VMSES/E questions

2009-05-21 Thread Hal Schmitigal

Can we get a little help from a VMSES/E expert with some trivia questions
we have about working with PSP buckets?

1) A PSP bucket can have a PTF EXCLUDE LIST. (I am working with
0901RSU, which in this case the list is empty.) When we order a PSP
bucket for a particular RSU, if there are any PTFs in the EXCLUDE list,
is there somewhere we have to manually enter those PTFs so VMSES/E will
exclude them? Or is there a file, or files, automagically included in
the SERVLINK envelope that has that list? I recall having to manually do
something with an EXCLUDE list in years past, however, that may have
been in the days before VMSES/E.

2) If we should have to manually build an exclude list, do we simply use 

VMFSIM SRVDEP and the procedure in Building an EXCLUDE List 
Containing All Dependents of a PTF of the VMSES book?

3) When we order a PSP bucket on IBMLINK using Preventive Service
Planning, it gives you the choice of order PTFs in the subset include
list and order all PTFs (including PTFs for closed APARs) referenced
in the subset. Is there a particular advantage to using either of
these? What is recommended? I used order all for 0901RSU.


Hal Schmitigal
VM Systems Management, Nortel Account

Re: detect VMREAD or CPREAD

2008-10-20 Thread Hal Schmitigal
You can use the READCHEK function in Performance Toolkit to get the 
following status conditions of a virtual machine.  Note that your PERFSVM
must be in monitor mode, collecting data.  See HELP FCX CBASVMCF.  So 

you could, for example, create a small EXEC to watch a list of critical 

service machines that wakes up every 15 minutes and does READCHEKs for 

them and sends a warning message, or whatever, for any that do not get a 

RC = 57 from READCHEK.

RC   5: Missing argument: User-ID not specified
RC  22: Not authorized for 'LOCATE userid' cmd.
RC  45: User is not logged on
RC   0: User is not disconnected
RC   1: User is in VM or CP read state
RC   4: User is in disabled wait state
RC   6: User set to log off (read state or disabled wait state)
RC   2: User is in CP read state
RC   3: CP function active
RC 145: User has been forced
RC  57: User is disconnected and running

Note also that AUDITOR can watch service virtual machines and is capable 

of detecting a userid in a disabled wait.  However Perfkit gives you more

Hal Schmitigal
Perot Systems Corporation

Re: MONWRITE files

2008-03-28 Thread Hal Schmitigal
FYI, I found that MONVIEW output has the wrong date beginning 2/29/08. 
I updated MDATTRAN REXX replacing the call to CONVERT_TOD with a CALLPIPE
using DATECONV.  I let IBM know, so maybe someone will put an update on 

the downloads page soon.

MDATTRAN SREXXJ1  V 80  Trunc=80 Size=133 Line=35 Col=1 Alt=
0035 mytod   = C2X(SUBSTR(monrec, 9, 8))/* 20080320 */
0036 'CALLPIPE STRLITERAL x'mytod , /* 20080320 */
0037  '| DATECONV TODABS FULLDATE TIMEOUT' ,/* 20080320 */
0038  '| VAR MYTODCONV' /* 20080320 */
0040xrecdata = SUBSTR(monrec, 21, X2D(rlength) - 20)
0042/* Check for D1/R4 which contains the timezone offset */
0043IF (domain = 01)  (record = 0004) THEN DO
0044   IF tz_secs = 0 THEN skip = 1
0045   syszone =   SUBSTR(xrecdata,61,4)
0046   /* determine if negative or positive tz offset */
0047   IF LEFT(syszone,1) = x2c(FF) THEN DO   /* negative */
0048  tz_secs =  x2d('') - c2d(syszone) + 1
0049  tz_secs = tz_secs * (-1)
0051ELSE tz_secs = c2d(syszone) /* positive */
0052 END
0054 /*  CALL CONVERT_TOD(XTOD tz_secs)   *//* 20080320 */
0055 /* MONVIEW TOD: 20080320 00:07:00.670057000  *//* 20080320 */
0056 /* MYTODCONV: 03/19/2008 00:07:00.670057 *//* 20080320 */
0057 parse var mytodconv mm '/' dd '/'  time/* 20080320 */
0058 convtime =  || mm || dd left(time,18,'0')  /* 20080320 */

Hal Schmitigal
VM Systems Management, Nortel Account