Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread Charles Lynn


 Quoted from RFC791, the IP specification, in the section on loose
 source routing, page 19 [emphasis added]:
If the address in destination address field has been reached and
the pointer is not greater than the length, the next address in
the source route replaces the address in the destination address
field, and the recorded route address REPLACES THE SOURCE
ADDRESS just used, and pointer is increased by four. 

You have misread the specification.  That "source" is not (IP Header)
"Source Address" that you imply, but the "source" mentioned earlier in
the sentence, i.e., "address in the source route" (option).

The IP Header Source Address is not changed by the source routing options.
(Nor in the case of IPv6 style source routing.)

[If you think about it, the interpretation you emphasized above will
not result in a capability for bi-directional communication.]


Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread Matt Crawford

Dick St.Peters says:
 Quoted from RFC791, the IP specification, in the section on loose
 source routing, page 19 [emphasis added]:
If the address in destination address field has been reached and
the pointer is not greater than the length, the next address in
the source route replaces the address in the destination address
field, and the recorded route address REPLACES THE SOURCE
ADDRESS just used, and pointer is increased by four.
 An end-to-end-inviolate source address is not a required part of the
 IP spec.

If you look upward two paragraphs from the part you quoted, you'll
see that "source address" does not mean the first address in the
fixed part of the IP header, but the address in the "route data"
provided by the source.
Matt Crawford[EMAIL PROTECTED] Fermilab
"A5. Remove all classified and CCI boards from the COMSEC equipment,
thoroughly smash them with a hammer or an ax, and scatter the pieces."

Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread C. M. Heard

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000, Dick St.Peters wrote:

 Quoted from RFC791, the IP specification, in the section on loose
 source routing, page 19 [emphasis added]:

If the address in destination address field has been reached and
the pointer is not greater than the length, the next address in
the source route replaces the address in the destination address
field, and the recorded route address REPLACES THE SOURCE
ADDRESS just used, and pointer is increased by four.

The recorded route address is the internet module's own internet
address as known in the environment into which this datagram is
being forwarded.

 An end-to-end-inviolate source address is not a required part of the
 IP spec.

 The authors of the standard had the vision to foresee that rewriting
 the source address might be desireable under some circumstances.  They
 were off target about when this might be used, but they designed a
 protocol flexible enough to encompass things they could not foresee.

I think you have misunderstood what the RFC intended to say.  The "source
address" being replaced is the entry in the LSRR option that is being
written into the destination field, not the source address in the IP
header, which is supposed to remain constant throughout its journey.

Anyway, a source route option was intended to be something that the
originating host puts into the datagram, and so the destination address
rewriting that does happen is being done by explicit request of the
originating host.  That's quite different from what an interception
proxy does, isn't it?

C. M. Heard

Cable as Firewall?!

2000-04-12 Thread tkuiper

I'm at the end of all my knowledge and I can't find any explaination
for the following issue. So I hope anyone of you Network Guru's can
give me an idea why this would happen.

I have this scenario in a Network:

A couple of PC's are connected to a 3300 Switch made by 3COM
which are connected using 3 metres long TP (normal CAT5) cables.
The stations have diffrent OS'es like Linux and Novell Netware.
However the problem seems to be the cable not the operating systems.

I use diffrent protocols over this network to establish a communication,
like IPX and of course TCP/IP. Now the weird thing is if I use one cable,
IPX data comes through, but no TCP/IP traffic. If I exchange the cables
again, both TCP/IP and IPX work. I tried with tcpdump (filtering UDP and
diffrent ethernet protocols), but I only get IPX through with this cable!
I used diffrent stuff to test this cable, like fluke 2000 dsp pro and
fluke 1000 dsp and a lot of diffrent volt/ohm testers. The cable seems
to function ok. I tried other switches such as 3COM 3300,
HP pro curve 4000, DLink 10/100, but I only get IPX through with that cable.
This cable doesn't have a chip and ethernet is ethernet, no? I would really
like to know what makes this cable diffrent. Its not the operating systems
since I tried some Windows and other Netware 4.x server too. Both only
get IPX through it. How can a cable filter specific ethernet protocols?

Best Regards,
Thomas Kuiper

Thomas Kuiper|   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | __
Core Development |   TK3680-RIPE |   /__/\
Tobit Software   |   ICQ #8345483|  ask your server. \__\/

Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread J. Noel Chiappa

 From: "Dick St.Peters" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The authors of the standard had the vision to foresee ...
 they designed a protocol flexible enough to encompass things they
 could not foresee.

Pardon me if I emit a "balderdash".

There's this tendency to act like IPv4 was handed down on stone tablets by
Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom, herself - and I want to stamp it out. *I was
there*, and trust me, it wasn't a much (any?) different case of sausage
production than the average standard today. (Trivia question: what's the
connection between 32-bit IP addresses and the number of registers
available at interrupt time in Tenex?)

They had great foresight, huh? The foresight to see the need for more
address bits (funnily enough, IP2.5 *had* this, and they *ripped it out* -
great vision there), traffic flows, etc (I could go on but what's the

Yes, IPv4 had some good ideas, ideas that have turned out well. It also has
some woeful deficiencies. (In some cases these are deficiencies that not
even Einstein could have forseen, so don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to
throw rocks about them.)

However, let's not mythologize anything, OK? It gets in the way of
objective analysis.


Re: breaking the IP model (or not)

2000-04-12 Thread Scott Brim

At 04:12 PM 4/10/00 -0400, Keith Moore wrote:
it's completely natural that people will try such approaches -
they are trying to address real problems and they want quick
solutions to those problems.  but if the quick fix solutions
get entrenched then they cause their own set of problems which
are worse then the original problems.  this is not progress.

IMHO we need to see these things for what they are:

- quick fixes with limited applicability and future
- indicators that there is an important problem that needs to be
   solved in a technically sound fashion

Agreed completely ... but this still doesn't lead to your 
conclusion.  Suppose we had suppressed every kludge that's come up since 
we started working on a new Internet design as a group?  Let me see, ROAD 
gave their report, where they recommended CLNP, in Santa Fe, right?  That 
was (let me look at the back of my shirt a second ...) in 1991.  OK, OK, 
I'm being a bit extreme but the point is that just because something is 
architecturally bad doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, since these days it 
takes us years to make any architectural enhancements.  Peter Deutsch is 
right: let the work go forward and *in addition* be sure you document 
very well what its limitations are.  Stick that documentation in the same 
RFCs whenever possible.


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Re: breaking the IP model (or not)

2000-04-12 Thread Keith Moore

 I'm being a bit extreme but the point is that just because something is 
 architecturally bad doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, since these days it 
 takes us years to make any architectural enhancements.

perhaps architectural impurity alone shouldn't keep you from doing 
something, but the fact that something violates fundamental design 
assumptions should cause you to do some analysis and hard thinking
about the likely consequences of using them.  and if you are in the
business of selling boxes that violate the design assumptions you 
shouldn't misrepresent these to your customers.

most of these hacks can be employed in ways that are mostly harmless,
but knowing when they are harmless and when they will cause harm
can be quite difficult.  NATs seemed mostly harmless when they were 
first deployed; now they're a huge problem.


Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread Dick St.Peters

Charles Lynn writes:

 You have misread the specification.  That "source" is not (IP Header)
 "Source Address" that you imply, but the "source" mentioned earlier in
 the sentence, i.e., "address in the source route" (option).

Apparently so - though given that the part I emphasized immediately
follows mention of rewriting the destination address, this isn't

 [If you think about it, the interpretation you emphasized above will
 not result in a capability for bi-directional communication.]

Actually, I've always thought that the first recorded-route address
was the original source address so the route would indeed be
reversible, but I'll admit to never having actually seen a recorded

J. Noel Chiappa writes:

 Pardon me if I emit a "balderdash".
 They had great foresight, huh? The foresight to see the need for more
 address bits (funnily enough, IP2.5 *had* this, and they *ripped it out* -
 great vision there), traffic flows, etc (I could go on but what's the

Yes, just what was your point?

 However, let's not mythologize anything, OK? It gets in the way of
 objective analysis.

Actually, the view that everything about IP was cast in stone forever
in the IP spec is exactly the view that is being argued about.

Would you settle for "The IP spec authors didn't have enough foresight
to foresee a need to rewrite source addresses" ? :)

Whatever anyone thinks of it, people are doing it.  On the right are
people saying it is immoral, evil, and dangerous, not to mention
prohibited by the gods, and they refuse to talk about it.  On the left
are people doing it, each their own way because there is no standard
and not even any public discussion.

Only a few months after I first used the net, IP replaced NCP, giving
me an instant impression that network protocols are ephemeral things,
replaceable if they don't measure up.  Presumably if they can be
replaced, they can be adapted when necessary.

Dick St.Peters, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread Keith Moore

  where did the wrec folks get the idea that the IP specification was 
 (speaking not for the entire WREC, but my impression of the meetings) I
 did get the impression (mistakenly or not) that addressing the whole of
 the IP spec was not particularly in scope (e.g., from our area director,
 who discussed scope at nearly every meeting).

I would agree on that point ... but as long as wrec recognizes (correctly)
that revising IP is not within its purview then it also seems reasonable 
for wrec to assume that things that violate IP are of dubious value.


Re: breaking the IP model (or not)

2000-04-12 Thread Pyda Srisuresh

--- Keith Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm being a bit extreme but the point is that just because something is 
  architecturally bad doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, since these days it 
  takes us years to make any architectural enhancements.
 perhaps architectural impurity alone shouldn't keep you from doing 
 something, but the fact that something violates fundamental design 
 assumptions should cause you to do some analysis and hard thinking
 about the likely consequences of using them.  and if you are in the
 business of selling boxes that violate the design assumptions you 
 shouldn't misrepresent these to your customers.
 most of these hacks can be employed in ways that are mostly harmless,
 but knowing when they are harmless and when they will cause harm
 can be quite difficult.  NATs seemed mostly harmless when they were 
 first deployed; now they're a huge problem.

Hmm... Depends on one's perspective. Do not underestimate the
timeliness of a solution. Timeliness is operational reality.

It could have been catastrphic had we not had a timely solution 
with no addresses to issue. NAT is the reason we have had this much
time to work on IPng.



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Mail to ervjb Returned

2000-04-12 Thread RAMAIL-ADM

The following message is being returned unread.

The message is addressed properly but the addressee
has not accessed their mailbox for at least 4 days

**  Message To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joakim Bergstrom)
**  Unread Message Follows:

Subject: Re: recommendation against publication of draft-cerpa-necp-02.txt
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2000 12:10:53 -0700
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.12-20 i686)

Peter Deutsch in Mountain View wrote:

[in part you said]

 I still object to your notion that it's not censorship since people can
 always go elsewhere. Where does this lead? I see the day when people
 can't publish a new  directory service protocol because "The IETF has
 endorsed LDAP for directory services", or would ban the publication of
 an extension to DNS because "it must prevent the misuse of the protocol
 in creating inappropriate services". One by one, you'd be chasing
 innovation to other foums.
 "Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!"

The above information is nonsense.

You seem to be objecting to Keith's right to object to the draft
as it is written. So using your logic (As I understand what you
are saying above) - you are also guilty of censorship by not
wanting Keith to object.

I understand you frustration as many of us in the IETF have
been frustrated from time to time. If you want to convince
me and others then please ignore anything you feel is a non-technical
issue. And address the technical issues.

Many in the IETF *are* swayed by technical content.

I am undecided on this issue and I am personally glad to see this
debate. I do find it an important discussion when it remains

Questions I have:

Does this solve a problem that is not already solved by another method?
Not that it has to be unique as you point out above, but if you could
compare it against other known solutions (if any) then perhaps its
advantages (that I have not seen yet) could help you cause?


Re: breaking the IP model (or not)

2000-04-12 Thread Keith Moore

 Hmm... Depends on one's perspective. Do not underestimate the
 timeliness of a solution. Timeliness is operational reality.

I'm very much aware of this.  timelinesss is what gives you
(or denies you) the opportunity to deploy a new technology.
but just because something is timely (in the sense that
there is an opportunity to deploy it) does not mean that 
deploying it leaves the world in a better place.
 It could have been catastrphic had we not had a timely solution 
 with no addresses to issue. NAT is the reason we have had this much
 time to work on IPng.

it's not at all clear whether NAT provided additional time for
IPng development or whether such time was really needed.  IPv6 was 
largely developed before NAT enjoyed significant deployment, and 
arguably NAT has delayed adoption of IPv6.  and because of the NAT 
deployment it is now somewhat "untimely" to deploy applications like 
IP telephony.  whereas if IPv6 had been adopted a bit earlier 
(because NAT had not filled the vacuum, so to speak) IP telephony 
would work just fine with it.

of course, IPv6 might have moved along slowly even without NAT.
but it would probably have moved faster had NATs not existed.

best thing I can say about NAT is that it motivated me to work on 6to4.


Re: breaking the IP model (or not)

2000-04-12 Thread Scott Brim

At 01:27 PM 4/12/00 -0400, Keith Moore wrote:
  I'm being a bit extreme but the point is that just because something is
  architecturally bad doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, since these 
 days it
  takes us years to make any architectural enhancements.

perhaps architectural impurity alone shouldn't keep you from doing
something, but the fact that something violates fundamental design
assumptions should cause you to do some analysis and hard thinking
about the likely consequences of using them.

Yes.  So why don't we have a new design which decouples all the meanings 
for an IP "address"?

and if you are in the
business of selling boxes that violate the design assumptions you
shouldn't misrepresent these to your customers.

Sounds like we have some agreement on the list.

most of these hacks can be employed in ways that are mostly harmless,
but knowing when they are harmless and when they will cause harm
can be quite difficult.

There is precedent for the IESG getting draft authors to include caveats 
and limitations.

NATs seemed mostly harmless when they were
first deployed; now they're a huge problem.

Just wait until mobile IP-based "phones" take off!


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eating our own dogfood

2000-04-12 Thread Randy Bush nslookup

*** No address (A) records available for ns
Default Server:


Non-authoritative answer:
ietf.orgnameserver =
ietf.orgnameserver = ns.CNRI.Reston.VA.US

Authoritative answers can be found from: internet address =
ns.CNRI.Reston.VA.USinternet address =

rfc2182 ignored, both servers on same backbone, probably in same site.

dns hosed, was an A RR just a few hours ago.


Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread Vernon Schryver

] From: "Dick St.Peters" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

] ...
] Actually, I've always thought that the first recorded-route address
] was the original source address so the route would indeed be
] reversible, but I'll admit to never having actually seen a recorded
] route. ...

Try `ping -R` between reasonable UNIX boxes on a private network,
and either use something like dbx or gdb to look at the bits that
`ping` gets or use tcpdump or similar to see the bits on the wire.


 From: Salvador Vidal [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  There are also good uses for interception, I think that ONGs, churchs, and
  other organizations and people will want to become Internet trusters soon,

 I'm not talking about the computers inside a organization, but people
 computers anywhere that trust in these organizations or persons to do
 censor, ranking to do their purchases decisions or whatever they want!, and
 probabily some people want to have more than one truster and balance them.

 So please, which will be the right tool for a truster service?

Please read the two WREC drafts to discover the technical meaning
of "interception proxy."  Interception proxies are useless in the
circumstances you care about.  An interception proxy can affect
only traffic directed to it by a router in the path between IP
peers (e.g. HTTP client and server).  Your "computers anywhere"
won't be using the very few routers that would intercept traffic
for your trustors and send it to your trustees.
I'm reminded of statements during the wiretapping dicussions that
imagined the Internet as a big phone system using a single CO in a room
somewhere in the The Netherlands.  That seems to be like the problem here.

An explicit proxy is the right tool for part of your goal.  Simply build
proxies that filters according to your taste, and then configure the HTTP
browsers of trusting people to use your proxies.  That solution has a
characteristic that is either a fatal flaw or an enormous virtue, depending
on your philosphy.  It is that using or ignoring your proxy would be the
choice of the people in charge of the client computers instead of those
in charge of the proxies.

For the rest of your goal, the parts that involve balancing evaluations
and choosing whom to trust, interception proxies are tools for the opposite
notions.  They are tools for authoritarian censoring, and that is
intrinsically opposed to people making their choices in trust, ranking,
balancing and so forth.  I also think you need to give up the idea of
having computers make value judgements, but maybe that's just my lack of

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: breaking the IP model (or not)

2000-04-12 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 17:02:28 PDT, Pyda Srisuresh said:
 --- Keith Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  can be quite difficult.  NATs seemed mostly harmless when they were 
  first deployed; now they're a huge problem.
 Hmm... Depends on one's perspective. Do not underestimate the
 timeliness of a solution. Timeliness is operational reality.

I think Keith meant "huge problem" in the same sense that a kidney
dialysis machine is a huge problem.  They keep the patient alive,
but never in the greatest of health or comfort.

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

Re: Source address (offtopic)

2000-04-12 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 23:21:18 +0200, Harald Tveit Alvestrand said:
  The source address of a datagram was an architectural mistake, and should 
  never have been in the mandatory packet format.
OK, I'll bite - either I'm missing something, or it's 11 days past the
traditional time for such statements.  If the source address wasn't
in the mandatory packet, what would we use for the 4-tuple identifying
a connection?

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 17:07:50 CDT, Matt Crawford said:
 Nahh, the mistake was ignoring the source address when routing  forwarding.
I may be dense, but I don't remember seeing an absolute prohibition
against checking the source address.  Otherwise, RFC2267 on Network
Ingress Filtering would be in violation all over the place

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech

Re: interception proxies

2000-04-12 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 21:48:28 MDT, Vernon Schryver [EMAIL PROTECTED]  said:
 circumstances you care about.  An interception proxy can affect
 only traffic directed to it by a router in the path between IP
 peers (e.g. HTTP client and server).  Your "computers anywhere"
 won't be using the very few routers that would intercept traffic
 for your trustors and send it to your trustees.

Well.. as long as you are very careful to define "computers anywhere"
to specifically not be co-located at MAE-East or other similar
peering location where they'd be on a whoe LOT of paths between IP peers.

Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech