2008-06-25 Terurut Topik Gangsar Kurniawan
Hehehe... Pak Stepanus bisa aja... 

Iya nih, aku kira apaan, ternyata ngiklan...

- Original Message 
From: Stepanus Kawihardja [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 20:42:36
Subject: Re: [Id-ebook] HATI-HATI JANGAN IKUT

Tenang saja, anda akan kami ignore kok.

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:53 PM, abdurrosyid muslim 
abdurrosyid_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] com wrote:

 Rekan-rekan Id-ebook

 bila anda melihat iklan sebuah perusahaan search engine bernama web 2.0
 yang sedang membuka saham secara gratis, pesan saya:


 sekali lagi saya tegaskan. bila memang anda tipe orang yag menggunakan
 internet HANYA untuk chating dan email saja, tanpa cerdas mencari peluang
 income yang menjanjikan, silahkan ignore pesan ini!!! :)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Send instant messages to your online friends 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-06-23 Terurut Topik abdurrosyid muslim
Rekan-rekan Id-ebook 

bila anda melihat iklan sebuah perusahaan search engine bernama web 2.0 yang 
sedang membuka saham secara gratis, pesan saya:

JANGAN IKUT, JANGAN IKUT TIDAK DAFTARdengan alasan ah hari gene masih 
percaya kaya begitu?? 

dengan alasan:
1. karena online buisnes menjadi alternatif yang menjanjikan akhir-akhir ini.  
2. search engine ini diprediksi akan menjadi saingan google dan yahoo di 
kemudian hari. mumpung masih membuka saham gratis, sebelum sahamnya naik atau 
ditutup, kenapa tidak dicoba.
3. pembukaan saham ini sama seperti yang dilakukan google dan yahoo ketika 
pertama mereka merintis perusahaannya. 


hanya register, kemudian promosikan URL anda sebanyak-banyaknya. anda akan 
mendapat saham bila sudah berhasil mengajak 2 orang, mudahkan?

ini sedikit penjelasan dari admin:


We are happy to have you on our team and very excited for the wonderful 
technologies that are about to revolutionize the Internet as we know it!

You are about to become part of history in the making. I know that our website 
leads to some pretty lofty claims of web-wide domination, complete 
saturation, total internet change, etc. and I only wish we could disclose the 
full details of our technologies to you right now so you would know that these 
claims are not some hyped up exaggeration to try and sell you something.

Though, I can tell you this. It will take less than 5 minutes of reviewing the 
details of this new technology for you to have NO DOUBT in your mind that this 
company is going to be the next BIG Internet Technology Company, not to mention 
you will also finally understand why this WILL be a full, web-wide upgrade to 
Web 2.0 Standards.

We compare the potential of this company to being the next Google / mySpace, 
etc. when in all actuality, it really has even more potential because it is NOT 
a web site. This technology effects THE ENTIRE INTERNET. It's almost scary when 
I think about how big this will become.

So, with that said, I urge you to stake your claim now by referring as many 
people as you can to this amazing opportunity. I can assure you, this can and 
WILL build a very nice nest-egg for you as we launch our technologies. The 
more people you get in now before the launch, the larger your team will be and 
the more profit and reward will come your way.

Think of it this way. What if you had a chance to get in on Amazon, eBay or 
Google before they were known, you could have made a fortune. That is exactly 
what you have here today. Our supporters will become hugely rewarded for their 
efforts beyond the compensation shown in the contract. The contracted 
compensation reward is already proving hugely successful with the amazing 
growth we are realizing right now.

What we have not told you is that there are secret bonuses for the top 
performers that we (our partners) have already agreed upon to reward those who 
help us reach our membership goals. These rewards stand to be even more 
lucrative than what's shown in the contract. So again, I urge you - take 
advantage of what we have right now and build your team in any and every manner 
legally and ethically possible in order to grab as much of the pie as you can 
before we launch!

This is going to be one of the most exciting companies on the Internet and YOU 
were lucky enough to find out about it in the VERY beginning! Congratulations!

Now, let's work together to take this company and our membership into a new era 
of Internet technologies.

Thank you for your support and if you ever need anything at all, just ask!

Team Support

sekali lagi saya tegaskan. bila memang anda tipe orang yag menggunakan internet 
HANYA untuk chating dan email saja, tanpa cerdas mencari peluang income yang 
menjanjikan, silahkan ignore pesan ini!!! :)

to join, klick:

Send instant messages to your online friends 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-06-23 Terurut Topik abdurrosyid muslim

Rekan-rekan Id-ebook 

bila anda melihat iklan sebuah perusahaan search engine bernama web 2.0 yang 
sedang membuka saham secara gratis, pesan saya:

JANGAN IKUT, JANGAN IKUT TIDAK DAFTARdengan alasan ah hari gene masih 
percaya kaya begitu?? 

dengan alasan:
1. karena online buisnes menjadi alternatif yang menjanjikan akhir-akhir ini.  
2. search engine ini diprediksi akan menjadi saingan google dan yahoo di 
kemudian hari. mumpung masih membuka saham gratis, sebelum sahamnya naik atau 
ditutup, kenapa tidak dicoba.
3. pembukaan saham ini sama seperti yang dilakukan google dan yahoo ketika 
pertama mereka merintis perusahaannya. 


hanya register, kemudian promosikan URL anda sebanyak-banyaknya. anda akan 
mendapat saham bila sudah berhasil mengajak 2 orang, mudahkan?

ini sedikit penjelasan dari admin:


We are happy to have you on our team and very excited for the wonderful 
technologies that are about to revolutionize the Internet as we know it!

You are about to become part of history in the making. I know that our website 
leads to some pretty lofty claims of web-wide domination, complete 
saturation, total internet change, etc. and I only wish we could disclose the 
full details of our technologies to you right now so you would know that these 
claims are not some hyped up exaggeration to try and sell you something.

Though, I can tell you this. It will take less than 5 minutes of reviewing the 
details of this new technology for you to have NO DOUBT in your mind that this 
company is going to be the next BIG Internet Technology Company, not to mention 
you will also finally understand why this WILL be a full, web-wide upgrade to 
Web 2.0 Standards.

We compare the potential of this company to being the next Google / mySpace, 
etc. when in all actuality, it really has even more potential because it is NOT 
a web site. This technology effects THE ENTIRE INTERNET. It's almost scary when 
I think about how big this will become.

So, with that said, I urge you to stake your claim now by referring as many 
people as you can to this amazing opportunity. I can assure you, this can and 
WILL build a very nice nest-egg for you as we launch our technologies. The 
more people you get in now before the launch, the larger your team will be and 
the more profit and reward will come your way.

Think of it this way. What if you had a chance to get in on Amazon, eBay or 
Google before they were known, you could have made a fortune. That is exactly 
what you have here today. Our supporters will become hugely rewarded for their 
efforts beyond the compensation shown in the contract. The contracted 
compensation reward is already proving hugely successful with the amazing 
growth we are realizing right now.

What we have not told you is that there are secret bonuses for the top 
performers that we (our partners) have already agreed upon to reward those who 
help us reach our membership goals. These rewards stand to be even more 
lucrative than what's shown in the contract. So again, I urge you - take 
advantage of what we have right now and build your team in any and every manner 
legally and ethically possible in order to grab as much of the pie as you can 
before we launch!

This is going to be one of the most exciting companies on the Internet and YOU 
were lucky enough to find out about it in the VERY beginning! Congratulations!

Now, let's work together to take this company and our membership into a new era 
of Internet technologies.

Thank you for your support and if you ever need anything at all, just ask!

Team Support

sekali lagi saya tegaskan. bila memang anda tipe orang yag menggunakan internet 
HANYA untuk chating dan email saja, tanpa cerdas mencari peluang income yang 
menjanjikan, silahkan ignore pesan ini!!! :)

to join, klick:

Send instant messages to your online friends 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


2008-06-23 Terurut Topik Stepanus Kawihardja
Tenang saja, anda akan kami ignore kok.

Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. - James Dean

On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 7:53 PM, abdurrosyid muslim 

 Rekan-rekan Id-ebook

 bila anda melihat iklan sebuah perusahaan search engine bernama web 2.0
 yang sedang membuka saham secara gratis, pesan saya:


 sekali lagi saya tegaskan. bila memang anda tipe orang yag menggunakan
 internet HANYA untuk chating dan email saja, tanpa cerdas mencari peluang
 income yang menjanjikan, silahkan ignore pesan ini!!! :)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]