Re: Best practice of reducing the extent of PDS defined in lnklst

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Relson
Why anyone would want to do this, I have no idea.
Extents do not cause problems. Adding to existing data sets
resulting in new extents is what causes problems. That is
why IBM recommends that you allocate your LNKLST PDSs so that
they cannot have secondary extents. That just makes it so
that you get alerted (by a failure) if your addition of a
module would have caused a new extent -- it just indicates
'no room at all'.

If you had asked how to compress, or delete, a data set
that is in the LNKLST, the process is the same, so let's
proceed on that basis.

Start from the realization that it is not OK to compress
or delete a data set that someone has allocated. For those
reasons, the system (in the XCFAS address space, but not
XCF processing itself) allocates each LNKLST data set. And
LLA does the same.

So the key, overall, is to make it so that the system does
not have the data set allocated (at which point you can do
whatever you want with that data set). And the system will
no longer have the data set allocated when that data set
is not in any active LNKLST set and is not being managed
by LLA.

(This procedure, more or less, can be found in the
documentation of the CSVDYNL macro, under the CHECKSYS1=NO

As always, I add the caution here that any UPDATE is
unpredictably dangerous, but if the alternative is re-IPL,
might be worth it.
After the UPDATE, the only active LNKLST set is PROD01
which does not have MODULE.NAME so LNKLST processing
does not have MODULE.NAME allocated.
Now that only PROD01 is active, the system, knowing that
any other LNKLST sets are inactive can close their DCBs
which frees the DEB. BUT, note that this is not done for
the IPL-time LNKLST set (whose DCB is pointed to by CVTLINK)
for compatibility reasons, protecting against customer or
vendor programs that might be looking at that DCB / DEB.
After this, LLA will no longer be managing MODULE.NAME so
LLA will not have that data set allocated
6.Do whatever you want to MODULE.NAME (compress, copy to
"old", allocate a new one with no secondary extents,
copy from "old" back to the "new"
The previous LNKLST set (the one that was "current" before
you worked with PROD01 is perfectly usable.
You need this only if existing address spaces need
to use MODULE.NAME. Otherwise, it can be omitted, since
new address spaces will be assigned to the "previous"
LNKLST. Since MODULE.NAME is now in an active LNKLST set,
LNKLST processing will have allocated it.
PROD01, no longer active, has its DCB closed (and as
a result) DEB freed.
Now LLA is once again managing MODULE.NAME.

Note that it would be wholly incorrect to use the
LNKLST UNALLOCATE function to get LNKLST processing to
release its allocation. That function is intended only
to allow you to manipulate uncataloged data sets of the
same name as a data set in an active LNKLST set.

>If the module is share across several systems do
I did not understand what this is for. If the data set
is shared across several systems, the same process must
be done on all those systems. If you are updating a
data set that is allocated by some system, all bets are off.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: Best practice of reducing the extent of PDS defined in lnklst

2005-06-02 Thread Patrick O'Keefe
On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 07:46:07 -0400, Peter Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>So the key, overall, is to make it so that the system does
>not have the data set allocated (at which point you can do
>whatever you want with that data set). And the system will
>no longer have the data set allocated when that data set
>is not in any active LNKLST set and is not being managed
>by LLA.

I'm way out of my area of expertise here - couldn't get much farther - so
I may be way off base, but I think this is also the procedure needed to
get space freed in a linklist PDSE.  You just don't have to do anything
between freeing it and reallocating it.  But if you don't go through the
procedure, freed space doesn't get reclaimed.  At least that used to be
the case.

And I think "system" means "all systems in a Sysplex".

Pat O'Keefe

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Re: Best practice of reducing the extent of PDS defined in lnklst

2005-06-02 Thread Leonard Woren
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 07:46:07AM -0400, Peter Relson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Adding to existing data sets
> resulting in new extents is what causes problems. That is
> why IBM recommends that you allocate your LNKLST PDSs so that
> they cannot have secondary extents.

Agreed.  So, how do you do this?  Specify a secondary allocation of 0?
What about the following (incorrect but extremely common) JCL?
  // EXEC whateverCL
  //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=some.linklist.dataset

That seemingly-reasonable JCL will allow secondary extents to be
allocated.  Why?  Because all of the IBM-supplied whateverCL procs
have //SYSLMOD DD UNIT=something,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(t,(p,s)) .
Since, as touched on in another thread, the //SYSLMOD override 
doesn't nullify keywords in the proc which weren't on the override,
the secondary quantity "s" is applied on a one-time basis and a
secondary extent can be taken.  The "fix" for this is to specify
  // EXEC whateverCL
  //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=some.linklist.dataset,SPACE=

Now, how many people do that?  Even ignoring the linklist issue, this
design problem wreaks all kinds of havoc.  If the in-proc DD contains
RLSE (because after all it was set up for a temporary dataset), then
you end up with a bunch of tiny extents.  And if the allocation type
specifications are different, you can get track-allocated secondary
extents in datasets which were allocated CYL or ROUND.  I won't even
mention what happens to libraries with blocksizes less than the 
maximum when the SYSLMOD in the proc contains a BLKSIZE= value
larger than the dataset's original blocksize.  (I don't know about
now, but in the past, compressing such a dataset with IEBCOPY would
destroy it because IEBCOPY would move members until it encountered a
block larger than the blocksize, then it would bail without updating
the directory for the already-moved members.)

Personally, I think the quick fix for this would be to risk breaking
poorly written JCL by completely removing SYSLMOD from all whateverCL

This is why I have used only my own custom-written whateverCL procs
for the last 30 years.

My personal rule of thumb:  vendor supplied JCL is *always* wrong.


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Re: Best practice of reducing the extent of PDS defined in lnklst

2005-06-03 Thread Peter Relson
A reason I did not mention PDSEs is that you cannot delete
a PDSE that was in the IPL-time LNKLST regardless of whether
it is no longer in any active LNKLST set. PDSEs do have
extents (to my way of thinking) but for LNKLST purposes (DEB)
they count only as one so the problem of expanding into a
new extent does not exist for them. But it is quite possible
that the problem of needing to free up now-unused space
does exist.

>And I think "system" means "all systems in a Sysplex".
Not really true. The operations done on the data set are
system-specific. You might have to do them on all systems
in the sysplex that are sharing the data set. But releasing
an allocation on "system A" has no bearing on the allocation
that "system B" might have.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: Best practice of reducing the extent of PDS defined in lnklst

2005-06-03 Thread Mark Zelden
On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 07:56:08 -0400, Peter Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>A reason I did not mention PDSEs is that you cannot delete
>a PDSE that was in the IPL-time LNKLST regardless of whether
>it is no longer in any active LNKLST set.

Thanks, I never knew that.  Probably because I never tried it. :-)
Is that documented anywhere?Ya learn something new every day!

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect
Systems Programming expert at
Mark's MVS Utilities:

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Re: Best practice of reducing the extent of PDS defined in lnklst

2005-06-03 Thread Patrick O'Keefe
On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 07:56:08 -0400, Peter Relson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>And I think "system" means "all systems in a Sysplex".
>Not really true. The operations done on the data set are
>system-specific. You might have to do them on all systems
>in the sysplex that are sharing the data set. ...

That was what I mean.  You apparently failed to read my mind.

You said "...So the key, overall, is to make it so that the system does
not have the data set allocated ...".  I was trying to say that should be
"... make it so that all system in the sysplex do not have the data set
allocated ...".

Pat O'Keefe

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