Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-02-01 Thread R.S.

Thank you for very clear and thorough explanations.
That helped me a lot.

BTW: FTP access is more tricky: file.INS is loaded by HMC, further load 
process is beeing performed by SE.
So, someone could connect to ftp server from "external" network, pick 
(confirm) the system to be IPLed and... nothing happens.

Frotunaltely I went through the process few years ago, on z990 - then 
the LRMS icon was available on SE, not on HMC. That was some suggestion 
about the network. ;-)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2016-02-01 o 07:22, Alan Altmark pisze:

"Load from Removable Media or Server" -
installation from DVD or ftp server. There is no place to put load
Quite speciic scenario, but installation process is possibly older than
"Integrated 3270 Console", so other consoles for that process should be
also an option.

The machine has two ways to IPL:
1. The traditional LOAD function -- Choose channel-attached device or a remote 
SCSI LUN.  Uses  traditional IPL I/O architecture.
2. Load from Removable Media or Server (LRMS) --  Choose from media-provided 
pick list.  Selected program is loaded into memory and a SYSTEM RESTART is 

You only use the LOAD FROM REMOVABLE MEDIA OR SERVER (LRMS) function for 
installation,and that's the only time the integrated 3270 is required.   It is 
z/VM that requires the integrated 3270.  As After that, you LOAD the LPAR in 
the traditional manner.

Please note that when using LRMS with an FTP server that the server must be on the 
HMC-SE LAN segment.  That is, the SEs are the machines doing the FTP and the SE 
must be able to reach the FTP server.  Because the HMC will not perform routing, 
the suggested configuration is for your fave FTP server to have an interface on it 
with a VPN into the LAN segment used by the HMC & SEs.

Alan Altmark

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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-31 Thread Alan Altmark
> "Load from Removable Media or Server" - 
> installation from DVD or ftp server. There is no place to put load 
> parameters.
> Quite speciic scenario, but installation process is possibly older than 
> "Integrated 3270 Console", so other consoles for that process should be 
> also an option.

The machine has two ways to IPL:
1. The traditional LOAD function -- Choose channel-attached device or a remote 
SCSI LUN.  Uses  traditional IPL I/O architecture.
2. Load from Removable Media or Server (LRMS) --  Choose from media-provided 
pick list.  Selected program is loaded into memory and a SYSTEM RESTART is 

You only use the LOAD FROM REMOVABLE MEDIA OR SERVER (LRMS) function for 
installation,and that's the only time the integrated 3270 is required.   It is 
z/VM that requires the integrated 3270.  As After that, you LOAD the LPAR in 
the traditional manner.

Please note that when using LRMS with an FTP server that the server must be on 
the HMC-SE LAN segment.  That is, the SEs are the machines doing the FTP and 
the SE must be able to reach the FTP server.  Because the HMC will not perform 
routing, the suggested configuration is for your fave FTP server to have an 
interface on it with a VPN into the LAN segment used by the HMC & SEs.

Alan Altmark

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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-30 Thread Alan Altmark
> Note: HMC-based "Integrated 3270 Console" works fine, however I would 
> like to use ICC session for some reasons.

You can use ICC after the system is installed.   Specifying ICC address on 
LOADPARM will cause SAPL to come up on that device.  CONS=addr on the SAPL 
panel defines where the OPERATOR will be logged on.

Alan Altmark

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-30 Thread Alan Altmark
> z/VM Installation Manual says I should first launch Integrated 3270 
> console before Load.
> Otherwise I get wait state.
> Q: can I use other console instead, for example ICC console?

No, you can't use ICC or other console.  You must use the integrated 3270, just 
as the instructions say.

Alan Altmark

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Re: [Bulk] Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-28 Thread Skip Robinson
I've done this for a few VM installs. It's been a couple of years, but
here's what I'm pretty sure of. You have to possess (delivered or
self-created) an IPLable DVD containing the VM kernel code. You insert the
DVD into an actual directly-connected HMC and select 'Load from Media'. The
DVD reader lights up. If you've done it right, a VM instance is materializes
in memory and communicates with you via Operating System Messages. I do not
recall ever firing up the HMC's 3270 emulator. VM churns for (quite) some
time and finally gives you the opportunity to write itself out to DASD. The
configuration you define during this process includes a console device for
future IPLs. 

After it's all done, you IPL the new system with a Load Profile that points
to your newly defined res vol. If everything is OK, subsequent IPLs write to
whatever 3270 device you have defined to VM. One caution: if you have
downloaded VM from the interweb, the mechanism you use to create the IPLable
DVD is crucial. I spent days (!) trying to IPL from a DVD that I created
incorrectly. You cannot simply copy all the downloaded files to a DVD. The
result looks OK on Windows, even on Unix, but the HMC will tell you that the
DVD is empty. You need an appropriate application to do the job. 

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler 
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile

> -Original Message-
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of R.S.
> Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 08:44 AM
> Subject: [Bulk] Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"
> W dniu 2016-01-28 o 17:33, Herring, Bobby pisze:
> > I'm not very VM literate but when I IPL our VM/Linux LPAR's, we have to
> CONS= to the load parm part of the IPL screen.
> Yes, that's right, but I'm talking about something different. It is not
> (regular IPL), but "Load from Removable Media or Server" - installation
> DVD or ftp server. There is no place to put load parameters.
> Quite speciic scenario, but installation process is possibly older than
> "Integrated 3270 Console", so other consoles for that process should be
> an option.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland

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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-28 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2016-01-28 o 17:33, Herring, Bobby pisze:

I'm not very VM literate but when I IPL our VM/Linux LPAR's, we have to add 
CONS= to the load parm part of the IPL screen.
Yes, that's right, but I'm talking about something different. It is not 
LOAD (regular IPL), but "Load from Removable Media or Server" - 
installation from DVD or ftp server. There is no place to put load 
Quite speciic scenario, but installation process is possibly older than 
"Integrated 3270 Console", so other consoles for that process should be 
also an option.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-28 Thread Herring, Bobby
I'm not very VM literate but when I IPL our VM/Linux LPAR's, we have to add 
CONS= to the load parm part of the IPL screen.

Bobby Herring
Texas Farm Bureau Insurance
Waco, TX 76710

-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Mark Post
Sent: January 28 9:51 AM
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] z/VM "load from dvd or server"

>>> On 1/28/2016 at 07:18 AM, "R.S."  wrote:
> I vaguely remember such configuration should work, but it doesn't. I'm
> trying to find out what's wrong with my setup?
> Does it matter whether ICC session is defined as console or terminal?
> (I tried both) Should I somehow specify address of the console? How?

There are ways to pass information to z/VM as to what console to use.  I'm not 
familiar enough with that to really help you.  But, if there is an actual 
address associated with the ICC, I believe you can pass that via the loadparm.  
You should probably ask these questions on the IBMVM listserv.  You will 
undoubtedly get all the help you need there.

Mark Post

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN


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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-28 Thread Mark Post
>>> On 1/28/2016 at 07:18 AM, "R.S."  wrote: 
> I vaguely remember such configuration should work, but it doesn't. I'm 
> trying to find out what's wrong with my setup?
> Does it matter whether ICC session is defined as console or terminal? (I 
> tried both)
> Should I somehow specify address of the console? How?

There are ways to pass information to z/VM as to what console to use.  I'm not 
familiar enough with that to really help you.  But, if there is an actual 
address associated with the ICC, I believe you can pass that via the loadparm.  
You should probably ask these questions on the IBMVM listserv.  You will 
undoubtedly get all the help you need there.

Mark Post

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-28 Thread R.S.

W dniu 2016-01-28 o 03:35, Mark Post pisze:

On 1/27/2016 at 05:30 PM, "R.S."  wrote:

z/VM Installation Manual says I should first launch Integrated 3270
console before Load.
Otherwise I get wait state.

Q: can I use other console instead, for example ICC console?

As long as it looks like a 3270-type console, you should be able to get it to 

That's what I'm tryding to do.
I start ICC session to relevant LPAR (MIFID and CSS match, device is 
available to the LPAR)

Then I perform "Load from..."
During last phase of load a bell sound is issued from console, but 
nothing changes on the display.

Then I get Disabled Wait 1010 (no console)

I vaguely remember such configuration should work, but it doesn't. I'm 
trying to find out what's wrong with my setup?
Does it matter whether ICC session is defined as console or terminal? (I 
tried both)

Should I somehow specify address of the console? How?

Note: HMC-based "Integrated 3270 Console" works fine, however I would 
like to use ICC session for some reasons.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-28 Thread Anthony Thompson
It's been a few years... but

I think you have plugged in a z/VM install disc in the side of the Service Unit 
on the mainframe box (aka the Thinkpad) and booted it in an LPAR? 

Just go to the 'Integrated 3270 console', or just 'Operating System Messages' 
on the HMC for that LPAR and follow the prompts. It should be obvious from 
there. I've installed z/VM from a remote HMC connection, so it doesn't need an 
ICC console. All I needed was someone was to physically push the optical disc 
into the side on the mainframe. You don't need some-one with Microsoft 
Certification for that, thank goodness, otherwise you'd be re-educating someone 
on how to insert an DVD every couple of years, at a ludicrous cost.


-Original Message-
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Mark Post
Sent: Thursday, 28 January 2016 12:06 PM
Subject: Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

>>> On 1/27/2016 at 05:30 PM, "R.S."  wrote: 
> z/VM Installation Manual says I should first launch Integrated 3270 
> console before Load.
> Otherwise I get wait state.
> Q: can I use other console instead, for example ICC console?

As long as it looks like a 3270-type console, you should be able to get it to 

Mark Post

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Re: z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-27 Thread Mark Post
>>> On 1/27/2016 at 05:30 PM, "R.S."  wrote: 
> z/VM Installation Manual says I should first launch Integrated 3270 
> console before Load.
> Otherwise I get wait state.
> Q: can I use other console instead, for example ICC console?

As long as it looks like a 3270-type console, you should be able to get it to 

Mark Post

For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,
send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

z/VM "load from dvd or server"

2016-01-27 Thread R.S.
z/VM Installation Manual says I should first launch Integrated 3270 
console before Load.

Otherwise I get wait state.

Q: can I use other console instead, for example ICC console?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

Treść tej wiadomości może zawierać informacje prawnie chronione Banku 
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