I love my Sensation and so does Emmy (the horse)! When I went to try 
Emmy the previous owner said she had used an Icelandic saddle but had 
just sold it so she was now using a western saddle. So I brought my 
Sensation to try her in. Well I rode her for about 45 minutes or more. 
The previous owner said to take all her tack off as she loves to roll 
in the soft sand arena. Well I untacked her and startd to walk away 
with the saddle in hand...she followed me wanting to sniff this 
saddle!! SO I held it for her and she sniffed it all over for a good 
three four minute...the look on her face was priceless..she was so 
interested....she never did go and roll!! She just followed me around. 
THe previous owner was flabbergasted she said SHE always trots away and 
has a good roll!! I take that Emmy really liked the Sensation!!

Zoe in BC

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