[IceHorses] Re: Another Success Story - Dennis Reis

2008-04-16 Thread Susan Coombes
> --- Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I just ride, and let them figure out what lead they
> are on? <<
 the instructor told me I was on
> the wrong lead, and I replied, "that's her problem, if
> she is uncomfortable, she will change leads" (meaning
> the horse).  

Susan in NV

Corrie only canters on one lead (tendon op). It's more comfortable for 
the rider if she's on the 'wrong' lead but she LOVES to go straight. I 
won't take her to a clinic to have her feelings hurt. I'm just glad I 
can find a straight run and she asks me to ask for a canter. Well, I'm 
at that stage of riding and she's at her stage. 
Sue coombes

[IceHorses] Re: Another Success Story

2008-04-13 Thread susan cooper

--- Kaaren Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Robyn's advice/the TTEAM approach has proven
invaluable.  It combines  easy to use body work, with
fun ground work, & a construct to build a bridge of
communication with my horses<< 

You hit the nail on the head right there, Kaaren! 
Work from the saddle, or even ground work will do
nothing unless you are on the same page as the horse,
and the TTouches and TTeam help form that foundation
of trust upon which all else is built.  The problem
that comes in with people like me is that I love to
ride, and want to fix the problems from the saddle,
but that can not happen when there is no foundation,
and I'm not talking about groundwork, but the
relationship that is formed with the TTouches.  I
can't wait to work on Andi some more with the advice
Robyn has given me!  I plan on videoing it and putting
it side by side with my last video with Andi so I can
the difference.  Plus, I've watched LTJ's video on
You-Tube about a hundred times, so hopefully, I will
get the technique right!  Here it is:

and this one, too:

Susan in NV   
  read my blog to see why I ride my horse in pink:
  Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/

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[IceHorses] Re: Another Success Story

2008-04-13 Thread Kaaren Jordan
>Understanding advice from Robyn Hood<

Way to go Susan & Whisper.  I too have found over the 14 years I have had
Iceys in the family, that Robyn's advice/the TTEAM approach has proven
invaluable.  It combines  easy to use body work, with fun ground work, & a
construct to build a bridge of communication with my horses that is an
enitrely new language.  I use these concepts in my holistic healing practice
for all animals not just horses & have found them to be universally accepted
& applicable.  Through my understanding of the TTEAM concepts my
relationships with humans has improved as well & I have grown as a person.

Many thanks to Linda & Robyn for so patiently making this wonderful , user &
animal friendly approach to better relationships avaiable to us all.  You
don't even have to go to in person workshops or spend a lot of $$.  Just a
book & perhaps the TTEAM newsletter is all many of my clients needed to get

Best of luck Lorraine.  Don't give up on Dagur yet!!
