>chemicals vs no<

I don't believe in either or /black & white thinking.  Sometimes it is
necessary to use chemicals/ topicals  & worm when NEEDED, but if a
non-chemical can do the trick then why not???  Many people also do fecals on
their horses to determine what type of wormer is needed & when rather than
just worming on a schedule.   This is done sequencially & if the expense of
having your Vet do them is too much, a microscope kit can be purchased via
the internet to do yourself.  Since I only have 3 horses, I go the Vet
route..and I do use chemical wormers, but judiciously.   I also titre for
all my vaccines  & only give WHEN NEEDED, but then I have three horses.

 I have always felt that holistic care is not a substitute for allopathic
medical care but instead should be thought of as complementary care .  Many
horses live in the South particularly NC w/o SE.  In TCM  it is seen that
humans/horses that have susceptibility  have imbalances within their systems
that may need additional support.  If caretakers choose to go the
traditional route then that is their perogative.  I simply provided an
additional way ("add" meaning to do with) of perhaps dealing with the issue.

Flax is a simple, cost effective way of adding EFA's to the domestic horse's
diet which has many benefits & not many risks.  The only risk to doing fecal
samples is perhaps added expense/time as is with vaccine titres.


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