Re: internet voting -- ICANN, SmartInitiatives, etc.

2001-01-13 Thread Paul Hoffman / IMC

Ed, why do you insist on advertising your patent-pending voting 
solution on the IETF mailing list? It does not involve any IETF 
protocol work, does it?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: internet voting -- ICANN, SmartInitiatives, etc.

2001-01-13 Thread Ed Gerck

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

> Ed, why do you insist on advertising your patent-pending voting
> solution on the IETF mailing list? It does not involve any IETF
> protocol work, does it?

;-) SMTP, HTML, TLS, PGP, and others, including TCP/IP.

Pls do not be so bent out of shape by the word "patent".  I think we
have a fair proposal for it, which we call FREE patent, and is much the
same as FREE software.

However, I respect your disagreement.  Hope we can meet some day.


Ed Gerck

Re: internet voting -- ICANN, SmartInitiatives, etc.

2001-01-13 Thread Kai Henningsen

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Gerck)  wrote on 12.01.01 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> [long, but worth every megabyte]
> >From: "Stephen Sprunk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >Throwing encryption at voting is not enough to solve algorithmic
> >problems.  Digital signatures violate ballot secrecy and provide no
> >protection against most forms of fraud.
> No. Digital signatures such as X.509/PKIX do violate voter privacy, but
> never ballot secrecy.
> In all fairness to you, maybe there is a confusion with the word "privacy".
> In this case, maybe you write "secrecy" above but you mean "privacy". BIG
> DIFFERENCE, though.

Indeed. The way you have it defined, both are one half of what must be  
achieved (impossible to identify voters, and impossible to identify  
votes), with both halves completely meaningless in isolation (which is why  
a traditional paper vote does achieve the combination, but neither half in  
isolation). Whereas the way most people define this, the two terms are two  
names for the same thing, which is the whole (it must be impossible to  
determine who voted what). The correlation is the problem, not the  
isolated facts.

There is more obfuscation like that in your "16 requirements". Not what  
I'd consider a recommendation.

> Safevote's open attack test described at showed
> that the following attacks were 100% forestalled during the entire test for
> 24 hours a day in 5 days: (1) Denial-of-Service; (2)  Large Packet Ping; (3)
> Buffer Overrun; (4) TCP SYN Flood; (5) IP Spoofing; (6) TCP Sequence Number;
> (7) IP Fragmentation; (8) Network Penetration; and other network-based
> attacks.

Grand. It withstood network level attacks. That's about the most  
meaningless test possible - all it proves is the quality of the TCP stack,  
it tells absolutely bloody nothing about the voting system itself.

Which in itself tells us something, and it's not a compliment.

MfG Kai

Re: internet voting -- ICANN, SmartInitiatives, etc.

2001-01-13 Thread Ed Gerck

Kai Henningsen wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ed Gerck)  wrote on 12.01.01 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > No. Digital signatures such as X.509/PKIX do violate voter privacy, but
> > never ballot secrecy.
> >
> > In all fairness to you, maybe there is a confusion with the word "privacy".
> > In this case, maybe you write "secrecy" above but you mean "privacy". BIG
> > DIFFERENCE, though.
> Indeed. The way you have it defined, both are one half of what must be
> achieved (impossible to identify voters, and impossible to identify
> votes), with both halves completely meaningless in isolation (which is why
> a traditional paper vote does achieve the combination, but neither half in
> isolation). Whereas the way most people define this, the two terms are two
> names for the same thing, which is the whole (it must be impossible to
> determine who voted what). The correlation is the problem, not the
> isolated facts.
> There is more obfuscation like that in your "16 requirements". Not what
> I'd consider a recommendation.

Unless we define and isolate the concepts used, it is nearly impossible to meaningfully
deal with them. This is basic scientific method.  Thus, making a clear distinction
between "secrecy" and "privacy", as well as between "identification" and
"authentication" and "non-repudiation" is at the heart of the matter here. Doing
otherwise is obfuscation -- "to make obscure."

> > Safevote's open attack test described at showed
> > that the following attacks were 100% forestalled during the entire test for
> > 24 hours a day in 5 days: (1) Denial-of-Service; (2)  Large Packet Ping; (3)
> > Buffer Overrun; (4) TCP SYN Flood; (5) IP Spoofing; (6) TCP Sequence Number;
> > (7) IP Fragmentation; (8) Network Penetration; and other network-based
> > attacks.
> Grand. It withstood network level attacks. That's about the most
> meaningless test possible - all it proves is the quality of the TCP stack,
> it tells absolutely bloody nothing about the voting system itself.

Forestalling  Denial-of-Service attacks was unheard of and called "impossible"
in Internet voting until we showed how it could be done in one specific network
configuration useful for elections in precincts.  There are other configurations
where it can be done as well, as we shall show in the future.  This was one
Holy Grail in Internet elections, and we got it.

The same applies to other 7 attack types mentioned -- so this was no easy feat
for 5 days, 24 hours/day attacks, with full disclosure and a help line.

Conclusion of the test: "Internet" does not mean "insecurity".  Just because
it uses the Internet it does not mean it MUST be insecure.  Contrary to lore,
Internet communications can be made arbitrarily safe and reliable
(Shannon) if you take into account all the systems connected to it.

The first step is to recognize that any communication channel has a boundary,
which is quite arbitrary. By properly recognizing the sub-communication channels
inside a boundary and by properly placing such boundaries, the point I make is
that it is possible to have the communication system (roughly):

registration --> voter --> ballot box -- > tally --> report

as error-free, anonymous and secret as anyone else may wish (Shannon).
Here, the systems connected to an Internet-base channel are not ignored.
They are taken into account and with adequate error-correction channel(s)

Again, this is a lot easier in the praxis for precinct-based Internet voting.
Which is all we are talking about at this time.  Home/office-based Internet
voting is IMO too political to be meaningfully discussed at this time. Even
though we do have the technological answer for remote voting as well, we
would lose too much time in discussing it now.  Rather, we prefer to focus on
precinct-based solutions, at a fraction of the price of DREs (electronic
voting) and with better assurances.


Ed Gerck

IVTA, Re: internet voting -- ICANN, SmartInitiatives, etc.

2001-01-13 Thread Ed Gerck


In the interest of dialogue, I wish to remind you that this thread started yesterday
when someone asked what was the IETF doing on voting protocols.  Going further
back, almost one year ago when the IVTA was to be founded to -- quess what --
discuss Internet protocols (as the Internet Voting Technology Alliance), I sent
the following email to this list:



Internet voting is a case where privacy must be protected, so that
arguments to justify losing voter privacy in the good name of security
are simply not possible.  Which  firmly posits security  as a protection
of privacy -- not as an enemy of privacy -- in the problem-solving
assumptions to be considered.

In this context, an international team of experts and companies are calling for
open discussions on Internet voting technology.  A public founding
assembly will take place February 28 in Washington D.C. at 9 a.m.

Details at

In the discussion that followed, it was clear that the collective mind of the IETF
did not want to develop Internet protocols and that the IVTA was a good move
to take such subject elsewhere, to an application-specific forum.  Of course,
this was all before Florida, when "chad" was likely to be seen as a misspelling
for something else.

So, there is a forum already for discussing Internet voting protocols -- it is the
IVTA. The tech list charter is archived at and
the archives are at

Needless to say, the IVTA was founded based on some ideas from the IETF,
including open peer review as a mechanism of choice for defining Internet
protocols and the idea of favoring consensus building ove rmajority decisions.


Ed Gerck

Ed Gerck wrote:

> Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
> > Ed, why do you insist on advertising your patent-pending voting
> > solution on the IETF mailing list? It does not involve any IETF
> > protocol work, does it?
> ;-) SMTP, HTML, TLS, PGP, and others, including TCP/IP.
> Pls do not be so bent out of shape by the word "patent".  I think we
> have a fair proposal for it, which we call FREE patent, and is much the
> same as FREE software.
> However, I respect your disagreement.  Hope we can meet some day.
> Cheers,
> Ed Gerck
> -

RE: IVTA, Re: internet voting -- ICANN, SmartInitiatives, etc.]

2001-01-13 Thread Ed Gerck

[Pls correct my former msg with the additions of "voting" after "Internet" as
given below. Sorry for double posting.]


In the interest of dialogue, I wish to remind you that this thread started yesterday
when someone asked what was the IETF doing on voting protocols.  Going further
back, almost one year ago when the IVTA was to be founded to -- quess what --
discuss Internet voting protocols (as the Internet Voting Technology Alliance), 
I sent the following email to this list:



Internet voting is a case where privacy must be protected, so that
arguments to justify losing voter privacy in the good name of security
are simply not possible.  Which  firmly posits security  as a protection
of privacy -- not as an enemy of privacy -- in the problem-solving
assumptions to be considered.

In this context, an international team of experts and companies are calling for
open discussions on Internet voting technology.  A public founding
assembly will take place February 28 in Washington D.C. at 9 a.m.

Details at

In the discussion that followed, it was clear that the collective mind of the IETF
did not want to develop Internet voting protocols and that the IVTA was a good move
to take such subject elsewhere, to an application-specific forum.  Of course,
this was all before Florida, when "chad" was likely to be seen as a misspelling
for something else.

So, there is a forum already for discussing Internet voting protocols -- it is the
IVTA. The tech list charter is archived at and
the archives are at

Needless to say, the IVTA was founded based on some ideas from the IETF,
including open peer review as a mechanism of choice for defining Internet
protocols and the idea of favoring consensus building ove rmajority decisions.


Ed Gerck

Ed Gerck wrote:

> Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
> > Ed, why do you insist on advertising your patent-pending voting
> > solution on the IETF mailing list? It does not involve any IETF
> > protocol work, does it?
> ;-) SMTP, HTML, TLS, PGP, and others, including TCP/IP.
> Pls do not be so bent out of shape by the word "patent".  I think we
> have a fair proposal for it, which we call FREE patent, and is much the
> same as FREE software.
> However, I respect your disagreement.  Hope we can meet some day.
> Cheers,
> Ed Gerck
> -