Re: [IceHorses] Janice and Jeffers

2008-04-11 Thread Janice McDonald
that slinky thing was a temporary measure.  I found the boett type
thingie from mic but its so nice and costly to replace I thought I
would put it off to the height of the gnat season.  But the slinky
thing works good!  Maybe too hot in full summer heat but for now...
when he scratches up against things it just slips around and he cant
rub.  His face actually looks better since he's been in it than he was
in his fly mask.  Susan at saddle up has stetch saxon fly sheets on
sale for 47 with the mane part and all and that was such a good price
I snatched one up.  It has the belly piece too so should work and i
got a size 66 since the size 69 thing i got him last year what a
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

[IceHorses] Janice and Jeffers

2008-04-11 Thread Karen Thomas

> >>> more pics i took just before they arrived. 

Tivar's mane is looking GOOD!

 Karen Thomas, NC

[IceHorses] Janice and Jeffers

2008-04-11 Thread Karen Thomas

 Anyway, the caption at the bottom of the poster said..   "Somewhere,
 someone is tired of putting up with her sh*t."

I've hosted a Liz Graves clinic two years running, after attending one the 
prior year.  They've been blasts, but hosting one is somewhat distracting 
and certainly adds to the work.   Anyway, two years ago, a woman signed up 
with two beautiful horses, a RMH and a SSH.  The woman wasn't a lot younger 
than I am, but was petite and slender, a blue-eyed blonde with a strong 
resemblance to Michele Pfeiffer.I soon realized that the  woman was not 
only beautiful, but was fabulously wealthy with a "summer home" probably 
worth twice what my full-time-one-and-only farm would bring...and my farm is 
in an expanding area that has seen some serious real estate inflation over 
the past ten year.  sigh...  Anyway, at the end of the first day of the 
clinic, Cary and I were getting ready to go to dinner with the group and 
were in our bedroom changing clothes.  In a rush, I sort of stepped in front 
of him, and in his typical deadpan tone, he joked, "Hey!  Watch it.  I'm in 
the mood to spank a petite middle-aged woman, and you're the closest one." 
The woman was pampered, beautiful (if slightly past her prime) and wealthy, 
but just being around her casually for one day had put Cary in a foul mood. 
Ever been around a person so needy that they just seem to suck the air out 
of the gathering?  That was her.   Forget the Michelle Pfeiffer 
resemblance... after less than 24 hours, Cary was indeed "tired of putting 
up with her sh*t."

Karen Thomas, NC

Re: [IceHorses] Janice and Jeffers

2008-04-11 Thread Janice McDonald
HAHAHAHA, thats a good one!  Actually they mentioned something about
buckaroo tack and a little girl in retro cowgirl attire
even good horses have bad days sometimes.

Re: [IceHorses] Janice and Jeffers

2008-04-11 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 11/04/2008, Renee Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's hoping the models look something like this:
> --Renee M.


A while ago, I saw a poster of a beautiful woman leaning up against a
wall...looking all seductive...I'm postive you've all seen something

Anyway, the caption at the bottom of the poster said..

"Somewhere, someone is tired of putting up with her sh*t."

I always think of that saying when I see one of these buff photos...

Somewhere, someone is tired of putting up with his sh*t.
