Re: R/W access to HMC

2012-12-29 Thread R.S.
Yes, I can import IOCP txt from memory stick, but I want to UPLOAD the 
file TO memory stick from my workstation. Reason: the HMC and CPC reside 
in remote location. I can power-up the machine remotely, IPL, 
deactivate, change reset profiles, configure OSA-ICC, everything 
remotely EXCEPT new IOCP upload. I don't want to interconnect HMC-SE 
private network with my corpo-network, as it is not recommended.

(Yes, I know I can upload IOCDS directly from z/OS image, but this is 
not the same)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2012-12-28 20:23, retired mainframer pisze:

On the HMC that came with our z10, you could import IOCP text files from a
USB memory stick.  It had a CD/DVD reader/writer but I don't remember if you
could import from that.

You could also export screen shots for inclusion in procedure or training

:: -Original Message-
:: From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
:: Behalf Of R.S.
:: Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:15 AM
:: Subject: R/W access to HMC
:: Is there any supported method to access HMC media (USB stick, maybe
:: other) in R/W mode?
:: My goal is to update IOCP.txt files on the stick then read them from SE
:: to build IOCDS.
:: I mean HMC version 2.x (Linux based).
:: In the old good OS/2 it was feasible.

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2012-12-29 Thread Walt Farrell
On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 07:42:34 +0100, ibmmain wrote:

 I have also seen this happen with IBMUSER, and the colleague doing the ftp 
 swears that he didn't use IBMUSER for his ftp.

If this was for an inbound FTP session, do you have the FTP server configured 
to run as IBMUSER?


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2012-12-29 Thread Peter Hunkeler
It seems I have not been clear enough.

Like a JESx initiator, which, in its lifetime, may serve as a container 
(address space) for many batch jobs, BPXAS initiators may, in their lifetime, 
serve as a container (i.e.address space) for many, many processes one after the 

The message BPXP042I documents only which (parent) process initiated *the 
creation of this very instance of a BPXAS address space* because it (the parent 
process) started a new (child) process (via spawn() of fork()). Thereafter, the 
very same instance of the BPXAS address space may be used again and again and 
again. Each time a process does a (non-local) spawn() of a fork(), one such 
BPXAS is needed. 

If a BPXAS is sitting around doing nothing, i.e. it is idle, this means it has 
been hosting one or more processes before. But currently, it is waiting for 
another process it can host, or, for the 30 minute idle period to expire. You 
will see message BPXP024I only for the *very first* process is was hosting in 
its lifetime.

In SDSF, when you see a line saying BPXAS, this is a line showing an *idle* 
UNIX process initiator. This is equivalent to JESx initiators. When you see a 
line saying INIT, this is an idle batch job initiator.

The JESx initiator changes its displayed jobname when it is serving a batch 
job. Equally, a BPXAS changes its displayed jobname when it is serving a UNIX 

I have seen that message citing my own (TSO) userid as jobname. And I had 
certainly NOT done anything at that time. I had done something in OMVS before, 
though (like 5 minutes earlier). Is it possible that the jobname/userid 
somehow somewhere gets stored and reused despite *this* parent process being 
someone else? I have also seen this happen with IBMUSER, and the colleague 
doing the ftp swears that he didn't use IBMUSER for his ftp.

Let's assume you start your TSO session (your ID is BARBARA), then do something 
with Z/OS UNIX that starts a new UNIX *non-local* process. (There are processes 
that may run in the current address space, called local processes. There are 
processes that may *not* run in the current address space, called non-local 
processes.) Since this new non-local process needs an address space to run in, 
the system looks if it can find an *idle* BPXAS. We assume now, there was none, 
so a new one was started especially for you, well for your process. The system 
then writes message BPXP024I to document that your TSO session was the reason 
this BPXAS was started. (To be exact: The message documents that there is a 
process running in address space BARBARA that initiated this BPXAS creation. It 
does not say this is a TSO session.)

At this time (and before the process ends), you can see 2 lines in SDSF: One 
called BARBARA, a TSU line, representing your TSO session, and a second one 
called BARBARA1, an STC line, representing your UNIX process. You won't see a 
line called BPXAS.

Sometime later, your non-local process ends; the BPXAS becomes idle. You can 
again see it as BPXAS in SDSF and you can read message BPXP024I saying it was 
started for parent BARBARA.

Let's now assume nothing else happened on the system until 5 minutes later, 
when your colleage FOO performs the very same steps described above. The BPXAS 
is still idle and the system will select it to host Foo's UNIX process. Since 
the BPXAS was already running, *no* BPXP024I message is written.

At this time (before the process ends), you can see 2 lines in SDSF: One called 
FOO, a TSU line, representing Foo's TSO session, and a second one called FOO1, 
an STC line, representing Foo's UNIX process.  You won't see a line called 

Sometime later, Foo's non-local process ends; the BPXAS becomes idle again. You 
can again see it as BPXAS in SDSF and you can still read message BPXP024I 
saying it was started for parent BARBARA. 

You won't see Foo's process mentioned. Why? Imagine, say, ten UNIX guys are 
logged into Z/OS UNIX working hardly in their shell environments for 8 hours. 
You can imagine that thousands and thousands of processes have been started and 
ended during that working day.  Say, a couple of BPXAS address spaces could 
cope with the work but never got idle long enough (the 30 minutes period) to 
end. If BPXP024I was written for each and every process, there were thousands 
and thousands of BPCXP024I messages in those BPXASs filling your spool.

Peter Hunkeler

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2012-12-29 Thread Peter Hunkeler
 I have also seen this happen with IBMUSER, and the colleague doing the ftp 
 swears that he didn't use IBMUSER for his ftp.

If this was for an inbound FTP session, do you have the FTP server configured 
to run as IBMUSER?

The message documents the *jobname*, not the uid/userid of the parent process. 
If the message says IBMUSER, then there must have been some address space named 
IBMUSER initiating the creation of this BPXAS.

Isn't IBMUSER a userid defined on precustomized z/OS systems like the ADCD 
systems? I bet someone was logged into TSO as IBMUSER, then did some UNIX work. 
Later that other colleague did an ftp and his process was hosted by the BPXAS 
that previously has been started on bevalf of IBMUSER.

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: I broke it - programcontrolled programs

2012-12-29 Thread Peter Hunkeler
Thanks for that list. Problem is, BPX.DAEMON was defined with UACC(READ) and 
some userids had ALTER, so explicit READ access doesn't do much. Or does it?

I just stumbled over this one when reading the whole thread once more trying to 
find answers for Barbara.

The profile should be defined with UACC(NONE), then ACC(READ) should be given 
to only those userids that need it, i.e. servers, not people. When access is 
needed, the distinction is between NONE and READ. ALTER imples READ, so it is 
the same.

Peter Hunkeler

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Re: R/W access to HMC

2012-12-29 Thread retired mainframer
I'm confused.  If you want to transfer text data (in either direction)
between the HMC and a memory stick, you need to mount the stick in the HMC.

I never used remote access to the HMC so I don't know if the import/export
functions will support a text transfer between the HMC (server) and your
workstation (client).

But if it does support such a transfer, why would you bother with the memory
stick?  A file on a memory stick on the workstation is just Q:\x.txt which
is no different to the transfer protocol than one on your hard drive

I wonder if the HMC backup functions will support any destination other than
the local (to the HMC) CD/DVD drive.

:: -Original Message-
:: From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
:: Behalf Of R.S.
:: Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 1:55 AM
:: Subject: Re: R/W access to HMC
:: Yes, I can import IOCP txt from memory stick, but I want to UPLOAD the
:: file TO memory stick from my workstation. Reason: the HMC and CPC reside
:: in remote location. I can power-up the machine remotely, IPL,
:: deactivate, change reset profiles, configure OSA-ICC, everything
:: remotely EXCEPT new IOCP upload. I don't want to interconnect HMC-SE
:: private network with my corpo-network, as it is not recommended.
:: (Yes, I know I can upload IOCDS directly from z/OS image, but this is
:: not the same)
:: W dniu 2012-12-28 20:23, retired mainframer pisze:
::  On the HMC that came with our z10, you could import IOCP text files
:: from a
::  USB memory stick.  It had a CD/DVD reader/writer but I don't remember
:: if you
::  could import from that.
::  You could also export screen shots for inclusion in procedure or
:: training
::  documentation.
::  :: -Original Message-
::  :: From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-
::] On
::  :: Behalf Of R.S.
::  :: Sent: Friday, December 28, 2012 6:15 AM
::  :: Subject: R/W access to HMC
::  ::
::  :: Is there any supported method to access HMC media (USB stick,
:: maybe
::  :: other) in R/W mode?
::  ::
::  :: My goal is to update IOCP.txt files on the stick then read them
:: from SE
::  :: to build IOCDS.

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