Re: What part of z/OS is the OS?

2006-08-29 Thread Wade Curry
Daniel A. McLaughlin([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 08:24:54AM -0400:
 So which part of Windows is the OS?
 File handling
 Obviously it's a sum of its parts, as is Z/OS, Z/VM, Linux, Unix...and so 
 on. If a component is removed and renders it useless. it would seem to be, 
 IMHO, that it is germane to the OS. Can you work without JES, or a like 
 function? Not very well.

This comment pretty much encapsulated my thoughts.  The Windows GUI
isn't part of the OS *functionality*, but has become part of the OS
*code base*.  I could certainly digress into the technical reasons
this is undesireable, and what about it was prompted by lousy
ethics, but I'll resist.

With respect to MVS, when I see these blurry lines I have to wonder
which parts actually provide the core OS functionality.  I tend to
think of that functionality along similar lines as those Lindy and
others mentioned ... The software that 
1) enables the devices to be used at all
2) provides the API for accessing those resources 
3) schedules the access to the hardware
That doesn't eliminate all the fuzziness, but I don't like to stray
to far from that when defining the term OS.

Where IBM might like for their customers to think of the OS as the
entire package solution,  it seems reasonable to me to discard that
notion long enough to ask which parts actually provide that core

After four years in operations, I've pushed myself pretty hard to
understand the system beyond batch and online systems (and beyond
what our other operators learn, for that matter), but I still don't
know many of the components, yet.  So, I wonder along with Lindy
which parts are the OS, and which are not.

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr., ATT
San Diego, CA

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Re: What part of z/OS is the OS?

2006-08-29 Thread Wade Curry
Daniel A. McLaughlin([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 08:24:54AM -0400:
 So which part of Windows is the OS?
 File handling
 Obviously it's a sum of its parts, as is Z/OS, Z/VM, Linux, Unix...and so 
 on. If a component is removed and renders it useless. it would seem to be, 
 IMHO, that it is germane to the OS. Can you work without JES, or a like 
 function? Not very well.

I meant to address one more thing in my previous post.  When you
ask which parts would disable the system when removed, it isn't
as practical as it may seem.  The parts that your business relies
on might not be part of the OS.  If your mission-critical wintel
application /shudder requires the GUI, does that make the GUI
part of the OS?  If you were to remove the programs that comprise
the GUI would the computer become unuseable?  Windows (in it's
current incarnation) probably would fail to be useable without the
GUI, but that still wouldn't indicate that it is part of the OS in
my opinion.

This removal = uselessness criteria would be useful if the issues
were not conflated by the users' definition of useless and the
mixing of OS and non-OS functionality in the system software.  (Each
case would need to be evaluated separately.  I'm not making any
judgement with that statement.)

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr., ATT
San Diego, CA

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Re: How to Submit and monitor a Job?

2006-08-11 Thread Wade Curry
Michael Knigge([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 07:08:36AM -0500:
 What is it you need to do once it ends? Do *you* just need to know that
 it has run? Do you need to do something once it runs? Do you need to
 know how it completed?
 Well, currenty I only need to submit the job and need the information that
 it ended.
 But I guess in the near future I need more: is it running, which step and
 how it ended/abended.
 I could use the internal reader, but the problem is that I don't get back
 the Jobid of the job and so I can't check (even not by looking into SDSF) if
 the submitted job has started.

I don't know if this is an installation-specific feature or not...
I'm able to add a parm to the jobcard like this:  NOTIFY=SYSUID
I will then get console messages telling me when it has completed
and what the CC was.  An actual userid can be used, of course.
Using the symbolic allows the message to go to whomever submitted
the job.

In addition,  using ROUTE XEQ will let me know when the job was
submitted, and when it is complete, using console messages once

Those only provide the very minimal information that you need at
this point.  It's a starting place, though.

Wade Curry

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Re: Using Java in batch on z/OS?

2006-06-02 Thread Wade Curry
McKown, John : Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 01:28:50PM -0500:
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hunkeler Peter
  They are not useless. Real shops are saving real dollars! Just
  ask any shop that has zAAPs and runs WebSphere or SAP on z/OS.
  IMHO, it's just plain stupid marketing driven nonsense. z/OS
  MVS has proven to be superior in managing very diverse
  workloads with a single pool of processors. As of now it has to
  manage three processor pools, three work queues,... I wonder
  what the next speciality engine (what a terribly misleaging
  term) will be.
  Wrong approach, IBM. 
 I must respectfully disagree. It is not stupid marketting by
 IBM. It is smart marketting by IBM. Why? Because although IBM
 started the tiered pricing it is now endemic in the market. IBM
 is trying to allow companies to legally upgrade their CPU power
 without getting hit for software upgrade fees by other companies.

 However, I do agree that the entire tiered pricing is a
 millstone on the zSeries. I understand the why of it. But
 something better is required so that a company can run cost
 effective software while the software vendors make a reasonable
 profit. Unfortunately, I don't like anything that I've seen as a
 proposed replacement. /...

if you (John) or anyone else really does understand the why of
tiered pricing (beyond just having an efficient way to extract
money) I'd really like to hear it.  That sounded sufficiently
sarcastic that I probably need to say that this is a serious
question.  Did/does IBM perceive a benefit to the *customer* as a
result of tiered pricing... past or present?  I've been in the
mainframe world for 4 years, and that lack of exposure/experience
is showing, I'm afraid.

Frankly, pricing per MIPS sounds fundamentally unethical to me.
But since I've never been involved in purchasing a mainframe, I
can't say I see the big picture.  I still see it as the purchase of
a large asset, like a house.  No one would charge you $10,000 less
if you promise to brick-off the door to the second or third
bedroom. And actually, I'm assuming the price/MIPS is a recurring
fee.  Perhaps it's just an up-front pricing scheme to induce a
company to upgrade with at least a partial CP?

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc.
San Diego, CA

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Pricing model (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)

2006-06-02 Thread Wade Curry
R.S.([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 10:25:01PM +0200:
 IMHO the truth is in the middle. It is wise to encourage people
 to *start using mainframe* - that's why the price for the special
 engines is low. It is also wise to keep current incomes from
 legacy users unaffected - that's why regualr CP's are still
 expensive and subject to software fees (MSU base).  The idea is
 clear: if you want to run Linux, then you have a choice, you are
 not doomed to mainframe. So, IBM want to make z/Platform more
 attractive. Effect: IFL.  Similar idea for JAVA workload, since
 JAVA is (more or less) platform independent.  Similar approach
 for DB2 modern workload. Can be done on unix or windows.
 COMPETITION.  Obviously old fat stinking IMS/CICS/COBOL/VSAM
 users pay the bucks at regular prices, because they have no
 choice. Migration is hard, expensive and failure-prone. They pay
 for regular CPs and MSU-based MLC.

I don't know what MLC and MSU stand for, but I assume they refer to
the hardware pricing scheme.  You have included the issue of
software fees, though, which I know even less about.

I'm surprised by the fat old stinking label.  At my shop we have
IMS, CICS, COBOL, and VSAM.  I was under the impression that the
vast majority of mainframe installations use either IMS or CICS,
and probably both COBOL and VSAM.  There's no question that they
are old, and ubiquity doesn't necessarily prove they don't
stink.  I've just never heard a mainframer describe them in that
fashion, so I'm hoping you'll elaborate.

At the very least, I find it difficult to describe what an
installation with a modern workload would look like.  I guess an
installation that exclusively used VM and Linux might qualify as at
least non-traditional.  Is that configuration common at all?  What
other options are there for z/OS shop, though? - even a newer one?
I can imagine an installation leaving out COBOL in favor of C/C++.
I would guess, though, that it is not incredibly popular or cheap
to buy an installation without either IMS or CICS.  Writing
entirely new online transaction/data connection frameworks for new
applications seems like more expense and work than most companies
would want to take on when there are already two well-known
products available.

 However, these 'traditional' users also think how to reduce the
 costs.  One of the ideas is to move some workload to special
 engines.  IMHO JAVA is not the best choice for batch processing.
 For sure, it is technically senseless to migrate from existing
 (*working*), usually COBOL-based batch to JAVA.  It is a signal
 to IBM: something goes wrong, maybe we should tune the pricing

Wade Curry

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Re: DSLIST Include Additional Qualifiers

2006-05-20 Thread Wade Curry
Paul Gilmartin([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Sat, May 20, 2006 at 09:42:58AM -0600:
 In ISPF DSLIST, I enter as Dsname Level the pattern,
 USER.**.CSI, and deselect Include Additional Qualifiers.
 The display presented shows such as:
 Does this make sense?  Why is it showing me additional qualifiers
 when I excluded them?
 Also, while some of the options in the entry panel are sticky,
 apparently saved in the profile, two of the more tedious options,
 Confirm ... Delete, seem to be turned on every time I enter
 DSLIST.  Is there any way to turn them off and make them stay off?

Hi Gil,

I'll address the sticky 'confirm on delete' issue first, since it
has been addressed by others already.  I can't say that I know how
to make it stick, but I happen to agree with you that if _I_ decide
I want _my_ 'confirm on delete' setting to stick, then there ought
to be an option to make it persist.  Others can go ahead and cringe
thinking about it if that makes them feel better, I suppose.

As for the additional qualifiers, I have noticed a couple things
about that.  One is that the setting *does* stick.  The second is
that it only seems to stick in new started screens.  What I mean
is that, when ISPF starts up, the first screen will not respect
that setting when I use the DSLIST command. This is also true of
any other screens that I may start via a command in my logon CLIST.
Any other screens that are started after that *will* respect that

I don't know if this is due to how the LOGON proc and scripts are
put together, or anything else.  I have taken to starting only one
screen, though.  I run ESP in that first screen, and set PF13 to
start 2 or 3 other screens and name them for me.  Kind of a kludge,
but it was quick, easy, and worth it since I use DSLIST and personal
dataset lists *a*lot*.

I've never changed my 'confirm on delete' setting.  You might want
to just check to see if the same feature/bug is affecting that
setting too.

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc

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Re: Submitting job using ReXX

2006-05-01 Thread Wade Curry
Tim Hare([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 08:30:52AM -0400:
  //S2C9011   JOB (S2C9,XX,TI),'', 
  // CLASS=X 
 I don't see a comma after the first JOBLIB DD statement.  I
 think that is what matches this error message you received:
 Sorry, Wade - that's incorrect. You don't put commas between two
 DD statements, they are two independent statements. A comma at
 the end of the line is used to indicate continuation of one
 The error message means, essentially,  that somewhere a new
 statement starts before the old one completed. If MSGLEVEL=(1,1)
 usually you can look through the JESJCL listing for the statement
 mentioned in the error message and quickly determine that it has
 a comma after the last parameter, and that there's a JCL
 statement (DD, EXEC, OUTPUT, etc.) after it.

Heh... thank you for a gracious correction, Tim.  A case of
neuro-synaptic flatulence on my part.  I'm not very experienced
yet, but I know better.  oops.

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc. 

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Re: PDS Directory Question

2006-04-29 Thread Wade Curry
Ted MacNEIL([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Fri, Apr 28, 2006 at 12:00:00AM +:
 There are tools that can expand PDS directories, but I have not
 had great success with them.
 In the past, I would have recommended converting to a PDSE;
 unfortunately there have been all sorts of integrity issues with
 them ever since IBM removed the requirement for them to be
 SMS-Managed.  And, that requires a re-allocation, anyways.

I've been in a *very* large shop for about four years.  The
responsibilities are extremely segregated for these systems, so I
rarely get to see the sysprog side of life.  (ESP, ReXX, MVS
application support and upgrades are part of my usual fare).

So, owing to my lopsided exposure to mainframes,  I am hoping that
you'll explain these PDSE issues.  I've been using PDSEs
extensively for personal datasets and haven't experienced any
problems as a result of SMS interaction (or any other).  If the
PDSE datasets are SMS managed, does this alleviate the problems
you've seen?

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr.
ATT Services, Inc.

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Re: Submitting job using ReXX

2006-04-28 Thread Wade Curry
Rashmi Nijaguni Mogali([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 03:39:07PM +0530:

 The job looks something like this:

 //S2C9011   JOB (S2C9,XX,TI),'',
 // CLASS=X  

I don't see a comma after the first JOBLIB DD statement.  I think
that is what matches this error message you received:

 Also I am not getting the notification messages.
Not sure what's causing the NOTIFY statement to be ignored.  Is it
possible that you have told ISPF to block your broadcast messages,
holding them for later?

My response is not as deep and complex as the other answers you've
received, but then neither am I. ;-)

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc.
San Diego, CA

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Re: IBM-MAIN and punches out of order (Was: Anquish of JCL)

2006-04-16 Thread Wade Curry
Chris Mason([EMAIL PROTECTED])@Sun, Apr 16, 2006 at 05:34:50PM +0200:
 You'll have to try harder with sorting out this timing issue with your ISP.
 It's quite impossible to follow a prize fight with the punches out of
 Chris Mason

I have noticed that the replies are often out of order on this
list.  The funny thing is that I'm subscribed to several mailing
lists, and all of them are ordered and (sub)threaded properly.  The
only lists I've ever had this problem with is this one and the tso
rexx list.  I'm using Courier IMAPs with 2 or 3 different mail
readers, so I'm sure it's not the mail reader itself.

I haven't really examined this closely, but I'm wondering if there
is something slightly funky going on with the list software's
handling of the message headers.  Any other observations among the
rest of you?

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc.

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Re: Anquish of JCL (Was: Migrating me from linux/bsd to zOS)

2006-04-13 Thread Wade Curry
Ted MacNEIL said:
However it's reason
d'etre is indicated by its name, short for catenate.  It's purpose is to take
multiple files and catenate all the input into a single output stream.

 And, catenate is intuitive?

To a certain degree it is.  Just like it's obvious to you that when you include 
DD lines in a single DDNAME you get concatenation. Same thing. One of the key 
concepts is everything is a file, including standard input, standard output, 
With that perspective, what should happen when you concatenate two text files 
into a
third?  And what should happen if you concatenate a text file to standard 
The issue isn't whether or not you agree with the alleged benefits everything
behaving like a file. The point is that perspective makes the system more
understandable for lot of people.

 My point was that all OS's have a LIST command.
 I was told that LIST was an invalid description of what the command did. What 
would you pick?

I don't know what Gil would pick, but cat works fine for me.  Unix does have a
list command.  It is abbreviated to ls and it lists the directory contents. 
That also seems pretty straight forward to me. And, although my position on MVS 
Unix is _not_ that unix is better, I still have to say that there are *plenty* 
utilities, panels, programs, subsystems, whatever, in an MVS environment that 
names that give *no* clue as to what they do.

 I saw UNIX before I saw TSO (not before I saw JCL)!
 What's with these strange names?
 That has been my complaint since 1976!

 And, what kind of word is catenate?
 Concatenate is a valid english word!

I learned it as concatenate myself, but I did find catenate in several  
dictionaries.  They are synonymous.

It seems that familiarity and an easy learning curve are overly valued. 
things don't always make sense at first, and so they are commonly avoided.  If 
learning curve is steep, then that will likely be avoided, too.  The question 
does a familiar easily learned program *always* mean it's better?

Was it worth it to you folks to learn your native languages?  Human languages 
dramatically from each other, and are very complex.  I still rather like using 
to communicate with other humans.  We have a bazillion people out there (give or
take several scads) who are familiar with GUI interfaces, and think those 
that have them are intuitive mostly because of  familiarity.  Menus can be very
useful, but sometimes they can become a stifling hindrance - a real maze of 
dialogs, and windows. (How do you shut down your Windows computer?  Click on the
[START] button.) (How many people think that PhotoShop's menus and dialogs are
intuitive to learn?) Computers are powerful and complex enough to warrant 
a more complex and powerful language if you want to do real work.

So intuitive seems to me rather like a moving target depending on the  user 
the goals.  Plus, it just isn't the most compelling feature to me. One old joke 
unixland is You *still use* vi ?? Response:No, I *learned* vi. I have no
intention of giving up using vi, because it is powerful.  The effort to learn 
it has
paid off and I no longer think about the keystrokes and commands. (Except when I
accidentally use ISPF editor commands :-)  )The fact that it  wasn't intuitive
didn't inhibit me because I saw an experienced
user do some powerful stuff with it and I expected a benefit from sticking to 

So, I prefer the flexibility of the unix command line.  I prefer the clearly
superior logging and job control of MVS.  I prefer the price of entry-level unix
systems.  I prefer the outstanding mainframe throughput and reliability. I'm 
sure I
could come up with better examples. If we're going to compare unix and MVS, 
these are the kinds of features I think are more important. And let's be honest 
ourselves.  Who else besides a mainframer and a unix guy would ever actually
(seriously) assert that JCL, shell, TSO, vi... are intuitive?

Wade Curry
ATT Services, Inc.
Sr. Implementation Mgr.

 o   _  _  _
_o  /\__ \\o   (_)\__/o   (_)
  _ \__(_)  (_)/_ \_| \_|/'\/
 (_)(_)  (_) (_)(_) (_)' _\o_

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Re: Anquish of JCL (Was: Migrating me from linux/bsd to zOS)

2006-04-13 Thread Wade Curry
R.S. said:
 Darren Evans-Young wrote:
 vi used to be the only editor included on standard Unix installations.
 Now, the vendors include other editors. However, if you have to boot from
 the CD to recover a system in single user mode, vi is usually the only
 editor available. You better know if you need to edit a file like
 /etc/vfstab to get a system bootable again.

 IMHO there also ed.

 Presonally I prefer ed, because I can work with it. I cannot use vi. I
 use computers for years, people say, I'm not idiot. I met many editors,
 some of them were unconvenient, but I swear, I cannot do anything in vi.
 Anything except getting beeping termial.

Radoslaw, I think you'll get a kick out of this:

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc.

 o   _  _  _
_o  /\__ \\o   (_)\__/o   (_)
  _ \__(_)  (_)/_ \_| \_|/'\/
 (_)(_)  (_) (_)(_) (_)' _\o_

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Re: Anquish of JCL (Was: Migrating me from linux/bsd to zOS)

2006-04-13 Thread Wade Curry
McKown, John said:
 -Original Message-
 From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Tsujimoto

 On a few of our unix boxes, we actually have ISPF installed for a few
 crippled mainframers who have to do work on unix.  Personally, I feel
 *when in Rome, ...*

 Well, if we're going to be off-topic, I've just discovered kate on my
 Linux system. Now THAT is a nice little editor. Side pane has a
 directory listing from which I can click on a file. That file is then
 brought into the editor. I can have multiple files in the editor in a
 single pane or split (vertical or horizontal) pane view. On the bottom
 is a terminal pane where I can enter UNIX commands, including other
 applications (such as staying in a DB2 interactive session). Did I
 mention that the editor has syntax highlighting for many file types and,
 if needed, you can create you own syntax highlighting via an XML encoded
 parameter file? I haven't tried that yet.

I find it is still useful to know vi because of those times that I am
remotely logged in.  Console-based editors can be much faster in that
situation.  Also, most folks I know who use vi (and that's quite a few)
actually do their best to get vim.  This is a version of vi that is
friendlier, does syntax highlighting, code function folding, splits the
screen between multiple files, and lots of other stuff. I use it on
Windows because I can't stand notepad.

http://www.vim.orgIf you dare :-)

Wade Curry
Sr. Implementation Mgr
ATT Services, Inc.

 o   _  _  _
_o  /\__ \\o   (_)\__/o   (_)
  _ \__(_)  (_)/_ \_| \_|/'\/
 (_)(_)  (_) (_)(_) (_)' _\o_

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