Re: [IceHorses] Overdeveloped Front End

2007-09-19 Thread Nancy Sturm
DSLD was the initial diagnosis.  Because this horse had such a dramatic
recovery, the vets (excellent lameness guys) decided that probaby it wasn't.

However, Fabio had an episode this week of something our local equine vet
treated as colic and that same afternoon I was reading about "false colic"s
in horses with DSLD.

I suspect his owner will be waiting for a while to know the true outcome.
She calls him "Baby" and refers to herself as "Mommy".  I certainly hope he


Re: [IceHorses] Overdeveloped Front End

2007-09-19 Thread Janice McDonald
  Initially the vet
> diagnosed  that condition (sorry, can't remember the name) that is suspected
> to be a genetic anomoly in some Peruvian Pasos.  He said that his legs
> presented as if he'd been ridden 1000 hours in deep sand.  The horse's owner
> followed rehab instructions religiously and he was much improved on each of
> the next two sets of ultrasounds she had done.
oh no, its not DSLD is it??
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Overdeveloped Front End

2007-09-19 Thread Nancy Sturm
I don't have pictures of Fabio, but I suppose I could take some.  He's a
pretty balanced looking horse.  Right now he has a condition that's causing
swelling to the check ligaments on both front legs.  Initially the vet
diagnosed  that condition (sorry, can't remember the name) that is suspected
to be a genetic anomoly in some Peruvian Pasos.  He said that his legs
presented as if he'd been ridden 1000 hours in deep sand.  The horse's owner
followed rehab instructions religiously and he was much improved on each of
the next two sets of ultrasounds she had done.

Oddly, this horse is VERY lightly ridden.  The owner might work him for 10
minutes in the round pen then go to 1/2 an hour or so at gait (is it
termino?) in the riding wing or maybe ride him around the ranch.  He
probably doesn't go half a mile three times a week, if that.

He got out yesterday and was running up and down an alleyway between two
pastures so we really got a chance to see him move.  He was very animnated
and his legs certainly appeared to rotate from the shoulder.


Re: [IceHorses] Overdeveloped Front End

2007-09-19 Thread Janice McDonald
my friends peruvian is very chunky everywhere, front and rear, a
short, extremely compact and powerfully built horse, a very big and
well developed chest, but big butt too:)  like an icey but taller :)
he is just gorgeous.  I am madly in love with him.  he is for sale to
perfect home only, for 5500.  he has won awards for riding in parades
and has forelock rippling past his nose, as black as ink, and does the
termino so elegantly.  when she unloads him from the trailer he is
snorting and wild eyed and you think oh jeez he is about to flip out
and kill somebody and he acts like that at all times, in absolutely
perfectly mannered control.  I have never even seen him spook, yet he
seems he's always about to flip out.  she says "he is like a stick of
dynamite, but no fuse".  I adore him.  did I say that already?  I need
to win the lotto so I can have a hundred horses.
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Overdeveloped Front End

2007-09-19 Thread Judy Ryder

> chest muscles are VERY developed.  Looking at him from the side, his chest
> is probably three or four inches deeper in front of his front legs than it
> is behind (just in front of where his girth probably lies).  He looks like 
> a
> body builder with pecs.  We wondered if this muscle development was a 
> result
> of the way he moves or was the CAUSE of how he moves.

Do you have any pictures of him?

Is he pigeon-breasted?

How does his rear half look in comparison to the front half?

How does he move?

How is he ridden?
