very cool nancy :)  and rheumatoid runs in my family so I know that
painful as it is, you have to keep active or it can get worse than if
you don't!  So finding a horse that will keep you active but not hurt
your joints too bad would be great.  I have knee issues and thank
goodness my tall horses will stand all day while I mount, otherwise
I'd be in trouble.  I can almost mount teev from the ground, bet i
could in a pinch if i had to, but just seems better on my knees
somehow.  also he trots, but he has a special trot he does that my
rear doesnt even leave the saddle its so nice.  also he has a peppy
little flatwalk he can do a nice long time and it is just a real
pleasant smooth rate of speed.

some easy gaits are naturally very fast, too fast to smell roses imo,
like a rack.  Teevs canter is too fast really in and out trees is
scarey at the canter he goes so fast, actually faster than my tall
horses, which i dont understand.  but some easy gaits like a
runningwalk or foxtrot are a nice pleasant speed to me.  but i like a
thrill ride saddle rack too :)  just not in and out trees on a horse
that will crack your knees yiii

I am glad bev is back :)janice--
yipie tie yie yo

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