Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread Dean Anderson
On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Ed Gerck wrote:

> Dean Anderson wrote:
> > 
> > It isn't the case that the spammer intended to send a message about
> > the superbowl, but somehow "noise" altered the message to a
> > solicitation on viagra. Rather, they intended to send a message on
> > viagra, and you recieved their message, noise free. But seeing the
> > solication for viagra, you became upset, and reported a complaint
> > about the inappropriate use of the channel. In
> > information-theory-speak, you report a "communication in violation of
> > the security model"; a covert or sneaky channel.
> I guess we agree that if the message can be read by the intended recipient 
> then it's not in a covert channel. A covert channel is one that can't even 
> be detected by the intended recipient. But, you may ask, "who" is the 
> intended recipient? 

Err, we do not agree on that. You still misunderstand the nature of a
covert channel.  I suggest you re-read the definitions and references in
the reposted messages from Ellis Cohen and Stavros Macrackis.

A covert or sneaky channel is merely one in which the communication is
//not authorized by the security model// It has nothing to do with
readability or detectability.  There is no theorem that says covert
channels cannot be detected. Quite obviously, they are detected, and some
action might be taken.  Theory just says that you cannot prove they aren't
there.  Let me put it another way:  A "null" reading on your "covert
channel detector" does not mean there aren't any covert channels--Just
that you haven't detected any.  This is a subtle, yet significant

In yet other words: you whack-a-mole when you find one, but you can't say
that there aren't any moles. It is not a game you can win.  You have to
keep looking and keep whacking, so long as there are moles to pop up. The
arcade whack-a-mole game stops when you run out of time, but our game only
stops when no one wants to spam or conduct abuse or government
intervention prevents them from playing.

We now have a legal process to use against abusers who are not
commercial--most, if not all, genuine commercial spammers will simply
comply with the law.  That leaves those who aren't genuinely commercial,
and whose intent it is to annoy people.

> An example of such a covert channel is if a spammer hides information 
> in the subject line by using wrongly spelled forms of "viagra", 

This could be a covert channel. But its also possible that the whole spam
message even with a correctly spelled viagra would be a covert or sneaky
channel if it is not //authorized by the security model//, and the
"security model" is simply an Acceptable Use Policy statement not to do
that.  In this case, you may have a very weak "covert channel detection"  
process. But extreme weakness in the process is irrelvent to the theory.  
What, if anything, has to be done to get past the detection process and
the security model and into your mailbox is irrelevant.  The security
model can be made quite extensive, such as with Mandatory Access Controls
as implemented in secure operating systems.  Even so, one cannot say that
there aren't covert channels.  One can say other things about them, but
not that thing.

Information theory has proved itself useful to the analysis of anti-spam
schemes. Besides being able to rule out a number of schemes which promise
to be complete technical solutions to spam, we also see what range of
solutions can be implemented about spam and what results we can expect to
see from that range.

Consider the case of Mandatory Access Controls (MAC) for operating
systems.  We see that if we tighten up the controls on the flow of
information, that we improve our chances of detection. Particularly, we
hope to detect people trying to find covert channels before they succeed
in finding one.  This is very expensive, both in supervision costs, and in
the difficulty of training workers to use such systems.  In the case of
classified government information, the cost is justified.  Having a
potential spy create a denied MAC security event while probing for a
covert channel is well worth the effort, even if you can't be sure that
they will be caught.  The spy, or even potential spy or stupid user, is
then removed from the secured areas. Even honest, but stupid users are
removed, and this can be rationalized because they don't have the capacity
to be trusted with sensitive information.  It works because the same
'mole' doesn't get repeated chances to find the channel that will be
successful, and there are legal processes to make that happen. You cannot
lie on a security clearance application when it asks your identity, and if
you've ever had a clearance revoked or denied.  Expensive checks are made
to ensure that your answers are truthful.

But the same can't be said about spammers/abusers.  We can't escort them
out, and we can't even be sure of their identity in a civil context.  
Frequently, they are using someone else's identity or 

Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread Ed Gerck

"Robert G. Brown" wrote:

>   a) All hosts must resolve with DNS.

If you list why this isn't used today perhaps you
will change "must" to "may".

>   b) All hosts must support an encryption key registered with DNS that
> permits all message hops to occur between registered hosts encrypted
> with the destination host public key.

Mail privacy can only be guaranteed with an end-to-end encryption.
Securing email in message hops does nothing to prevent monitoring
at each host in the hop -- with some hosts not even advertised in
the header.

>   c) The header autogenerate a postmaster-recursive email address for
> reporting abuse to the entire delivery path. This would put a rather
> large burden on the main network backbone administrators -- they'd need
> automated tools to help handle it.  OTOH, it would REALLY give them an
> incentive to shut down networks that are a primary source of abuse until
> they manage to police themselves.  

This would create a huge liability for the backbone administrators --
for example, one false abuse report and they could be sued for disrupting 
lawful communications. Human supervision actually increases the liability
-- it can't be blamed on a software glitch.

>   d) With keyed host registration, tools that can QUICKLY isolate an
> originating host and bop its (ab)user (minimally get them off the
> network, ideally "instantly" fine them or charge them money such as a
> reconnection fee AFTER getting them off the network).

Machines running amok, quickly killing off other machines without
recourse, without explanation. A kangaroo court for email, penalizing
the users.

>  This would give
> end users a strong incentive to police their own systems against viruses
> and would give spammers additional costs to pay or additional charges to
> be brought against them, should they try to skip out.

Again, what you propose is to penalize the victim -- the user. That's
exactly what we should stop doing.
> I personally would ALSO like it if AV vendors STOPPED bounce messages
> altogether.

Free speech, good luck.

Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread Ed Gerck

"Robert G. Brown" wrote:

>   a) All hosts must resolve with DNS.

If you list why this isn't used today perhaps you
will change "must" to "may".

>   b) All hosts must support an encryption key registered with DNS that
> permits all message hops to occur between registered hosts encrypted
> with the destination host public key.

Mail privacy can only be guaranteed with an end-to-end encryption.
Securing email in message hops does nothing to prevent monitoring
at each host in the hop -- with some hosts not even advertised in
the header.

>   c) The header autogenerate a postmaster-recursive email address for
> reporting abuse to the entire delivery path. This would put a rather
> large burden on the main network backbone administrators -- they'd need
> automated tools to help handle it.  OTOH, it would REALLY give them an
> incentive to shut down networks that are a primary source of abuse until
> they manage to police themselves.  

This would create a huge liability for the backbone administrators --
for example, one false abuse report and they could be sued for disrupting 
lawful communications. Human supervision actually increases the liability
-- it can't be blamed on a software glitch.

>   d) With keyed host registration, tools that can QUICKLY isolate an
> originating host and bop its (ab)user (minimally get them off the
> network, ideally "instantly" fine them or charge them money such as a
> reconnection fee AFTER getting them off the network).

Machines running amok, quickly killing off other machines without
recourse, without explanation. A kangaroo court for email, penalizing
the users.

>  This would give
> end users a strong incentive to police their own systems against viruses
> and would give spammers additional costs to pay or additional charges to
> be brought against them, should they try to skip out.

Again, what you propose is to penalize the victim -- the user. That's
exactly what we should stop doing.
> I personally would ALSO like it if AV vendors STOPPED bounce messages
> altogether.

Free speech, good luck.

Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread Ed Gerck

"Robert G. Brown" wrote:
> On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Ed Gerck wrote:
> > We can't lock the
> > spammers' doors everywhere, we have to lock our door at our house.
> No, what we can do is the same thing we do with our real mail box.  Make
> it illegal to send certain classes of mail, for example letter bombs and
> envelopes containing anthrax, and prosecute the hell out of anybody we
> catch who does so.  

On the flip side, this is a good example of how the anthrax threat was 
not handled. The solution was not to rely on the illegality of sending 
anthrax (which, obviously, wasn't enough of a deterrent) or the probability 
of prosecuting the sender (which we have not yet done), but on a "lock" 
that was put on all mail coming in. Mail that came from unknown senders 
was more carefully verified and even sterilized, some was backtraced and 
the sender was verified. 

But postal mail, contrary to email, cannot put a burden on the 
sender that is higher than the postage cost. Email, rather than 
being cost-free for all senders, can be made expensive to senders 
we don't know. And the way to do it mandatorily is by using code -- 
not law.

This is useful because our email is laced with the "anthrax" called 
spam. Filtering by subject line, email headers and body text is not 
enough, and frequently backfires by making us delay and even not 
read what would otherwise  be a message of interest.

BTW, the technique of imposing a task that burdens the sender in 
order to reduce interference due to rogue senders has a parallel
in spread-spectrum technology, for example. By only receiving messages
that are frequency-keyed as expected, my receiver can withstand
jamming (i.e., noise messages that are in-band -- "spam"). This
is in addition to other filters I have for post-processing.

Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread Vernon Schryver
> From: "Robert G. Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> ...
> I agree.  However, all of the observations made so far regarding
> spam/virus filtering in general still apply to filtering at the SMTP
> level. I would say that NO keyword filtering could take place.  The
> best that one could do at the protocol level would be to reject messages
> that fail to meet a tighter criterion than is currently required.

What is "the SMTP level"?  Is that during SMTP transactions between MTAs? 
Is "the protocol level" the same or something else?

If both of those "levels" refer to SMTP transactions between MTAs, then
the conclusion is wrong.  Except for local administrative hassles, all
spam and virus filtering that can be done later can instead be done
during SMTP transactions between MTAs.  Your SMTP server may need to
wait to until the end of the DATA command to object to messages
containing viruses, missing or bad SMTP headers or other objectionable
content, but that works fine.  I know of many millions of spam that
are filtred during the DATA command every day, and I don't claim to
know about any really big sites.

The only problems are:
  - local administrative choices that keep bastion SMTP servers ignorant
  of per-user filter preferences
  - filtering at the DATA command requires either (1) rejecting for
 all or no targets or (2) accepting for all targets and siliently
 discarding the message for those targets that want it filtered.

In theory the second problem could be fixed if the DATA command could
accept a vector of 250-OK/4yz-try-later/5yz-fatal responses, one for
each target named with a Rcpt_To command.  In practice the spam problem
will be solved one way or another long before such a protocol change
would be sufficiently widely deployed to matter.

Vernon Schryver[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread Robert G. Brown
>In fact, we are now facing a _second_ denial-of-service problem
> (the first being spam itself clogging your mailbox): excessive bounce
> messages automatically directed to mailboxes forged by spammers. And
> this by its nature is a distributed-denial-of-service problem, even
> harder to protect against.

I agree, and in fact pointed out that bounce messages from AV programs
are similar problem a week ago.  So perhaps the discussion should
separate into three different threads:

  a) Encryption and host authentication on the smtp channel.  This might
embrace open mail programs used as forwarding agents by both spammers
and viruses.

  b) What to do about bounces in general.  Bounce messages are
useful or even essential in many contexts, but they are a source of both
intentional and unintentional abuse in a world where headers are
routinely forged.

  c) Spam, what (if anything) to do about it at the IETF level.

It may be that good solutions to a) and b) may, together with some
support in the form of laws, suffice to greatly ameliorate both spam and
header-forged viruses by increasing the accountability of the enabling
networks.  Most of this traffic is ALREADY in violation of corporate
acceptable use agreements -- part of the problem is that many ISP's have
been very lax in enforcing acceptable use and tracking down violators.
Part of THAT problem is that the networks selling access to the ISP's
have in turn turned a blind eye to the ISP's.

Perhaps a header-level/protocol-level solution would be a generalization
of the postmaster address that points to a HUMAN responsible for
policing the network(s) where spam/viruses originate.  Yes, one could
argue that postmaster already is such an address, but many of the
smaller originating networks are run by amateurs and have no real
postmaster.  One really needs to be able to hit a recursive list of
postmasters along the message's delivery route with warnings about
violations of acceptable use.

>Spam-filtering _after_ the SMTP session _should_ be deprecated by
> IETF, IMHO. While there is no question that any recipient has the
> right to ignore any message, SMTP was intended to either deliver the
> message or send back an error; and the loss of this feature reduces
> the utility of e-mail.

I agree.  However, all of the observations made so far regarding
spam/virus filtering in general still apply to filtering at the SMTP
level.  I would say that NO keyword filtering could take place.  The
best that one could do at the protocol level would be to reject messages
that fail to meet a tighter criterion than is currently required.

  a) All hosts must resolve with DNS.
  b) All hosts must support an encryption key registered with DNS that
permits all message hops to occur between registered hosts encrypted
with the destination host public key.
  c) The header autogenerate a postmaster-recursive email address for
reporting abuse to the entire delivery path.  This would put a rather
large burden on the main network backbone administrators -- they'd need
automated tools to help handle it.  OTOH, it would REALLY give them an
incentive to shut down networks that are a primary source of abuse until
they manage to police themselves.  Automated tools at the highest level
might just generate an "abuse histogram" that triggers a human response
only when levels rise above that which might be identified as
"reasonable" for a network participating in the eternal battle with the
bad guys.
  d) With keyed host registration, tools that can QUICKLY isolate an
originating host and bop its (ab)user (minimally get them off the
network, ideally "instantly" fine them or charge them money such as a
reconnection fee AFTER getting them off the network).  This would give
end users a strong incentive to police their own systems against viruses
and would give spammers additional costs to pay or additional charges to
be brought against them, should they try to skip out.

I personally would ALSO like it if AV vendors STOPPED bounce messages
altogether.  SMTP bounce messages have a point and are even necessary;
AV bounce messages are a joke, a waste of time, and a potential source
of serious abuse.  NO viruses currently exist that don't forge the
header, it is just that most viruses nowadays use random forged headers
out of the infected host's address books.  They could, however, all
claim to be from e.g. SCO or Microsoft (some already exist that do the
latter, but more for social engineering reasons than DDOS, I think).


> --
> John Leslie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Robert G. Brown
Duke University Dept. of Physics, Box 90305
Durham, N.C. 27708-0305
Phone: 1-919-660-2567  Fax: 919-660-2525 email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: covert channel and noise -- was Re: proposal ...

2004-02-16 Thread John Leslie
Robert G. Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> THIS IS NOT A MATTER OF PROTOCOL!  This is not the business of the IETF!
> Tools exist to help you filter spam.  Some, like spam assassin, are very
> good and quite sophisticated.  However, there is ALWAYS a tradeoff with
> using this sort of tool -- too narrow a criterion for acceptance and you
> lose real mail, too broad and you get all the spam anyway.  I can choose
> my level of tradeoff, and be fully aware of the risks.

   While the parameters of individual spam-filtering _should_ not be
the business of IETF, there is a very real issue raised by filtering
_after_ the SMTP session:

   During the SMTP session, it is quite possible to give an error which
is likely to reach the right person; after the SMTP session, you have
to "trust" the various header fields -- which are routinely forged by

   In fact, we are now facing a _second_ denial-of-service problem
(the first being spam itself clogging your mailbox): excessive bounce
messages automatically directed to mailboxes forged by spammers. And
this by its nature is a distributed-denial-of-service problem, even
harder to protect against.

   Spam-filtering _after_ the SMTP session _should_ be deprecated by
IETF, IMHO. While there is no question that any recipient has the
right to ignore any message, SMTP was intended to either deliver the
message or send back an error; and the loss of this feature reduces
the utility of e-mail.
