[IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread stroppelj
--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Karen Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Approximately when was it posted?
> Oh, I don't know!   Maybe 2-3 years ago?
> Karen Thomas, NC
How about this one:


only 8.5 but I think a nice neck.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder

> I haven't found a 10 for neck ind Worldfengur. Best I can offer is 9.5
> www.worldfengur.com/hestamyndir/m0028212.jpg
> www.worldfengur.com/hestamyndir/m0033542.jpg

Thanks, Jasmin.  The chesnut with the flaxen mane seems to have such large 
front feet.

Neither of these horses have much length to their necks; what do you think?


[IceHorses] A Runaway

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
This young horse probably doesn't like having his mouth attached so tightly 
to his tail:



[IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread stroppelj
--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Karen Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Approximately when was it posted?
> Oh, I don't know!   Maybe 2-3 years ago?
> Karen Thomas, NC

I haven't found a 10 for neck ind Worldfengur. Best I can offer is 9.5




Re: [IceHorses] Andi, Icelandic Horse, For Sale

2007-06-05 Thread susan cooper

--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sire: Hrafnson from Wiesenhof Dam: Ivory from Saga
> California

Different Andi.  Andi seems to be a popular name for
palomino's, tho.  It means spirit or ghost, and it's
English sounding - well if pronounced the American
way.  I work with an Icelandic lady, and she says the
proper pronouncination is:  ahn-de (long e).  But I
say Andy!  He is cute, but my Andi is cuter!

Susan in NV

Happy High Desert Trails 

Susan in NV
Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/


Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the 
tools to get online.

Re: [IceHorses] Andi, Icelandic Horse, For Sale

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
>> http://iceryder.net/andi.html
> My Andi has an older full brother by the same name -
> what is this horse's breeding??

Sire: Hrafnson from Wiesenhof Dam: Ivory from Saga California

DSire: Snaefaxi from Hredavatnskalli 
DDam: Leira from Thoronupur

SSire: Hrafn von Kroggolfsstadir 
SDam: Gletta


Re: [IceHorses] Andi, Icelandic Horse, For Sale

2007-06-05 Thread susan cooper

--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a palomino Icelandic Horse gelding for sale:
> http://iceryder.net/andi.html
My Andi has an older full brother by the same name -
what is this horse's breeding??

Susan in NV

Happy High Desert Trails 

Susan in NV
Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/


Moody friends. Drama queens. Your life? Nope! - their life, your story. Play 
Sims Stories at Yahoo! Games.

Re: [IceHorses] Overloaded Rig

2007-06-05 Thread Raven
>> I will never again feel that I have over-packed because I brought
two pairs of boots.

can you imagine!  what the heck is all the crap they are hauling
around? HAHA!  i'm surprised  they haven't been pulled over the a
state trooper. raven

[IceHorses] Andi, Icelandic Horse, For Sale

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
Here's a palomino Icelandic Horse gelding for sale:



Re: [IceHorses] Overloaded Rig

2007-06-05 Thread Nancy Sturm
I will never again feel that I have over-packed because I brought two pairs
of boots.


Re: [IceHorses] pic from today

2007-06-05 Thread Raven
Wanda...how old is your daughter. She's cute. <;] Raven

Re: [IceHorses] Single Trait Breeding / Trait Over-Selection

2007-06-05 Thread Nancy Sturm
Fascinating reading, but of course Temple Grandin is herself a fascinating
person.  I first became interested in her writing becase she is both
brilliant and autistic.

Our adopted son, Arontae,  is multi-handicapped, but may be affected by
autism as much as any of his other "issues".   Dr. Grandin is a wonderful
example of what a person can achieve even with a diagnosis that is
considered a "disability".


[IceHorses] Overloaded Rig

2007-06-05 Thread Raven
WOW!   Don't over pack your RV!


Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn, the American Ice Pony
Dixie Chick, the Barn Goddess

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

[IceHorses] Mark Rashid Clinic Report

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
By Jen:

Been digesting my recent Mark Rashid 'experience'..WOW is all I have to 
say.  Really its pretty hard to express the profound impact he has had on my 
thinking and on my horsemanship 'path'...

Some notes:

"Consistency creates dependability, which creates trust, which creates 
peace"...this was the theme for the weekend.  Mark assessed each rider and 
horse.  Where there were trust issues, he went right to the basics of being 
consistent in maintaining personal space, using body language and  providing 
more information to the horse.  It was amazing for me to see how I let 
things slide...little things like allowing my horse to drift or mosey into 
my spacewithout consistently setting a boundary and maintaining it 
dilligently.  It makes a difference to our horses..consistency shows them we 
can be dependable.

In regard to training a young or green horse.  I brought my baby Belgian up 
to Mark, so I could learn the basics of 'ground driving' and get a sense for 
my plan over the next 6 months with Peanut.  On the first day, he taught me 
how to be dependablethe starting point for any relationship with a 
horse.  This simply entailed allowing Peanut to stand, outside my space 
quietly.  He's allowed to look around at distractions but he should be able 
to do this without moving his feet.  This literally took 60 seconds to 
accomplish...babies are so smart...and so looking for a leader!

Next, Mark explained that babies have no context for 'learning' outside the 
herd, so our first job is to get across the idea that he can turn over some 
of his decision making to me...this is where being consistent and dependable 
are really important.  To start this, Mark showed me some simple but non 
traditional lunging techniques.

With a long line, I ask Peanut to move out on the circle.  I move and he 
moves.  Since we are preparing for driving, I stay back behind the drive 
line.  I ask him to slow down by walking slower, stop by stopping, speed up 
by walking faster.  Of course in the beginnning there was alot of 
'reinforcing my aids' with a swinging rope or turning his nose with the 
lead.  It was so neatyou could see Peanut had no clue what was happening 
at first.  Then you could see him clueing in to Mark and then me, 
like...'hmmm, am I supposed to be doing something?  Are you talking to me?

Once that got reasonably reproducible, we added some rope work around the 
legs.  You've all seen Pat and linda do this...take the rope around the 
flank and turn your horse around.  We did alot of this and for the most 
part, Peanut was not bothered by the rope, but he did get quite sticky on 
the turn around.  Mark had me 'do what it takes' to get him around in stead 
of waiting for him to figure it out.  He explained that we are teaching a 
pattern and we want to be particular about how that pattern looks.

Lightness and softness will be installed after the pattern is there.

So although you always offer the lightest aid, you must be prepared to 
provide any and all the information required to get the pattern done, until 
the horse is engaged in the pattern.  I think this was the biggest thing I 
learned about youngsters.  Don't let them guess about what you are triing to 
accomplish...SPELL IT OUT in big letters!  Make it obvious what the right 
thing to do is.

Softness comes when the horse trusts the process and feels confident in his 
correctness.  Once this confidence is in place, the sky is the limit in 
regard to training.  Learning happens in horses like links in a chain.  One 
piece links to the next.  In this way they build their repetoire of learned 

These links also include stuff we don't mean to teach, but allow the horse 
to learn by being inconsistent. So its not only important to make sure your 
lessons follow a logical progression, so your horse can link them together 
confidently, but also to be aware of unwanted behavior and intervene before 
that 'link' gets inserted into the chain.

Probably the highlight of the weekend was watching the progress Tim is 
making with his mustang, Tico.  He is ground driving as well, though much, 
much further along in regard the lightness and softness. It was beautiful, 
like a dance.  You can really see the trust this horse has for Tim and real 
peace is just around the corner for this troubled horse.

At one point on the last day, Tim tied Tico to a tree to participate in a 
group simulation.  Tico got alittle troubled with the line and managed to 
untie himself, then got turned around in some brush.  As soon as Tim 
appeared, he immediately came to him for direction.  This horse is a real 
'thinker' and to watch him turn over his decision making to Tim is truly 

Peanut was ground driving by the second day with Mark primarily (his 4th 
'link').  I worked on my rope skills with Manny later that day and was 
driving Peanut myself with fair confidence on the third day.  I now have a 
plan for how this pattern will evolv

Re: [IceHorses] somebody stop me

2007-06-05 Thread Raven
stinker. raven

Re: [IceHorses] Single Trait Breeding / Trait Over-Selection

2007-06-05 Thread Robyn Schulze
> The Dangers of Trait Over-Selection
> Breeding for specific traits may trigger unwanted, even dangerous, genetic
> side effects.
> By Temple Grandin

Great article Judy--thanks! Dr. Grandin has some great stuff to say.


Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Robyn Schulze

 Reno has been a bit of a project horse for Nancy.  He came to her with

little training, very ewe necked and underweight, and very sensitive.  But
he has a good mind and heart, and with consistency and perseverance, he has
blossomed.  I am proud of them both!

BEAUTIFUL!!!  Lovely horse, lovely rider, great round! You SHOULD be proud!


Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Mary Arena

>From: Virginia Tupper

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whP3feZPUhQ

Wow!  They sure made that look easy!  Wonderful!

Hi Virginia,

I know!  I am only  a little jealous!  Actually, I am more proud than 
anything!  I'm sure your Alex will be doing similar stuff in a few years!

Sand Lake, NY 

Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Mary Arena

>From: Nancy Sturm

>Congratulations to Nancy and Reno.  She did a very pretty job of >riding 
>under what looks like less-than-ideal conditions.

Thanks, Nancy.

A torrential downpour held up the class for about 20 minutes.  Thankfully, 
it held off for the dressage and cross country classes, which were earlier 
in the day.  It appeared very quickly and left just as quickly.  It's been a 
very strange weather year!

Sand Lake, NY 

RE: [IceHorses] hauling miss horsie-lol

2007-06-05 Thread Karen Thomas
>>>Hey Karen,  Thanks for the info on Terry.  He loves you.  He is getting
me an estimate.  Should I be scared?  Ha Ha.  Lorraine

Ha!  I believe Terry thinks of me as his liberator.  I first contacted him
about bringing home Maja and Runa.  I e-mailed for a quote after hearing
good references - VERY good references.  He gave me a quote, but said the
timing was dependent on when he could get time off from work - at that time
he was only hauling in his spare time.  An hour or so later, I got another
e-mail from him, with a definite date.  It seemed he was having a bad day at
worked and decided to take early retirement and do hauling and training full
time!  He was so close to making that decision, and he decided to give me
credit.  So, I was his very first contract as a full-time hauler.  He added
Anna's Skutla on with my girls, so he had two list member's horses on that
load.  And, since I had the hauler horror story from hell, I've been pretty
vocal about passing on his name.  He's the best and believe me, I KNOW what
a bad hauler is!

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Driving Miss Tosca

2007-06-05 Thread Nancy Sturm
That's the four year old and she is a little tank.  I'm sort of hoping the
three year old ends up somewhere in the middle, a little more substantial
than she is now, but so stocky as Tosca .  I've started separating them to
feed them.  They get along fine, but I think Tosca may be getting more than
her share - and neither one of them is getting all that much.

My TWH, on the other hand, is being fed like we are trying to get him ready
for market (well, maybe not exactly) and he's very lean.


RE: [IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Approximately when was it posted?

Oh, I don't know!   Maybe 2-3 years ago?

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] 1/3 of their Wgt

2007-06-05 Thread Skye and Sally ~Fire Island

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > >> One young lady from Iceland is currently writing to me with
> the
> > >> impression that the Icelandics are the strongest horses in the
> world
> > >> because Monty Roberts said to her "The Icelandic horse is very
> small, but
> > >> he is so strong".
> > >
> well.  quantify that.  stronger than what?  Stonger than a
> chihuahua? An ox?  a similarly sized pony?  a similarly sized
> horse?
> the smell of a used sock after a long ride?  than a sock you have
> accidentally wet while draining the baby geese's wading pool?  Nasi
> is
> stong, but probably only 1/2 as strong as Tivar.  And Tivar is very
> strong, probably as Strong as jaspar but not as strong as fox. 
> tivar
> is ten times stronger than Gallant Boy, who is probably not as
> strong
> as Monty Roberts or even Linda Parelli.  That remark is sort of a
> show
> bizzy make everybody happy BS remark probably...
> janice
> -- 
> yipie tie yie yo

All he said was they are very small, but are so strong.  Whats wrong
with that.   Its true.   To a lot of the american public, BIG is
Strong.not small.  At least he sounds like he respects them as a
horse..all he said was so strong, he did not compare...they are
strong.  Do we want people to say they are small and weak horses?  I
would be a little miffed about that.

We just helped our friend sell one of her geldings.to a
friend/client who has been a pro polo player, riden qtr horses on
ranches, and now rides a big and tall TB gelding who is old (17...)

We said we know of a horse that you will love.  He was concerned
about the Icelandic size...so we said well this one is on the large
side for an Icelandic, he is very red and nicely trainedwe really
think you will enjoy riding him.

Well he takes the 3 hour drive to our side of the island (he has
never been over her)  he steps out of his truck and sees
Drifonde.well I could see he was disapointedthe horse was so
small how will he ever carry him very well?

Well after his 1 hour trail ride, he came back with a glow on his
face, Wow!  He is a small horse with a Big engine.  He is buying him
this week.he got it right away, the horse is small by most
peoples standards, but he was strong, willing, balanced, could do his
natural gait.he has watched the videos that we give out to
prospective buyers about 4 times already and has looked the the
picture book that a lot of you have slammed here.  Its a great book
filled with so many wonderful photos.a book of dreaming I call
it.   I like to find photos of my mares and Stallions Sires, I have a
lot of fun with it.

This guy has also rode TWH and MFT, and never had that response and
they were much bigger horses...he got the Icelandic thing right away.



  Fire Island Farms
Breeding Quality Icelandic Trail Horses 

 Certified Farrier Services
  'Natural Balance' Shoeing and Trimming.
 Founder, Navicular options for your horse.



Re: [IceHorses] no more i promise!

2007-06-05 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 6/5/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you go to youtube.com and upload your video and then click "audioswap"
> or put audioswap in the search box and it will walk you thru selecting
> songs etc.  its kinda fun cause you get to watch it with music and if
> you dont like it click another song...


Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 6/5/07, Mary Arena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is some video of her stadium jumping course:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whP3feZPUhQ

Wow!  They sure made that look easy!  Wonderful!

Re: [IceHorses] Driving Miss Tosca

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder

> Here's a photo of last evening's ground driving session with Tosca.


She looks pretty sturdy for a three-year-old.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder

 Judy, do you remember the picture someone sent once of a horse that had 
> awarded a "10" for a neck at an evaluation?  I thought I'd saved that
> picture, but I can't find it anywhere.  I think it was a chestnut...?

I don't recall!

Approximately when was it posted?


Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Nancy Sturm
Congratulations to Nancy and Reno.  She did a very pretty job of riding
under what looks like less-than-ideal conditions.


Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Mary Arena

>From: Judy Ryder

>>>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whP3feZPUhQ

>Gosh, how clean was that!!  Wonderful!

Thanks, Judy!  They've come a long way!  He used to really get strong and 
sometimes rush his fences, but he's really calmed down a lot.

He did a bit of galloping on the cross country portion, but Nancy has 
learned to just go with him when he needs to move out, and he has learned to 
slow his gait when she really needs him to.

>Does she clicker train him?

Yes.  He loves clicker training.  They have developed a wonderful bond of 

Sand Lake, NY

[IceHorses] Charm and the Piano OutTakes

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
Janice asked me to make a video of Charm playing piano.  I haven't asked her 
to do that very much, so I thought we'd have a practice session before 
making a video.

Here's an out take from the session:



Re: [IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder

>>>  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whP3feZPUhQ

Gosh, how clean was that!!  Wonderful!

Does she clicker train him?


RE: [IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> I'm looking for the "good neck photo", one that is not ewed, on an
Icelandic; the neck that you said has the top muscles more developed than
the under muscles.

Judy, do you remember the picture someone sent once of a horse that had been
awarded a "10" for a neck at an evaluation?  I thought I'd saved that
picture, but I can't find it anywhere.  I think it was a chestnut...?

Karen Thomas, NC

[IceHorses] OT-Brag

2007-06-05 Thread Mary Arena
My daughter competed on her OTTB, Reno, in the Pre-Novice division mini-event 
held at North Wind Farm in Walkill, NY on Sunday.  

She was first in her dressage test with a 69% and went clean in the cross 
country and stadium jumping divisions, winning the event overall!  

Here is some video of her stadium jumping course:


There was a torrential downpour for about 20 minutes before the start of the 
start of the stadium jumping, and she was the first rider to go.  

Reno has been a bit of a project horse for Nancy.  He came to her with little 
training, very ewe necked and underweight, and very sensitive.  But he has a 
good mind and heart, and with consistency and perseverance, he has blossomed.  
I am proud of them both!

Sand Lake, NY

Re: [IceHorses] dont encourage me

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG984kzVTQo
> Perfect song for the clip!
> Is that road in their corral?  Or on your property?

that road is in the front, my driveway where the house is but it is
all fenced.  I let them out sometimes in it and they think they are
FREE haha.  They always act like nuts out there!
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Terry - Majo's Hauling

2007-06-05 Thread Anna Hopkins
On 6/4/07, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's the gorgeous gray Icelandic gelding we had for a while, Kari.  I
> think that's Anna's Gloi in the trailer with him.
> http://pets.webshots.com/photo/1298369337030063638aPqEwV

Yes that's Gloi.  He also hauled Skutla for me and made a very kind
offer for a discount on hauling a new horse after I had lost Skutla.
That kind offer really helped me emotionally to start thinking about
another possible happy future instead of mourning for my lost future
with Skutla.  Still makes me cry.


Re: [IceHorses] Driving Miss Tosca

2007-06-05 Thread Nancy Sturm
I'm not sure.  We have two.  Tosca  is Stephanie's and was bought to be a
therapy horse.

The other, Yrsa, is mine and is supposed to be the endurance possible.  Yrsa
is only three and seems small and is much less substantial than Tosca.
She's also generally more energetic.

While I can imagine myself riding the sturdy Tosca, I can't quite invision
her going 25+ miles with that stocky body.

I have a nice endurance horse, so we're just going to see which roles the
girls fit into.  I think either one will make a nice trail horse.


Re: [IceHorses] no more i promise!

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald

> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuVzI3ROVRg
> >
> That's perfect!
> How do you do that anyway?

you go to youtube.com and upload your video and then click "audioswap"
or put audioswap in the search box and it will walk you thru selecting
songs etc.  its kinda fun cause you get to watch it with music and if
you dont like it click another song...

I dont know how to load it with your own music tho!  I wish youtube
had more songs to choose from!
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] no more i promise!

2007-06-05 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 6/5/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ok ok last one i promise!  but I even laughed at this one too hard...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuVzI3ROVRg

That's perfect!

How do you do that anyway?

Re: [IceHorses] somebody stop me

2007-06-05 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 6/5/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> this is so fun!  My stonewall being a bad boy to music...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-tucbVF6-w

LOL!  Funny!

Re: [IceHorses] HA!

2007-06-05 Thread Virginia Tupper
On 6/5/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> oh my gosh I am so tech savvy!  I figured how to do music on
> youtube  here is tivcam set to song...
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1hLqeWgN-Q

Love it!

Re: [IceHorses] what breed? - gaited pony in WI

2007-06-05 Thread Raven
He's very cute!

Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn, the American Ice Pony
Dixie Chick, the Barn Goddess

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

[IceHorses] hauling miss horsie-lol

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine
Hey Karen,  Thanks for the info on Terry.  He loves
you.  He is getting me an estimate.  Should I be
scared?  Ha Ha.  Lorraine

 Happy Trails from Lori


Take the Internet to Go: Yahoo!Go puts the Internet in your pocket: mail, news, 
photos & more. 

[IceHorses] MI Little Celebration Show - Gaited Horses

2007-06-05 Thread Raven
FYI off another list:

I wanted to let everyone know that there is a "B" show being held for
Tennessee Walking Horses and Rocky Mountain Horses, June 15 and 16 in
Mason Michigan at the Ingham County Fairgrounds Equestrian Center.

More information at www.michiganlittlecelebration.com

Pat S
Windy Acres

Re: [IceHorses] somebody stop me

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine

--- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> this is so fun!  My stonewall being a bad boy to
> music...
Too cute.  Lorraine

 Happy Trails from Lori

You snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
in the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: [IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder

>>>so there have been "good" necks a long time ago and there are
still "bad" necks around nowadays.

Thanks for the pictures, Jasmin.

I'm looking for the "good neck photo", one that is not ewed, on an 
Icelandic; the neck that you said has the top muscles more developed than 
the under muscles.


Re: [IceHorses] Driving Miss Tosca

2007-06-05 Thread susan cooper

--- Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's a photo of last evening's ground driving
> session with Tosca.

Nancy, is this the Icey you want to start doing
endurance with?

Susan in NV

Happy High Desert Trails 

Susan in NV
Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

[IceHorses] PNH Play Day

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
Don't forget about the special 
this Sat the 9th at EagleBear Farm  
Celebrating one of our own PNHer's 12th birthday!  
Tournaments/Games are always fun but you're not required to participate 
You can just come and play!!  
Prizes for all Tournament Participants!!!
Start time 10am
we'll go until ...???
break for potluck lunch and birthday cake!

RSVP/Registration required
(919) 452-3023

3925 L Lawrence Trail 
Graham NC  27253
(919) 452-3023  Lauren Cell

[IceHorses] Single Trait Breeding / Trait Over-Selection

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder
The Dangers of Trait Over-Selection

Breeding for specific traits may trigger unwanted, even dangerous, genetic
side effects.

By Temple Grandin

IN THE future, some of the most serious health and welfare problems in
horses may be caused by continued selection for certain appearance and
performance traits Genetic traits are linked in complex ways and
over-selecting for one trait causes corresponding changes in other traits.

Over-selection for appearance traits, such as a lean, fine-boned
conformation, extensive white coloration depigmented like an albino, and
blue eyes are often associated with neurological defects and nervousness.
Likewise, over-selection for performance traits in racehorses and cutting
horses causes changes to occur in other traits, such as temperament.

Single Trait Selection

Breeders of dogs, pigs, and cattle know that over-selecting for a single
trait can ruin the animal. There are countless examples in the medical
literature on dogs with physical and behavioral problems caused by over
selection for a single trait. For example, breathing problems in short-nosed
breeds, such as Bulldogs or Pugs, are caused by over selection for a
shortened nose. Pointer dogs with extreme nervousness are another example.

Pointing ability and nervousness are genetically linked traits.

have known for decades that a fine line exists between a good pointer and a
nervous wreck.

Horses also can suffer negative effects with over-selection for both
physical and behavioral traits. White piebald patches in Paint Horses,
conformation and jumping ability in Warmbloods, conformation and speed in
Thoroughbred race horses, and cow-cutting ability in Quarter Horses are
examples of single traits that, when selected to the extreme, can cause
problems in other traits.

Single-minded selection for rapid weight gain in cattle, pigs, and chickens
has already caused serious health and welfare problems. Pigs selected for
large amounts of lean meat are so nervous that they often have heart attacks
and die during handling or transport. Cattle with double-muscle traits
cannot birth normally and must undergo Caesarean sections, and chickens bred
for rapid weight gain often develop abnormal behaviors, have weak legs, and
peck other chickens.

Horse breeders should be careful not to repeat the serious mistakes made
with dogs and other animals.

Genetic Traits Are Linked

Genetic traits are linked in complex ways. Over-selecting animals for
physical traits often causes changes in behavior. Likewise, over-selection
for behavioral traits can cause corresponding changes in physical traits.
Here is an example of changes caused by single trait selection.

In the 1950s, a Russian geneticist named Belyaev began a long-term study of
selection for tame behavior in foxes. The study was an attempt to
domesticate the wild fox and make it behave like a domestic dog. By
selecting and breeding the calmest fox pups from each litter with other
gentle foxes, in 20 years Belyaev succeeded in turning wild foxes into tame,
dog-like animals. In each generation, the selected foxes became tamer and

But, the changes in behavior occurred simultaneously with changes in ear
shape, tail position, and the appearance of a white muzzle, forehead blaze,
and white shoulder hair. The white color pattern on the head is similar to
many domestic animals. The dog- like foxes looked like Border Collies and
would whine and wag their tails when people approached. Unfortunately, the
pelts were of little value because few people wanted black and white fur

Although Belyaev found selection for tameness effective, many undesirable
characteristics were associated with the tameness. The tame foxes shed
during the wrong season, would breed at any time of the year, and the vixens
developed neurological problems and began eating their pups. This study
illustrates the complexity of genetic changes that can occur when single
traits are selected to the extreme.

Hair, Skin, and Eyes

The fact that different domestic animals exhibit similar patterns of
physical and behavioral changes has been observed for centuries. Most
domestic animals have lost their seasonal pattern of reproduction. They also
have changes in their neuroendocrine profiles, have increased fertility, and
exhibit piebald white spotting of the hair.

Scientists use the term piebald to refer to areas of pure white hair and
pink skin underneath. In horses, this would include both overo and tobiano
patterning. When looking at piebald patches, it's important to differentiate
white hair and dark skin found in Arabian horses from white hair and pink
skin found in true piebald animals such as Holstein cows and Paint Horses.

Socks and blazes are examples of piebald spots in horses. Some animals with
large piebald spots on the head and body may have neurological defects
similar to the genetic defect known in humans as piebaldism. The piebald
condition is linked to defects in both the visual system

Re: [IceHorses] dont encourage me

2007-06-05 Thread Judy Ryder

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG984kzVTQo

Perfect song for the clip!

Is that road in their corral?  Or on your property?


[IceHorses] dont encourage me

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
ok last one



yipie tie yie yo

RE: [IceHorses] Terry - Majo's Hauling

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine
> The owner of Majo Transportation.  He does all his
> hauling himself.  He's
> the one I sent you the link to.

Duh.  thanks.  Lorraine  LOL

 Happy Trails from Lori


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Re: [IceHorses] HA!

2007-06-05 Thread Nancy Sturm
Way cool!


[IceHorses] somebody stop me

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
this is so fun!  My stonewall being a bad boy to music...



yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] KY Jelly

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
I was at a party one time and an old man was smearing butter on
crackers and eating them and after a while he looked at me and
wrinkled his nose and whispered "this is the WORST cheese I ever ate
in my life..."  HAHAHAHA i still laugh about that!
yipie tie yie yo

[IceHorses] no more i promise!

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
ok ok last one i promise!  but I even laughed at this one too hard...



yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Helmets again--Tipperary

2007-06-05 Thread Robyn Schulze

Sorry, Robyn, haven't been on line for a day or two - I had a little
problem getting the chin strap adjusted at first but once I got it where I
liked it - I have forgotten about it - I did remove the leather cover on the
chin strap, though, for some reason that bothered me.  I'm very happy with
hte helmet

thanks for the info Laree! :)


Re: [IceHorses] Shipping a new horse-Karen

2007-06-05 Thread Robyn Schulze
> just to say, the cost of gas has about doubled since '04, so horse
> hauling has gotten a lot more expensive in the last few years.

Yeah, that's true. Unfortunately I guess we've all gotten used to it now.

Karen's hauler looks like a really good one!


Re: [IceHorses] KY Jelly

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
On 6/5/07, Wanda Lauscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just a thought as I was doing sheath and udder cleaning last night
> I clean the girls with baby wipes.  They really work great.
> Wanda

you need to put together a parts cleaning video :)  with music :)
yipie tie yie yo

RE: [IceHorses] Terry - Majo's Hauling

2007-06-05 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> Cute horses.  This may be stupid.  who is Terry. I need more info.

The owner of Majo Transportation.  He does all his hauling himself.  He's
the one I sent you the link to.

Karen Thomas, NC

RE: [IceHorses] KY Jelly

2007-06-05 Thread Karen Thomas
Sorry but every time I see this subject line, I think of the story (joke?) 
about the patient who's eating breakfast in the hospital when the doctor comes 
in for morning rounds.  

"How are you feeling this morning?  Having a good breakfast?"

"Yes, the breakfast isn't too bad for hospital food, but that Kentucky Jelly 
they left on my nightstand sure doesn't have much taste to it."  

Since I've heard true hospital stories all my life from having had a mother and 
four aunts who were RN's, I have a feeling this is probably a true story.

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Terry - Majo's Hauling

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine

> Here's the gorgeous gray Icelandic gelding we had
> for a while, Kari.  I
> think that's Anna's Gloi in the trailer with him.

Cute horses.  This may be stupid.  who is Terry. I
need more info.  Lorraine

 Happy Trails from Lori


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Re: [IceHorses] saddle problems

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine

--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From Karen S:
> Hi there...
> This is what happens when you leaves icelandics
> alone for a few minutes! He 
> was ponied up the trail and got bored waiting for
> me!

Nice.  Kind of hard to ride that way. That looks like
a pretty area. Lorraine

 Happy Trails from Lori


Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the 
tools to get online.

Re: [IceHorses] saddle problems

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
HAHA  what a hoot!  and he is standing there so innocent
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Shipping a new horse-Karen

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine
> That seems really expensive. I know gas has gone up,
> but I had my colt
> shipped from Iowa to Colorado in '04 for $500, w/
> All-State Horse
> Transportation. I've used them 2 times and they were
> the greatest!
> They took great care of my colt, even worked w/ him
> w/ loading and

Thanks for all the info.  Lorraine

 Happy Trails from Lori

You snooze, you lose. Get messages ASAP with AutoCheck
in the all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

[IceHorses] HA!

2007-06-05 Thread Janice McDonald
oh my gosh I am so tech savvy!  I figured how to do music on
youtube  here is tivcam set to song...


its so fun! :)  the possibilities are endless now!  you guys are gonna
be begging me to quit it haha.

yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Shipping a new horse-Karen

2007-06-05 Thread pyramid
On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 10:47:30PM -0600, Robyn Schulze wrote:
> > I had a horse shipped from Las Vegas to Oregon by Northwest Horse 
> > Transportation Company 866-636-HAUL.  I think Steve Kosterman makes the 
> > trip back and forth on a regular basis.  I think it cost about $1000.
> That seems really expensive. I know gas has gone up, but I had my colt
> shipped from Iowa to Colorado in '04 for $500, w/ All-State Horse

just to say, the cost of gas has about doubled since '04, so horse
hauling has gotten a lot more expensive in the last few years.


Re: [IceHorses] Shipping a new horse-Karen

2007-06-05 Thread Lorraine
> Also had someone bring a Welsh cob weanling from
> Washington to Oregon.
> Nancy

Thanks Nancy

 Happy Trails from Lori


Pinpoint customers who are looking for what you sell. 

Re: [IceHorses] Helmets again--Tipperary

2007-06-05 Thread Laree Shulman

  Laree, you mentioned that you have a Tipperary. I just tried
one on and like it very much, altho I had trouble w/ the chinstrap
being too long and difficult to adjust. Did you have any problems w/

Sorry, Robyn, haven't been on line for a day or two - I had a little problem
getting the chin strap adjusted at first but once I got it where I liked it
- I have forgotten about it - I did remove the leather cover on the chin
strap, though, for some reason that bothered me.  I'm very happy with hte



[IceHorses] KY Jelly

2007-06-05 Thread Wanda Lauscher
Just a thought as I was doing sheath and udder cleaning last night

I clean the girls with baby wipes.  They really work great.


[IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread stroppelj
Hi Karin

> Jasmin, I'm 100% serious here: I'm not really sure which of these 
> have "good" necks and which have "bad" ones.  To be honest, none of 
> necks look like they are ideal for dressage, if that's what you're 
> about. 

I didn't mean does examples as examples of perfect necks. I just 
wanted to show, that already in earlier days, there were necks, which 
were more refined (you have to consider, these are all stallions, so 
they have a thicker neck by hormones anyway).

>  But, if I were looking for a horse purely for
> classical dressage, I wouldn't give any of these horses a second 
look, not> even close.  They all look thick through the throatlatch 
to me.  Obviously, though, Icelandic's are my favorite breed, so 
that's not what I'm looking  for.
maybe you got me wrong. I never said, I'm looking for a horse perfect 
for classical dressage, then other breeds would be my favourit for 
sure. I just mentioned a longer neck with enough freedem in the 
throatlatch (you gave me the word, thanks), has it easier to be on 
the reins, so i wouldn't go for an Orri's neck ;-)

> I'd never seen a picture of Ofeigur.  He's my favorite of that 
bunch of > pictures, 
it is not Ofeigur fra Flugumyri, but fra Hvanneyri (grandfather of my 

this is the Flugumyri Ofeigur:


product of strong linebreeding, os should I say inbreeding.

> BTW, I wouldn't begin to judge Orri's neck from that picture.  It's 
taken at
> an odd angle, and the way he's being ridden has no doubt seriously 
> his neck development - much like a human body-builder's neck will 
be quite
> exaggerated and unnatural.  

Believe me, he has a short, thick neck. I saw him in natural, 
unridden and not being ridden for years probably in 2000. And from 
what he inherits to his offsprings, it can not only be a matter of 
training. In fact people say, his head sits on his shoulder. He 
compensates this a lot, as the neck is very high set.

some of his offsprings:

and I could go for a long time like that. Nevertheless, they don't 
get bad marks, as the neck usually is high set and they have a good 
sloping shoulder, which is one mark.


Re: [IceHorses] Sensation Hybrid

2007-06-05 Thread pippa258
Robyn Schulze wrote:
> I bought mine from Kaaren, and was very happy w/ the service--she is
> very concerned about her customers' satisfaction.  There is another
> midwest dealer that I worked with re: my Bob Marshall. This person
> also sells Sensations and I would NOT recommend her at all!  Customer
> service was nonexistent, she was very difficult to get hold of,
> misordered the saddle and then wouldn't take responsibility for it.
> Email me directly if you want a name--I don't want to broadcast it--or
> just go w/ Kaaren, b/c you won't go wrong w/ her.
Kaaren is great to work with and very knowledgeable.  She has also 
developed a Skito pad that works very well with Icelandics and possibly 
other low-withered horses (Kaaren would know best).She is responds 
rights away and can help you with all your saddle fit questions.


RE: [IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread Karen Thomas
>>> so there have been "good" necks a long time ago and there are still
"bad" necks around nowadays.

Boy, Thattur had an odd ewe neck, didn't he?

Jasmin, I'm 100% serious here: I'm not really sure which of these horses
have "good" necks and which have "bad" ones.  To be honest, none of those
necks look like they are ideal for dressage, if that's what you're talking
about. (I remember you mentioning horses being able to easily bend at the
poll in an earlier e-mail in this thread.)  I simply don't see Icelandic's
as having "nice" necks from the classical conformation definition.  It
doesn't bother me - I don't think necks are so terribly important in what
I'm looking for in a horse.  But, if I were looking for a horse purely for
classical dressage, I wouldn't give any of these horses a second look, not
even close.  They all look thick through the throatlatch to me.  Obviously,
though, Icelandic's are my favorite breed, so that's not what I'm looking

I'd never seen a picture of Ofeigur.  He's my favorite of that bunch of
pictures, but I don't single out any of these necks...but granted, it's
probably because he's pictured standing pretty squarely, at liberty, not
influenced by an extreme riding position, and I can see him most clearly.
And because he has a wonderfully sweet and pleasant look about him.  He
reminds me of my Falki...I don't see either of them doing high-level
dressage though, or even much mid-level dressage. He looks like he could be
a very nice pleasure horse though - which is where my priorities are.

BTW, I wouldn't begin to judge Orri's neck from that picture.  It's taken at
an odd angle, and the way he's being ridden has no doubt seriously affected
his neck development - much like a human body-builder's neck will be quite
exaggerated and unnatural.  I have one of his granddaughters (of course, she
has three other grandparents too!) and her neck certainly isn't anything
special.  But she's a pretty horse, sweet, smart and has good gaits.  But I
can't for the life of me see anything about his neck from that picture that
looks like hers.

Karen Thomas, NC

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[IceHorses] Re: short neck

2007-06-05 Thread stroppelj

> I believe it's only more recently that higher set and longer necks 
are being 
> strived for as a goal in breeding.
just to show you some examples of "old" horses. These are stallions 
born 40 years and more ago:
Þáttur frá Kirkjubæ born 1967

world famous Hrafn fra Holtsmúli, born 1968


Hörður fra Kolkuósi born 1957


Hrimnir frá Vilmundarstöðum, born 1958

Ófeigur frá Hvanneyri, born 1968


and here the stallion that influenced the breed most in the last 
decade: Orri frá Þúfu 


you can not really say, that he has a long, refined neck :-) and most 
of his offsprings do inherit it.

so there have been "good" necks a long time ago and there are 
still "bad" necks around nowadays.

