Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-23 Thread Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n
Hi Bill,
Actually call flow is like below:
Enterprise Cobol - Assembler V2 (566896201)
 - High Level Assembler (569623400)
 - OS/VS Cobol (5740CB103)
 - Enterprise Cobol (5655G5300)

There are about 20 different program calls which are Assembler V2 and HLASM.
Assembler programs were last compiled at 1992(as they are part of a product)
and i think they are not LE-conforming.

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Bill Klein
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2008 7:19 AM
Subject: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

previous notes snipped

With all the posts, I don't know if anyone has actually posted the
references for the full discussion on this topic in existing Migration

If you previously used the OS/VS COBOL run-time library, please read:

If you previously used the VS COBOL II run-time library, please read

As I *think* that previous notes from the  OP indicated that the application
had the following flow to it:
  Enterprise COBOL - Assembler - OS/VS COBOL

and I still haven't heard whether the Assembler is LE enabled or not and
exactly HOW the Assembler calls (loads? whatever?) the OS/VS COBOL
program, then you should also read

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Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-21 Thread Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n
Hi Bill,
1 VS Cobol Program is actually OS/VS Cobol (amblist shows 5740CB103 as
compiler version). Program compilation details are like:

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Bill Klein
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 9:35 PM
Subject: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

When you say
  1 VS COBOL program

Do you mean VS COBOL II or OS/VS COBOL?  If it is OS/VS COBOL, then this may
WELL be part of the problem.

However, for either VS COBOL II or OS/VS COBOL, was the program compiled
with RES or NORES?  (You can use COBANAL or Edge Portfolio to find this
out).  If you have ANY NORES program mixed in with an Enterprise COBOL
application, you are into the wonderful world of MIXRES and things can get
VERY funny.  I can (relatively) easily imagine that this may well lead to
problems with different locations for SCEERUN.

If your VS COBOL (OS/VS COBOL or VS COBOL II) program is compiled with
NORES, then I suggest recompiling with RES and seeing if this fixes the

Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 It is a DB2 Cobol program and make calls to other programs compiled with
 ASM, Enterprise Cobol and 1 VS Cobol program.

 We think that there is a problem with the program (ie. Not closing
 properly etc.) But we cannot understand why does it work with CEE.SCEERUN
 JOBLIB and doesn't work when it needs to call it from LNKLST.

 Thanks and regards.

 Mürsel Tasgin
 BT Sistem Yönetimi
 Yönetici Yardimcisi

 Akbank Genel Müdürlügü
 Sabanci Center 34330, Istanbul
 Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
 Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Of Mark Zelden
 Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 7:17 PM
 Subject: Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

 On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:04:51 -0500, Chase, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  When we remove CEE.SCEERUN joblib statement from the JCL, the job
 abends with C03:
 Note the message ID:  It's a TSO message.  Leads me to believe more
 needs to be known about just how the program is invoked.  Seems that
 it's not via normal batch JCL; i.e., it's not via

 Perhaps its a DB2 COBOL program.  But that shouldn't matter.  It should
 run without the JOBLIB all things being equal.

 Mark Zelden
 Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
 Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
 z/OS Systems Programming expert at
 Mark's MVS Utilities:

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baska bir kisiye açiklamayiniz, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayiniz. Bu mesaj
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degistirilebilecektir.Bu mesajin içerigi Bankamizin resmi görüslerini
yansitmayabileceginden Akbank T.A.S. hiçbir hukuki sorumlulugu kabul etmez.

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belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir finansal işlem teklifi, alımı

Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-21 Thread Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n
Hi Rick,
Thanks for this valuable information.
Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Rick Arellanes
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 8:53 PM
Subject: Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

In the case of normal COBOL termination (e.g., GOBACK from main, STOP RUN,
etc.) or abnormal COBOL termination (e.g., abend with TRAP(ON) in effect),
COBOL will attempt to close any files that were left open and the C03 abend
will be avoided. However, if an assembler program dynamically loads a COBOL
program that opened a file and did not close it and then the assembler
program deletes the COBOL program, this is where a C03 abend can occur.
The COBOL Migration Guide says that unpredictable results may occur in
certain cases if a COBOL program was SVC LOADed and then subsequently
SVC DELETEd (the C03 abend is one of these unpredictable results).

The COBOL library does not make any distinction as to where the library
routines are loaded. However, I have seen cases before that when modules
are loaded from different locations (STEPLIB, JOBLIB, LINKLSK, LPA, etc.),
they may get loaded in different areas of storage. This would cause a DCB to
be getmained at a different address. Then, when the COBOL program is
deleted and if the DCB also gets freed (but the storage is not reused), the
task termination code could still find the DCB in storage and can close
file successfully. However, if the DCB stoage got reused after the DCB was
freed, task termination would no longer find the DCB in storage and would
issue the C03 abend.

So, seeing the C03 abend when putting the SCEERUN library in LPA or LINKLST
vs. STEPLIB or JOBLIB may not actually be the cause of the problem, but
rather may have just exposed the problem due to the way that storage was
allocated and freed. It could be that your application was just lucky in not
getting the abend until now when the storage usage was different.

The correct solution is to always close your files before ending the
It that is not possible for some reason, then do not delete the COBOL
that was SVC loaded by an assembler program until after the COBOL
environment has terminated.

Rick Arellanes
IBM COBOL Development

-Original Message-
On Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:00:50 +0300, Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n

It is a DB2 Cobol program and make calls to other programs compiled with
ASM, Enterprise Cobol and 1 VS Cobol program.

We think that there is a problem with the program (ie. Not closing datasets
properly etc.) But we cannot understand why does it work with
JOBLIB and doesn't work when it needs to call it from LNKLST.

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taþgýn
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardýmcýsý

Akbank Genel Müdürlüðü
Sabancý Center 34330, Ýstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

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lütfen göndericiye bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye 
açıklamayınız, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj aksi sözleşme ile 
belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir finansal işlem teklifi, alımı, satımı veya 
herhangi bir havalenin teyidi gibi bankacılık işlemi yapılması amacını 
taşımamaktadır.Verilen tüm bilgilerin doğruluğu ve bütünlüğünün garantisi 
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hiçbir hukuki sorumluluğu kabul etmez.

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Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-20 Thread Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n
Hi John,
Previously we searched duplicate module names manually, but your suggestion
is much quicker. But we again couldn't find any duplicate module names for
the CEE.SCEERUN dataset and other lnklst datasets.

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of John McKown
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 10:20:44 -0500, Roach, Dennis

The cause could be ANY duplicate module in SCEERUN that is in LPA or ahead
of SCEERUN in linklist that gets invoked, directly or indirectly, by the
executing program.

And ... MXI LPD * displays what's in the current, in VStorage, active

Further to that thought, you should also check for MLPAs or dynamic LPA
updates (via SETPROG).


I find duplicates using DDLIST in ISPF. On any command line, enter DDLIST.
Then enter LINKLIST to add the current LNKLST to the display. Then enter
ONLY LINKLIST to exclude all other allocations. Then enter DUPLICATES to see
what is duplicated and where the duplicates exist.


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lütfen göndericiye bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye 
açıklamayınız, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj aksi sözleşme ile 
belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir finansal işlem teklifi, alımı, satımı veya 
herhangi bir havalenin teyidi gibi bankacılık işlemi yapılması amacını 
taşımamaktadır.Verilen tüm bilgilerin doğruluğu ve bütünlüğünün garantisi 
verilmemekte olup, önceden bildirilmeksizin değiştirilebilecektir.Bu mesajın 
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Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-20 Thread Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n
It is a DB2 Cobol program and make calls to other programs compiled with
ASM, Enterprise Cobol and 1 VS Cobol program.

We think that there is a problem with the program (ie. Not closing datasets
properly etc.) But we cannot understand why does it work with CEE.SCEERUN in
JOBLIB and doesn't work when it needs to call it from LNKLST.

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mark Zelden
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: C03 abend when omitting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:04:51 -0500, Chase, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When we remove CEE.SCEERUN joblib statement from the JCL, the job
abends with C03:

Note the message ID:  It's a TSO message.  Leads me to believe more
needs to be known about just how the program is invoked.  Seems that
it's not via normal batch JCL; i.e., it's not via



Perhaps its a DB2 COBOL program.  But that shouldn't matter.  It should
run without the JOBLIB all things being equal.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America / Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO
z/OS Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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lütfen göndericiye bilgi veriniz, mesajı siliniz ve içeriğini başka bir kişiye 
açıklamayınız, herhangi bir ortama kopyalamayınız. Bu mesaj aksi sözleşme ile 
belirtilmedikçe herhangi bir finansal işlem teklifi, alımı, satımı veya 
herhangi bir havalenin teyidi gibi bankacılık işlemi yapılması amacını 
taşımamaktadır.Verilen tüm bilgilerin doğruluğu ve bütünlüğünün garantisi 
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içeriği Bankamızın resmi görüşlerini yansıtmayabileceğinden Akbank T.A.Ş. 
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Re: C03 abend when omiting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

2008-10-20 Thread Mürsel Ta#351;g#305;n
Hi Denis,
CEE.SCEERUN is the last of 4 datasets in JOBLIB statement. 3 datasets prior
to CEE.SCEERUN are datasets application developers' load libraries.

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Roach, Dennis
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:28 PM
Subject: Re: C03 abend when omiting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

When you pull SCEERUN from the JOBLIB/STEPLIB/tasklib DD statement, what is
left? If there was anything after it, those libraries will now be searched

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mürsel Tasgin (BT Isletim ve Teknik Destek Bölümü)
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: C03 abend when omiting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

Hi Mark,
We are at zOS 1.9. We put CEE.SCEERUN at the top of LNKLST and activate a
new set of LNKLST. We searched LPA and MLPA datasets as well for a module
same name with the ones in CEE.SCEERUN but didn't find any.

Is there a quick way (a parameter or tracer) to list or report which call
sequence occurs during the execution of our problematic batch program?

Thanks and regards.

Mürsel Taşgın
BT Sistem Yönetimi
Yönetici Yardımcısı

Akbank Genel Müdürlüğü
Sabancı Center 34330, İstanbul
Tel: + 90 212 385 53 85
Faks: +90 212  282 62 76

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
Of Mark Zelden
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: C03 abend when omiting CEE.SCEERUN from JCL

On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 17:18:20 +0300, Mürsel Taşgın (BT İşletim ve Tek
nik Destek Bölümü) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Mark,
We checked the CEE.SCEERUN dataset again to be sure. CEE.SCEERUN in
LNKLST and the one coded inside JCL are exactly the same(no volser is
coded and
dataset is accessed via MCAT). When we searched CEEBINIT it is found in
CEE.SCEERUN as well.

One further investigation; we listed all the module names and aliases
that reside in LNKLST datasets and try to find if there are any common
module names of aliases that are in different physical datasets. There
are no module names or alias names that reside in CEE.SCEERUN and any
inside linklist (regardless of dataset's position in LNKLST).

Thanks and regards.

Did you check LPA also when using ISRDDN?  If so, then get a dump and open a
PMR with IBM.

Just out of curisosity, what OS level is this for?

I am assuming someone didn't just apply the LE support for that level of
COBOL to the LE lib in the LNKLST.  If they did, of course you would need an
UPDATE of that library  / REFRESH.

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead Zurich North America /
Farmers Insurance Group - ZFUS G-ITO mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] z/OS
Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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