Re: Print Distribution and IP connected Devices

2007-08-23 Thread Bill Dodge
The best way (IMHO) is for the network group to establish a pool of static 
addresses for printers and to hard assign those addresses to the printers.  
Then to take it a step further to give them DNS entries so the IPADDR can be 
changed if necessary but your print distribution doesn't need to be changed.  
The problem with DHCP is that you need to wait for the printer to attach to the 
network and then go find out what IPADDR was assigned.  Then you have to go 
back and establish that address for the right printer in your distribution 
package.  The real FUBAR happens if DHCP leases expire and the netwwork goes 
down (like that never happens)or the printer goes offline for an extended 
period of time (What? Hardware breaks?  Go figure.).  Now as the printers 
attach to the network they will all undoubtedly have new IP adrresses - just 
the nature of the beast.
> Since I am not involved (unfortunately) with either the IP or Network part
> of this move, I am not as familiar with this problem as I would like.
> However, I believe that Hal has identified my issue.  They use DHCP to
> assign IP addresses.
> So what would be a better way.
> I am not familiar with why you would use DHCP vs. some other method.
> Is there a benefit or is there a better way.
> Thanks all for the help.  It is starting to look murky instead of just dark.
> Lizette
> > Ouch! That sounds like the network group expects to use DHCP to assign
> > IP addresses. And you (CA, actually) need static (pre assigned)
> > addresses.
> > 
> > Worse, the printer could be unexpectedly assigned a new IP address at
> > any time.

Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
Lewis Carroll
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown

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Re: Question about the listserv : Mail-syntax

2007-08-01 Thread Bill Dodge
 IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote:
> Maarten Slegtenhorst wrote:
> > The RFC 2646 ( aug 1999 ) is made obsolete by RFC 3676 ( feb 2004 )
> ;)
> >
> >   
> Is there any chance of getting this in clear English? Easy to follow
> examples, etc? 

Then it wouldn't be an RFC ;-)
Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
Lewis Carroll
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown

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Re: Who is the supplier of Favor?

2007-07-27 Thread Bill Dodge
 IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote:
> Hi List,
> Can anyone tell me the vendor of Favor.  I tried to Google Favor but no luck
> only hits that I saw was for party favors.
> Thanks
> Regards,
> Herman Stocker
> Technical Specialist
> Data Center Operations 

CA is the vendor for the FAVER product.
Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
Lewis Carroll
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown

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Re: [META] Is WaveMind spamming entire IBM-MAIN readership?

2007-05-24 Thread Bill Dodge
Me too.  I thought they got a copy of the WAVV registration list because I get 
a lot of unwanted solicitations right after WAVV every year.
Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
Lewis Carroll
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown 

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2007-04-04 Thread Bill Dodge
 IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote:
> As I have lost my old valuable (some criminal have been there...) xrefs
> for 
> what is now called CA-LIBRARIAN, I'm wondering if someone can either
> point 
> me to a link that have the (batch) commands documented or can send me 
> the docs.  I'm talking about commands/parms like "-OPT GPO", "-SCAN", 
> Thomas Berg   IT Utveckling   Swedbank AB (Publ) 


You can download the manuals from Support Connect.
Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
Lewis Carroll
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown 

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Re: Linux/ zVM question

2007-03-23 Thread Bill Dodge
 IBM Mainframe Discussion List  wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy White
> > Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 1:33 PM
> > Subject: Linux/ zVM question
> > 
> > 
> > first please don't flame me. I know this is to talk about 
> > z/OS not VM but
> > had a question. You can reply to me off-line if you want.
> > 
> > We are starting to run Linux under z/VM for applications we 
> > will be porting
> > over to it as away to consolidate work. Since my unit is 
> > responsible for
> > the mainframe and the OS we also do z/VM installs etc. I am 
> > asking for a
> > test environment for z/Vm so if new versions come out of 
> > Websphere/ Linux
> > or z/VM we have a place to put it on. The person doing it 
> > said no the best
> > thing to do is run the new version a second level VM system 
> > and we can test
> > anything new in it.
> > 
> > Im trying to find out for shops out there running z/VM do 
> > they have a test
> > platform as in separate LPAR or how are they handling this? 
> > What is best
> > practices in this area. I know for z/OS we have our test lab 
> > and sysplex
> > just for the system programmers.
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > Thanks!
> > 
> > Andy
> The best forum for this would be the VM list at:
> subscribe ibmvm Andy White
> Now, from what I've read, to test a new release of z/VM, most of them
> will run it under the current z/VM (second level as it is called).
> Testing of new z/Linux releases or applications is usually done by
> creating a new guest under the first level z/VM system.
> --
> John McKown
> Senior Systems Programmer
> HealthMarkets
> Keeping the Promise of Affordable Coverage
> Administrative Services Group
> Information Technology

And eventually you will probably want this one too.

subscribe linux-390 Andy White
Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there."
Lewis Carroll
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown 

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Re: MVS Licenses/MVS sites

2006-07-10 Thread Bill Dodge
 Edward E Jaffe wrote:
> I don't think so. IBM-Main participants represent only a fraction of the 
> mainframe community.

And some of us don't have shops but are here because we have clients who aren't 
on the list.

Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." Lewis 
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown 

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send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO
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Re: FW: COBOL Samples

2006-04-26 Thread Bill Dodge
I think we can be more helpful to this poor guy after all COBOL code won't help 
him, what he needs is executable code so here is a piece of an online program 
to make cash payments.

074A47FA  0008D237  C0A0501C  5851
121147B0  F1FE92C1  501947F0  F20292C1
500F982E  C0A058F1  92F3  F00D92F6
F00E41F0  002407FE  BFE8F550  41EE
BDE8F551  4770F2D4  9826C0A0  D20FC0A0
F2569240  C05DD201  C05EF542  92CCC05C
4100F276  5600F524  5000C0B0  41E0C0A0
BFE8F54A  0B0E58E0  D0E405EE  58E0C0B0
0B0E  58E0  D0E805EE  58E050B4
0B0E  5890  C05CD20E  9008F510

Bill Dodge
Phone: (703)627-2455 

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there." Lewis 
"If you don't know where you are, a map won't help" Unknown 

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