> "People think that freedom means abolishing all barriers. but it's 
> to be free within a certain framework. A meadow, for example, is a 
> space. But within its limits, the horse can frolic and leap about as 
> pleases, especially because it offers him security."      ~Frederic 

I like this. Freedom is about choice IMO. Choice is about making 
decisions. The framework needs to be workable so that the decision 
making does not become either too constricted or so vast that it is 
stressful. Make the right decision easy for the horse but allow enough 
choice so the horse feels good about it. How it works with kids. 'Were 
going to te cinema today', or 'Where do you want to go today?' vs 'do 
you want to go to the cinema, theme park or shopping mall?'
I don't think I've done a good job of explaining that. Hit send anyway
Sue UK

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