Re: (Legacy) MVS vs. OMVS was: Re: remove() of PDSE member leaves PDS locked

2010-08-03 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/02/2010
   at 08:04 AM, Paul Gilmartin said:

allocate path('/u/me/nonesuch')

That probably comes from DAIRFAIL rather than DYNALLOC. Was the PMR
against TSO/E?
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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(Legacy) MVS vs. OMVS was: Re: remove() of PDSE member leaves PDS locked

2010-08-02 Thread Barbara Nitz
The reason *I* hate OMVS is that those using it via some
C/C++/JAVA/whatever-clickable-stuff  have no clue how things are
implemented in z/OS. So in case of an error they take any return 
code they get at face value. Unfortunately, that is the completely *wrong*
way to go about his. In my experience, the reason code given is completely
valid but at the same time completely obfuscates the real problem because
the first hint of trouble (aka the problem) is NOT shown anywhere. 

And I know enough about both worlds that I cringe when I see:

128rexx say BPXWDYN( 'alloc path(''/tmp/nonesuch'') msg(wtp)')
08.26.36 STC07821  IKJ56228I PATH /tmp/nonesuch NOT IN CATALOG OR 

I'm confident that no CATALOG search was attempted and failed  This is
either an attempt to convert a UNIX completion status to terms familiar
to legacy MVS programmers or an indolent inclination to recycle an existing
message rather than invent a proper one.

You've provided me with an excellent example for my statement above. 
Because that message is issued by TSO (IKJ prefix) or rather, by dynalloc 
which uses some DAIR interfaces into TSO. I have always wondered about the 
IKJ prefix, mainly because it is not in the book where the IEF messages (from 
alloaction) are. Probably there is a reason behind this dating from very early 
MVS times - please no historical discussion of that!
In a way, there was a 'catalog search' done, in the course of attempting to 
allocate the dataset. BLDL ends up doing SVC12 which is called 'Catalog' SVC, 
so you're right, the Catalog Search Interface (which came way later) was NOT 
called, but there was some 'searching in the catalogues' going on. Hence the 
IKJ message, which to someone from MVS says 'Dataset/File/Whatever not 

  I believe I even submitted a PMR
on the inaccuracy of the message.  It went nowhere.

I am not surprised. :-) Every component answered strictly from their own point 
of view, and they could not care less about the 'big picture'. From their own 
narrow view, every component was right but as a whole, the stuff is useless. 
And nobody wants to tackle this, as clarification requires mighty dollars that 
IBM says 'whatever for? there are more important things to do.' 
(I feel with you, I've been down that path numerous times. And have by now 
given up to make them see the 'big picture'.)

Well documented; inexcusably counterintuitive.  I suspect the historical
rationale is that 40+ years ago allocation couldn't muster the resources
to perform a STOW to delete a member when the allocation had the form
In this case, I disagree. I agree with Gerhard Postpischil. This is something 
architected, and just because this construct does not exist in another 
architecture, does not mean MVS should change theirs, just because a 
programmer wants to (come hell or high water) use his own way  or the *nix 
way of doing it. Also, I do NOT consider it counterintuitive, but then I grew 
on MVS.

Nowadays the only rationale, spurious, is that it's always
been that way.  And ever shall be, as long as descendants of OS/360
endure.  But such anomalies give me neither high expectations nor good
wishes for the destiny of z/OS.

Same argument as before: Changing this would require development dollars, 
that IBM doesn't want to spend on this. But fear not, z/OS is going to be 
clickable one of those days, and then you might get your wish! :-)

Lately, I received in a reply to an RCF:

... The [...] book documents what is supported, not what is
not being supported.  if something is not mentioned, it should
be assumed that  it is not officially supported even though it
may work. ...

Here, I largely sympathize with IBM.  what is not being supported
is an unbounded set, impossible to enumerate in a manual.  My issue
is that IBM did not document what is being supported, but merely
supplied a handful of examples leaving the reader to extrapolate
often with wishful thinking and a probable inference of internal

Always a dangerous thing. But it goes hand in glove with my first point above -
The OMVS world comes from a different perspective and architecture than the 
MVS world. I remember the very first service transfer education for what is 
now WAS (we called it 'component broken' then).  There was some guy 
standing there talking about 'the shasta' and a lot of other vocabulary that no 
one in the audience had ever heard before. And if you think they would first 
establish a definition for something before using it you can think again. 

NOT establishing a firm definition of terms before using them is the big 
I see with the OMVS stuff. And I had my share of fundamentals discussions 
when I wanted that clear definition from OMVS before using something. It does 
Not help when A is 'defined' by using B (which has not been defined). 

This also goes both ways - and is a reason why I hate OMVS. My MVS training 

Re: (Legacy) MVS vs. OMVS was: Re: remove() of PDSE member leaves PDS locked

2010-08-02 Thread Paul Gilmartin
On Mon, 2 Aug 2010 08:12:50 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:

In, on 08/02/2010
   at 04:15 AM, Barbara Nitz said:

You've provided me with an excellent example for my statement above.
Because that message is issued by TSO (IKJ prefix) or rather, by
dynalloc which uses some DAIR interfaces into TSO.

DAIR uses DYNALLOC; DYNALLOC does not use DAIR. I suspect that the
message comes from code in BPXWDYN.

I have always wondered about the IKJ prefix,

Batch JCL gives:


The use of DATA SET is questionable.  Support has attempted to refute
some of my PMRs with the claim that Unix files are not data sets.
But there's language in Using Data Sets that implies that anything
that can be allocated with a DD statement (DASD, tape, terminal, cards)
is properly called a data set.

And from the TSO READY prompt:

allocate path('/u/me/nonesuch')

Barbara, a catalog search was performed to to find and mount the data set
behind /u/me.  But that catalog search succeeded.  Catalog should not
be mentioned an an error message.

(Drifting topic)  I hate OR messages.  DYNALLOC should provide at least
a reason code to differentiate between NOT IN CATALOG and CATALOG CAN
NOT BE ACCESSED (in this case, neither applies).

-- gil

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Re: (Legacy) MVS vs. OMVS was: Re: remove() of PDSE member leaves PDS locked

2010-08-02 Thread Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
In, on 08/02/2010
   at 04:15 AM, Barbara Nitz said:

You've provided me with an excellent example for my statement above. 
Because that message is issued by TSO (IKJ prefix) or rather, by
dynalloc which uses some DAIR interfaces into TSO.

DAIR uses DYNALLOC; DYNALLOC does not use DAIR. I suspect that the
message comes from code in BPXWDYN.

I have always wondered about the IKJ prefix,

Originally DYNALLOC did not have the ability to pass back an error
message. There was a TSO service routine to analyze the DAIR status
and compose an appropriate message. 
 Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
 ISO position; see 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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