For those who may be interested Dog World did an article on Icelandic
Sheepdogs in their April Issue! This is the first time the Icelandic
Sheepdog has been featured in a major publication in the U.S.!!


Cilia is awesome.  I'm on a mission to find the April Dog World here in 
the boonies.
Have no idea about scooter dogs!    What's that about? Our girls do 
pull a sled.  Were we younger, would attempt to add an Icelandic 
Sheepdog to our menagerie.
Our Icelandic horses ignore the dogs' antics, but our mule is 
constantly vigilant and ready to strike and maim/kill......good news is 
that he keeps the coyotes and bears away, bad new is I don't think I 
can learn to pony him with the dogs!
At some point I'll figure out our new broadband connection and replace 
digital camera that our daughter has appropriated, so I can send pics 
of the equines, canines and feline...and hopefully our grandson riding 
one or more of the above.
Kate Basler
Monterey, MA
Slettir/Paddy and Pila, Icelandic horses
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat

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