makin maju aja..siap siap utk menyambut era 'technium' 😅

Everyone is a node, your data is a block, and it all forms a chain. Yeah,
it's complicated.

HTC plans to release the Exodus this October, and it will be the world's
first blockchain phone. We know the project is spearheaded by Phil Chen,
the genius behind the HTC Vive, and that blockchain means the phone will
have something to do with cryptocurrencies like BitCoin. That's not a lot
of information and it fails to answer the two biggest questions: What
exactly is a blockchain phone and how does all this work?

There's a lot of "informed speculation" going on around the HTC Exodus. HTC
isn't saying much because they need to surprise us come October, and it's
hard to know exactly what the company means when they say blockchain phone
and describe their vision around it. But we do know what blockchain
technology is and how it could be used in a phone.

What is the blockchain?

Don and Alex Tapscott, the authors of Blockchain Revolution say:

"The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions
that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but
virtually everything of value."

The keywords here are incorruptible digital ledger because that's what the
blockchain is at its core.

A blockchain is essentially a shared database with no master copy.

A blockchain is an encrypted and shared database that's spread across more
than one computing device. This means that every person with access can
modify that ledger without waiting for someone else to finish any edits.
There are complicated algorithms in place to keep duplicate entries out
based on the actual time they were created or changed, so the database
updates and every client gets the changes and they are always in sync. A
blockchain is considered to be secure not because the database is
encrypted, but because there is no single "master" copy to edit or corrupt
— the blockchain database on your computer is considered to be as valid as
the database on any other computer.

With potentially millions of computers hosting the blockchain database,
it's also available to the public and verifiable by anyone who has the need
and means to verify it. Remember, no matter where the blockchain is
accessed, it has the same data because of the software behind it that
reconciles any and all entries every 10 minutes. This makes a blockchain a
great way to host decentralized data for cryptocurrency. Anyone can access
the chain and use software like a currency wallet to spend and manage their
alternative currency. Nobody can hack into the chain because there is no
master copy to hack.

Blockchain technology is perfect for something like cryptocurrency.

As mentioned, the data is reconciled every 10 minutes. Every change to the
data is accounted for, duplicate entries are sorted and separated by the
actual time of the transaction, and every copy on every computer is
updated. These changes or transactions are called blocks. The group of
computers that host the data are called nodes and they form the chain.

The most important thing you need to know when you see anyone talking about
the blockchain is:

A blockchain is transparent and the data is available to anyone who has
software that needs to access it.

There is no master copy and as long as enough computers host the data,
there would never be a computer powerful enough to find every copy and
corrupt it.

Any change to the data (such as a BitCoin transaction) happens through a
validation system that apps like a coin wallet can interact with. Every
node in the chain validates each transaction to ensure that it's valid.

A blockchain keeps a record of every transaction (change to a data point)
and each transaction holds information about where it originated.

This is why blockchain technology is the right way to keep records for
cryptocurrency. It's decentralized — no person or group can manipulate it —
and each node acts as an administrator so no single part of the chain can
go "rogue" and foul things up. But there are other potential uses for a
blockchain. Things like landholder records and title deeds could use a
blockchain, or a complete stock market could be built using a blockchain
and any middleman such as a broker would become unnecessary. Any type of
database that has individual records that need to be assigned to an
individual identity could use blockchain technology. Because a blockchain
uses public/private encryption key pairing, each transaction is secure and
easy to identify.

How will you use blockchain in a phone?

You can already make your phone act as a node in a chain through digital
wallets for cryptocurrency, like the Coinbase app.

But let's face it — getting "in to" something like BitCoin or Ethereum is
not easy for the beginner. HTC could change that dynamic by including a
robust wallet in the phone with a user interface that's friendly and walks
you through the process of investing in and using digital currency for
everyday transactions. The company also mentions "Trusted Hardware" on the
Exodus website so it's possible that there will be an extra layer of
security to keep your identity safe as well as your digital wallet.

HTC could have a new and unique way to store your data, but do we really
want it?

But it sounds like HTC has a higher set of goals in mind. There's talk of
decentralized data for applications and secure on-device storage for your
personal information instead of using the cloud. Seeing how HTC plans to
secure data in a system that's open to the public, such as a blockchain, is
going to be interesting is this is the case.

Depending on just what HTC plans to use blockchain technology to do there
is also a chance that the company will have found a new and unique
marketing angle — HTC is also a set of nodes in any chain and has unique
access to your shared data and can offer a system similar to what Google
does, where you're profiled and targeted when it comes to advertisements.

One thing is certain, the HTC Exodus will be one of 2018's most interesting

All of this is speculation. It's almost certain that the HTC Exodus will be
a gateway into cryptocurrency use and include user-facing (and possibly
unique developer options) apps and utilities to connect to large clearing
houses like Coinbase. Past that, we;ll just have to wait until October and
find out. I'm certainly interested in checking out the first blockchain
phone, and I'm sure plenty of us feel the same.

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