Re: [IceHorses] Re: i aint believin it

2008-01-04 Thread Janice McDonald
i have a pic somewhere of nasi in his first hurricane, i think he was
a yearling.  He was just SO mad, it was hilarious.  All the other
horses stood together under the pole barn with backs to wind and nasi
stood out in it, side to wind, ears flat like he was just so OFFENDED
the wind and rain would lash him like that haha.  and it wasnt even a
bad hurricane!  It was blowing around 108 mph, which is about what
calif is supposed to get from these storms I think!
yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Re: i aint believin it

2008-01-03 Thread Anna Hopkins
On Jan 2, 2008 4:23 PM, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will send you some unbelievable tangerines.  send me your real
> address.  They are called satsumas, a little town where Jaspar and fox
> and gallant boy came from actually, used to grow satsumas in the
> fifties and were wiped out by cold but because of "new technology"
> they have a grove producing again and said they taste as good as they
> did in the fifties when they were famous for growing incredible fruit.
>  We got some and oh my gosh they are out of this world!  very sweet
> and easy to peel and seedless.  I bought some tangerines from south
> fla yesterday and they were sour, hard to peel and full of seeds.

I am jealous.  I am a clementine/tangerine fanatic.  I always look
forward to the Clementines from Spain that become available here
during the holiday season.  I bought several boxes then they were gone
and replaced by a Clementine 'knock off' from California.  Not nearly
as sweet and tasty.

Sounds like you're having about the same weather as us in Ohio but
we've gotten about 5 inches of snow since Tues afternoon.  The weather
radar show it all clear, but we've been getting snow flurries at our
house all morning.  We seem to have our own little environment up here
on our hill.  It's supposed to get to 50 and rain on Saturday.  Even
with (or because of) the driveway being plowed, it will be like an
Olympic Luge.  I'm so glad I didn't let my husband sell the Toyota 4
Runner when we bought the Prius, because the 4 Runner is the only
thing that will get us up our hilly driveway when covered with some
snow or worse yet semi-melted  snow that has refrozen.  I don't think
a Zamboni can do a better job of getting a smooth surface.  We still
have gravel.  Besides blacktop being outrageously expensive for a
quarter mile long driveway, I'm afraid it will be worse yet.  Since
the drive goes through a wooded area we wouldn't get the benefit of
the sun (like we see much of the sun this time of year anyway) melting
the snow on blacktop.

Southern Ohio

RE: [IceHorses] Re: i aint believin it

2008-01-02 Thread Robyn Hood
Hi Janice

>>>   They are called satsumas, a little town where Jaspar and fox
and gallant boy came from actually, used to grow satsumas in the
fifties and were wiped out by cold but because of "new technology"
they have a grove producing again and said they taste as good as they
did in the fifties when they were famous for growing incredible fruit.

I bought some of these last summer and wow were they ever good.

The weather is very strange - what else is new.  Supposed to snow here today
- but it is sunny and about -1 C and then it will warm up to +4 C tomorrow
and possibly rain - that is the worst because of the ice that it creates.

I guess we all have different challenges.

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


Re: [IceHorses] Re: i aint believin it

2008-01-02 Thread Janice McDonald
it is going to be 20 degrees tonight with a wind chill down in the
teens, the coldest in years they say.  Right now it is a wind chill of
around 40 which is unusual for a bright sunny day.  at lunch we
chatted with a woman who flew in from  Missouri yesterday for her
vacation.  She said when she woke up and heard the wind howling
outside and opened the door at her beach rental she thought she was
having a dream, that it was colder here than in missouri haha.

In the morning i will try and bring my camer to work and take pics of
the bay.  Its very rare for salt water to have ice but the bay this
morning had patches of ice and tonite is supposed to be even colder.
I cant even imagine zero and below temps!  When my daughter starts
being a traveling nurse and goes somewhere cold i am gonna go stay
with her during a blizzard.  Our friends are in gatlinburg tennessee
today on vacation and they are excited cause it may snow.

I will send you some unbelievable tangerines.  send me your real
address.  They are called satsumas, a little town where Jaspar and fox
and gallant boy came from actually, used to grow satsumas in the
fifties and were wiped out by cold but because of "new technology"
they have a grove producing again and said they taste as good as they
did in the fifties when they were famous for growing incredible fruit.
 We got some and oh my gosh they are out of this world!  very sweet
and easy to peel and seedless.  I bought some tangerines from south
fla yesterday and they were sour, hard to peel and full of seeds.

also I need to get sophie some things at the jeffers yard sale.  Dont
be jealous Karen, if you get a little girl dog I will send her a
present too and throw in something for frank :)

yipie tie yie yo

Re: [IceHorses] Re: i aint believin it

2008-01-02 Thread Wanda Lauscher
On 02/01/2008, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> well maybe florida will have snow, temps in the teens, and a tropical
> storm all in the same week.  happy new year.

There goes the price of oranges through the roof!

Janice, I don't know what's going on but we've had gale force winds
here today (from the south) and now our temperature is -1C.  It's
great, but the horses have still been coming in to hind behind the
wind fence to get a break from the blast.

I hope you don't get too cold down there.
