Re: [IceHorses] Re: Icelandic horses the eating of eggs

2007-11-25 Thread Nancy Sturm
Well it wasn't my sainted great grandfather who was the first man to try
eating an egg.  He was a crusty old buzzard, a self-taught horse and buggy
doctor.  He claimed he wasn't eating anything that came out of the rear end
of a chicken - only his language was a little more graphic.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Icelandic horses the eating of eggs

2007-11-25 Thread Janice McDonald
well, in the interest of somehow gleaning something meaningful out of
this topic...  i always thought when horses would seem insistent on
eating something weird--- chewing wood, tree bark, feces, sand, clay,
they NEEDED something, salt most likely, people say their horses quit
eating feces or chewing wood after having vit B i think it is...

one time jaspar started eating dirt even tho i was giving him minerals
free choice and i changed his minerals and he quit.  so maybe if you
give the wrong kind of minerals...  i give mine gro strong by alliance
loose minerals and a salt block.  just for fun i bought a little
persimmon flavored mineral block at the feed store for deer plots
and it was the size of a brick and no one licked it and nasi would
pick it up and run around with it and drop it until it finally broke
into pieces.  so either they dont like persimmon flavored salt or it
was just too weird for my horses, and i bought a feed thru fluy
control block and it was covered in a thick coat of hardened molasses
and my horses ate it in two days, just gnawed off huge chunks.  it
worried me that might be getting too much fly control but it musta
been ok.


yipie tie yie yo