Re: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 27-nov-03, at 23:20, jfcm wrote:

Some others have technical implications. I would like to quote some 
suggestions listed in the  preparatory document, to get advices I 
could quote at the meeting or in its report. Also to list the 
alternative and additional suggestions some might do.
Ok, I'm not going to quote all the details...

This looks like a big old bag of DNS tricks. Obviously the virtue of 
each can be discussed individually, but wouldn't it make more sense to 
start thinking about a more structured approach to arrive at the 
intended benefits?

For instance, one issue seems to be the ability to continue to reach 
systems using domain names when there is a problem with the DNS 
infrastructure. This could be addressed by modifying the caching 
mechanisms in DNS resolvers. The way things are done now is throw away 
the old shoes (cached information) and then see if new ones can be 
found. Rather bizarre if you think about it.

2. a menu server system permitting to access sites though their IP 
address only. This would be a good promotion for IPv6 due to the 
easiness to support IP virtual hosts addresses. As a security oriented 
alternative to the NSI network unstabilization.
This could lead to pressure to make IP addresses more portable, which 
isn't a good thing.

6. an evolution towards an international root matrix supporting 
proximity root servers and proximity TLDs for abbreviated addressing 
through local TLDs. The organization and the procedure of the common 
authoritative root matrix should be internationally approved and 
subject to the ICP-3 proposed testing rules. A quoted example 
documents the target as "hart.sos" of pacemakers always resolving to 
the nearest hospital (as decided by local authorities).
This isn't something you can do with simple (or even not so simple) 
n-faced DNS. For instance, here in the Netherlands many service 
providers backhaul all their traffic to Amsterdam over the phone 
infrastructure (dial-up) or ATM (DSL). Those customers then share IP 
address space and DNS resolvers. Getting the location info back in 
there would be almost impossible.

However, it could be useful to create mechanisms that make it easier 
for hosts to discover location information. For instance, through a 
DHCP option. This information can then be used when searching 
directories or search engines. (This would have interesting commercial 
possibilities as well.)

- a national host numbering scheme. With an immediate identification 
of any host on any network whatever the location change or connection 
This second would also protect IPv6 technology and equipment from a K2 
like syndrome when a new plan could be discussed, as it would have 
permitted to validate the multiple plan possibility.
In the multi6 (multihoming in IPv6) working group, as one of many 
proposals, we've been looking at putting a 64 bit host identifier in 
the bottom 64 bits of an IPv6 address. If such a host identifier is 
crypto-based (ie, a hash of a public key) then it is possible to 
authenticate a host at any time regardless of where the host connects 
to the network at that particular time and without the need for a PKI 
or prior communication.

(I have no idea what "K2 syndrome" means by the way, and it looks like 
Google doesn't either.)

Re[2]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

> In the multi6 (multihoming in IPv6) working group, as one of many
> proposals, we've been looking at putting a 64 bit host identifier in 
> the bottom 64 bits of an IPv6 address. If such a host identifier is 
> crypto-based (ie, a hash of a public key) then it is possible to 
> authenticate a host at any time regardless of where the host connects 
> to the network at that particular time and without the need for a PKI 
> or prior communication.

This is precisely the kind of mistake that will exhaust the entire IPv6
address space just as quickly as the IPv4 address space.  Don't
engineers ever learn from the past?

Re: Re[2]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 28-nov-03, at 13:04, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:

In the multi6 (multihoming in IPv6) working group, as one of many
proposals, we've been looking at putting a 64 bit host identifier in
the bottom 64 bits of an IPv6 address. If such a host identifier is
crypto-based (ie, a hash of a public key) then it is possible to
authenticate a host at any time regardless of where the host connects
to the network at that particular time and without the need for a PKI
or prior communication.

This is precisely the kind of mistake that will exhaust the entire IPv6
address space just as quickly as the IPv4 address space.  Don't
engineers ever learn from the past?
I guess not because I have no idea what you're talking about.

Re: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Jari Arkko

In the multi6 (multihoming in IPv6) working group, as one of many
proposals, we've been looking at putting a 64 bit host identifier in 
the bottom 64 bits of an IPv6 address. If such a host identifier is 
crypto-based (ie, a hash of a public key) then it is possible to 
authenticate a host at any time regardless of where the host connects 
to the network at that particular time and without the need for a PKI 
or prior communication.
This is precisely the kind of mistake that will exhaust the entire IPv6
address space just as quickly as the IPv4 address space.  Don't
engineers ever learn from the past?
I can't claim to know too much about the specific details in the
multi6 proposal, but there has been other efforts that use cryptographic
identifiers as parts of addresses. However, I do not believe these
proposals consume any more address space than, say, manual or EUI-64
based address assignment. There's still just one address consumed per
node. Perhaps you were thinking that the address contains a MAC field?
This isn't strictly speaking the case, at least not in the way that
the MAC value would change from one packet to another.
Anyway, back to the subject of "national security"... I have a
question. The main goal appears to be the reduction of dependencies
between network parts, in order to prepare for catastrophic situations.
This is useful goal, though I'm not sure I agree with all the listed
specific items. Are any of the issues that have been talked about being
addressed in the IEPREP WG, or is that group mainly focused on the SIP/
telecom type of issues only?

Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

> I guess not because I have no idea what you're talking about.

There is a natural tendency to think that by dividing a 128-bit address
field into two 64-bit fields, the address space is cut in half (or
perhaps not diminished at all).  However, in reality, dividing the field
in this way may reduce the address space by a factor of as much as
nineteen orders of magnitude.  Again and again, engineers make this
mistake, and render large parts of an address space unusable through
careless, bit-wise allocation of addresses in advance.

For example, if you assign addresses sequentially, you can address up to
2^128 hosts with a 128-bit address.  If you divide the address field
into two 64-bit fields--one for the country and one for those within the
country, say--intuitively you might think that you've only slightly
reduced the total number of available addresses.  In fact, however,
you've dramatically diminished the size of the address space.  Unless
you have exactly 2^64 countries in the world, each of which contains
exactly 2^64 hosts, very large segments of the address space will be
wasted.  The effective address space may be many trillions of times
smaller than you expect.  And you may find yourself exhausting that
address space far more quickly than you ever thought possible.

When you divided an address field into bit-wise fields, you encode
information into the address.  This introduces redundancy, which reduces
the usable address space.  If you allocate a country code to one country
in the example above, for instance, and that country has only 1000
computers, you've just wasted roughly 18,446,744,073,700,000,000 machine
addresses.   Do this for multiple countries, and you could easily waste
almost all your address space simply due to this extremely foolish
division of the address field.  It's unlikely you'll have 2^64 countries
to accommodate; and it's equally unlikely that each of these countries
will have exactly 2^64 hosts (no more, no less) to address, so you are
wasting many bits of the address field.  And the wasted space increases
exponentially with the number of wasted bits.  Wasting ten bits instead
of five bits doesn't waste twice the space, it wastes _32 times_ the

I've often felt that the most common mistake made by engineers in
designing systems, especially computer systems, is underestimation of
capacity, and wastage of existing capacity.  Dividing address fields
into preallocated zones is the most common example of this.  They just
never learn, and they cannot be told.  They are always convinced that
there's more space than anyone will ever need in their address field,
and by the time they find out otherwise, it's too late.  It happened
with IPv4, 16-bit addresses, and 32-bit addresses; it will soon happen
with 64-bit addresses and with IPv6.  I don't understand how engineers
can be so stupid in this one specific domain.

Re[2]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Jari Arkko writes:

> However, I do not believe these proposals consume any
> more address space than, say, manual or EUI-64
> based address assignment.

In order to use the full potential address space, you must devise a
scheme that allocates every single combination of bits.  The simplest
scheme of this kind is sequential allocation of addresses.

> There's still just one address consumed per
> node.

It's not the number consumed; it's the number excluded from availability
by the encoding of information into the address field.  You might easily
waste 99% of the address space in this way.

> Perhaps you were thinking that the address contains a MAC field?

No.  I'm thinking that the address field is being divided into zones,
thus wasting a tremendous amount of space.

A 128-bit field contains 2^128 addresses.  If you divide that into two
64-bit fields, you may get as few as 2^64*2 addresses; that's 18
million trillion times smaller than the 128-bit field.

Re: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Jaap Akkerhuis

While parallel issues start being discussed and better understood at WSIS, 
we have next week a meeting on Internet national security, sovereignty and 
innovation capacity.

Who is "we" in above paragraph?


Re: Re[2]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Spencer Dawkins
From: "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "IETF Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 7:52 AM
Subject: Re[2]: national security
> In order to use the full potential address space, you must devise a
> scheme that allocates every single combination of bits.  The
> scheme of this kind is sequential allocation of addresses.

Well, sure. And then you do routing aggregation how?

I also deplore the waste of bits, and would love to hear


Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Donald Eastlake 3rd
See RFC 1715, November 1994, and the endless discussions that appeared
on a variety of mailing list about IPv6 addresses.

 Donald E. Eastlake 3rd   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 155 Beaver Street  +1-508-634-2066(h) +1-508-786-7554(w)
 Milford, MA 01757 USA   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 28 Nov 2003, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:

> Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:47:41 +0100
> From: Anthony G. Atkielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: IETF Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re[4]: national security
> Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:
> > I guess not because I have no idea what you're talking about.
> There is a natural tendency to think that by dividing a 128-bit address
> field into two 64-bit fields, the address space is cut in half (or
> perhaps not diminished at all).  However, in reality, dividing the field
> in this way may reduce the address space by a factor of as much as
> nineteen orders of magnitude.  Again and again, engineers make this
> mistake, and render large parts of an address space unusable through
> careless, bit-wise allocation of addresses in advance.
> ...

Re: national security

2003-11-28 Thread John Kristoff
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:47:41 +0100
"Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (or perhaps not diminished at all).  However, in reality, dividing the
> field in this way may reduce the address space by a factor of as much
> as nineteen orders of magnitude.  Again and again, engineers make this
> mistake, and render large parts of an address space unusable through
> careless, bit-wise allocation of addresses in advance.

The 48-bit addresses in IEEE/L2 protocols are divided in half as
well as have a couple bits set aside to denote local/global scope and
unicast/multicast addresses.  It seems to have worked out pretty well.


Re: Re[2]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:52:11 +0100, "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> A 128-bit field contains 2^128 addresses.  If you divide that into two
> 64-bit fields, you may get as few as 2^64*2 addresses; that's 18
> million trillion times smaller than the 128-bit field.

Exactly.  And the *reason* why IPv6 has 128 bit addresses is because
the designers realized that such losses happen, and ruled out 64-bit
addresses because of that effect.  I suggest you figure out just how
much bigger 2^65 is than the current 2^32, and factor in the current
burn rate on the unused IPv4 addresses, and from there figure out if
there's really a problem there at all

Description: PGP signature

Re: Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Iljitsch van Beijnum
On 28-nov-03, at 14:47, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:

I guess not because I have no idea what you're talking about.

There is a natural tendency to think that by dividing a 128-bit address
field into two 64-bit fields, the address space is cut in half (or
perhaps not diminished at all).
Ah, I see what you mean now. However, the devision is a done deal as 
RFC 3513 mandates that all unicast IPv6 addresses except the ones 
starting with the bits 000 must have a 64-bit interface identifier in 
the lower 64 bits. This has some important advantages, most notably it 
allows stateless autoconfiguration. (However, this could have been done 
with 48 bits too.) But it does have the downside you mention by only 
leaving 64 bits for numbering subnets. The practice of giving all sites 
a /48 further deminishes the available bits. The situation is most 
notable in the case of a home user, who would get a single IPv4 address 
but gets a /48 in IPv6. So we've quadrupled our address space (in bits) 
for a 50% gain... (Obviously the situation is much better when looking 
at a university that has a /16 now and also gets a /48 as well.)

Putting a 64-bit crypto-based host identifier in the bottom 64 bits of 
IPv6 addresses shouldn't get in the way of regular IPv6 addressing 
mechanisms and/or operation. There is even a trick to make sure there 
is no overlap with either MAC addresses/EUI-64s on the one hand and 
most manually configured addresses and RFC 3041 on the other hand by 
only using EUI-64 compatible values with the universal/local bit set to 
globally unique, but with the group bit set.

It's unlikely you'll have 2^64 countries
to accommodate; and it's equally unlikely that each of these countries
will have exactly 2^64 hosts (no more, no less) to address, so you are
wasting many bits of the address field.
The plan isn't to encode a country in the first 64 bits. However, 
together with someone else I came up with an unrelated proposal a while 
ago that does encode a country in the IPv6 address. (You can find it at under the name "gapi".) In this proposal 
we use 16 bits to allocate a /32 to regions with 250 - 500 thousand 
inhabitants, so there is no fixed boundary for the country number.

Re[5]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Donald Eastlake 3rd writes:

> See RFC 1715, November 1994, and the endless discussions that appeared
> on a variety of mailing list about IPv6 addresses.

I guess the endless discussions didn't help, but that doesn't surprise

Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Spencer Dawkins writes:

> Well, sure. And then you do routing aggregation how?

I was describing the simplest scheme that ensures use of the entire
address space, nothing more.

> I also deplore the waste of bits, and would love to hear
> alternatives...

I've described alternatives before, but nobody was interested.

Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski

> Exactly.  And the *reason* why IPv6 has 128 bit addresses is because
> the designers realized that such losses happen ...

Such losses don't just happen.  They are the result of incompetent

Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski

> Exactly.  And the *reason* why IPv6 has 128 bit addresses is because
> the designers realized that such losses happen, and ruled out 64-bit
> addresses because of that effect.

Since those losses are not significantly diminished by doubling the
address length, why bother?

The problem arises when zones of the address are reserved.  Setting
aside n bits of an m-bit address diminishes the address space by 2^n,
not by (m-n)/m.

> I suggest you figure out just how much bigger 2^65 is than the
> current 2^32 ...

33 bits

You're making the same mistake as everyone else:  You calculate the size
of the address space as 2^n, but you believe that reserving m bits
diminishes the address space by only m.

Re[6]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
Iljitsch van Beijnum writes:

> Ah, I see what you mean now. However, the devision is a done deal as
> RFC 3513 mandates that all unicast IPv6 addresses except the ones 
> starting with the bits 000 must have a 64-bit interface identifier in 
> the lower 64 bits. This has some important advantages, most notably it
> allows stateless autoconfiguration. (However, this could have been done
> with 48 bits too.) But it does have the downside you mention by only 
> leaving 64 bits for numbering subnets. The practice of giving all sites
> a /48 further deminishes the available bits.

Wow ... it's even worse than I thought!  Why bother even going to IPv6?

> So we've quadrupled our address space (in bits) for a 50% gain ...

A 50% gain in what?

Has it occurred to anyone that allocating entire bit ranges in advance
is a bit presumptuous, since nobody really has any idea how addresses
will be used decades from now?

> In this proposal we use 16 bits to allocate a /32 to regions
> with 250 - 500 thousand inhabitants, so there is no fixed boundary
> for the country number.

See above.  It's a mistake, and time will prove this.

RE: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Michel Py

Stop feeding the troll please.


Re: Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 20:06:26 +0100, "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:

> 33 bits

8,589,934,592 times as many addresses.  At current burn rates, it will take
us some 20 years to go through the *current* free IPv4 space.  And nobody's
proposed any killer app that will take millions of times more address

Description: PGP signature

Re: Re[4]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 18:40:53 +0100, Iljitsch van Beijnum said:

> a /48 further deminishes the available bits. The situation is most 
> notable in the case of a home user, who would get a single IPv4 address 
> but gets a /48 in IPv6. So we've quadrupled our address space (in bits) 
> for a 50% gain... (Obviously the situation is much better when looking 
> at a university that has a /16 now and also gets a /48 as well.)

OK, so a /48 has 50% more bits than a /32.  On the other hand,
I've heard no *major* problems with end users getting their /32 from
their provider, and there's 65,536 more /48s.  Also, remember that many
end users are getting *multiple* IP's from their provider for SOHO use,
and they'll only need one /48.

Description: PGP signature

Re[6]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski

> OK, so a /48 has 50% more bits than a /32.  On the other hand,
> I've heard no *major* problems with end users getting their /32 from
> their provider, and there's 65,536 more /48s.  Also, remember that many
> end users are getting *multiple* IP's from their provider for SOHO use,
> and they'll only need one /48.

A problem with this reasoning is that it makes a lot of questionable
assumptions about who needs how many addresses ... assumptions that will
have consequences for many decades to come, even though they will almost
certainly be wrong.

Isn't /48 far too much for one end user? Then again, isn't it far too
little? Who really knows either way? What will the requirements be 30
years from now? Why not resist the engineer's temptation to try to make
all these decisions immediately?

I've always been surprised by how few software engineers are willing to
mark anything "reserved for future use."  They feel a compulsion to find
a purpose and allocation for every single bit right now, no matter how
foolish or ill-conceived that might turn out to be twenty years from
now.  It's as if leaving a fudge factor for the unknown were some sort
of admission of weakness.

Crypto tokens in addresses

2003-11-28 Thread Christian Huitema
> In the multi6 (multihoming in IPv6) working group, as one of many
> proposals, we've been looking at putting a 64 bit host identifier in
> the bottom 64 bits of an IPv6 address. If such a host identifier is
> crypto-based (ie, a hash of a public key) then it is possible to
> authenticate a host at any time regardless of where the host connects
> to the network at that particular time and without the need for a PKI
> or prior communication.

There is a very advanced proposal to do just that in the SEND working
group. You should check the drafts, and in particular the definition of
"Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGA)":

The purpose of SEND is "secure neighbor discovery", i.e. preventing such
things as ARP spoofing. 

-- Christian Huitema

Re: national security

2003-11-28 Thread jfcm
At 15:20 28/11/03, Jaap Akkerhuis wrote:
   While parallel issues start being discussed and better understood at 
we have next week a meeting on Internet national security, 
sovereignty and
innovation capacity.

Who is "we" in above paragraph?
Hi! Jaap,
"we" is a public open follow-up of the "dot-root" study. If you have French 
and want to participate you are welcome. It will be held in Paris on Dec. 
3rd 14:30 PM. I can mail you the perparatory document if you want. It is 
reserved to decision makers in potential subsequent actions.

Re[2]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread jfcm
Dear Anthony,
RFC 2373 permits 6 plans. The best would be to organize them by purpose. 
Not them all to do the same thing. Here we talk about national security not 
about intellectual elegance.

When you are at war, you want your network to continue operating, not to 
depend on a numeration optimisation by your ennemy. If, due to that, you 
must lose some fancy facilities you probably find that acceptable. To 
evaluate what you lose is the purpose of my question, to permit 
governements to decide what they want - not to be imposed by the nsicanntiab.

I am sure that many security officers or generals would feel unatease if 
they known their HQ IPv6 address can be just one unknown bit different from 
the IPv6 address of a ennemy computer. Makes security very complex. What 
they want is an address mask, if possible manual, telling them where they 
are and where the call comes from. This is also the need of commercial 
international sites, who want to indentify the country of origin to speak 
in the proper language. As well as VOiP users.

And please do not tell me that this is a breach on the calling party's 
privacy. The breach is the call by nature.

At 14:52 28/11/03, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Jari Arkko writes:

> However, I do not believe these proposals consume any
> more address space than, say, manual or EUI-64
> based address assignment.
In order to use the full potential address space, you must devise a
scheme that allocates every single combination of bits.  The simplest
scheme of this kind is sequential allocation of addresses.
> There's still just one address consumed per
> node.
It's not the number consumed; it's the number excluded from availability
by the encoding of information into the address field.  You might easily
waste 99% of the address space in this way.
> Perhaps you were thinking that the address contains a MAC field?

No.  I'm thinking that the address field is being divided into zones,
thus wasting a tremendous amount of space.
A 128-bit field contains 2^128 addresses.  If you divide that into two
64-bit fields, you may get as few as 2^64*2 addresses; that's 18
million trillion times smaller than the 128-bit field.

Re[3]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Anthony G. Atkielski
jfcm writes:

> I am sure that many security officers or generals would feel unatease if
> they known their HQ IPv6 address can be just one unknown bit different from
> the IPv6 address of a ennemy computer.

Nah ... security officers and generals--if they are competent--don't put
their HQ computers on an open network in the first place. That only
happens in the movies.

Re: Re[3]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread Valdis . Kletnieks
On Fri, 28 Nov 2003 23:20:20 +0100, "Anthony G. Atkielski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  said:
> jfcm writes:
> > I am sure that many security officers or generals would feel unatease if
> > they known their HQ IPv6 address can be just one unknown bit different from
> > the IPv6 address of a ennemy computer.
> Nah ... security officers and generals--if they are competent--don't put
> their HQ computers on an open network in the first place. That only
> happens in the movies.

OK.. change "HQ computer" to "", and change "enemy" to
"random hacker in another country".  There's boxes that *have* to be visible
to the world because they provide service and connectivity to the outside
world - and you can't even hand-wave "put them in a DMZ" because then you
still need that address mask to tell if the other end of the connection is
coming from outside, another DMZ machine, or an internal machine.

Description: PGP signature

Re[3]: national security

2003-11-28 Thread jfcm
At 23:20 28/11/03, Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:
> I am sure that many security officers or generals would feel unatease if
> they known their HQ IPv6 address can be just one unknown bit different from
> the IPv6 address of a ennemy computer.
Nah ... security officers and generals--if they are competent--don't put 
their HQ computers on an open network in the first place. That only 
happens in the movies.
hmm... competence in this area is to accept that what happens in movies is 
just a small part of the real life.

This being said, I note that this thread is only oriented to prospective 
numbering issues. May I take from that that none of the suggested 
propositions rises any concern ?

In particular, that there is no problem with two parallel roots file if 
they want to be identical? What would happen if one was hacked? (I note 
that this is the current situation of the Internet where two deliveries of 
the same file are proposed).

The same, no one comments on secondary source for the root, meaning that 
the ICANN unicity is  not an intrisic need, provided the different root 
files collectors strive to collect the real data from the TLD Managers (who 
are authoritative, while the root file is not).  Not a problem to anyone?

No one either comment on private TLDs, or the creation of a virtual TLD 
used through Host.txt only. No one objects to the generalization of users 
resolvers, the possible resulting dissemination of the root file to all the 
users and their resulting ability to fight an ICANN redelegation what is a 
major issue at WSIS.

If there are no major objection I will suggest that a "Nations Security 
propositions" dratf be written as Best Practices, based upon the introduced 
suggestions and the one the participants may want to add. This will be 
introduced at the comming WSIS december 5/6th final preparatory meeting and 
will help addressing concerns expressed by several countries.