Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-29 Thread Binyamin Dissen
On Sun, 28 Mar 2021 00:58:22 -0400 Gary Weinhold  wrote:

:>It was set up this way when we decided we had to add a PC to our product 
:>20 years ago.  I believe the programmer was afraid that a customer could 
:>accidentally cancel the server started task and cause all running 
:>instances of our product to abend (which could include CICS and IMS/TM 
:>regions, batch jobs and a shared dataspace).  He figured this technique 
:>would only prevent new instances of our product from starting and 
:>wouldn't be as big a problem for the customer to recover from.

Set up a RESMGR in the server that sets a bit indicating not available. It is
possible to get an 0D6 (or is it 0D7)  should a thread be in the middle of the
PC and get interrupted and then resume after the cancel completes but that
would be extremely rare,

Binyamin Dissen

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-29 Thread Peter Relson

It was set up this way when we decided we had to add a PC to our product
20 years ago.  I believe the programmer was afraid that a customer could
accidentally cancel the server started task and cause all running
instances of our product to abend (which could include CICS and IMS/TM
regions, batch jobs and a shared dataspace).  He figured this technique
would only prevent new instances of our product from starting and
wouldn't be as big a problem for the customer to recover from.

What specifically is the "technique"? Using LXRES within a batch job is 
simply a bad idea. 
Apparently you want a separate LXRES for each user. That's OK (if likely 
very wasteful). But then you can have multiple started tasks.
"The" server started task does not need to be the implementation. "A" 
server started task" could be (and each user connects to its own server).
And of course the server task could be made non-cancelable.

Further, canceling a server causes no abend in and of itself. Only when a 
client attempts to access would there be the expected problem, leaving 
opportunity for "waiting until restart" or whatever.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-29 Thread Rob Scott

If you update the PPT entry for your server jobstep program to NOCANCEL, then 
you can consider moving the ownership of that PC-cp to the server.


From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Gary Weinhold
Sent: 28 March 2021 05:58
Subject: Re: Abend S052-104


Rob Scott wrote (snipped):

> From the description of the abend, if your user code runs as a jobstep in 
> something like a JES initiator, you will always be at risk from a prior batch 
> job performing an LXRES for PC-ss (without an initiator restart).

> Is there any reason why your user-ASID owned PC-cp cannot be owned by your 
> server-ASID ?
> The load module would have to be in LPA/common but could probably execute 
> exactly the same code as it does today.

and Peter Relson wrote (snipped):

> One case would be a multi-step started task (or initiated job) where the
> first step did so, and there is a second step.
> Don't do that.

Thanks, Peter and Rob.  This was a  batch job and we do not know all the
preceding job steps (we only know the prior step was IDCAMS). We know
our product can be run in multiple steps in the same job. Your responses
will enable us to help the customer research the preceding steps to the
abend in the address space.  The resolution may be as simple as changing
the job class for this job (or the cross-memory job step).  According to
the customer, this happens once in a while and rerunning the job works.

It was set up this way when we decided we had to add a PC to our product
20 years ago.  I believe the programmer was afraid that a customer could
accidentally cancel the server started task and cause all running
instances of our product to abend (which could include CICS and IMS/TM
regions, batch jobs and a shared dataspace).  He figured this technique
would only prevent new instances of our product from starting and
wouldn't be as big a problem for the customer to recover from.


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-28 Thread Jeremy Nicoll
On Sun, 28 Mar 2021, at 05:58, Gary Weinhold wrote:

> ...  According to
> the customer, this happens once in a while and rerunning the job works.

Does the customer have more than one initiator servicing whatever job
class the job required?

That is, how likely is it that the rerun jobs run in a different address space
from the earlier job?

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-27 Thread Gary Weinhold

Rob Scott wrote (snipped):

 From the description of the abend, if your user code runs as a jobstep in 
something like a JES initiator, you will always be at risk from a prior batch 
job performing an LXRES for PC-ss (without an initiator restart).


Is there any reason why your user-ASID owned PC-cp cannot be owned by your 
server-ASID ?

The load module would have to be in LPA/common but could probably execute 
exactly the same code as it does today.

and Peter Relson wrote (snipped):

One case would be a multi-step started task (or initiated job) where the
first step did so, and there is a second step.
Don't do that.

Thanks, Peter and Rob.  This was a  batch job and we do not know all the
preceding job steps (we only know the prior step was IDCAMS). We know
our product can be run in multiple steps in the same job. Your responses
will enable us to help the customer research the preceding steps to the
abend in the address space.  The resolution may be as simple as changing
the job class for this job (or the cross-memory job step).  According to
the customer, this happens once in a while and rerunning the job works.

It was set up this way when we decided we had to add a PC to our product
20 years ago.  I believe the programmer was afraid that a customer could
accidentally cancel the server started task and cause all running
instances of our product to abend (which could include CICS and IMS/TM
regions, batch jobs and a shared dataspace).  He figured this technique
would only prevent new instances of our product from starting and
wouldn't be as big a problem for the customer to recover from.


Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-26 Thread Peter Relson
This abend is not about a separate started task that uses LXRES in its 
creation of an XM environment, and then subsequent jobs or started tasks 

The description for this abend is this: LXRES is issued but a 
cross-memory-resource-owning jobstep task has already terminated in the 
home address space

One case would be a multi-step started task (or initiated job) where the 
first step did so, and there is a second step. 
Don't do that.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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Re: Abend S052-104

2021-03-26 Thread Rob Scott

From the description of the abend, if your user code runs as a jobstep in 
something like a JES initiator, you will always be at risk from a prior batch 
job performing an LXRES for PC-ss (without an initiator restart).
Admittedly this is rare as LXRES-issuing code normally runs as a started task.

One possibility that could explain the situation :

(1) A prior batch job established a non-resuable System-LX PC-ss and then 
terminated cleanly (including a successful LXFRE)
(2) At this point PCAUTH still has the initiator ASID in the “memory delete 
queue” and has marked the ASID as non-reusable.
(3) Your code is then scheduled to run in this initiator (same ASID as the init 
has not restarted)
(4) When you issue the LXRES you will get the S052-104
(5) If the initiator was stopped prior to your code executing, I would expect a 
IEF352I message (due to (1) and (2))

Without testing, I am unsure if the prior code was changed to use REUSABLE=YES 
if this would prevent the problem you are seeing, however this is moot as the 
prior job code is not under your control.

Is there any reason why your user-ASID owned PC-cp cannot be owned by your 
server-ASID ?

The load module would have to be in LPA/common but could probably execute 
exactly the same code as it does today.

Rob Scott
Rocket Software

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List  On Behalf Of 
Gary Weinhold
Sent: 25 March 2021 18:05
Subject: Abend S052-104


We have a situation in a customer environment where they intermittently
get this abend when our product initializes in a jobstep.  The S052
abend explanation:

A program incorrectly issued a macro to request processing by Program
Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines.

Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code in the form xxyy, where x
identifies the macro that was issued, and yy identifies the error. See
the system programmer response for an explanation of these reason codes.

*Code**  Explanation*
01yy  The program issued an LXRES macro.
0104 A job step attempted to issue the LXRES macro, but a prior job
step owned space-switch entry tables. (Subsequent job steps are not
permitted to issue PC/AUTH macros.)

Before applications using our product are started, our product
initializes an non-terminating address space in which we set up a system
non-space-switching PC. This PC is executed when our product is
initialized in a job step.  The function of the PC is to create a
non-space-switching non-system PC in our address-space with our "user"
PC for several supervisor state routines we need to invoke.  We also set
up an MVS RESMGR exit to allow us to cleanup at termination (which
includes an LXFRE).

So there is no doubt that we executed an LXRES.  But to me this abend
indicates that some prior step (could it perhaps not even be in this
job, but in some job that previously ran in this address space?) created
a space-switching PC and the address space is still is supporting it and
will not allow another LXRES.  So to prevent this error from occurring,
is there something we can do in our code, or should the submitter of the
job ensure that it runs in a different address space or should whatever
created the space-switching PC clean it up?

Or do I entirely misunderstand the meaning of this abend code?

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
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Abend S052-104

2021-03-25 Thread Gary Weinhold

We have a situation in a customer environment where they intermittently
get this abend when our product initializes in a jobstep.  The S052
abend explanation:

A program incorrectly issued a macro to request processing by Program
Call/authorization (PC/AUTH) service routines.

Register 15 contains a hexadecimal reason code in the form xxyy, where x
identifies the macro that was issued, and yy identifies the error. See
the system programmer response for an explanation of these reason codes.

*Code**  Explanation*
01yy  The program issued an LXRES macro.
0104 A job step attempted to issue the LXRES macro, but a prior job
step owned space-switch entry tables. (Subsequent job steps are not
permitted to issue PC/AUTH macros.)

Before applications using our product are started, our product
initializes an non-terminating address space in which we set up a system
non-space-switching PC. This PC is executed when our product is
initialized in a job step.  The function of the PC is to create a
non-space-switching non-system PC in our address-space with our "user"
PC for several supervisor state routines we need to invoke.  We also set
up an MVS RESMGR exit to allow us to cleanup at termination (which
includes an LXFRE).

So there is no doubt that we executed an LXRES.  But to me this abend
indicates that some prior step (could it perhaps not even be in this
job, but in some job that previously ran in this address space?) created
a space-switching PC and the address space is still is supporting it and
will not allow another LXRES.  So to prevent this error from occurring,
is there something we can do in our code, or should the submitter of the
job ensure that it runs in a different address space or should whatever
created the space-switching PC clean it up?

Or do I entirely misunderstand the meaning of this abend code?

Gary Weinhold
Senior Application Architect
DATAKINETICS | Data Performance & Optimization
Phone:+1.613.523.5500 x216
Visit us online at
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attachments is confidential and may be subject to copyright or other 
intellectual property protection. If you are not the intended recipient, you 
are not authorized to use or disclose this information, and we request that you 
notify us by reply mail or telephone and delete the original message from your 
mail system.

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