Re: .zVos System z/VM Connectivity - Men or Mice

2008-12-09 Thread David Kreuter
There are several approaches to this.
You didn't mention if there is a virtual switch on the 1st level that your 
second level guest attached to for connectivity.
One way or the other you need to get to the real OSA.
If there is a vswitch 1st level you could define 5 virtual nic triplets to your 
guest on the same virtual chpid.  These will appear to your second level guest 
as real OSAs.  Attach these triplets to your five 3rd level zVosguests.  On the 
1st level vswitch since they will end up on the same vlan, they can be access 
ports, no need for trunks.   Specific port access can't be done in the vswitch 
so maybe look outboard.  Define the vlan to the vswitch.
Or you could define 1 triplet to the vswitch from the 2nd level guest.  Attach 
this virtually real triplet to 1 zVos guest. Define a guest lan on the 2nd 
level machine. Attach the zVos machine with the triplet on the virtually real 
osa to another virtual nic to your guest lan; vnic triplets to the big five; 
and now on the zVos machine with the two interfaces port map to the big five.
I dunno which is more or less complex, plus there are other solutions. I would 
do the first one, I think. Or, maybe the 2nd one. Dunno.

From: The IBM z/VM Operating System on behalf of Gary M. Dennis
Sent: Tue 12/9/2008 6:00 PM
Subject: [IBMVM] .zVos System z/VM Connectivity - Men or Mice

Over the last few weeks we have determined (without equivocation) that we
are z/VM communications mice.  Communications men or women would have
dispatched the following problem forthwith.

What we are attempting to do is describe our connectivity requirements for
testing zVos to IBM¹s Dallas development center.  I feel as though we are
throwing them somewhat of a curve ball because our environment is not Linux
and not strictly CMS/VM.

Here is what we have:

1. A second level VM system running on the Dallas First level.

2. On that second level system there are two server machines which have to
be able to communicate with a z/Vos management console in Birmingham via

3. On the same machine there are 3 virtual x86 machines that must be reached
from the Birmingham network with RDP and/or VNC over a Specific subnet and
port range.

4. The servers and virtualized machines are on the same VLAN.

5. VPN


1. What has to happen on the first level machine to permit access to a
specific subnet and port range on the VLAN of the second level machine?

2. Shouldn't we be able to get away with just having a VSWITCH/VLAN
combination on the second level machine without dedicating an OSA adapter?
Anybody done this in a DR environment.

3.  Would use of a virtual OSA adapter in the second level machine make this
easier or just ratchet the level of complexity?

--.  .-  .-.  -.--

Gary Dennis
Mantissa Corporation

Re: .zVos System z/VM Connectivity - Men or Mice

2008-12-09 Thread David Boyes
 1. A second level VM system running on the Dallas First level.
 2. On that second level system there are two server machines which have to
 be able to communicate with a z/Vos management console in Birmingham via

Can machines on the 2nd level system reach your existing terminals via IP
when the existing VPN tunnel is up? If so, then use the 172.16 space for
numbering on the 3rd level machines, create a virtual guest to act as a
router for the guest lan or vsw that is hosting the 3rd level guests, and
use OpenVPN to connect to that router machine.

Performance probably won't be stellar, but then the Dallas people don't need
to do anything.