi seksi sedimentologi IAGI, dan mulai membuat regional conference di ITB 
Bandung tahun 1999. Acara ini didukung penuh oleh dosen2 dan mahasiswa2 ITB. 
Rekan M. Syaiful (sekjen IAGI sekarang) dan Hasan Sidi (Woodside) adalah 
orang-orang yang berperan dalam melangsungkan kegiatan FOSI. Dari 'conference' 
ini tercetus ide untuk menyusun buku An Outline of the Geology of Indonesia, 
kemudian diterbitkan oleh IAGI. Pak Yanto Sumantri (a.k.a. si Abah) memberikan 
kepercayaan untuk ide ini (pak Awang bilang ide jibaku), padahal biayanya 
berjuta-juta rupiah. Seingat saya dana yang dialokasikan oleh IAGI untuk 
menerbitkan buku ini bisa untuk beli mobil baru. Meskipun saya juga banyak 
menyumbang tulisan kedalam buku ini, orang sering lupa bahwa setiap chapter 
ditulis oleh penulis yang berbeda. Hasan Sidi juga terlibat sebagai co-editor 
buku ini.

Tahun 2005, AAPG minta saya untuk MEMBANTU Asia Pacific region sebagai 'region 
president'. Jabatan ini selesai tahun 2008. Kesempatan ini tentunya menarik 
karena sebagai PEMBANTU saya diberikan otoritas untuk mengalokasikan dana, 
presenter, buku dlsb. Geovani Christopher, mantan AAPG SC Trisakti, banyak 
membantu universitas2 lain di Asia Pacific untuk membentuk SC. 

Banyak sekali orang-orang Indonesia yang memberikan inspirasi mengenai 
aktifitas ini. Maaf saya tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu, karena e-mail ini 
akan menjadi sangat panjang. Setahu saya ada beberapa orang Indonesia lain yang 
pernah mendapatkan penghargaan dari AAPG. Kalau tidak salah Prof. R. P. 
Koesoemadinata dan G.A.S Nayoan juga menerima penghargaan pada tahun 1999. Pak 
Koesoema mungkin bisa konfirmasi.



From: F. Hasan Sidi
> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53
> To:
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG
Distinguished Service Award for HD
> In case ada yang
belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
> =
> AAPG awardees to be honored in
> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney
> Medal.
> Joining Shelton at the top of
this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
> Smith, exploration vice
president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
> independent geologist
in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
> Halbouty Outstanding
Leadership Award.
> Shelton and Smith are among the 42
award winners who have been
> announced by AAPG and who will be
recognized at the opening session of
> the 2011 AAPG Annual
Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.
AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
> science, the Association and the public.
> Among
Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
> digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued
> growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name
> recognizes the best contribution to the Search and
Discovery website
> over the year.
> Shelton
was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
> depositional environments to prospect definition.
> He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State
> mentoring many of his master's students to
distinguished careers.
> Wor

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-28 Terurut Topik yanto R.Sumantri


Selamat atas anugerah yang diberikan kepada Anda
Semoga lebih memacu lagi semangat Anda dalam berkarya baik bagi
perusahaan maupun untuk Negara NKRI.
Suatu kebangaan  bagi IAGI
bahwa salah seorang anggota nya mendapatkan penghargaan 
dari suatu
organisasi profesional bertaraf tinggi sepeeri AAPG.
Pesonally saya
bangga terhadap Andasejak Anda mau secara voluteer mempunyai prakras untuk
menyusun "buku geologi Indonesia" yang kita terbitkan pada thn

Bagaimana IAGI menghargai profesioanlisme dari anggotanya

POadahal sejak thn 1995- 2000 dan seterusnya , Komisi
Penghargaan dan Kehormatan - IAGI telah ada "blue print" nya.
So  tinggal menyempurnakan dan melaksanakan saja pak Ketum !

Mengapa takut untuk mencoba 

Begitu banyak tokoh
baik geoscientist maupun non yang telah memberikan sumbangsih bagi negara
melaui geologi/geoscience. 

si Abah

Pak Herman,
> Selamat atas anugerah award-nya.
> LL
> -Original
From: F. Hasan Sidi
> Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53
> To:
> Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG
Distinguished Service Award for HD
> In case ada yang
belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
> =
> AAPG awardees to be honored in
> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney
> Medal.
> Joining Shelton at the top of
this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
> Smith, exploration vice
president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
> independent geologist
in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
> Halbouty Outstanding
Leadership Award.
> Shelton and Smith are among the 42
award winners who have been
> announced by AAPG and who will be
recognized at the opening session of
> the 2011 AAPG Annual
Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.
AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
> science, the Association and the public.
> Among
Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
> digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued
> growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name
> recognizes the best contribution to the Search and
Discovery website
> over the year.
> Shelton
was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
> depositional environments to prospect definition.
> He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State
> mentoring many of his master's students to
distinguished careers.
> Working with ERICO and later
Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
> concept of
multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
> and
contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
> Mediterranean, Africa and China.
> Smith is the
fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
> Award,
given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.
> Interviews with both
Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
biographies and citations of all award winners will be
> included
in a future BULLETIN.
> Award winners announced by AAPG
and who will be honored along with
> Shelton and Smith in Houston
> Honorary Member Award
> Presented to
members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.
> Steven L. Veal, DCX
Resources, London, England.
> Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek
Energy, Houston.
> R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood,
> Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
> Barry
J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
> Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
> achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with
> intended emphasis on recent discovery.
Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.
> Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in
> County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central
Utah Overthrust
> Belt.
> Robert R. Berg Outstanding
Research Award
> AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a
singular achievement in
> petroleum geoscience research.

> Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.
> Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is
> regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest
> Distinguished Service Award
> Presented to those
who have distinguished themselves in singular and
> beneficial
long-term service to AAPG.
> Gretchen M. Gillis,
Schlumberger, Houston

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-28 Terurut Topik Leonard Lisapaly

Pak Herman, 

Selamat atas anugerah award-nya. 


-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Special Award
Presented to individuals and organizations whose area of work may not

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-28 Terurut Topik Toto Santosa
Congratulations buat mas Herman Darman.

-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi []
Sent: 26 Nopember 2010 13:53
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Special Award
Presented to individuals and organizations whose area of work may not
qualify for one of the existing

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-27 Terurut Topik Snow White
Selamat Pak Herman atas pencapaiannya.


- Original Message 
From: Surya Sudana 
Sent: Fri, 26 November, 2010 2:51:35 PM
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Congrat untuk Herman Darman.


-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.


RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-27 Terurut Topik Tius Sinyal
Congratz yach mas Herman, memang upayanya sejak dulu sudah terasah.
Jadi ingat 19 tahun yll mas HD ini buat maket miniatur morfologi daerah
mapping skripsinya ... (kreatif)
Gimana kabar Lamping dan vespa-nya mas ... 


sohib bang Bintang Indra (sipil'83)

-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik Reza Satria Nugraha
Selamat buat Mas Herman atas award yg diterima untuk distinguished and
outstanding contributions to geological education, both at the university
level and toward education of the general public.

Reza Satria Nugraha

-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and S

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik totokymt
Selamat buat Herman Darman..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 13:39:24 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Congratulation buat HD. Siapa menyusul? Salam, IAGI Pengda DIY
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 11:40:03 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Man lo memang mantaaph Maann...
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:50:07 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Selamat Kang Herman 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:29:30 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Selamat untuk Herman Darman. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik Maryanto
Selamat kepada p Herman Darman atas "AAPG Award".
Suatu level pencapain yang sangat tinggi.
Penulis banyak paper, termasuk buku "Out line of Indonesian Geology".


From: R.P.Koesoemadinata 
Sent: Fri, November 26, 2010 12:38:27 AM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Ucapan Selamat kepada Sdr. Herman Darman, (anggota IAGI yang sangat aktif) 
yang akan menerima AAPG Distinguished Service Award di AAPG convention yang 
akan datang di Houston (2011).
Sekali Selamat!
- Original Message - 
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

> In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
> =
> AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston
> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
> Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers
> Medal.
> Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
> Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
> independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
> Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.
> Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
> announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
> the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.
> AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
> annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
> science, the Association and the public.
> Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
> early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
> digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
> growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
> recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
> over the year.
> Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
> sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
> exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
> depositional environments to prospect definition.
> He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
> mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.
> Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
> concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
> and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
> Mediterranean, Africa and China.
> Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
> Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
> in the petroleum geosciences.
> Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
> EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
> included in a future BULLETIN.
> Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
> Shelton and Smith in Houston are:
> Honorary Member Award
> Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
> accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
> petroleum geology and to AAPG.
> Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
> Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
> R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
> Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
> Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
> Outstanding Explorer Award
> Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
> achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
> intended emphasis on recent discovery.
> Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.
> Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
> County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
> Belt.
> Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
> AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
> petroleum geoscience research.
> Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.
> Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
> regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
> Distinguished Service Award
> Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
> beneficial long-term service to AAPG.
> Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
> Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
> W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
> Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE 

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik budi . ardiyana
Selamat buat Mas Herman Darman atas award-nya...

Membuktikan kalau geologist indonesia pun sangat kompeten.


Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Special Award

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik premonowati
Congratulation buat HD. Siapa menyusul? Salam, IAGI Pengda DIY
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 11:40:03 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Man lo memang mantaaph Maann...
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:50:07 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Selamat Kang Herman 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:29:30 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Selamat untuk Herman Darman. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik kuntadn
Man lo memang mantaaph Maann...
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:50:07 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Selamat Kang Herman 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:29:30 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Selamat untuk Herman Darman. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.


Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik farwir
Selamat Kang Herman 
Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 10:29:30 
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Selamat untuk Herman Darman. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and Da

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik dharmayanti_dessy
Selamat untuk Herman Darman. 

Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®

-Original Message-
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 14:53:01 
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Special Award
Presented to individuals and organizations whose area of work may not
qualify for one of th

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik zaim
Herman Darman,

Geologi ITB

> In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...
> =
> AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston
> Shelton Named Powers Medalist
> Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
> awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers
> Medal.
> Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
> Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
> independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
> Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.
> Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
> announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
> the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.
> AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
> annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
> science, the Association and the public.
> Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
> early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
> digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
> growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
> recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
> over the year.
> Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
> sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
> exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
> depositional environments to prospect definition.
> He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
> mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.
> Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
> concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
> and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
> Mediterranean, Africa and China.
> Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
> Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
> in the petroleum geosciences.
> Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
> EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
> included in a future BULLETIN.
> Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
> Shelton and Smith in Houston are:
> Honorary Member Award
> Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
> accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
> petroleum geology and to AAPG.
> Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
> Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
> R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
> Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
> Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
> Outstanding Explorer Award
> Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
> achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
> intended emphasis on recent discovery.
> Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.
> Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
> County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
> Belt.
> Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
> AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
> petroleum geoscience research.
> Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.
> Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
> regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
> Distinguished Service Award
> Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
> beneficial long-term service to AAPG.
> Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
> Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
> W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
> Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
> Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
> Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
> Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
> Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
> John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
> Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
> Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
> geological education, both at the university level and toward
> education of the general public.
> Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
> long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
> largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
> Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.
> Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
> of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
> the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
> Special Award
> Presented to individuals and organizations whose area of work may not
> qual

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik hilman sobir
Bravo Herman.


- Original Message 
From: Sanggam Hutabarat 
To: "" 
Sent: Fri, 26 November, 2010 4:40:48 PM
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

Selamat ya Herman! ...turut bangga..


On Nov 26, 2010, at 10:53 AM, wrote:

Bravo Herman!!
We're proud of you..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Surya Sudana 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 07:51:35 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Congrat untuk Herman Darman.


-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contribution

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik Sanggam Hutabarat
Selamat ya Herman! ...turut bangga..


On Nov 26, 2010, at 10:53 AM, wrote:

Bravo Herman!!
We're proud of you..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Surya Sudana 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 07:51:35 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Congrat untuk Herman Darman.


-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training care

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik R.P.Koesoemadinata
Ucapan Selamat kepada Sdr. Herman Darman, (anggota IAGI yang sangat aktif) 
yang akan menerima AAPG Distinguished Service Award di AAPG convention yang 
akan datang di Houston (2011).

Sekali Selamat!
- Original Message - 
From: "F. Hasan Sidi" 

Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG’s highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year’s awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton’s achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association’s
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master’s students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG’s newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. “Rusty” Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
the U

Re: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-26 Terurut Topik yudieiskandar
Bravo Herman!!
We're proud of you..

Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

-Original Message-
From: Surya Sudana 
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2010 07:51:35 
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD
Congrat untuk Herman Darman.


-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas a

RE: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

2010-11-25 Terurut Topik Surya Sudana
Congrat untuk Herman Darman.


-Original Message-
From: F. Hasan Sidi [] 
Sent: Friday, November 26, 2010 1:53 PM
Subject: [iagi-net-l] AAPG Distinguished Service Award for HD

In case ada yang belum tahu berita dari Explorer bulan lalu ...


AAPG awardees to be honored in Houston

Shelton Named Powers Medalist
Professor, researcher and visionary geologist John W. Shelton has been
awarded the 2011 recipient of AAPG's highest honor, the Sidney Powers

Joining Shelton at the top of this year's awardees list is Daniel L.
Smith, exploration vice president for Sandalwood Oil and Gas and
independent geologist in Houston, who will receive the Michel T.
Halbouty Outstanding Leadership Award.

Shelton and Smith are among the 42 award winners who have been
announced by AAPG and who will be recognized at the opening session of
the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition April 10-13 in Houston.

AAPG awards, approved by the Executive Committee, are presented
annually to recognize individuals for service to the profession, the
science, the Association and the public.

Among Shelton's achievements over his career is his foresight in the
early 1990s to plan and implement AAPG Datapages, the Association's
digital library and publishing program. His leadership continued the
growth in the digital library, and an award is in his name that
recognizes the best contribution to the Search and Discovery website
over the year.

Shelton was an early developer of the concepts and application of
sedimentary petrology and depositional environments to petroleum
exploration, and at Shell Research was among the pioneers in applying
depositional environments to prospect definition.

He had a 20-year career as a professor at Oklahoma State University,
mentoring many of his master's students to distinguished careers.

Working with ERICO and later Masera, Shelton also was a pioneer in the
concept of multi-client studies and took lead roles as both director
and contributor on major projects in the North Sea, North Africa, the
Mediterranean, Africa and China.

Smith is the fifth recipient of the Halbouty Outstanding Leadership
Award, given in recognition of outstanding and exceptional leadership
in the petroleum geosciences.

Interviews with both Shelton and Smith will be published in a future
EXPLORER, and biographies and citations of all award winners will be
included in a future BULLETIN.

Award winners announced by AAPG and who will be honored along with
Shelton and Smith in Houston are:

Honorary Member Award
Presented to members who have distinguished themselves by their
accomplishments and through their service to the profession of
petroleum geology and to AAPG.

Steven L. Veal, DCX Resources, London, England.
Charles A. Sternbach, Star Creek Energy, Houston.
R. Randy Ray, R-3 Exploration, Lakewood, Colo.
Robert L. Countryman, Bakersfield, Calif.
Barry J. Katz, Chevron, Houston.
Outstanding Explorer Award
Presented to members in recognition of distinguished and outstanding
achievement in exploration for petroleum or mineral resources, with an
intended emphasis on recent discovery.

Douglas K. Strickland, Jayden Consulting, Oklahoma City.

Strickland is the principle discoverer of the Covenant Field in Sevier
County, Utah, the initial discovery within the central Utah Overthrust
Robert R. Berg Outstanding Research Award
AAPG's newest award, presented to honor a singular achievement in
petroleum geoscience research.

Ole Jacob Martinsen, Statoil ASA, Bergen, Norway.

Martinsen, the head of exploration research at StatoilHydro, is widely
regarded as one of the key geoscientists in northwest Europe.
Distinguished Service Award
Presented to those who have distinguished themselves in singular and
beneficial long-term service to AAPG.

Gretchen M. Gillis, Schlumberger, Houston.
Gina B. Godfrey, PetroWeb, Denver.
W.C. "Rusty" Riese, BP Alternative Energy, Houston.
Sigrunn Johnsen, RWE Dea Norge AS, Oslo, Norway.
Herman Darman, Shell International E&P, Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Rick L. Ericksen, Mississippi State Board of Registered Professional
Geologists, Jackson, Miss.
Deborah E. Ajakaiye, Houston.
John E. Ritter, Occidental Petroleum, Houston.
Grover E. Murray Distinguished Educator Award
Presented for distinguished and outstanding contributions to
geological education, both at the university level and toward
education of the general public.

Lawrence D. Meckel, L.D. Meckel and Company, Denver, honored for a
long teaching and training career for both companies and schools,
largely at the Colorado School of Mines.
Ronald J. Steel, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas.

Steel is both professor and David Centennial Chair at the University
of Texas at Austin, and Sixth-Century Chair of Sedimentary Geology at
the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
Special Award
Presented to individuals and organizations whose area of work may not
qualify for one of the ex