Optimus F3Q with slide-out QWERTY keyboard headed to T-Mobile

Posted: 06 Dec 2013, 06:46, by Nick T.

Categories: T-Mobile

It has been a while since we last saw the launch of an Android smartphone
rocking a slide-out QWERTY keyboard, hasn't it? But they aren't quite dead,
it seems. As a matter of fact, T-Mobile appears to be interested in
releasing one, judging by this recent leak. The smartphone you see drawn
above is allegedly known as the LG Optimus F3Q. Accent here is on "drawn"
as the picture appears to be a crude representation as to how the phone
should look like in real life, as if it has been pulled out of a service

Unfortunately, nothing in terms of specs has been revealed but the leak's
source. But if we had to make an educated guess, we'd expect the LG Optimus
F3Q to be similar to the Optimus F3 on a hardware level. In other words,
we're likely looking at an affordable mid-range Android smartphone with a
screen of about 4 inches or so. We could be wrong, of course.

That's pretty much all we know about the LG Optimus F3Q so far. Would
anyone be interested in grabbing one of these? Or have you already adapted
to living without a physical keyboard? Let us know in the comments!

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