[IceHorses] Re: Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-24 Thread Kim Morton
--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, Janice McDonald [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 He tried to pass.  I scolded.  whack.
 So what instinct is that?  I'm sorry, I just have seen it too much...
 horses do act bratty, and sneaky, with each other, and with us.  Its
 almost comical.  it is comical.  to me :)
 Like Jaspar snatching bites of weeds on the trail.  If I unwind the
 crop from the saddle and put it on my hand, he stops.  If I put it
 away, he starts.  what instinct is that, the trail munchie 
instinct :)

You have a great ability to bring space to a situation:) I think I 
understand what Leslie is saying, I think, and I also understand what 
you are saying. I think it could be both ways. This really made me 
laugh because, having owned ponies for so long, I know exactly what 
you are talking about. My childhood pony would get his chance and bend 
his little knees, go under the single rail arena and rub kids off of 
his back, never did it to me, but I was ready. I believe I recall him 
trying to rub me off under tree limbs, never happened, I was ready. He 
did buck one child off, I told her to stop it! He did not like it when 
she was pretending she was a cowboy, whooping and swinging her arms 
around, when she didn't listen to me, Sequoia took care of her, or 
really took care of himself and dumped her. 

That pony, ditched me in the middle of the San Diego river, we got in 
the water, he got all slippery and wet and then saw his chance, he got 
rid of me and bailed, went home to his corral.

Believe me, Dari will do what he wants if I am not after him, if he 
sees the chance, he will go left, when I want to go right, ponies are 
always plotting. 

The instinct part, I just think it is dangerous to blame the horse for 
a lot of things, like bucking, like any of their behavior really. It's 
one thing to see that they can give input, and I think Leslie lets the 
horse have plently of input, but we've seen how many times blaming the 
horse, when really if we fine tune how we relate to them, they will do 
better, still allowing them to feel their fears, to give input. It's 
somewhere in the middle for me.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-24 Thread Ann Cassidy
That reminded me of my Stella who is now 24 with Cushings. Years ago I
would let some male friends ride her once in awhile that really did
not know about horses. When my back was turned for an instant one was
on the ground. He said she bucked him off. another time friends were
out in the pasture and a guy jumped on her bareback and without a
halter or bridle or asking me. I saw him later in the pasture lying
flat with his legs wailing around. I thought it was a seizure but when
I got here he was laughing and said Stella had bucked him off. These
were macho guys and I said good for Stella. Luckily no one was harmed.
She would take care of anyone I put on her but don't let someone try
and cowboy her. I have never seen her buck a day in her life but she
does think and have opinions about how things are done..

I had another Icey mare who always bucked a couple of times when we
started to canter. I suspect it was the saddle. Those were my ignorant
days about saddle fit.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-24 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 24/09/2007, Ann Cassidy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I had another Icey mare who always bucked a couple of times when we
 started to canter. I suspect it was the saddle. Those were my ignorant
 days about saddle fit.

I know I have had few ignorant days myselfand I fully expect to
have many more.  I find I can just never learn enough...there is
always something new around the corner that has me puzzled.


Re: [IceHorses] Re: Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-24 Thread Judy Ryder

When my back was turned for an instant one was
 on the ground. He said she bucked him off. another time friends were
 out in the pasture and a guy jumped on her bareback and without a
 halter or bridle or asking me. I saw him later in the pasture lying
 flat with his legs wailing around. and said Stella had bucked him off. 

I think it's probably fair for horses to buck off people that haven't 
asked to ride; made the proper prior introductions, spent the required 
time in riding foreplay (grooming, tacking,etc.).


[IceHorses] Re: Leslie Desmond yesterday

2007-09-21 Thread Kim Morton
--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, Judy Ryder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When you ask for more energy, you have to give them
 room/rope to use 
 that energy.
 Ride with feel/Ride with dignity

This is interesting, we can't ask them to go, then shut them down. 

I wish I could have gone, it just would have been too difficult to try 
and get up there in the middle of the week. I hope she comes back. I 
got so much out of it. I guess I will have to settle for the new audio 
book, still saving up a few pennies for it.
