I have to say that Dennis is one very interesting dude. He left a handful of
us just about speechless telling us about his life one year at Headwaters.
One story, he was on St. Helens planting trees for the forestry when it
erupted and barely made it out alive. That incident made him realize how he
should live life to its fullest, so that next Fall he went into the
wilderness to live one year all by himself. Just him and an animal skin coat
and barely anything else. Made a teepee and lived like Jeriamiah Johnson
thru winter. He had some other very fascinating tales about that year. Of
course many of us have seen him in the wee hours at ridecamp walking around
naked. Only at an endurance ride is that just perfectly ok.

  I did ask him if it was cold up there and he went off into explanations
  about wind chill factors. He was fully clothed when we talked at the


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