Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread Ed Jaffe

On 12/1/2016 2:56 AM, Elardus Engelbrecht wrote:

"meaningless"! Hahaha!

Are there alternatives to MIPS? Service Units? Dispatch speed? Other 
measurement methods?

For software contracts based on processor capacity, the only 
"meaningful" value is MSU (millions of service units per hour).

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
831 Parkview Drive North
El Segundo, CA 90245

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Itschak Mugzach wrote:

>THere used to be a rexx that calculates mips and msus. Try this link at the 

Yes, thanks! There is a nice REXX program there.

If you are refering to Mark Zelden's site which contains IPLINFO, look at 

It seemed to me is not working?

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread Itschak Mugzach
THere used to be a rexx that calculates mips and msus. Try this link at the


ITschak Mugzach
Z/OS, ISV Products and Application Security & Risk Assessments Professional

On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Elardus Engelbrecht <> wrote:

> Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
> >That's why I used quotation marks for "meaningless".
> >MIPS definitions is weak, there's another measure: MSU.
> Yup. I'm familiar with MSU.
> >MSU is good, because it's known for public with no fee.
> >MSU is good, because there no multiple different MSU tables, there's one
> source of information.
> And Sub Capacity Report is using MSU. So no disputes.
> >MSU is bad, because of IBM tricks ("marketing" MSU vs "technical" MSU)
> since z990 GA.
> Sigh, I still don't get all those pricing schemes, but then I'm not a
> manager...
> ;-D
> Groete / Greetings
> Elardus Engelbrecht
> --
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> send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:

>That's why I used quotation marks for "meaningless".
>MIPS definitions is weak, there's another measure: MSU.

Yup. I'm familiar with MSU.

>MSU is good, because it's known for public with no fee.
>MSU is good, because there no multiple different MSU tables, there's one 
>source of information.

And Sub Capacity Report is using MSU. So no disputes.

>MSU is bad, because of IBM tricks ("marketing" MSU vs "technical" MSU) since 
>z990 GA.

Sigh, I still don't get all those pricing schemes, but then I'm not a manager...


Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2016-12-01 o 11:56, Elardus Engelbrecht pisze:

Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:

Note: every MIPS table can differ slightly due to "meaningless" value of MIPS.

"meaningless"! Hahaha!

Are there alternatives to MIPS? Service Units? Dispatch speed? Other 
measurement methods?

Also, what mixture of instructions [on what hardware type!] are used to 
calculate that MIPS?

For me, MIPS is 'useful', but with the usual disclaimers, cautions, pinch of 
salt, etc. With that value, you can estimate in a way how that machine can 
handle a specific workload mix, or for the OP, how many x records (SMF, SYSLOG, 
etc) it can process in wallclock time hh:mm:ss.

Using IBM, Cheryl Watson, Gartner, etc. MIPS tables are somewhat useful for 
comparing machine X with machine Y and justify your costs and overhead.

I am still curious about the OP's goal.

That's why I used quotation marks for "meaningless".
MIPS definitions is weak, there's another measure: MSU.
MSU is good, because it's known for public with no fee.
MSU is good, because there no multiple different MSU tables, there's one 
source of information.
MSU is bad, because of IBM tricks ("marketing" MSU vs "technical" MSU) 
since z990 GA.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:

>Note: every MIPS table can differ slightly due to "meaningless" value of MIPS. 

"meaningless"! Hahaha! 

Are there alternatives to MIPS? Service Units? Dispatch speed? Other 
measurement methods?

Also, what mixture of instructions [on what hardware type!] are used to 
calculate that MIPS?

For me, MIPS is 'useful', but with the usual disclaimers, cautions, pinch of 
salt, etc. With that value, you can estimate in a way how that machine can 
handle a specific workload mix, or for the OP, how many x records (SMF, SYSLOG, 
etc) it can process in wallclock time hh:mm:ss.

Using IBM, Cheryl Watson, Gartner, etc. MIPS tables are somewhat useful for 
comparing machine X with machine Y and justify your costs and overhead.

I am still curious about the OP's goal.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-12-01 Thread R.S.

IMHO the best way to obtain MIPS for given machine:

1. Find out the machine model and capacity marker. D M=CPU in z/OS or 
right click on CPC icon on HMC, or ...or some people working on it 
simply should know it.

2. Go to IBM site called LSPR and read "PCI index" which is MIPS value.

Note: every MIPS table can differ slightly due to "meaningless" value of 
MIPS. However is it really important whether your machine has 4624 or 
4622 MIPS???


I know one reason: software contracts. BTDT. Whenever I informed about 
HW upgrade (to get invoice) they corrected my MIPS value, because I took 
the value from IBM and they took it from Gartner report which is quite 
expensive. Of course the difference was worth a pack o peanuts, but the 
paperwork was bothering.

my €0.02

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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adresatowi, informujemy, e jej rozpowszechnianie, kopiowanie, rozprowadzanie 
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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Edward Finnell
There are several good references., SHARE, CMG and  
Performance Associates.
I've always enjoyed Dr. H Pat's observations.
The IBM LSPR numbers are a good starting point if you have an idea of where 
 you're going. You need to be cognizant of the Z13 design for thruput. Harv 
Emery  points out in his SHARE presentations of the dual pathing and other 
improvements  for the Z13.
 Tuning and Capacity planning are a life's endeavor. If you need help  your 
local branch can provide assistance or will do planning recommendations.  
Depending on how much you need, they'll start to charge after a point based 
on  your current licensing agreement.
In a message dated 11/30/2016 11:57:12 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

What are  you trying to solve? Rather consider Service Units.

You got good  replies about calculation methods and cautions about what 
MIPS is  really.

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Elardus Engelbrecht
Carlos Cordero wrote:

>Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind of 
>data-source and volumes estimation:

What are you trying to solve? Rather consider Service Units.

You got good replies about calculation methods and cautions about what MIPS is 

Just one fact to remember: Volume has NOTHING to do with MIPS, unless some 
software compression and/or record manipulation is used.

>Data Type: SMF
>Records procesed: X million
>Avg CPU per record:  .0xy seconds

By whom? SMF dump? Report generation? Resource usage billing?

The same goes for SYSLOG and SYSOUT.

Who or what is generating it? JES2? Programs in Jobs themselves or some Abend 
routine spewing out dumps?

As Lizette said, you can use IEBGENER to copy SYSLOG on whatever CEC. Or you 
can use ICEGENER or other utility to do that. But then there is also overhead 
to take in account like startup overhead, preparing for possible abends, 
paging, etc.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Mike Schwab
On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 3:54 PM, John McKown
> --
> Heisenberg may have been here.
> Unicode:
> Maranatha! <><
> John McKown
Donna the Deer Lady

Mike A Schwab, Springfield IL USA
Where do Forest Rangers go to get away from it all?

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread John McKown
On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 3:49 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson 

> The insatiable hunger for MIPS comes mainly from the non-mainframe world.
> IBM uses MSU ratings for mainframes of all sizes, but folks who want to
> compare other hardware can only speak MIPS. So there are various charts
> available from various sources to make sense of apples and oranges. You get
> to pick your source and run with it. ;-(

​IMO, there are only two really useful questions which can be asked: "How
long until I get my answer?" and "How much will it cost me?". But those are
way too difficult to answer in a generic sense.​

> .
> .
> J.O.Skip Robinson
> Southern California Edison Company
> Electric Dragon Team Paddler
> SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
> 323-715-0595 Mobile
> 626-302-7535 Office

Heisenberg may have been here.


Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Gerhard Adam
Most MIPS charts are expensive spreadsheets that simply duplicate what is
already available from the IBM LSPR.

Unless the provider of such a chart is running their own benchmarks, they
are largely nonsense.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: MIPS Calculation formula

Along those lines, here are a couple of links I found using an internet for
IBM Calculating MIPs and Service Units

It would also help to understand what you are trying to do with MIPS.!topic/

You may want to look more at Service Units or normalized reporting.

I can run an IEBGENER to Print a SYSLOG file with 10,000,000 lines.  My MIPS
or SUs may vary across each iterating.  If I change the CEC, it may change
again, if I have more CPs or less, it may change again.  It can be difficult
to get a repeatable report of MIPs. 

Postby Bill Dennis > Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:19 am

The MIPS rating is based on processor type and Operating System. Performance
guru Cheryl Watson offers several charts at
I'm not sure why you care about CPU MIPS rating because chargeback is
usually by CPU time or Service Units used. Your job will run in less time on
a faster CPU but the chargeback per second is usually more. 

Likewise, fewer Service Units are used on a faster CPU.
So, knowing what you are trying to report would be helpful.

Also, this may help.  This is a specific product, but the terms and concepts
may help (or not)


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Greg Dyck
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:54 PM
> Subject: Re: MIPS Calculation formula
> > Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind 
> > of data-
> source and volumes estimation:
> Keep in mind that MIPS stands for "Meaningless Indicator of Processor 
> Speed"... long used, usually misunderstood, and often abused.  On a 
> current processor I can write one program that executes x million 
> instructions in a second, and another that executes 5x million
instructions in a second.
> Regards,
> Greg

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to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Jesse 1 Robinson
The insatiable hunger for MIPS comes mainly from the non-mainframe world. IBM 
uses MSU ratings for mainframes of all sizes, but folks who want to compare 
other hardware can only speak MIPS. So there are various charts available from 
various sources to make sense of apples and oranges. You get to pick your 
source and run with it. ;-(

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-302-7535 Office

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Lizette Koehler
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:09 PM
Subject: (External):Re: MIPS Calculation formula

Along those lines, here are a couple of links I found using an internet for IBM 
Calculating MIPs and Service Units

It would also help to understand what you are trying to do with MIPS.!topic/

You may want to look more at Service Units or normalized reporting.

I can run an IEBGENER to Print a SYSLOG file with 10,000,000 lines.  My MIPS or 
SUs may vary across each iterating.  If I change the CEC, it may change again, 
if I have more CPs or less, it may change again.  It can be difficult to get a 
repeatable report of MIPs. 

Postby Bill Dennis > Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:19 am

The MIPS rating is based on processor type and Operating System. Performance 
guru Cheryl Watson offers several charts at
I'm not sure why you care about CPU MIPS rating because chargeback is usually 
by CPU time or Service Units used. Your job will run in less time on a faster 
CPU but the chargeback per second is usually more. 

Likewise, fewer Service Units are used on a faster CPU.
So, knowing what you are trying to report would be helpful.

Also, this may help.  This is a specific product, but the terms and concepts 
may help (or not)


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] 
> On Behalf Of Greg Dyck
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:54 PM
> Subject: Re: MIPS Calculation formula
> > Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind 
> > of data-
> source and volumes estimation:
> Keep in mind that MIPS stands for "Meaningless Indicator of Processor 
> Speed"... long used, usually misunderstood, and often abused.  On a 
> current processor I can write one program that executes x million 
> instructions in a second, and another that executes 5x million instructions 
> in a second.
> Regards,
> Greg

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send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Lizette Koehler
Along those lines, here are a couple of links I found using an internet for
IBM Calculating MIPs and Service Units

It would also help to understand what you are trying to do with MIPS.!topic/

You may want to look more at Service Units or normalized reporting.

I can run an IEBGENER to Print a SYSLOG file with 10,000,000 lines.  My MIPS or
SUs may vary across each iterating.  If I change the CEC, it may change again,
if I have more CPs or less, it may change again.  It can be difficult to get a
repeatable report of MIPs. 

Postby Bill Dennis > Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:19 am

The MIPS rating is based on processor type and Operating System. Performance
guru Cheryl Watson offers several charts at 
I'm not sure why you care about CPU MIPS rating because chargeback is usually by
CPU time or Service Units used. Your job will run in less time on a faster CPU
but the chargeback per second is usually more. 

Likewise, fewer Service Units are used on a faster CPU.
So, knowing what you are trying to report would be helpful.

Also, this may help.  This is a specific product, but the terms and concepts may
help (or not)


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Greg Dyck
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:54 PM
> Subject: Re: MIPS Calculation formula
> > Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind of data-
> source and volumes estimation:
> Keep in mind that MIPS stands for "Meaningless Indicator of Processor
> Speed"... long used, usually misunderstood, and often abused.  On a current
> processor I can write one program that executes x million instructions in a
> second, and another that executes 5x million instructions in a second.
> Regards,
> Greg

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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Greg Dyck

Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind of 
data-source and volumes estimation:

Keep in mind that MIPS stands for "Meaningless Indicator of Processor 
Speed"... long used, usually misunderstood, and often abused.  On a 
current processor I can write one program that executes x million 
instructions in a second, and another that executes 5x million 
instructions in a second.


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Re: MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Lizette Koehler
What problem are you trying to solve?  Or what type of report are you trying to

Do you have SAS/MXG or SAS/MICS or SAS?

Have you tried searching for this information? Or any performance


> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Carlos Cordero
> Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:33 PM
> Subject: MIPS Calculation formula
> Hi all,
> Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind of data-
> source and volumes estimation:
> Data Type: SMF
> Records procesed: X million
> Data Volume:  Y GB
> Total CP CPU utilization: Z seconds
> Approx zIIP utilization: 1344 seconds
> Avg CPU per record:  .0xy seconds
> Data Type: SYSLOG
> Records processed X million
> Data volume: Y GB
> Total CP CPU utilization: z seconds
> Avg CPU per record: .xy seconds
> Data Type: SYSOUT
> Records processed X million
> Data volume: Y GB
> Total CP CPU utilization: z seconds
> Avg CPU per record: .xy seconds
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to
> with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

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MIPS Calculation formula

2016-11-30 Thread Carlos Cordero
Hi all,

Is there some formula to calculate a MIPS usage from the next kind of 
data-source and volumes estimation:

Data Type: SMF

Records procesed: X million

Data Volume:  Y GB

Total CP CPU utilization: Z seconds

Approx zIIP utilization: 1344 seconds

Avg CPU per record:  .0xy seconds

Data Type: SYSLOG

Records processed X million

Data volume: Y GB

Total CP CPU utilization: z seconds

Avg CPU per record: .xy seconds

Data Type: SYSOUT

Records processed X million

Data volume: Y GB

Total CP CPU utilization: z seconds

Avg CPU per record: .xy seconds

Thanks in advance.

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