>>>>>We adopted Buck 2.5 years ago  from the rescue agency.  He was part of a
seizure of a bunch of horses  from horrible conditions.  There were several
dead draft horses on the  premises, and I understand that some of the ones
rescued with Buck didn't  make it.  They thought he was about 2-3 years old
then.  When we  got him, we could barely get a halter on him, and only sort
of lead  him...and he'd kick out in a heartbeat if he felt trapped.  And
forget  handling his feet. <<<<<

Wow what a terrible thing to happen to them. We have horses starved here  
also. I turned one in myself that I watched and knew they were not feeding him  
right. So sad. Well I know nothing about hinny's either. Cute what ever he is.  
The hair cuts, good thing he was not adopted by the saddle bred people. Every 
 year when I was keeping my horses at a stable maybe thirty five or so years 
ago.  The horses had their hair stolen right before show time. It was funny 
now that I  think of it. Sylvia

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