Re: Converting SAS C to IBM C

2010-10-15 Thread Harry Wahl
Have you looked at Dignus ( ?
It really makes things much easier.
P.S. I use Dignus for my mainframe C/C++ work, but have no affiliation with 
 Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:05:26 -0400
 Subject: Converting SAS C to IBM C
 I apologize in advance if...
 1) This has already been discussed (I did not find it in the archives)
 2) This is not the proper forum for this question (but IBM-Main is always a 
 good place to start)
 We have a number of C programs that need to be converted from SAS to IBM. The 
 reason for this is because SAS has decided to drop support for their C/C++ 
 compiler, so we need to get our code onto a supported platform. When these 
 programs were written (10+ years ago), the SAS compiler was the best one 
 available. Now the IBM compiler has caught up, and may be even better. But it 
 still does not make the conversion any easier. Some of this code is pretty 
 complex, as it makes use of MVS facilities like WAIT and POST, plus much of 
 the code jumps back and forth between C and assembler language.
 If any of you have been down this road before, could you please point me to 
 some useful resources? There are plenty of IBM manuals, but I was looking for 
 something more like a porting guide specifically for those traveling this 
 path - something that addresses a specific SAS C extension, and describes how 
 to do the same thing in IBM C. Also, my C coding skills are a bit rusty, and 
 I would appreciate a forum or mailing list that provides help day-to-day 
 coding questions, specifically related to the IBM compiler.
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: Article on multi-code processors - does it apply to z196?

2010-09-30 Thread Harry Wahl
Take a look at Microsoft's Midori Operating System initiative. Also, Amdahl's 
Law in the multicore era.
 Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 12:01:33 -0500
 Subject: Article on multi-code processors - does it apply to z196?
 Of course, the article is all about Intel and Linux. But I wonder if similar 
 problems could occur on the 80 CP z196. If not, that would be a boon argument 
 to replace largely multi-core Intel with z!
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Re: Multiprise 3000 - fatal SE problems - help please!

2010-06-10 Thread Harry Wahl


Here is my opinion in the form of a WAG (Wild Ass Guess):


You're barking up the wrong tree. Based on what you describe, your software is 
fine; the SBC that runs OS/2 is running; your CPC is working; so I don't think 
this is an SE issue at all.


You don't need an activation profile to use the machine, it's more of a 
convenience. You do need to be able to do a POR, however. After that you can 
just IPL manually. If the CPC wasn't working you would be reading about it in 
your hardware log. What you describe is the SE is unable to issue control 
commands to the CPC and receive returned information.


What seems to be missing is control signalling between the SE and the CPC. The 
SE and the CPC are working and communicating, but control signalling is DOA.


You probably have a missing, loose or removed signal cable. Some cables inside 
IBM mainframes are not what they seem (actually most), IBM sometimes uses 
connectors that are common in PCs for entirely different purposes. Do not 
assume, based on physical form factor, that you know what a cable or connector 
is used for. 


I'm a design engineer, not a CE so I don't know what cable it would be, but 
somewhere along the backplane where the OS/2 SBC is seated there should be a 
cable coming from another card on the same backplane that runs to the part of 
the frame where the CPC board is. That cable is probably your problem.


If the machine was just moved, the cable may have just come loose.





 Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2010 12:28:12 -0500
 Subject: Re: Multiprise 3000 - fatal SE problems - help please!
 Try resetting service mode and log in as sysprog. There are some things a CE 
 is not supposed to do.
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf 
 Of Michael Ross
 Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:49 AM
 Subject: Re: Multiprise 3000 - fatal SE problems - help please!
 On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 11:27:36 -0500, Hal Merritt 
 Logged-in as SYSPROG and SERVICE, rebooted and power-cycled a few dozen times!
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Re: port from z/OS to z/VSE

2010-05-18 Thread Harry Wahl

You should try to contact Jerry McCarthy at QMSI ( He wrote 
some amazing code that uses z/OS like PC calls on z/VSE. He coded the internals 
of QMSI's postal software (CASS software, a replacement for Group I's 
mainframe) to run on z/OS or z/VSE and it uses PC calls.

Initially he used XPCC but found its overhead too high for the performance 
requirements of his application. 

He alluded to it on this list in July 2009:

The code he ended writing is very clever and one of the reasons QMSI's postal 
software is so fast.

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Re: The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2010

2010-02-02 Thread Harry Wahl


 Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 14:11:30 +0200
 Subject: Re: The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2010
 I got it directly from them.
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf 
 Of Dell'Anno, Aurora
 Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 1:41 PM
 Subject: The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook 2010
 Hope you will find this useful!
 Aurora Emanuela Dell'Anno
 Sr. Engineering Services Architect
 Tel:  +44 (0)1753 577 733
 Mobile:  +44 (0)7768 235 339
 P please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to!
 Dear Colleagues
 The 2010 edition of the celebrated Arcati Mainframe Yearbook is now
 available to view or download (free of charge). It includes:
 * Mainframe Strategy - a selection of views from industry gurus and
 * The 2010 Mainframe User Survey - an analysis of the profile, plans,
 and priorities of mainframe users.
 * Vendor Directory - vendors, consultants, and service providers in the
 z/OS environment.
 * A media guide for IBM mainframers - information resources,
 publications, and user groups for the z/OS environment.
 * Glossary of Terminology - definitions of some mainframe-related terms.
 * Technical information - z10 model tables; mainframe hardware timeline
 1952-2010; mainframe operating system development
 Just click on
 Many thanks to the Yearbook sponsors, who are listed below. Please take
 time to visit their Web sites.
 Best regards
 Mark Lillycrop
 Publisher, The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook
 Arcati Ltd
 Thanks to the Yearbook sponsors:
 Change the Way You Manage the Mainframe Forever
 See, hear and read how CA's Mainframe 2.0 initiative helps drive down
 mainframe ownership costs while making it easier for IT staff with no
 mainframe experience to get maximum functionality out of the platform -
 without sacrificing mainframe's legendary security and performance!
 DataKinetics has proven itself a trusted vendor to many of the world's
 largest financial institutions, insurance companies and retailers. Let
 DataKinetics help you improve transaction rates, while reducing costs,
 without risky migration or expensive upgrades. We're saving money for
 20% of the Fortune 50, and we can help you save money too. is a forum for exchanging news, views and information
 related to creating an open market for IBM-compatible mainframe
 solutions. For the latest news and resources on the open mainframe
 marketplace, visit
 Progress Software Corporation is a global software company that enables
 enterprises to be operationally responsive to changing conditions and
 customer interactions as they occur. The company offers a comprehensive
 portfolio of best-in-class infrastructure software spanning event-driven
 visibility and real-time response, open integration, data access and
 integration, and application development and deployment.
 Software Diversified Services (SDS) creates first-rate network and
 security tools for z/OS networks.
 VitalSigns for IP (VIP) is the most complete and efficient IP monitor
 VitalSigns for FTP provides easy, snap-in security for file transfers to
 and from z/OS.
 Net-Examine secures SNA and Enterprise Extender. Get a no-cost z/OS
 security evaluation from
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 החברה או שמה המודפס ובצירוף חותמת החברה. בהעדר מסמך כאמור (לרבות מסמך סרוק) 
 המצורף להודעת דואר אלקטרוני זאת, אין לראות באמור בהודעה אלא משום טיוטה לדיון, 
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Re: Mainframe hacking

2009-07-27 Thread Harry Wahl
Does anyone here recall any published news articles or incidents
involving mainframe hacking (any flavor of VM, VSE or MVS)?  Do you
personally know of any incidents?
(Warning this may be a site for hackers, firewalls may object)

Search for text starting at Virus Helped United States Win Gulf War

The technique that is discussed there is now rumored to be applied by using
infected graphic cards' firmware, not printers. It was also rumored that the
3174 communications controller had a hack that would allow surreptitious
access. Monitors or 3270 class terminals have been injected with devices
that send a radio signal containing an image of whatever is displayed on the
screen including non-display fields (allegedly). 

Finally, on a different, but related note, there have been rumors that the
z/Series encryption implementation has been misdirected for use to crack
encrypted data.

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Re: IBM Software Secure Support via USA Citizens

2009-06-16 Thread Harry Wahl
I think this is being misconstrued.
There are caveats in the Stimulus Package (3.4 trillion dollars of spending) 
requiring that the money not be granted to projects not using resources in the 
United States. This is fair considering that the money is being spent to 
stimulate the American economy.
I suspect IBM wants to create a supply channel for products and services that 
is obviously and unambiguously compliant with this so that IBM (and companies 
that sub-contract to it) is clearly eligible for Stimulus Package projects.
 Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:01:54 -0400
 Subject: IBM Software Secure Support via USA Citizens
 Who ever thought that software support by US Citizens would be a selling
 IBM Software Secure Support via USA Citizens
 IBM(r) Software Secure Support via USA Citizens (Software Secure
 Support) provides a software support option that is performed
 exclusively by U.S. citizens located in the United States. Data analysis
 and call data will be contained in an isolated network within a facility
 that meets U.S. Government security specifications. It provides standard
 software support that complements your prerequisite base IBM software
 support service.
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Re: Wait under CICS

2009-06-05 Thread Harry Wahl

Invoke a stored procedure with a wait in it.


 Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2009 16:28:57 +0100
 Subject: Re: Wait under CICS
 I have just gotten a panicy request from an applications group who are
 getting -911 SQL abends under CICS.
 These are of course timeouts.
 They want some way to wait n seconds and retry.
 Simple, sez you - but the kicker is that it is highly desirable the
 relevant programs in these applications not contain EXEC CICS statements,
 for reasons which are basically down to wanting to share source code across
 the batch and CICS environments.
 They want a CALLable subprogram to do the job.
 We are at z/OS 1.8 so CEE3DLY CEE3DLYM are not yet available
 ILBOWAT0 and BPX1SLP are AFAIK not useable under CICS, nor are things like
 I can't see how to do it.
 So, has anyone got any bright ideas???
 Andy Robertson
 This email is confidential and may contain copyright material of the John 
 Lewis Partnership. 
 If you are not the intended recipient, please notify us immediately and 
 delete all copies of this message. 
 (Please note that it is your responsibility to scan this message for 
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Re: Crazy VSAM question

2009-05-05 Thread Harry Wahl

I don’t know the details of your situation so I’m just tossing
out ideas here:

If the AIX doesn’t have to be upgradable, build the alternate
index manually, excluding from the AIX any alternate index entries with low
values keys.  Depending upon your
application, this may even work with an upgradable AIX.

You might be able to use the obsolete parameter “KEYRANGES”
on your AIX definition to exclude low value key entries on the alternate index.

You could use a range of values instead of just low values
to indicate an absent AIX key: set aside a range of values that will not occur 
a non-absent key. For example, x’00’  followed with a binary timestamp.

You could define an exceptionexit (on the Cluster or AIX) and code a 
work-around within
it or at least avoid a lot of application changes.

Combinations of the above suggestions.


 Date: Mon, 4 May 2009 10:37:18 -0500
 Subject: Crazy VSAM question
 A programmer has posed this question to me. My response, so far, has been
 no way. But I'll ask the truly knowledgeable here.
 We have a KSDS with an AIX. The data in the field which defines the
 alternate keys is sometimes unknown and coded as LOW-VALUES (0x00's).
 Well, this has lead to a problem where the number of base records for the
 unknown value is often quite huge and exceeds the maximum allowable record
 size on the AIX. This causes the base record add or update to fail. What the
 programmer wants is a way to tell VSAM that if the AIX key is 0x00s, that it
 is not necessary to update the AIX at all. I cannot think of any way to do 
 Any clever ideas?
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Re: Old discussion about Windows running on a mainframe ( I brought up)

2009-03-24 Thread Harry Wahl
Platform Solutions, Inc. had this technology and much more. Their technology is 
now IBM's.


Many people accuse IBM of acquiring PSI to stifle competition, but this is a 
great disservice to the engineers at PSI, particularly former Amdahl engineers, 
who are now bound to silence by NDAs.


IBM may see the virtualization of Windows onto z architecture as strategic; 
both as servers and workstations and its acquisition of PSI reflects this.


From what little Mantissa has disclosed, their approach, IMHO, is inherently 
flawed. Their SHARE presentation seemed to be little more than an obfuscated 
discourse on virtualization in general. Even if their approach works, it would 
have been better, architecturally, to emulate an Itanium for Windows hosting 
because of the nature of the Itanium’s instruction parallelism.


A more sensible approach would be to look at creating a Windows HAL (hardware 
abstraction layer), or something conceptually similar, that runs on z/Series. 
Historically, this is how Windows has been made to run on different machine 
architectures. Of course, cooperative development between IBM and Microsoft 
would be necessary.


Another possibility is to exploit the Infiniband feature of the z/10. This 
feature is profound in terms of 360-z/series evolution, but has been largely 
ignored, so far. 


Infiniband attached external hardware products that expose x86 architecture 
processors, from Intel or IBM itself (or maybe even Intel Larrabee), is an 
ideal way to run Windows on IBM mainframes.



In the interest of disclosure, I have worked for both IBM and PSI, but the 
opinions I express here are complete conjecture.



 Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2009 21:08:01 -0700
 Subject: Old discussion about Windows running on a mainframe ( I brought up)
 Will Big Blue mainframes run Windows?
 Track this topic Print story Post comment
 z/VMs get Microsoft rumor
 By Timothy Prickett Morgan • Get more from this author
 Posted in Servers, 23rd March 2009 22:34 GMT
 Whitepaper download - Eight CRM essentials
 An obscure mainframe software company called Mantissa Corporation bragged 
 last summer on the IBM VM listserv - which is dedicated to virtual mainframe 
 environments - that it was creating a product called z/VOS that would allow 
 slices of a Windows operating system to run atop z/VM, the 
 hypervisor-as-operating system for IBM mainframes. The product was due in the 
 first quarter of this year, and the story of its impending release has been 
 making the rounds.
 According to a report in NetworkWorld, Mantissa's z/VOS, presumably short for 
 Virtual Operating System, is a layer of software for VM that allows desktop 
 and server Windows operating systems to run in emulated mode atop z/VM. 
 Mantissa - which is based in Birmingham, Alabama, and which is a supplier of 
 report distribution and other tools for mainframes - talked about the z/VOS 
 product at the SHARE mainframe user conference in early March in Austin, 
 Texas. But that was not the same thing as a product launch.
 We've tried to reach the company for several days, but Mantissa has yet to 
 While IBM and the Linux community for mainframes centered around Marist 
 College in New York have worked to get official mainframe ports done for 
 Linux - Red Hat and Novell officially support mainframes, if you can write a 
 big enough check to get support - there is no native Windows port to IBM 
 mainframes as far as I know. So, the real curiosity is how Mantissa is 
 supporting Windows XP or Vista atop z/VM partitions.
 According to the company's development blog, z/VOS includes a translation 
 engine that converts native x86 code to its System z equivalent. See how 
 easy that was? As it translates equivalent results - not creating equivalent 
 machine code, mind you - the instruction that is created by z/VOS is stored 
 in memory so it can be accessed the next time the operating system function 
 inside Windows running on the mainframe is asked for again.
 Since Gary Dennis, Mantissa's chief executive officer and founder - and other 
 we've called - are not answering their phones, it is a little hard to take 
 the company seriously. But if it can indeed deliver a layer of abstraction 
 software atop z/VM that lets Windows desktops and servers run on mainframe 
 iron, the company should probably think about getting someone to answer the 
 phones and maybe a salesperson or two to try to take some orders. If the x86 
 translation overhead is not too high, this could be a very interesting 
 development - and one that Big Blue would seem pretty keen on supporting, not 
 quashing. ®
 AT least these people 

Re: Virtual Storage implementation

2007-08-30 Thread Harry Wahl
Virtual is one of those overused technical words like interface. For a language 
with so many words with such subtle meanings, English speakers really do have 
the lingual facilities to do better than to constantly reuse the same word for 
different innovations.
That notwithstanding, with so many technical implementations being called 
virtual today, it is sometimes necessary to define which context of virtual 
you are referring to in any given situation.
Once this is established, you must take all the other virtuals that might be 
bandied about and store them someplace out of mind. That place would be called 
virtual storage.

I hope this clears things up.

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