Re: rfc publication suggestions

2001-03-15 Thread Jon Crowcroft

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim" typed:

 No rocket science, but perhaps archaeology.
 In the early 1980s, a unix box (68ks, vaxen, came
 with a multi-volume manuals, including an nroff guide.
 In this millennium, not all distros have nroff guides.
 Who is still using this dino technology anyway?

i use it coz once you have a template, all wp packages are the same
effort (esp. for standards) - i also have templatex for latex and word
to do the same thing and have worked with people who use frame - i
dont understand all this nonsense - they are all equally bad at
somethings  and some better at others - wysiwyg is pretty much
a) bad for people with rsi
b) none existent in reality anyhow given the whims of rendering and
typesetting backend s/w - 

actually, groff man pages are not what you need - what you need are
MACRO manual pages - groff_ms(7) refers  you to ms(7) which is
propietary as far as i know (otherise i'd post it:-)

by the way, "dino" lasted 140M years - 70 times as long as humans so
far, and 7M times as long as you have another 20 year old WP
source file you can still process apart from groff?
(rhetorical question, dont answer that:-)




2001-03-15 Thread Simon Tsang \(Telcordia Technologies\)


Please note that the Appliances (IPAC) BoF time has changed.  The new
details are:

Tuesday March 20th, 2001
3.45pm - 4.45pm  Afternoon Session III
Duluth room

Hope to see you at the BoF.

(Phone. +1.973.829.4511)

Re: rfc publication suggestions

2001-03-15 Thread Donald E. Eastlake 3rd

I'm even more primitive.  I don't use any nroff macros that I don't
define myself in the source file.  But once you have a template, it's
trivial.  Anyone who asks me, I send a copy of the source from some
previous miscellaneous internet-draft I've done and then they, if they
want, just like me, can simply leave the framework there are replace
the content of that draft with the draft they want.  I have no
problems editing this source with emacs, MS Word, BBEdit, or whatever,
depending what platform I'm on.


From:  Jon Crowcroft [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:  "Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In-reply-to:  Your message of "Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:34:56 +0700." 3AB07EB0.8E8C2EB3@v
Date:  Thu, 15 Mar 2001 09:22:50 +

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim" typed:

 No rocket science, but perhaps archaeology.
 In the early 1980s, a unix box (68ks, vaxen, came
 with a multi-volume manuals, including an nroff guide.
 In this millennium, not all distros have nroff guides.
 Who is still using this dino technology anyway?

i use it coz once you have a template, all wp packages are the same
effort (esp. for standards) - i also have templatex for latex and word
to do the same thing and have worked with people who use frame - i
dont understand all this nonsense - they are all equally bad at
somethings  and some better at others - wysiwyg is pretty much
a) bad for people with rsi
b) none existent in reality anyhow given the whims of rendering and
typesetting backend s/w - 

actually, groff man pages are not what you need - what you need are
MACRO manual pages - groff_ms(7) refers  you to ms(7) which is
propietary as far as i know (otherise i'd post it:-)

by the way, "dino" lasted 140M years - 70 times as long as humans so
far, and 7M times as long as you have another 20 year old WP
source file you can still process apart from groff?
(rhetorical question, dont answer that:-)



Question of applicability, please express an opinion if you have one on this

2001-03-15 Thread Dan Kolis

I've been watching the horror of this barcode URL field evolve for some
time. I have intellectual property in this field and do have a stake in it.
But, also, it is interesting. If you are not in North America perhaps you
haven't heard of this giveaway item called a cuecat. Its a barcode reader
for internet access.

Will give you hours of background material, none of which you need to
express an opinion.

Suffice it to say there are many attempts, both profit and non-profit to
make all sorts of printed matter bear machine readable symbols and do things
on Internet. Avoiding typing in URL's from magazines is the tip of this big

Question: Is this too far afield of ietf to consider RFC tracks as a medium? 

Cuecat is a perfect, bad example of trying to evade creating a real standard
and kludging together functionality any old way.

I'd suggest the machine readable form have the following properties:

1) Not require (yet permit) redirection, that is, a symbol can point to
anything and create "action at a distance" without a 3rd party.

2) Be completely extensible via ASN.1

3) Be human lauguage aware, yet language neutral.

I'm considering creating a suite of proposed standards in some detail.
Specifically, there is a UDP functionality for redirection much like DNS. It
is different enough from DNS it should stand alone.

Seems like that *part* is a potential, logical RFC. Other standards might be
EIA, ECMA, eventually ANSI blessed, for the interface between the readers
and the personal computer(s). 

On the other hand, an integrated RFC; (more likely three or so of them),
might be a single stop shopping experience for the implementor.

You can answer via the reflector, or one to one, as you prefer.

This kept me up last night for hours tossing and turning. Then I dreamed of
alien abduction. Maybe the cuecat company, Digital Convergence, will spend
there last 30 Million on a plan to suck me into the mother ship for

Thanks for your time; (They aren't making any extra of that, so I appreciate
the allocation).

Dan Kolis

Re: rfc publication suggestions

2001-03-15 Thread RJ Atkinson

At 12:07 15/03/01, Melinda Shore wrote:
  I reformatted it with nroff under
UWIN, which really worked very well and held no
surprises whatsoever.  So, it's not even necessary
to have access to a Unix or Unix-ish OS to use
nroff for document production.

Good point, but one doesn't even need UWIN.  
GNU runoff (groff) is available as a pre-packaged 
download for Windows.

(No, I don't have a URL handy, interested folks
should try their favourite search engine to locate 
a suitable binary).


Re: rfc publication suggestions

2001-03-15 Thread Bora Akyol

At 12:07 PM -0500 3/15/01, Melinda Shore wrote:
   If you are a technical person and so a past, present, or potential
  RFC author, you will have your own systems and chances better than
  even that at least some of them will have `man` and `nroff`.

A draft formatted with Word recently crossed my
path, and the formatting was *so* bad that the
document wasn't readable (for some reason something
in the Word - text process deleted all vertical
whitespace).  I reformatted it with nroff under
UWIN, which really worked very well and held no
surprises whatsoever.  So, it's not even necessary
to have access to a Unix or Unix-ish OS to use
nroff for document production.


This one is because of a bad printer driver in Windows until 2K. 
Win2K generic text printer does not have this problem. Don't ask me 
how I know.


ptomaine - routing table growth and aggregation

2001-03-15 Thread abha

Hi All.

As most of you are aware, routing table growth has been an issue of much
concern.  A few of us have been talking about temporary methods to
alleviate the drain on Internet resources.  In the vein of these
discussions, we started to consider aggregation and filtering techniques
to reduce the amount of routing information carried by routers with global
knowledge.  I've included a pointer to a very rough draft that Randy and I
(with the assistance of some others) have been working on.  Keep in mind
that this not a recommendation for aggregation techniques, but rather
intended as a discussion of the feasibility of such methods.  We believe
that it is interesting to determine why and when people announce
sub-aggregates and what information would be lost if such paths were
aggregated.  We hope that is will encourage discussion from the community
with us, in order for us to continue to research the impact of
implementing these methods.

We encourage your input and hope that folks will discuss their concerns as
we continue to refine these ideas.

We've set up a mailing list for this:


To get on the list, send subscription to:


TUESDAY, March 20 at 1300-1400


The purpose of the Prefix Taxonomy Ongoing Measurement  Inter Network
Experiment BOF is discuss the problem of routing table growth and possible
interim methods for reducing the impact of routing table resource
consumption within a network.   The BOF aims to discuss the feasibility of
filtering and aggregating prefixes to reduce an individual networks
routing table size with the least loss of routing information.  In order
to aid this discussion, we present a taxonomy to describe the types of
routing prefixes received and sent in the Internet today.


1) To provide a taxonomy to describe prefix information for peer review.
2) To discuss filtering/aggregating prefix information and to discuss what
   support from protocols or vendor knobs might be helpful in doing this.
3) To determine the long and short term effects of filtering/aggregating
   prefixes to reduce router resource consumption.

- agenda bashing
- defining the problem - routing table growth
- review of taxonomy to frame discussion
- information loss - what routes can we eliminate safely
- other ideas/discussion

=abha ;)

abha ahuja

Top 10 list of reasons to hold IETF 50 in Minneapolis in March

2001-03-15 Thread Dan Grossman

Shortly before the 44th IETF two years ago, an individual noted to this list: 

 I happened to noticed that the 44th IETF is scheduled to be in 
 Minnesota in March when Minnesota is usually buried in thick snow!
 (I've personally observed that) 
 Probably there are good reasons why this is so that I don't know about.

I couldn't resist, and wrote up:
Top 10 List of Reasons to Hold 44th IETF in Minneapolis in March

Anyway, for the further amusement of all, here is the -01 version:

Top 10 List of Reasons to Hold 50th IETF in Minneapolis in March
10.  Fewer 'tourists' in meetings 
9. 'Mary Tyler Moore Show' reruns on hotel cable 24 hours a day
8. No mosquitos
7. IETF social:  ice fishing
6. Easy to convince your boss that this really isn't a junket
5. POISSON debate on "Code of Conduct" draft to be resolved by snowball fight 
4. 50th IETF t-shirts made of genuine Polarfleece (tm)
3. Alternative was Thule, Greenland
2. IP tunnels through anything, even thick snow
1. Governor Ventura to referee contentious WGs (if it doesn't violate his XFL  
   contract, of course)

--- End of Forwarded Message

Easy Money!!!!

2001-03-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Friend,
You can earn $50,000 or more in the next 90 days sending e-mail.
Seem Impossible?
Read on for details. Is there a catch? NO, there is no catch.
Just send your emails and be on your way to financial freedom.
This is not a chain letter. I apologize for any inconvenience caused 
by this email.
Please take 5 min. and read on and make some big bucks.
Thank you
Jerry Proctor
Dear Friend,
You can earn $50,000 or more in the next 90 days sending e-mail.
Seem Impossible? Read on for details; is there a catch?
NO, there is no catch, just send your emails and be on your way
to financial freedom.
Thank you for your time and Interest. This is the letter you've
been reading about in the news lately. Due to the popularity of
this letter on the Internet, a major nightly news program recently
devoted an entire show to the investigation of the program
described below to see, if it really can make people money.
The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal.
Their findings proved once and for all that there are, absolutely no
laws prohibiting the participation in the program. This has helped 
to show people that this is a simple, harmless and fun way to make
some extra money at home. The results of this show have been truly
remarkable. So many people are participating that those involved are
doing, much better than ever before. Since everyone makes more
as more people try it out, its been very exciting to be a part of
lately. You will understand once you experience it.
*** Print This Now For Future Reference ***
The following income opportunity is one you may be interested in taking
a look at.
It can be started with VERY LITTLE investment and the income return is

If you would like to make at least $50,000 in less than 90 days!
Please read the enclosed program...THEN READ IT AGAIN !!!

It does not require you to come into contact with people, do any hard work,
and best of all, you never have to leave the house except to get the mail.
If you believe that someday you'll get that big break that you've been
waiting for, THIS IS IT! Simply follow the instructions, and your dreams
will come true. This Multi-level e-mail order marketing program works
perfectly 100% EVERY TIME. E-mail is the sales tool of the future. Take
advantage of this non-commercialized method of advertising NOW! The longer
you wait, the more people will be doing business using e-mail. Get your
piece of this action !!! MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) has finally gained
respectability. It is being taught in the Harvard Business School, and both
Stanford Research and the Wall Street 
Journal have stated that between 50% and 65% of all goods and services will
be sold through multi-level methods by the mid to late 1990's. This is a
Multi-Billion Dollar industry and of the 500,000 millionaires in the U.S.,
20% (100,000) made their fortune in the last several years in MLM.
Moreover, statistics show 45 people become millionaires everyday through
Multi-Level Marketing. You may have heard this story before, but over the
summer Donald Trump made an appearance on the David Letterman show.
Dave asked him what he would do if he lost everything and had to start over
from scratch. Without hesitating, Trump said he would find a good network
marketing company and get to work. The audience started to hoot and boo
him. He looked out at the audience and dead-panned his response "That's why
I'm sitting up here and you are all sitting out there!" With network
marketing you have two sources of income. Direct commissions from sales you
make yourself and commissions from sales made by people you introduce to
the business. Residual income is the secret of the wealthy. It means
investing time or money once and getting paid again and again and again.
In network marketing, it also means getting paid for the work of others.
The enclosed information is something I almost let slip through my fingers.
Fortunately, sometime later I re-read everything and gave some thought and
study to it.
My name is Jerry Proctor.
Two years ago, the corporation I worked at for the past fifteen years
down-sized and my position was eliminated. After unproductive job
interviews, I decided to open my own business. Over the past year, I
incurred many unforeseen financial problems. I owed my family, friends and
creditors over $35,000. The economy was taking a toll on my business and I
just couldn't 

Re: Easy Money!!!!

2001-03-15 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim

On Thu, 15 Mar 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You can earn $50,000 or more in the next 90 days sending e-mail.
 Seem Impossible?

Ah, great! I could pay the IETF meeting, plus first class
air ticket, plus other accomodation.

And sure, I will use the rest of the money for bleaching
my skin like Michael Jackson. Oh yes, I will attend 
an nroff course. :-)


Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
Oops, I did it again... I am not that innocent... [Spears]