balasan : [Id-ebook] beberapa ebook

2008-05-20 Terurut Topik Stepanus Kawihardja
Saya rasa lebih etis kalau anda membuat thread baru.


Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Andy Utomo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Mau nitip pengumuman, terima kasih.

 Kusta atau Lepra ?
 Antara mitos dan realita.
 Takutkah anda ?

 Mau tahu lebih banyak tentang Kusta ?
 Simak perbincangannya dengan Direktur Yayasan Transformasi Lepra Indonesia
 Bp. Nuah, dan juga penuturan dari dr. Sandri, seorang Ibu Dokter yang sudah
 cukup lama mengabdikan dirinya dengan penderita kusta serta simak pula
 pengalaman hidup dari salah seorang mantan penderita kusta, Adi Yosep.
 Hanya di Radio SONORA 92,0 FM
 Senin, 19 Mei 2008 mulai jam 4 sore

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-05-20 Terurut Topik andrusjames_business
INTERNET BUSINESS (TRUE) It's not cheating. Careful Unemployee: This is
the best way to earn money. This is the True  Best Internet Business.
No need to go to other job. If you don't interest to do this business,
it sure defiantly you loss the one easiest way to earn money. Daily 1
hour enough to do this business. More hours gives much more money. You
go to spend your Browsing money only. If you spend Browsing Money
maximum Rs.20 / Hour, you go to earn more than Rs.1000 / Hour. Your Job:
Advertising the SFI Company. More details refer topic: Actually what you
going to do this Business. Want to earn more money easily  freely 
simply  quickly? Without investment. No need credit card. Believe me.
4$ (Rs.160) per one fulfilled Application. Otherwise minimum 1$. 
(Freely  Easily  Quickly  Simply)  More than Rs.20, 000 per month. If
your extraordinary person you can earn more than Rs.1000 per hour. Only
3 steps taken 1 minute only. Feel Free to do this, then you known. [ 1)
Go to this link.  2) Fill up the application
fully and follow the website commands. 3) Confirm your personal details.
(Verification: 1) Go to My Account 2) Go to the third topic My Account
Information. 3) If your personal details wrong change manually,
otherwise come to back. Go to Change Account Info. Then Change your
personal details. And submit your details. 4) And also confirm your
Commission Payment options. a) Select the first option 1)
Check mailed to you
2) Give your name to make checks payable to. And Click Update.  Once you
had given correct details then no need to confirm again. The check goes
to that address correctly. That's all.) ] Condition: · If you
didn't fulfill the application fully you are rejected. If you didn't
interest to do this business 1.  You lost more money earn business
freely  easily  simply  quickly. 2.  Defiantly you are looser.
Because it's an easiest way to earn money. Why you are very busy man? If
you can't spend at least 1minute for to known how to earn money? If you
keep on doing this business correctly I sure no need you go to other
job. Because it gives more than your expectation money. It's TRUE. Hey
unemployee do first then you known. Click this link  When you are eligible:

  * After you submit the application you will received SFI mail
immediately in your email (which good email id you given in that
application). That mail contains a conformation link. You must enter
that link. One application form is shown. That application form asks
your details. Which details you given is it your future check receiving
details. So fill up the application correctly. ·After
completion of these steps fully you are eligible to receive check. 
Business Suggestion: 1.  Use separates (New one) Email-ID for this
Business. Because unexpected number of mails comes to daily which mail
id you given. This email id (New one) use to do this business. Which
good email id you given in your application that email id used to
communicate sfimg business and you (Continuously receiving mail from
sfimg and you send your enquiry to sfimg.). So use two separate email
id. Now you go to fill up the application no need new one email id. When
you going to do this business that time only you need another one email
id.  Why: Our job spread the link to world  (Example link: 
NUMBER)/CB).  Otherwise refer topic: Actually what you going to do this
Business: If any email id ok to spread the link except which email id
given to application. Because unexpected number of mails comes to daily
which mail id you to do this business. To avoiding this problem we going
to do this method. Which email id is not a problem but which link is
important. You can use number of email id for spread the link. Finally: 
!--[if !supportLists]--1.  !--[endif]--Original email id used to
communicate with sfimg company. !--[if !supportLists]--2. 
!--[endif]--Other email ids used to spread the link. 2.  Use   or  or   to send mails. Because this
website gives to send our message to number of mails at one time (Group
mail). How to do you earn Money: Ø  The SFI Company teaches you
how easily, quickly and freely how to earn money. Ø  This is your
business entering website  . Ø
The SFI ID is a number (example: 9**). Refer that number in your
first SFI received mail. Ø  Thus website contains what details
you want.  Actually what you going to do this Business: Ø  Go to  . Ø