Be a Fashion Professional
  Indonesia International Fashion Institute
  Menyelenggarakan workshop :
  Program 1 hari ( 3 jam )
  - Introduction to Fashion Business
  - Introduction to Visual Merchandsing
  - Introduction to Fashion Stylist
  - Basic Knowledge of Textile
  BIAYA : Rp. 400.000,- / orang / program
               Harga special : Rp. 1.500.00,- ( untuk 1 group - 5 orang )
  Program 5 hari ( 4 jam / hari )
  - Introduction to color & composition
  - Introduction to Fashion Illustration
  BIAYA : Rp. 2.000.000,- / orang /program
  Include : Workshop Kit, Sertifikat, Snack
  Lengkapi data berikut :
  Nama :
  EMail :
  HP     :
  Nama Program :
  Kesediaan mengikuti pelatihan :
                   Hari       :
                   Tanggal :
                   Jam       :
  Email ke : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Onie / Fia
  Plaza Tendean Lt 3 Jl Kapten Tendean No 45 Jakarta Selatan
  Telp. (021) 5226081 Fax. (021) 52892402

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