In case any of you are looking for a last minute tax deduction, I just
got a mailer from my favorite non profit horse rescue group.  Last
Chance Corral  5350 Pomeroy Road, Athens, OH
45701.  It is run by Victoria Goss.  In this day and age when
Presidents of charities are making tons of money and only small
amounts actually going to the needy, there is no question that she is
giving everything plus some.  I have been to her facility several
times.  Its about 1.5 hours from my house.  The foal barn which is
attached to her  little cabin is way nicer than her living quarters.
Her foal barn is heated and warm, the cabin is heated only by a wood
stove.  Most of her first floor is basically the office and storage
area for the foal supplies

In the early months of the year she rescues newborn foals that are
meant to be destroyed.  They are only born so that a mare will be
available to nurse the valuable racing foals and the mother can then
go back to be rebred at the stallions farm as live cover is required
by the jockey club for all racehorses.  Last year she rescued 207 from
the breeding farms in KY.  Some of these poor babies are born
prematurely because the delivery is induced so that they will have an
available nursemare.  They don't even let the babies get a meal or two
to get colostrum.  Sometimes they offer to sell her some on top of
what she pays them for the foals.   She has an incredible survival
rate and only lost 6 babies last year.  The care of these foals is
very labor intensive.  The rest of the year she gets OTTB to be
retrained and resold and also goes to the killer auctions, buys some
horses and ponies that have potential, trains them and sells them.
This helps raise funds so she can save more horses.

There is a hay shortage in southern Ohio due to the drought and hay
will be much more expensive.  Instead of buying toys for the needy
kids, like I usually do for Xmas, I took all that money plus my usual
amount and sent it to Last Chance Corral so that she can buy more hay.
 Any ways, I always wonder about which charities to donate to and this
is one I know is a good one.  Her charity has been around a long time
and has won several awards for worthwhile charity.

Southern Ohio

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