Re: RES: EMC DLm to the Cloud

2017-07-21 Thread Carmen Vitullo
In my limited experience with DD (Data Domain) and DLM (emulated virtual tape) 
the issues we had was time to replicate and since we wanted the less-expensive 
solution we shared our DD with the distributed systems. 
We replicated to a local DR site, over black fiber and to a DR site almost 800 
miles away, many issue getting the bandwidth even after the initial replication 
was complete, I forget how much data we were replicating but it was not the 
entire 8870 we had. 
at DR we had support issues because at the time there was one person, maybe 2 
in the US that knew anything about DD and DLM configuration, we were left at DR 
with no support till the last minute, there were some replication issue that 
should not have been replicated, also fighting for I/O with the distributed 
folks, they had to shut down most of their TSM servers to allow us to get any 
I/O thru put. 
most if the issue I think were related to trying to get a good solution for the 
cheapest price. 
I would hope EMC has more support folks for this solution on the mainframe. 

my 2 cents 


- Original Message -

From: "Carlos Bodra - Pessoal" <> 
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:37:09 AM 
Subject: RES: EMC DLm to the Cloud 

I did some tests with another Vendor similar to DellEMC solution moving data 
from virtual tape to cloud and results was not good. A bigger bigger reclaim 
time to get dataset available to mainframe, and very expensive. 
I need to store about 240TB in cloud and cost quiet project. We buy more 
midrange storage and save a lot of money and get a much more fast reclaim time 
to get dataset available to restore. 

Carlos Bodra 
IBM System Certified System z 
São Paulo - Brazil 

-Mensagem original- 
De: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] Em nome de 
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 21 de julho de 2017 11:52 
Assunto: Re: EMC DLm to the Cloud 

W dniu 2017-07-21 o 16:32, Lizette Koehler pisze: 
> sical_tape 
> Today at SHARE 2017, Dell EMC announced the latest version of its Disk 
> Library for mainframe (DLm) virtual tape, version 4.5. The latest 
> version of Dell EMC's cloud-based virtual tape is aiming to replace 
> physical tape as the go to long-term retention strategy. Dell EMC 
> states that DLm 4.5 can make the mainframe data center more efficient 
> by moving mainframe virtual tape data to the cloud. 
> I am not sure how big the "cloud" would have to be for some shops. 

That's simple: a company sells no tapes. Only disk systems. 
What can they claim? 

BTW: real tapes, on foreground or just background of some VTS are really give 
way to disks. 
>From the other hand, spinning disks give way to SSDs. 
SSDs disks (more exactly: SSD with disk interface) give way to flash systems... 

Radoslaw Skorupka 
Lodz, Poland 


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RES: EMC DLm to the Cloud

2017-07-21 Thread Carlos Bodra - Pessoal
I did some tests with another Vendor similar to DellEMC solution moving data 
from virtual tape to cloud and results was not good. A bigger bigger reclaim 
time to get dataset available to mainframe, and very expensive.
I need to store about 240TB in cloud and cost quiet project. We buy more 
midrange storage and save a lot of money and get a much more fast reclaim time 
to get dataset available to restore.

Carlos Bodra
IBM System Certified System z
São Paulo - Brazil

-Mensagem original-
De: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] Em nome de 
Enviada em: sexta-feira, 21 de julho de 2017 11:52
Assunto: Re: EMC DLm to the Cloud

W dniu 2017-07-21 o 16:32, Lizette Koehler pisze:
> sical_tape
> Today at SHARE 2017, Dell EMC announced the latest version of its Disk 
> Library for mainframe (DLm) virtual tape, version 4.5. The latest 
> version of Dell EMC's cloud-based virtual tape is aiming to replace 
> physical tape as the go to long-term retention strategy. Dell EMC 
> states that DLm 4.5 can make the mainframe data center more efficient 
> by moving mainframe virtual tape data to the cloud.
> I am not sure how big the "cloud" would have to be for some shops.

That's simple: a company sells no tapes. Only disk systems.
What can they claim?

BTW: real tapes, on foreground or just background of some VTS are really give 
way to disks.
 From the other hand, spinning disks give way to SSDs.
SSDs disks (more exactly: SSD with disk interface) give way to flash systems...

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


 Treść tej wiadomości może zawierać informacje prawnie chronione Banku 
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 mBank S.A. z siedzibą w Warszawie, ul. Senatorska 18, 00-950 Warszawa,, e-mail: kont...@mbank.plsąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy XII 
Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego, nr rejestru przedsiębiorców 
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