Re: Compiled SYSTEM Rexx exec
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Compiled SYSTEM Rexx exec
Hi List. We are zOS 1.12 shop. I compiled and linked a Rexx exec which is supposed to run under AXR (system Rexx), compile and link finished OK. After System Rexx server restated with the load dataset concatenated, I got: AXR0113I DATA SET S00.RCGAURD.SAXRLOAD ACCESSED THROUGH VOLSER(VPMVSE) HAS INCORRECT RECORD FORMAT How can I compile a Rexx exec that will run under the system Rexx server ? Thanks in advanced. Ed. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Hi. Thanks, Tried it but I'm getting IKJ56637I You attempted to run a command, program, CLIST, or REXX exec from an authorized environment. This is not supported under the Dynamic TSO Environment. and the program is under AUTHPGM... Any other ideas? Ed -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Hi List. I want to created an HCD report running from a system REXX environment The idea is to generate the report from the rexx, analyzing it and the issue some operator commands and analyze the output etc... (that is the reason I want to sysem rexx environment). As I know, the Rexx Script running under system rexx must me APF authorized I tried calling "CBDMGHCP" program from the script and got S047 (not APF authorized) Tried using "call *(XX)", with / without inserting the program to AUTHTSF, AUTHPGM ikjtsoxx member Added to the APF list everything I could think about (sys1.nucleus, sys1.scbd*) etc... Still Getting 047 abend. The Rexx: "/* Rexx */ address tso "alloc fi(HCDIODFS) da(sys1.iodf00) shr reu" "alloc fi(HCDRPT) da(SED.hcd.out) old reu" "alloc fi(HCDMLOG) da(SED.hcd.log) old reu" "call *(CBDMGHCP) 'REPORT, MEN ,'" exit 0 " The output: "SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=047 TIME=01.54.55 SEQ=00302 CPU= ASID=0040 PSW AT TIME OF ERROR 078D 99D0C432 ILC 2 INTC 6B ACTIVE LOAD MODULE ADDRESS=19D0 OFFSET=C432 NAME=AXRINPVT DATA AT PSW 19D0C42C - 5810D130 0A6BD713 D130D130 AR/GR 0: /19DA5C90 1: /000C 2: 0101003B/ 3: /D6D7C5D5 4: 0101003B/00FC4100 5: 0101003B/ 6: 0101003B/7F583000 7: /19D0C320 8: /7F586000 9: 01010039/3000 A: 0101003B/7F583006 B: /042CE8A8 C: /19D0CA14 D: /7F583100 E: /7F583000 F: /7F583320 END OF SYMPTOM DUMP AXR0500I AXREXX OUTPUT DISPLAY 649 EXECNAME=IOCP REQTOKEN=4000C978BA1F0FE1F0E2 . . IRX0250E System abend code 047, reason code . IRX0004I Error running IOCP, line 12: Program interrupted AXR0203I AXREXX INVOCATION OF IOCP FAILED. 651 RETCODE=0010 RSNCODE=042A1001 REQTOKEN=4000C978BA1F0FE1F0E2 DIAG1= DIAG2= DIAG3= DIAG4= " Any Ideas? Thanks in advanced. Ed. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Re: Interfacing with the MainFrame
Hi all. Many thanks for your answers (At least the ones that were trying to help) I am fully capable to develop and implement any solution I'll choose So scott if you don't mind I'll keep my bucks (-: , just want'ed to sense an interface direction from a few shops -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Re: Interfacing with the MainFrame
Hi. Thanks for your comments. Can you elaborate on the requirement on client side for using Web services? - Does in involve CICS / IMS DC? - Can you impement WEB service under AXR ? - Does the CICS should interface with TCP ? is this more eligible then FTP? - How would the Web Service can gather information such as operator output commands? - Is this common practice for most organizations ? for your organization ? Thanks again Ed. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Re: Interfacing with the MainFrame
Hi. I supposed that if an organization have FTP implemented getting the standard FTP authorizations such as FW, NETACCESS, PORTACCESS, STACKACCESS etc... The only "unique" user profile would be display commends (another option is to use surrogate and run with different user..) -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Re: Interfacing with the MainFrame
Hi Hal. Thanks for your comments... I will use the FTP just for lets say putting the Rexx in an AXR eligable dataset and using the exit make it run, gather information into a dataset and do an FTP get... something like that The volume of the data is not big so I suppose performance won't become an issue... What do you think? Any ideas / comments would be appreciated. Ed -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Re: Interfacing with the MainFrame
If I recall using SSH on the USS impose on the client to implement IBM ported tools which not all clients do... would it be a fare preq ? -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Re: Interfacing with the MainFrame
Many thanks for your answers. Let me provide some more information I intend that the interface will logon to the mainframe and issue some operator commands, read some members etc... gather information and send it to the open systems server for further analysis. The user which will be used for logon to the mainframe will have specific RACF/TSS/CA1 display only authorities and the server is on the organization intranet not an out side server. Having that, I am still looking for the preferred way for interfacing in a way that most organization will have no problem to authorize and using most common services available on most organizations (don't want to impose implementing other services as a preq) - that was the reason I was thinking on FTP and Rexx server... Any other comments / Ideas ? Thanks Ed. -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Interfacing with the MainFrame
Hi How would you prefer a product running on a server outside the mainframe will interface with the mainframe? Some Ideas i had: 1. Using a macro emulator that simulate a user which logon as a regular user, snap shot the screen display and parse the results on the open. 2. Using FTP exits in order to submit a job / moving a rexx to be ran under AXR etc... will this be a problem in your organization? Any other ideas would be appreciated... Ed -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN
Interfacing with the MainFrame
Hi How would you prefer a product running on a server outside the mainframe will interface with the mainframe? Some Ideas i had: 1. Using a macro emulator that simulate a user which logon as a regular user, snap shot the screen display and parse the results on the open. 2. Using FTP exits in order to submit a job / moving a rexx to be ran under AXR etc... will this be a problem in your organization? Any other ideas would be appreciated... Thanks Ed -- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN