Re: [IceHorses] Pila fra Uxahrygg, Rangarvallasyslu

2007-01-09 Thread Virginia Tupper

> Forwarded pic without comment

I missed the photo!  Congrats on the new addition!  She sounds wonderful!

[IceHorses] Pila fra Uxahrygg, Rangarvallasyslu

2007-01-08 Thread Katesera
Thanks for your response, Karen and Raven.
Forwarded pic without comment--Pila is a flashy little mare, which is a plus, 
as we love looking at her, but main thing is her temperament and 
Thank goodness we can pronounce "Pila", and like it's sound.   Apparently, it 
means "arrow, dart".
Maybe when Pila was young, her "pinto patch" looked like an arrow--will send 
another pic, showing her pinto spot.
As for her Icelandic origins--farm and region (?) -- don't think I'll even 
attempt to pronounce them!
Am grateful that she has no signs of ezema nor rain rot when out in hot or 
wet weather.
Our Slettir/Paddy was born in Canada, and is super hardy, with a great coat 
and no problem with insect bites or tolerating very wet conditions.   He and 
Koko choose to be out in the pouring rain...or heavy snow, rather than hanging 
out in their cozy run-in.

Kate Basler
Slettir/Paddington and Pila, Icelandic ponies
Kokopelli, Hackney pony mule
Tess and Bodhi, Irish Water Spaniels
Dorje, Snowshoe cat