The "RTP pipe session limit control" function and the ICN incompatibility (Was: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11)

2010-06-16 Thread Chris Mason
To all following the parent thread which - one would hope - includes all who 
use Enterprise Extender in z/OS VTAM:

Just to summarise why this matter continues to be under discussion:

On IBMTCP-L I have attracted the attention of VTAM development to this 
matter and I hope that the remaining ends can be tidied up in that discussion. 
Meantime I can offer vastly - I hope - improved documentation to cover the 
problem as originally revealed in the parent thread.

It was first suggested (20 May) that there might be a problem with 
compatibility between the implementation of Enterprise Extender (EE) in 
different levels of VTAM  - which is the SNA component of Communications 
Server (CS) where each new level of z/OS brings a new level of CS. Thus the 
compatibility matter is one which relates to the level of z/OS used in the SNA 
partners communicating using EE.

Note that z/OS VTAM is not the only platform which supports EE but that 
takes us into an area of mystery still not resolved.

I responded that SNA is designed so that incompatibilities between levels of 
implementation can be resolved through protocol flow between the partners 
and so there should not no excuse ever to have incompatibilities which 
prevent interworking. Of course this assumes architects - because not just 
one product or products from just one vendor are involved - and developers 
had done their job properly.

There were then two responses which - heads having been scratched - 
recalled that there are/may indeed be incompatibilities and that the 
incompatibility had been mentioned in a presentation concerning how 
wonderful z/OS V1R11 - which research discovered was:

z/OS 1.11: Migration -…And It's Good! Part 2 of 2

At this point I started digging. It turns out there is text in the Migration 
manuals for V1R10 and V1R11:
SNA Services: Ensure compatible levels of VTAM for HPR sessions

and there is a Technote covering the matter:

z/OS V1R10 VTAM compatibility requirements for HPR sessions in mixed network

Of these only the section in the Migration manual for z/OS V1R10 can claim to 
have been competently written and then only because the nature of the 
problem caused by incompatibility had yet to be fixed; it was obliged to put 
egg on its face and leave it there!

Both the text in the Migration manual for V1R11 and the Technote mention the 
APAR which allows a resolution of the problem without any appreciation that 
the availability of the APAR makes nonsense of the previous text. In the case 
of the section in the Migration manual the "game-changing" APAR is mentioned 
as an afterthought and it's probable that the addition of the last two 
paragraphs of the Technote is evidence of the same effect.

In addition to what is said in the description of the HPRSESLM start option in 
the CS SNA Resource Definition reference manual which - highly disingenuously 
IMNSHO - touches on the "interchange node sessions" exception, there is also 
an extensive section in another document in the form of a presentation:

z/OS V1R10 Communications Server Enterprise Extender (EE) and SNA 
enhancements: Part 2

What this is particularly good for is to explain just exactly what the "RTP 
session limit control" function is all about and why limiting the number of 
sessions using an RTP "pipe" can have benefits. Unfortunately, in the matter 
of what the ICN incompatibility is about, it promises more than it delivers.

The remaining mystery is precisely that, what is the protocol flow 
involving "interchange node sessions" which can cause the session setup 
failure with the 0897000A sense code. Once this is clear, we will know:

1. Are EE platforms other that z/OS VTAM affected or not? After all it is the 
*partner* node which is supposed to implement support for a control vector 
or something like that in flow to the VTAM interchange node running in z/OS 
from z/OS V1R10 which isn't implemented before VTAM running in z/OS from 
V1R8 (or some earlier releases with maintenance).

2. Does the problem potentially affect *all* session setup flows involving 
changing from APPN/HPR at an Interchange Node to a subarea flow or only 
sessions having certain characteristics such as, for example, being initiated 
the LU which is destined to become the secondary LU in the eventual[1] 

Knowing 1 is obviously a practical consideration and knowing 2 might be 
practical if my example applies and the only sessions affected by the possible 
incompatibility involved initiation from

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-06-03 Thread Chris Mason
To all who have been following this thread

Here is a post I made on the IBMTCP-L list which covers the problem identified 
in this thread but introduces another one stimulated, as it were, by the 
original thread which emphasises that the platform of the partner Enterprise 
Extender node is important even if the fact that SNASw was mentioned may 
or may not be relevant.

To all with an interest in Enterprise Extender

This is a "spin-off" from a sometimes acrimonious exchange of posts regarding 
Enterprise Extender (EE) in the IBM-MAIN list where it was initially suggested 
that EE might have been withdrawn from z/OS V1R11 - and it went downhill 
from there.

However, it did highlight something I thought - fatally - could not happen 
because SNA has plenty of ways of dealing with possible mismatches in 
implementation capabilities. The fatally flawed assumption was that the VTAM 
developers would always take care to implement ways to avoid mismatches - 
wrong!!! Thus it turned out that it really is these days - shock, horror, reach 
for the smelling salts - although decidedly not in times gone by - reasonable 
to ask advice on whether two nodes implementing common SNA functions - 
such as EE - are actually compatible. Where is the "Network and e-business 
Products Reference" redbook - not published since 2001 - when you really 
need it?[1]

It turns out that our erudite developers introduced some information flow 
which leads directly to session setup failure with 0897000A if both sides are 
not "reading from the same hymn sheet". In other words they have ignored 
the opportunity to prepare the ground for an enhancement by having both 
sides agree with, say, a previously reserved bit in a control vector, a "bog 
standard" technique well understood and used by their erstwhile colleagues.

Insult was then added to the developers' injury by the authors responsible for 

a) a Technote

- in the tradition we unfortunately are obliged to anticipate from time to time
[2] - at least, perhaps at most, when z/OS Communications Server is 
involved - and 

b) in the text in the z/OS Migration manual for V1R11, GA22-7499-15, section 
entitled "SNA Services: Ensure compatible levels of VTAM for HPR sessions":

Apparently, after the initial mistake of not ensuring agreement, you were 
obliged to ensure that all partner nodes could play the new game - as 
documented in the same section of the z/OS Migration manual for V1R10, 

and this advice extended only to other z/OS Communications Server SNA 
component implementations so it would appear completely to ignore the 
impact on other IBM Communications Server products or the Microsoft and 
Cisco products.

Then after perhaps after they had been close to the coffee machine as it was 
actually roasting the coffee beans it dawned on the developers that they 
could simply switch off the new function and return EE to the halcyon - and 
*compatible* - world it inhabited before they started fiddling with it. Thus a 
new start option has been introduced which does just that - except that, 
after applying the maintenance, assuming you may have "incompatible" EE 
partners, you are obliged to insert a new start option into your ATCSTRxx 
member which says explicitly you cannot tolerate the new function. The smell 
of coffee was just not strong enough for complete sense to prevail!

Following this APAR, the authors just didn't seem to understand what the 
developers had done because they produced - twice, the Technote and the 
V1R11 Migration manual section - text comparable to those joke tests where 
you have to complete 10 questions where 9 are particularly difficult - if not 
impossible - and then the tenth says that you must ignore all nine above and 
do something completely different!

The APAR relating to V1R10 is OA28332 "NF - ADD HPRSESLM=DISABLED TO 

and that relating to V1R11 is OA28727 "NF - ADD HPRSESLM=DISABLED TO 

What precisely the problem is that OA28332 and OA28727 solve is not at all 

If I can summon up the energy in the face of such a tightly held kimono, I may 
get around to summarizing what can be deduced from manuals and APAR 
documentation in a separate post in an appeal to VTAM developers to come 
clean - for once - and not treat their users as complete simpletons!

If you want to be safe,

a) ensure that and V1R10 or V1R11 z/OS Communications Server SNA 
component has the fix corresponding to the APARs above installed


b) specify HPRSESLM=DISABLE in the start options.

Once you have verified t

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-27 Thread Linda Mooney
Thanks to all who helped me with this issue I really appreciate it. 

Linda Mooney 

- Original Message - 
From: "Brian Peterson"  
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 6:01:26 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


I've no idea why the difference in the uid= value with the URL you cite. 


On Mon, 24 May 2010 19:54:43 -0500, Chris Mason wrote: 

>Note that IBM presents me with "Error, Document not found" when I try 
>However the balance of evidence is that OA28727 is simply OA28332 for 
>V1R11 rather than V1R10. 

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-25 Thread Chris Mason

Thank you for finding the way to view the OA28727 APAR document.

I cannot now discover how I couldn't find it before. A "search" on the IBM web 
site for OA28727 finds the following:

The Technote:

The V1R10 APAR - because OA28727 is mentioned as a "sysrouted to":

The second part of the V1R11 presentation, "z/OS 1.11: Migration - It's 
Up ...":


but not

The obvious way - duh! - was simply to "fix up" the URL on the same pattern 
as for OA28332.


I checked the content of the two APAR descriptions: OA28332 and OA28727. 
They are identical up to where the manual changes are described - and I 
expect these are identical. They differ only in the "Reported Release", dates 
and "sysrouted" lines in the "APAR Information" section at the end - as you 
would expect.


Another APAR relating to VTAM is mentioned in the first part of the V1R11 
presentation under "This table is for coexistence and fallback service on z/OS 
V1R10 for z/OS V1R11.", namely OA26490:


"Preparation for new function" is about all it says. Who knows what this is all 


What is still a mystery is why there is no concern for Enterprise Extender 
platforms other than z/OS. Surely HIS and SNASw might suffer from the 
allocation of a session to an RTP pipe. I suppose IBM internal communication 
could ensure that *current* levels of the other IBM Communications Servers 
had the required capability - but what about customers with older releases?


Incidentally, I suggested before that the CP capabilities control vector may be 
the way that the enhanced capability for allocating session to RTP pipes. 
Thinking about it a little more it may be that another technique involving RTP 
route setup flows will be needed given that RTP pipes can span many nodes.

I'm intrigued by this mysterious "new function" - which we now know can 
attempt to cover a multitude of evils. It may be that there is some effort in 
place to try to come up with a proper solution to this botched enhancement - 
in the spirit of FASTPASS and RAMPUP to name but two - IIRC.

Chris Mason

On Mon, 24 May 2010 20:01:26 -0500, Brian Peterson 

>I've no idea why the difference in the uid= value with the URL you cite.
>On Mon, 24 May 2010 19:54:43 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:
>>Note that IBM presents me with "Error, Document not found" when I try
>>However the balance of evidence is that OA28727 is simply OA28332 for
>>V1R11 rather than V1R10.

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Brian Peterson

I've no idea why the difference in the uid= value with the URL you cite.


On Mon, 24 May 2010 19:54:43 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:

>Note that IBM presents me with "Error, Document not found" when I try
>However the balance of evidence is that OA28727 is simply OA28332 for
>V1R11 rather than V1R10.

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Chris Mason
I'm not sure I'm allowed to address Linda any more so I'll treat this as a post 
to any and sundry who may happen to be interested - including Brian Peterson 
in particular


I said I'd follow up on the maintenance hinted at in the Technote.

> To avoid all possible V1R10 (or later) HPR compatibility issues, a new 
function APAR is available for V1R10 (APAR OA28332) and V1R11 (APAR 
OA28727) that allows you to completely disable the new V1R10 function that 
causes the incompatibility issue by means of a new value for the HPRSESLM 
start option, HPRSESLM=DISABLED. 

It appears that the author of the Technote has been told that there 
are "issues" with "compatibility". He/she has managed to translate that to the 
text above which includes the words "all" and "issues" - that is, he/she 
believed that there really were problems in the plural - although later we find 
singular "issue".

Well, I thought what is the "issue" other than the one "issue" we know about. 
Well, there are none! The "all" and plural "issues" was a "red herring". Yet 
another case of this massively stupid use of the plural "issues" when there is 
just the one solitary PROBLEM! Yet more time wasted because of incorrect 
use of the Queen's English!

The point is that there is only one problem mentioned in the z/OS V1R10 and 
V1R11 Migration Guides, GA22-7499-14 and GA22-7499-15, in the section 
entitled "SNA Services: Ensure compatible levels of VTAM for HPR sessions" 
which, in case it hasn't been appreciated, means the problem affects 
Enterprise Extender (EE) since EE necessarily uses SNA APPN/HPR.

The two APARs mentioned above, OA28332 for V1R10 and OA28727 for V1R11, 
fix the incompatibility between the z/OS Communications Server SNA 
component for V1R10 and V1R11 and the z/OS Communications Server SNA 
component for releases prior to V1R8 by disabling the function introduced in 
V1R10 for an interchange nods (ICN) where the ICN was actually supporting 
the interchange on a session path between subarea SNA and APPN/HPR SNA 
to pass over, for example, an EE logical link as the next stage in the session 

But, but, but, the somewhat careless VTAM developers did not have the 
foresight to make HPRSESLM=DISABLED the default so any affected VTAM 
need to have HPRSESLM=DISABLED specified in the start options.

Note that IBM presents me with "Error, Document not found" when I try

However the balance of evidence is that OA28727 is simply OA28332 for 
V1R11 rather than V1R10.

Incidentally - I feel another rant coming on! - here is the text from the V1R11 
Migration manual as it should be rather than it is. What it says is the same as 
in the V1R10 Migration manual with a couple of sentences added on - WHICH 
CHANGE EVERYTHING! I try not to blame the authors - I try but I don't 
always succeed - but rather the "suits" who I rationalise do not provide the 
authors with sufficient time to think through what they are doing.

z/OS Migration Version 1 Release 11

Chapter 7. Communications Server migration actions

SNA Services: Ensure compatible levels of VTAM for HPR sessions

Description: In order to run z/OS Communications Server from V1R10 as an 
HPR-capable interchange node in a mixed subarea and APPN network where 
currently some HPR-capable VTAMs in your APPN network (and in attached 
APPN networks) are running z/OS Communications Server prior to V1R8, you 

- either install APAR OA28727 in all z/OS V1R11 Communications Servers in 
your APPN network and install APAR OA28332 in all z/OS V1R10 
Communications Servers in your APPN network in order to avoid an 
incompatibility with z/OS Communications Server prior to V1R8

- or ensure that all HPR-capable VTAMs in your APPN network (and in 
attached APPN networks) are running z/OS Communications Server from V1R8

Otherwise sessions established with or through z/OS Communications Server 
prior to V1R8 might fail with sense code x'0897000A'. z/OS Communications 
Server from V1R8 provides additional information on APPN session 
establishment flows to identify when sessions cross from APPN into subarea 
(or vice versa) through an interchange node. This additional information is 
used by z/OS Communications Server from V1R10 to separate interchange 
node sessions from APPN-only sessions by placing them on different RTP pipes. 
If any of the Communications Servers in your network (or in attached APPN 
networks) are not running z/OS from V1R8, then interchange nodes running 
z/OS Communications Server from V1R10 in which APAR OA28727 has not been 
installed might incorrectly place interchange node sessions onto the wrong 
RTP pipe, which could result in session setup failures.

You should also be aware that this placing of interchange node sessions and 
APPN-only sessions on separate RTP pipes might result in interchange nodes 
creating more RTP pipes to adjacent APPN nodes than with prior releases.

Element or fe

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Luechtefeld, Geri
I had to look up vitriol.   Bitterly scathing; caustic: vitriolic criticism. ...

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of
Linda Mooney
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

Hi Chirs, 

Sadly, if your purpose was to communicate and be helpful, the "necessary
commonality for harmonious communication", not having been accomplished, such
attempts were so heavily obscured in vitriol, that I think we must call it a
day.  I appreciate that you found my inquiry of suffcient interest or merit to
warrant your time in response, but this exchange cannot and will not continue.  


- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Mason"  
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 12:54:48 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


You - and the other "helpful" contributions - miss the point of communication 

If I were to resurrect VTAM-II, the pre-program product flavour of VTAM from 
the mid to late '70s, and find some way of connecting it to a current 
implementation of VTAM or any other product running SNA protocols - 
assuming I could find some hardware to connect them - they would 
communicate with one another with complete harmony. 

Well, this is so in principle but in practice, communication would be impossible

because - I thought about it over dinner - I couldn't find common function at 
the data link control and physical layers. I think if I advance to the program 
product VTAMs of the early '80s, I should be able to find the necessary 
commonality for harmonious communication with the establishment of 
sessions. It would be very basic but not impossible, that is, there would be no 
actual "showstoppers". 

Now the advantage of Enterprise extender is that it is, in effect, a data link 
control - with the IP network as a sort-of physical layer. Thus if I were to 
take the earliest implementation of Enterprise Extender on say a 2216 - 
assuming I could find one - and connect it to the latest z/OS Communication 
Server that would also work with complete harmony. Anyone care to take me 

I avoided pointing out in my previous post - as I was tempted - that you did 
not have to perform some sort of due diligence on matching the 
implementation of IP through to HTTP on any new PC you bought in your 
local "byte" shop with all the web sites to which you might want to connect. 
It struck me as an insult to your intelligence - but I see it has become 


> I will take a good look at the APAR information. 

Furthermore, you have missed quite utterly and completely what I was saying 
about that maintenance. In one case, there appeared to be a genuine problem 
involving PCOMM - or maybe just reported with PCOMM - there is now no 
longer any trace of it other than what Google managed to retain. The other 
cases referred to "new function" which, in the one case upon which there was 
some elaboration, is a "nice to have" function - if you can get your head 
around how it works - and it looks like some customer with clout may have 
made a general complaint which the IBM developers took to heart and cobbled 
together and implemented some (overly) erudite concept. The other, being 
described as "new function", may be something similar which has not yet been 
announced. For example, I think I saw mention of an improved way of 
managing HPR flow control when running over an IP network. 

But the part that should interest you is that the APAR fixes are all included in

V1R11 and that, whatever your partner node is, since it follows 
communications protocols, namely SNA *and* IP, if the two partners are 
expected to participate in any "new function", one will propose the function 
and will be able to recognise a "blank stare" in reply. That's the way this 
particular cookie crumbles! 

Now that you have made it clear you are stuck on V1R4, it's evident you will 
be obliged to forgo the "new functions". 

Calling an instrument for turning earth an instrument for turning earth 

>...> Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new z/OS 1.11 
system via EE. 

was a very silly thing to put in a public context unexamined! 

Now, if indeed there is some memory of maintenance being mentioned in 
connection with Enterprise Extender and different releases of z/OS 
Communications Server, it should have been presented as such and *not* 
assume that the word "incompatibility" applied. And, since this is supposed to 
be a valued response, some hint as to where the description of the 
maintenance could be found is in order or perhaps just encouragement to 
check with the formal sources which no doubt you were doing anyhow. 

Having had to spend some effort

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Chris Mason

Oh but it will!

There have been new developments which show Brian had a point which might 
affect your situation and I have already pointed out what you need to do - 
over HPRSESLM at least.

Watch this space for any more revelations. You can shoot yourself in the foot 
by trying to ignore them but there may be useful material for others in your 
situation to be uncovered.

I guess I have to thank you for "moving the stone" which let the light in on 
some shady dealings in VTAM-land. This is the sort of stuff about which my 
customers pay me to know - although I don't usually need to worry about 
what the APAR document dismisses as "very old releases of VTAM".

Chris Mason

P.S. It's Chris

On Mon, 24 May 2010 20:31:26 +, Linda Mooney 

>Hi Chirs, 
>Sadly, if your purpose was to communicate and be helpful, the "necessary 
>commonality for harmonious communication", not having been accomplished, 
such attempts were so heavily obscured in vitriol, that I think we must call it 
a day.  I appreciate that you found my inquiry of suffcient interest or merit 
to warrant your time in response, but this exchange cannot and will not 

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Chris Mason
Brian and Linda

This is a potential "showstopper" incompatibility. So my apologies for 
suggesting otherwise - although I had only Tom Longfellow's hint to go one in 
order to try to find out to what reference might be being made, the "new 
function" "compatibility" fixes.


If your Enterprise Extender partner VTAM is *not* running as an Interchange 
Node (ICN), that is supporting both APPN and subarea session setup paths - 
or, more narrowly, none of your sessions running over Enterprise Extender 
passes into the subarea network in your partner's node, you can ignore 
this "effect" - for which the VTAM developers deserve rapped knuckles!

At this point I thought I'd better follow up on all of Brian's new information. 
IBM is being very cagey about this matter of "compatibility" in V1R10 and 
V1R11. However, it appears the knuckles got sore enough for a "quick fix" - 
which ought to be a default but isn't.[1]

In order to deal with the problem to which the "Technote" refers - assuming 
you cannot ignore the "effect" as mentioned above - you need to ensure that 
the VTAM at the V1R11 level adds the PTF for OA28332 "NF - ADD 
addition - and this is where the fingertips should be pulp! - your partner 
to add the start option - or change the start option to - and *not* using V 
NET,VTAMOPTS - HPRSESLM=DISABLE. Your partner may not actually care 
but, in principle he/she is entitled to be upset that your V1R4 VTAM has 
blocked the possibility to implement a performance improvement. As such - if 
he/she has a good lawyer - he/she could charge you for the damages!

Here's an encouraging paragraph from the APAR document:

A new value is provided for the HPRSESLM start option that will prevent VTAM 
interchange nodes (ICNs) from performing any new z/OS V1R10 HPRSESLM 
functions that would be incompatible with old releases of VTAM, thereby 
allowing z/OS V1R10 and later ICNs to coexist with very old releases of VTAM 
(pre-z/OS V1R8 without the necessary coexistence APAR).

> "To avoid all possible V1R10 (or later) HPR compatibility issues, a new 
function APAR is available for V1R11 ..."

I'm going to try to follow up on any more maintenance that may be indicated 
here - you'll note that OA28727 includes OA28332 so there may be other 
matters to review - and explain. However, bear in mind that it is quite 
likely "compatibility" covers both "showstoppers - like this HPRSESLM debacle - 
and "nice-to-have".

Chris Mason

[1] If it was default - and the start option value was available starting with 
V1R10 - what I have been contending all along would apply. However it seems 
VTAM development are getting a bit "protocol unreliable" these days. It 
started with introducing "new function" and changing the default to the "new 
function" because "who could possibly want to continue operating the old 
way?" where it actually really didn't matter. But "bad habits" ...

On Mon, 24 May 2010 14:17:42 -0500, Brian Peterson 

>The incompatibility I originally mentioned in my post on 5/20/2010 is now
>described by IBM as follows:
>"z/OS V1R10 VTAM compatibility requirements for HPR sessions in mixed 
>At the time we began researching our z/OS 1.10 implementation, the
>workaround described in the document did not exist.  Check out the following
>from the above document: "To avoid all possible V1R10 (or later) HPR
>compatibility issues, a new function APAR is available for V1R10"
>Apologies to all for my lack of precision in my previous response to this
>On Thu, 20 May 2010 17:54:09 -0500, Brian Peterson wrote:
>>I am pretty sure there was an incompatibility with EE across some number of
>>z/OS releases.  Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a 
>>z/OS 1.11 system via EE.  Last year, we almost had to delay our z/OS 1.10
>>implementation due to downlevel partnersas I recall.
>>I would open a PMR with IBM and ask the experts.
>On Sat, 22 May 2010 15:50:34 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:
>>> Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11?
>>Has there been an IBM announcement that says Enterprise Extender (EE) 
>>been withdrawn? I would find this enormously surprising given the massive
>>investment in new functions which can be found going from z/OS
>>Communications Server release to release for EE - which, after much 
>>and quite a bit of frustration with the level of IBM APAR documentation 
>>days, I discover is the source of the FUD being put about by Brian Peterson
>>and - although appearing only in Google and not the regular archives - Tom

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Linda Mooney
Hi Chirs, 

Sadly, if your purpose was to communicate and be helpful, the "necessary 
commonality for harmonious communication", not having been accomplished, such 
attempts were so heavily obscured in vitriol, that I think we must call it a 
day.  I appreciate that you found my inquiry of suffcient interest or merit to 
warrant your time in response, but this exchange cannot and will not continue.  


- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Mason"  
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 12:54:48 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


You - and the other "helpful" contributions - miss the point of communication 

If I were to resurrect VTAM-II, the pre-program product flavour of VTAM from 
the mid to late '70s, and find some way of connecting it to a current 
implementation of VTAM or any other product running SNA protocols - 
assuming I could find some hardware to connect them - they would 
communicate with one another with complete harmony. 

Well, this is so in principle but in practice, communication would be 
because - I thought about it over dinner - I couldn't find common function at 
the data link control and physical layers. I think if I advance to the program 
product VTAMs of the early '80s, I should be able to find the necessary 
commonality for harmonious communication with the establishment of 
sessions. It would be very basic but not impossible, that is, there would be no 
actual "showstoppers". 

Now the advantage of Enterprise extender is that it is, in effect, a data link 
control - with the IP network as a sort-of physical layer. Thus if I were to 
take the earliest implementation of Enterprise Extender on say a 2216 - 
assuming I could find one - and connect it to the latest z/OS Communication 
Server that would also work with complete harmony. Anyone care to take me 

I avoided pointing out in my previous post - as I was tempted - that you did 
not have to perform some sort of due diligence on matching the 
implementation of IP through to HTTP on any new PC you bought in your 
local "byte" shop with all the web sites to which you might want to connect. 
It struck me as an insult to your intelligence - but I see it has become 


> I will take a good look at the APAR information. 

Furthermore, you have missed quite utterly and completely what I was saying 
about that maintenance. In one case, there appeared to be a genuine problem 
involving PCOMM - or maybe just reported with PCOMM - there is now no 
longer any trace of it other than what Google managed to retain. The other 
cases referred to "new function" which, in the one case upon which there was 
some elaboration, is a "nice to have" function - if you can get your head 
around how it works - and it looks like some customer with clout may have 
made a general complaint which the IBM developers took to heart and cobbled 
together and implemented some (overly) erudite concept. The other, being 
described as "new function", may be something similar which has not yet been 
announced. For example, I think I saw mention of an improved way of 
managing HPR flow control when running over an IP network. 

But the part that should interest you is that the APAR fixes are all included 
V1R11 and that, whatever your partner node is, since it follows 
communications protocols, namely SNA *and* IP, if the two partners are 
expected to participate in any "new function", one will propose the function 
and will be able to recognise a "blank stare" in reply. That's the way this 
particular cookie crumbles! 

Now that you have made it clear you are stuck on V1R4, it's evident you will 
be obliged to forgo the "new functions". 

Calling an instrument for turning earth an instrument for turning earth 

>...> Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new z/OS 1.11 
system via EE. 

was a very silly thing to put in a public context unexamined! 

Now, if indeed there is some memory of maintenance being mentioned in 
connection with Enterprise Extender and different releases of z/OS 
Communications Server, it should have been presented as such and *not* 
assume that the word "incompatibility" applied. And, since this is supposed to 
be a valued response, some hint as to where the description of the 
maintenance could be found is in order or perhaps just encouragement to 
check with the formal sources which no doubt you were doing anyhow. 

Having had to spend some effort disproving there was anything to worry 
about, I feel entitled to "vent" some irritation and direct it to one who did 
do us the courtesy of checking his sources before spreading FUD. 

What's more, it's entirely possible that someone in Brian Peterson's "shop&quo

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Chris Mason
ur partner site is at 1.9, moving to 1.11 
> ...

I used to teach Enterprise Extender as a topic back in 1999 with some early 
level of OS/390 Communications Server. I expect that - and the 2216 devices 
with which I communicated - would all very happily and productively 
communicate with z/OS Communications Server V1R4, V1R9 and V1R11.

> Neither did my inquiry cast any aspersions whatsoever on your advice to 
your clients.

There are times when I should bear in mind I may be dealing with "irony-free" 
zones - where the word humour lacks the second "u"!

> So it is with many products.

Which of those many products is known to operate according to formats 
and "codes of correct conduct" established externally to the products - and 
other products with which they "interwork"?

> I am disappointed that you would take the opportunity ... to vent against 
others who have been kind enough to respond to my inquiry.

I don't wish to discourage responses but I most certainly do wish to suggest 
that any contributions are not deliberately misleading and even destructive - 
and time-wasting!

Chris Mason

On Mon, 24 May 2010 17:41:37 +, Linda Mooney 

>Hi Chris, 
>Let me reassure you - I am not quivering in a corner, but I do thank you for 
your concern.  I think the meaning of my original post was clear enough.  
We are, and have been for some time, using Enterprise Extender.  Sadly, we 
are still at z/OS 1.4.  Our partner site is at 1.9, moving to 1.11 this summer 
on a z10 box, using z/OS Communications Server . 
>No, I have not seen any withdrawal notices for Enterprise Extender either.  
Neither did my inquiry cast any aspersions whatsoever on your advice to your 
clients.  That said, I do not take it for granted that Enterprise Extender 
continue to function the same for us  as the 'distance' between partner 
(my shop and our partner site)  releases increases.  So it is with many 
>I am disappointed that you would take the opportunity of an otherwise useful 
and helpful response to my inquiry to vent against others who have been kind 
enough to respond to my inquiry.  
>I will take a good look at the APAR information. 
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Chris Mason"  
>Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 1:50:34 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
>Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 
>> Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11? 
>Has there been an IBM announcement that says Enterprise Extender (EE) has 
>been withdrawn? I would find this enormously surprising given the massive 
>investment in new functions which can be found going from z/OS 
>Communications Server release to release for EE - which, after much 
>and quite a bit of frustration with the level of IBM APAR documentation these 
>days, I discover is the source of the FUD being put about by Brian Peterson 
>and - although appearing only in Google and not the regular archives - Tom 
>All this to say nothing of the ostrich egg that will be on my face for 
>encouraging the customer where I work from time to time to rely upon EE for 
>major set of support functions within the network. 
>Were you perhaps burned by the withdrawal of AnyNet SNA over IP a few 
>releases back and so are driven quivering into a corner by any release 
>movement involving SNA over IP? Recall that Enterprise Extender was the 
>migration path provided - even if you were likely to lose an arm and a leg in 
>the migration process - for AnyNet SNA over IP. It was the poor folk who 
>the - theoretical - advantages of using AnyNet IP over SNA who suffered 
>being cast into outer darkness with no migration support when they were cut 
>off at the knees. 
>> Does either system require any service? 
>In principle, in asking a question such as this one it's important to know 
>platform is in use supporting EE in your partner "data center" so that you can 
>check "compatibility". It need not be z/OS Communications Server. It could 
>one of a range of other IBM Communications Server products including the 
>which runs on Linux for System z or whatever the favourite name is this 
>The other platforms are Windows and AIX and Linux on Intel architecture. 
>we mustn't forget the AS/400 or again whatever the favourite name is this 
>week. Then there are the non-IBM platform such as Microsoft's Host 
>Integration Server (HIS) or Cisco's SNA Switching Services (SNASw). 
>I can't say the list is endless! 
>But all of this is moot. EE i

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Brian Peterson
The incompatibility I originally mentioned in my post on 5/20/2010 is now
described by IBM as follows:

"z/OS V1R10 VTAM compatibility requirements for HPR sessions in mixed network"

At the time we began researching our z/OS 1.10 implementation, the
workaround described in the document did not exist.  Check out the following
from the above document: "To avoid all possible V1R10 (or later) HPR
compatibility issues, a new function APAR is available for V1R10"

Apologies to all for my lack of precision in my previous response to this


On Thu, 20 May 2010 17:54:09 -0500, Brian Peterson wrote:

>I am pretty sure there was an incompatibility with EE across some number of
>z/OS releases.  Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new
>z/OS 1.11 system via EE.  Last year, we almost had to delay our z/OS 1.10
>implementation due to downlevel partnersas I recall.
>I would open a PMR with IBM and ask the experts.

On Sat, 22 May 2010 15:50:34 -0500, Chris Mason wrote:

>> Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11?
>Has there been an IBM announcement that says Enterprise Extender (EE) has
>been withdrawn? I would find this enormously surprising given the massive
>investment in new functions which can be found going from z/OS
>Communications Server release to release for EE - which, after much research
>and quite a bit of frustration with the level of IBM APAR documentation these
>days, I discover is the source of the FUD being put about by Brian Peterson
>and - although appearing only in Google and not the regular archives - Tom

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-24 Thread Linda Mooney
Hi Chris, 

Let me reassure you - I am not quivering in a corner, but I do thank you for 
your concern.  I think the meaning of my original post was clear enough.  We 
are, and have been for some time, using Enterprise Extender.  Sadly, we are 
still at z/OS 1.4.  Our partner site is at 1.9, moving to 1.11 this summer on a 
z10 box, using z/OS Communications Server . 

No, I have not seen any withdrawal notices for Enterprise Extender either.  
Neither did my inquiry cast any aspersions whatsoever on your advice to your 
clients.  That said, I do not take it for granted that Enterprise Extender will 
continue to function the same for us  as the 'distance' between partner (my 
shop and our partner site)  releases increases.  So it is with many products.  

I am disappointed that you would take the opportunity of an otherwise useful 
and helpful response to my inquiry to vent against others who have been kind 
enough to respond to my inquiry.  

I will take a good look at the APAR information. 



- Original Message - 
From: "Chris Mason"  
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2010 1:50:34 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


> Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11? 

Has there been an IBM announcement that says Enterprise Extender (EE) has 
been withdrawn? I would find this enormously surprising given the massive 
investment in new functions which can be found going from z/OS 
Communications Server release to release for EE - which, after much research 
and quite a bit of frustration with the level of IBM APAR documentation these 
days, I discover is the source of the FUD being put about by Brian Peterson 
and - although appearing only in Google and not the regular archives - Tom 

All this to say nothing of the ostrich egg that will be on my face for 
encouraging the customer where I work from time to time to rely upon EE for a 
major set of support functions within the network. 

Were you perhaps burned by the withdrawal of AnyNet SNA over IP a few 
releases back and so are driven quivering into a corner by any release 
movement involving SNA over IP? Recall that Enterprise Extender was the 
migration path provided - even if you were likely to lose an arm and a leg in 
the migration process - for AnyNet SNA over IP. It was the poor folk who saw 
the - theoretical - advantages of using AnyNet IP over SNA who suffered 
being cast into outer darkness with no migration support when they were cut 
off at the knees. 

> Does either system require any service? 

In principle, in asking a question such as this one it's important to know 
platform is in use supporting EE in your partner "data center" so that you can 
check "compatibility". It need not be z/OS Communications Server. It could be 
one of a range of other IBM Communications Server products including the one 
which runs on Linux for System z or whatever the favourite name is this week. 
The other platforms are Windows and AIX and Linux on Intel architecture. Also 
we mustn't forget the AS/400 or again whatever the favourite name is this 
week. Then there are the non-IBM platform such as Microsoft's Host 
Integration Server (HIS) or Cisco's SNA Switching Services (SNASw). Actually 
I can't say the list is endless! 

But all of this is moot. EE is an architecture. This means that all the 
work towards a common implementation agreed by all. Thus you are entitled 
to assume - and, after "alarums and excursions" thanks to Brian Peterson and 
Tom Longfellow, it is shown to be a valid assumption - that any 
implementation of EE at any level of supporting software with function quite 
happily with any other implementation of EE at any level of supporting 
software - point final! 

If there were really to be any "showstoppers", your - or your partner's - 
regular search - due diligence - for high impact maintenance would have 
caught it. 


So to what were Brian Peterson and Tom Longfellow referring with their FUD - 
less onerous in Tom's case, I'm happy to say, since he gave a clue where to 
go and find out what it might really have been all about. 

>From Brian Peterson: 

> I am pretty sure there was an incompatibility with EE across some number of 
z/OS releases. Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new 
z/OS 1.11 system via EE. Last year, we almost had to delay our z/OS 1.10 
implementation due to downlevel partnersas I recall. 

>From Tom Longfellow: 

> Search the IBM or Share websites for Marna Walle's excellent presentations 
on migration actions for z/OS 1.11. I think I remember a reference to a back- 
level EE connection problem. 

Thanks to Tom's hint to go looking into presentations "on the web", I 
discovered that Brian had managed to conv

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-22 Thread Chris Mason

> Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11?

Has there been an IBM announcement that says Enterprise Extender (EE) has 
been withdrawn? I would find this enormously surprising given the massive 
investment in new functions which can be found going from z/OS 
Communications Server release to release for EE - which, after much research 
and quite a bit of frustration with the level of IBM APAR documentation these 
days, I discover is the source of the FUD being put about by Brian Peterson 
and - although appearing only in Google and not the regular archives - Tom 

All this to say nothing of the ostrich egg that will be on my face for 
encouraging the customer where I work from time to time to rely upon EE for a 
major set of support functions within the network.

Were you perhaps burned by the withdrawal of AnyNet SNA over IP a few 
releases back and so are driven quivering into a corner by any release 
movement involving SNA over IP? Recall that Enterprise Extender was the 
migration path provided - even if you were likely to lose an arm and a leg in 
the migration process - for AnyNet SNA over IP. It was the poor folk who saw 
the - theoretical - advantages of using AnyNet IP over SNA who suffered 
being cast into outer darkness with no migration support when they were cut 
off at the knees.

> Does either system require any service?

In principle, in asking a question such as this one it's important to know 
platform is in use supporting EE in your partner "data center" so that you can 
check "compatibility". It need not be z/OS Communications Server. It could be 
one of a range of other IBM Communications Server products including the one 
which runs on Linux for System z or whatever the favourite name is this week. 
The other platforms are Windows and AIX and Linux on Intel architecture. Also 
we mustn't forget the AS/400 or again whatever the favourite name is this 
week. Then there are the non-IBM platform such as Microsoft's Host 
Integration Server (HIS) or Cisco's SNA Switching Services (SNASw). Actually 
I can't say the list is endless!

But all of this is moot. EE is an architecture. This means that all the 
work towards a common implementation agreed by all. Thus you are entitled 
to assume - and, after "alarums and excursions" thanks to Brian Peterson and 
Tom Longfellow, it is shown to be a valid assumption - that any 
implementation of EE at any level of supporting software with function quite 
happily with any other implementation of EE at any level of supporting 
software - point final!

If there were really to be any "showstoppers", your - or your partner's - 
regular search - due diligence - for high impact maintenance would have 
caught it. 


So to what were Brian Peterson and Tom Longfellow referring with their FUD - 
less onerous in Tom's case, I'm happy to say, since he gave a clue where to 
go and find out what it might really have been all about.

>From Brian Peterson:

> I am pretty sure there was an incompatibility with EE across some number of 
z/OS releases. Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new 
z/OS 1.11 system via EE. Last year, we almost had to delay our z/OS 1.10
implementation due to downlevel partnersas I recall.

>From Tom Longfellow:

> Search the IBM or Share websites for Marna Walle's excellent presentations 
on migration actions for z/OS 1.11. I think I remember a reference to a back-
level EE connection problem.

Thanks to Tom's hint to go looking into presentations "on the web", I 
discovered that Brian had managed to convert the word "compatibility" in a 
section I found in the document, "IBM Communications Server v6.4.0 for Linux 
INSTALLATION AND RELEASE NOTES on System p 5724-I33" entitled "1.3  
Product compatibility" where three APARs were listed into "incompatibility - 
quite missing all the subtlety in what the purpose of the APARs was.

After looking into - as far as I could - the three APAR fixes it was suggested 
could be installed in various z/OS releases in order to improve compatibility 
with the functions available in the release of Communications Server on Linux I 
found in two cases we were talking about some optional "new function" - in 
other words confusion caused by IBM striving to provide enhancements to a 
very much alive EE architecture!

I hope you noticed that the words "improve" and "enhancements" were used 
there. We are absolutely ***not*** talking about "showstoppers" and - 
please correct me if I'm wrong - you had in mind "showstoppers" rather than 
the somewhat obscure facility such as "Enterprise Extender connection 
network reachability awareness" as implemented through the UNRCHTIM start 
option and operand of the PORT or GROUP (preferred) statement in the XCA 
major node - which I dread having to try to explain to the customer folk for 
whom I work from time to time in an education session concerning the design I 
have foisted on them.

The point i

Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-20 Thread Brian Peterson
I am pretty sure there was an incompatibility with EE across some number of
z/OS releases.  Your z/OS 1.4 system might NOT be able to connect to a new
z/OS 1.11 system via EE.  Last year, we almost had to delay our z/OS 1.10
implementation due to downlevel partnersas I recall.

I would open a PMR with IBM and ask the experts.


On Thu, 20 May 2010 19:05:50 +, Linda Mooney wrote:

>Greetings All, 
>We are currently running z/OS 1.4 (yeah, I know) and use Enterprise
Extender to conect with another data center.  The other data center plans
to cut over to z/OS 1.11 this summer.  Does Enterprise Extender still
function with 1.11? 
>Linda Mooney 

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-20 Thread Linda Mooney
Thanks Ron! 

- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Wells"  
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:48:08 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 

should be fine...ran 1.7 to 1.9 and 1.11 (that rel we had lots of hmc problem...outside customers was running ahead of us at problem..REAL 

From:   Linda Mooney  
Date:   05/20/2010 02:41 PM 
Subject:        Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List  

Hi Ron, 

Does either system require any service?   



- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Wells"  
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:26:49 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


From:   Linda Mooney  
Date:   05/20/2010 02:05 PM 
Subject:        Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List  

Greetings All, 

We are currently running z/OS 1.4 (yeah, I know) and use Enterprise 
Extender to conect with another data center.  The other data center plans 
to cut over to z/OS 1.11 this summer.  Does Enterprise Extender still 
function with 1.11? 


Linda Mooney 

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-20 Thread Ron Wells
should be fine...ran 1.7 to 1.9 and 1.11 (that rel we had lots of hmc problem...outside customers was running ahead of us at problem..REAL

From:   Linda Mooney 
Date:   05/20/2010 02:41 PM
Subject:Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Hi Ron, 

Does either system require any service?  



- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Wells"  
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:26:49 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


From:   Linda Mooney  
Date:   05/20/2010 02:05 PM 
Subject:Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List  

Greetings All, 

We are currently running z/OS 1.4 (yeah, I know) and use Enterprise 
Extender to conect with another data center.  The other data center plans 
to cut over to z/OS 1.11 this summer.  Does Enterprise Extender still 
function with 1.11? 


Linda Mooney 

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-20 Thread Linda Mooney
Hi Ron, 

Does either system require any service?  



- Original Message - 
From: "Ron Wells"  
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2010 12:26:49 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 


From:   Linda Mooney  
Date:   05/20/2010 02:05 PM 
Subject:        Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11 
Sent by:        IBM Mainframe Discussion List  

Greetings All, 

We are currently running z/OS 1.4 (yeah, I know) and use Enterprise 
Extender to conect with another data center.  The other data center plans 
to cut over to z/OS 1.11 this summer.  Does Enterprise Extender still 
function with 1.11? 


Linda Mooney 

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Re: Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-20 Thread Ron Wells

From:   Linda Mooney 
Date:   05/20/2010 02:05 PM
Subject:Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11
Sent by:IBM Mainframe Discussion List 

Greetings All, 

We are currently running z/OS 1.4 (yeah, I know) and use Enterprise 
Extender to conect with another data center.  The other data center plans 
to cut over to z/OS 1.11 this summer.  Does Enterprise Extender still 
function with 1.11? 


Linda Mooney 

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This  E-mail  contains  confidential  information  belonging to the sender, 
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Enterprise Extender, z/OS 1.11

2010-05-20 Thread Linda Mooney
Greetings All, 

We are currently running z/OS 1.4 (yeah, I know) and use Enterprise Extender to 
conect with another data center.  The other data center plans to cut over to 
z/OS 1.11 this summer.  Does Enterprise Extender still function with 1.11? 


Linda Mooney 

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